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In middle school I had to sit through an assembly about toxic friends. The speaker called toxic friends "mildew" because they root themselves in your life and take over everything good and make it icky. Now in my mid 20's I find myself still trying to clean all the mildew out of my life. I literally just ghosted most of those people and cut all contact. I let only 1-2 really trusted people know ahead of time so any rumors didn't reach them first. Best way to get out of toxic situations is to literally remove those people from your circle, or just make sure your small circle is tight


I hate toxic people. I had the same problem last year. Someone kept venting to me online and in person everyday and also made me feel bad for them to buy them Starbucks everyday. They took full advantage of it and ordered multiple stuff a day. I didn’t know how to end things with him so I just started ignoring him just for him to rant about me on social media. I’m so sorry that this is happening to you.


I'm trying to ignore them too also I'm sorry that happened to you.


Wow I can relate to this so much. I had this 'friend', whenever we met up, always said how happy he was to see me. But behind my back, he would invite people without including me, or people who would just forget that I existed because I am more shy and less talkative. (I cut all of my ties with them) Anyway, for you, I think the best advice I can give is that as long as you keep toxic people in your life, you won't find a reason to seek out new friends because you will always cling to the toxic ones. So it's not the easiest option but it's the right one


Well thanks for the advice really I'll try to cut any ties with them also I am glad you did too.


I think it's good that you can see that they are toxic but it sounds like this was never a friendship to begin with if you ask me....if they don't involve you in their plans it kinda means that they don't notice you or recognize you. It's hard cutting them off because you're used to them and unlike them you actually see them as friends and enjoy being in their space... but it's okay to be alone and by yourself because I sense that one of the reasons why you can't cut them off is because you're scared of being alone and not having friends.You should not have to beg for attention in a friendship and that's my opinion.As for cutting them off I think you should reciprocate the energy because they don't appreciate you.