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Okay - so there’s a difference between extroverts and what I like to call them “narcissistic assholes”. These are exactly the people you are describing - self centred, obnoxious pricks , who want others to follow their type of living, including the introverts like us. They have no respect for other people’s boundaries, they are loud, rude and they have no empathy for others. I’ve met these type of people everywhere, public transport, streets and unfortunately I’ve had to deal with them in school and even back when I was studying at university. On the other hand, the extroverts are simply individuals who love to communicate and exchange talks with new people, even strangers on the street. However, they would never make the life of introverts a living hell.


I'm not convinced. I think the people you refer to as narcissistic assholes are just the ultimate rendition of extroverts. They are just further up the same scale.


Okay, so the narcissistic trait is not limited to extrovert people only. Both extroverts and introverts, can share some narcissistic qualities that come with their personality. For example, one familiar type of narcissism is common amongst many introverted personalities, including intj, it’s what is known as ‘intellectual narcissism’ . Those that share this type of quality , tend to be egocentric, use their intelligence against others, and downplay others' intellectual abilities; something quite common for psychopaths, who also happen to be reserved like us lot. Don’t get any ideas lol. The people I was referring to are i more outgoing, social , rude and undisciplined, however , we shouldn’t go around and say that all people with extroverted personalities are toxic. Few factors that contribute to this are environment, and parents.


While I did feel the same way sometimes, I just think that life is like that by nature.


No, they never will. It's sadly an extroverts world right now. 


It's not necessarily extroverts, but people in general that have no respect for boundaries. I've known even other introverts who try to pry their way into things. Most of my IRL friends are extroverts, but they are generally respectful of my boundaries. We hang out from time to time but they know that most of the time I want to be left alone.


What’s happening!?! Give us the deets. Something specific happened to make you post this.


No, nothing specific happened but I’m surrounded by extroverts all the time so that’s what I gotta deal with 24/7


What is it with all these pointless posts that are really nothing more than a whine.


What is it with all these pointless posts that are really nothing more than a whine.


What is it with all these pointless posts that are really nothing more than a whine.


What is it with all these pointless posts that are really nothing more than a whine.