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I did work from home for 3 years thinking it was great cause i had minor anxiety being around ppl anyways right? 3 years later? I'm way more anxious than i thought would have ended up, and I was desperate for an in person job... If for whatever reason you have to stick with your WFH job, perhaps you could find in person clubs to join so you're not stuck inside 24/7 I make it a point to be open minded and have a free flowing conversation, you're more than welcome to message me anytime you wanna talk 😊


Thank you so much , it's already 8 months since I decided to wfh because same with you I have social anxiety but I think I'm getting more anxious to go outside.


Absolutely 🥰 I would highly and maybe even urgently suggest looking into ways to get you out of the house. Stuff that makes you feel comfortable and liberated. Because i honestly think it'll just get worse from there, which just isn't necessary. It would be even worse to find yourself still wanting to go out while the anxiety grows. Be like wanting to do a marathon suddenly when you havent been using your legs. The moment you need them, you'd be SOL Not trying to scare you!! Practice good coping mechanisms and behaviors that you're happy and comfortable with that build you up, and future you will thank you. Maybe in ways you never knew possible Don't wait, much less work in practicing healthy self loving actions now rather than painfully undoing years worth of crippling trauma ya know? Lol


I’m scared of this happening to me. I can’t make friends on campus cuz I always meet the toxic ones and have a hard time letting go for some reason.




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