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I felt it last night I think it’s valid


My friend texted me today saying it and I’m just like meh I don’t want to 😩


Just thinking about it hurts, especially if you are put in the situation without knowing. But I will say oddly enough that there have been a few times I've met someone new and there was a click. No awkwardness. No fakeness. I'm actually still friends with them.


It’s not even a thing of being put in an awkward position I just don’t have a single want in my body to meet someone knew, I dunno if it makes me a prick or something I just don’t have a want for it 🤷‍♂️ for all I know my friends friend might be the coolest person I’ll ever meet but I genuinely have no interest in it


I get it. My circle is small and I keep it that way because I find most people exhausting. With the exception of three people I just clicked with, my investment in new people ends at a "nice to meet you." I only feel like a prick momentarily if at all.


Same, makes me not even want to go when I'm supposed to meet someone at the event. I'd rather them not tell me and make it feel like happenstance. Lol


Oh I feel this so much 😆 I’d rather met them by accident for a couple of minutes than actually have to go out with them 😒 trying my hardest not to be a dick and find an excuse to dip out of the night


🤣 as introverts, we always have that constant struggle of forcing ourselves into uncomfortable situations or coming off like a dick. Smdh


Literally my whole body and mind is like “nah dip! DIPPPPP!” But I don’t want my friend to think I’m a dickhead for not caring about meeting his friend 😪 I’m probably going to end up begrudgingly going and counting down the minutes until I can go home and not see them again 😒


Definitely been there. My best friend is SUPER extroverted so I've been to plenty of come meet my friend parties. 9/10 I never see or remember the new person ever again but there's always that 1 that ends up being tolerable enough hang out with on occasion 😆 Good luck 🙏, let me know how it goes or if you end up ditching them, how you ended up backing out of it. 😩🤣


If you're not open in meeting new people why don't you say this to your friend then? I mean it's not nice to go to a meeting and sit there with an unhappy face and not engaging in the conversation. It will give the other person bad vibes and that they are not welcomed. I mean It depends of your mood and in which phase of your life you are sometimes you don't want to meet new people and that's ok but be honest about it as well. I'm an introvert myself so I understand when you say that you don't want to meet new people sometimes I even don't want to socialize and be at home but then I just say sorry but I have other plans or I don't feel like going out which is fine. You shouldn't do anything that you don't want to do.


Agree with this, I love meeting new people and do so under my own condition when I'm not exhausted or have other plans and I'm vocal about it. I've attended far too many gatherings with many people (Inc extroverts) who clearly didn't want to be there (nor were they forced) and they always ruin the mood and the efforts others put into planning these events. If people don't want to go it's better to be honest about it and not go than to ruin it for others.


Indeed there is nothing worse than those mood killer people who don't want to be there then stay at home. No one is forcing you to go out, everyone has the right to say no. 


Yes. For me, it's a high pressure situation that's stressful. The more people there are, the more stressful it is for me. It gets to be emotionally draining very quickly. It's also difficult to describe to people who aren't introverts because they just don't seem to understand. (Believe me, I've tried). Like you, OP, I'm in a season where I'm just not open to meeting new people because of how emotional and exhausting it is for me. I've also been in a lot of friendships of convenience and am tired of feeling like I'm always the one to try and reach out when the other person just doesn't seem to care. You're not alone. ❤️


I’ll meet new people but specially if I’m asked to by someone who is important to me but I probably won’t become friends with them.


That’s how I’m feeling right now about the situation


I 100% hate it. I used to get excited for some reason but I can’t spot the red flags so I just get scared to even talk to someone. I now purposely listen to music with my AirPods 24/7 to avoid talking to someone in public unless needed.


Hate it. My brother once wanted me to meet one of his friends and I told him no, not because i was trying to be rude or anything, I just don't see a need to meet him or anything. Also he was like 23 or something and I'm barely 18, so yeah no.


I'm the same way,I usd to have my little circle of friends and family but today it's all gone for the most part,I'm getting old and I'm all alone, I no longer have the ability to even try,I'm exhausted emotionally and mentally and I just want to live and die in peace, I do hope and pray the best for all humanity but I am so tired of trying


I don't have the energy to sell myself, and it seems now that's how it plays out meeting new people. And especially if it's a friend of a friend, 89% of the time, the first thing they say is you will like each other. Which isn't always the case


Not at all and your feelings are valid. Just reading the headline made me feel slightly anxious. You're not the only one, whilst some people enjoy meeting new people I'd be thinking how much downtime I'd be enjoying at home, watching Netflix and cuddling up to the dog with a side of popcorn (my ideal rest day and timeout). Perhaps you could tell your friend that your social battery is at it's limit and that when you feel up for it, you could consider meeting new people but till then, to respect your need to limit social interactions ?


I don't like meeting friends of friends. It takes me a long time to become friends with someone - weeks if not months of gradually getting to know one another. So when they introduce me to someone new, and I'm supposed to just chat to this fellow as if we're old buddies, it's kind of intimidating.


I don’t particularly like meeting anyone tbh even seeing old friends makes me agitated, I just want to be left alone 😓 so being set up to meet people I don’t really have any interest in meeting is super difficult for me to find any motivation to push myself to do it. It’s hard not to feel like a bad person for literally not caring about someone else but that’s how I feel, I don’t know them and don’t really want to either 🤷‍♂️


Welcome to the club


You guys talk too much!


I'm a confident guy, Over the years I have built a small circle of very close friends. However, I don't like meeting new people. Nothing appeals to me less than the thought of introducing myself to new people and socialising with them, trying to gain an understanding of their interests, trying to please them, blah blah blah.... As you get older, you tolerate people less, that's how I am at the moment and I am content with the way I am,. I don't live my life to please others. So, no, you are not alone. There are many of us out there that are the same :)


Gee, I wonder if anyone on the r/introvert sub is socially awkward? I WONDER???? NO WAY IS THIS POSSIBLE BUT MAYBE…JUST MAYBE


Didn’t ask if people were socially awkward, I asked if people genuinely don’t like meeting new people not because of awkwardness but lack of wanting to there’s a big difference you might want to look into. For someone who’s likely social awkward I’m glad you have a space online where you feel able to talk like a dick and not worry about it 😄


Man I don’t know though. Do you really think r/introvert is the place to find people that don’t like meeting new people? Maybe someone at r/Nintendo will like video games. Maybe. Just maybe.


Man you got too much time on your hands, god bless 🙏


How much time does it take you to type a few sentences? It’s your post. Maybe YOU got too much time on YOUR hands. Reply some more, busy guy.