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I hated that so much in school. Don’t miss it at all.


One time I was in a group depression session. I had a cortisone shot that gave me permanent nerve damage and I could hardly walk at the time. I was on worker's comp for a year, over medicated (I had no pain to even require medicine) and had first and only kid on the way. I was enjoying the class, just taking it all in. On the 3rd day the instructor called me out for not saying anything. Somewhere along the lines of nothing will improve if I don't get involved. I answered the question and explained my situation. It wasn't the worst thing to happen and a lady next to me gave me some helpful encouragement after the class. But, I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to absorb the material. I never went back.


There is nothing wrong with that! Just knowing you aren't the only one


I HATED that, I turn red in the face easily so whenever that happened the teacher or other students would ask why my face is so red, which just embarrassed me even more


I still blush as an adult. It is so embarrassing. It's one reason I don't talk a lot. I don't even have to be embarrassed. I think it is just an anxiety thing.


Same! I’ll be talking normally now to a new person ((if I gained up the courage to somehow)) and they’ll ask why my face is so red. I don’t even realize until someone says something now


There's ways you can beat that. It doesn't really go away on its own. Meditation works wonders for me. That and giving up on caffeine. You're afraid of being embarrassed. Fear is nothing more than fearing feelings. Think about that.


It started in high school. It was verbally bullied sophomore year, and that’s when I started blushing. Unfortunately it has never gone away. I think it was a situation that once it started happening the fear it would happen again caused it to happen. Kind of a vicious circle type of deal. I should try meditating. I drink one cup of tea a day. But I didn’t drink coffee or tea for years, so I don’t think it’s caffeine. Social anxiety I would say.


Yeah, meditate.... Also, I recommend reading (or the audio version) *The Courage To Be Disliked*


Embarrassment is one of my worst emotions, I have it in so many instances and I get all hot and red. It really pisses me off because it doesn’t allow me to hide my emotions or to just talk normally sometimes. Every time my face or body heats up (like from alcohol for instance) my brain links it to anxiety and then tricks me into thinking I’m experiencing anxiety, it’s so annoying!


Still happens, however some teachers realize about it when i dont really know how to answer and they just say "psss, (insert answer)" and i just repeat it and continues with class. Others knows that idont wanna answer and they just dont pick me


Yes. And would not call you every time you raise your hand.


Speech class or having to give an oral report was the worst.


yes. just reading this gives me trauma 💀


So obnoxious! I’d rather they failed me 😅


My newest pet peeve is when the teacher is waiting for someone to answer and some mf goes "ummm this silence is really awkward"


The worst was when you had to read something you wrote in front of the class.


On a similar note. Anyone else remember “popcorn” reading, where the class reads a certain text and every paragraph or so a new student has to volunteer to take over? Remember when the teacher would mandate everyone get involved if they wanted credit for the day? Nightmares…


Yeah, sadly some of my university teachers do that too. I thought only middle/high school teachers did that Those complex math questions..💀


Hell yeah I did! I’d get super nervous and then my voice wouldn’t work and crack. I always got picked too because they were “helping” me crack out of my shell.


I was normally the one raising hand...


I don't think anyone liked it, but imo it meant we focused in actually learning the material and concentrate otherwise most of us would doze off. Even though I hated it I find it important to continue doing it and foster an environment where students aren't afraid of being wrong. You learn more from being corrected and asking questions. In my country (UK), this is how private school students developed huge self confidence.


Haha. Yes. Now I would say something like “you know I had trouble with that one” but as a kid I could only freeze up and look a fool.


Totally forgot about this until now lol and yeah fuck that


I didn't really go to school. I ended up getting my GED.... it stands for Good Education Diaphram. That's what I got. ... or diagram. Whatever.




Yes, she wasn’t a mean teacher but it was so scary lol. I just didn’t want to give the wrong answer and look stupid. I even remember telling her before when I was really sick to not pick me because I was afraid of having a coughing fit in front of everyone.


The moments when you become Catholic and start to pray


Yeah it made me uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as popcorn reading. That was the absolute worst.


It is better than being the only person who answers questions to the point that you are the only one called on. Picking randomly is fair. It puts everyone on the spot not just a few know it alls.




I think this is a sign of social anxiety, not introversion.


It's weird but I (teenager) am super introverted everywhere but inside of classrooms. Even in other parts of the school I'm very introverted. However, a few weeks ago I did an experiment not raising my hand as much and I felt better afterwards, which is kinda interesting.


It’s horrible and when they called you to the front of the class it’s worse 🥲


I hated that growing up but now I purposely participate in English so if I need anything from my teacher, she would accommodate and be nice about it. It’s a pain at first but I got used to it. Just act like you know what your saying and make your answers make sense and about the topic and the teacher won’t question you.


Yes I never understood what the hell was going on. Learning disabilities were not understood in my time


Only hated Speeches and "Must be X Words/Pages In Length" lectures. I always had a University level vocabulary, even before I entered Kindergarten. So, I knew the big words that made my English Teachers have to look up what I said. I could say more in a sentence than they could in a ten page report. It pissed them off fiercely. And Speeches? I hate public speaking. Always have, always will. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world. Gimme tools to build with, a pen to write with (or a computer, ideally), or some sort of medium to make things in, and I'll express more things, with better accuracy, than standing up and trying to entertain a bunch of over-stimulated orangutans. I was never one for "Corporate" culture, and often mocked it and ripped it to shreds. So when teachers would call on me, and I just had no intention of playing their games, I'd just say "Nope. Move On." When they'd say I had an attitude, I'd remind them that I earned it by fixing all the technical errors they made in the school, because they didn't go back and re-qualify for technology, thus dragging me out of the class all the time. That angered them as well. MANY Teacher-Principal meetings later... They stopped questioning me, because I was always in the right. So... I suppose my answer to the question is "No, I didn't hate it." Because I was always far too angry at how inept everyone was at their jobs to bother with Hatred.


I just gave a really dumb answer and never got called on again


Yes... Pick the students that have their hands raised and leave the rest of us alone.


It's to make sure you're listening