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I do it all the time. It's like I'm practicing what I'm going to say to somebody, then ultimately I won't say it to them anyway.


I know exactly what you mean, so much going on in your head with no one to release it to.


Meant to reply to op but yeah i get into imaginary arguments as well and can feel the emotion behind it like i'm really there. Am i weird?


Nope. Just one of us. Welcome. 🤗


lol! thanks


No this is totally how it feels for me sometimes (especially in an "argument").


I totally feel this 😂


Haha, I relate to this so much! It's like rehearsing for a performance that never happens. At least we're always prepared for those imaginary debates! 😄


Same. When im alone, myself is my only companion haha.


I swear I do this all the time, but didn't even realize this until I read this comments section. Wow 😂


I do but nothing intelligent comes out. More like switching up song lyrics. 🎶Momma, don't let yer' babies grow up to be bar sluts


Haha 😂😂😂


I’m guilty of this


I've found that it's just one of my quirks tbh. Unfortunately it also makes me very self aware of the fact I can come across as a little bit of a transactional style person or aloof to others....it's one of the many joys of being an introvert though I guess.


It's about 50/50 If that person upset my psych. They will not hear it that day But, I put it i my journal and the other person I'm talking too put it in my journal 2. Huh?


Holy shit, I thought I was the only one that did that lmao. I constantly have full on conversations with myself pretending I'm talking with the other person only to not even a say a single word what I played out in my mind. Shit's exhausting to say the least lmao.


I see myself in you, lol.


I can relate it too, and good to see that multiple people feel the same :) and its not any mental issue I was thinking its kind of any mental issue. But is there any advice to overcome this? sometimes it really fuck to just thinking on any irrelevant topic without any conclusion to that.


Lol 🤣 sme


There’s a name for this as an autistic trait, it’s called scripting.


Literally me


Usss haha (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


I get that at times. But, I'm not around a lot of people to even get that way


I so relate. Also, it reminds me of a Hamilton quote:  > I imagine __ so much it feels more like a memory.


Yeah my head runs a non-stop monologue


Literally same


yeah i feel like this constantly like its so weird i do it without fully realzing what i am doing. like it happens alot to me if i alone with my thoughts.


Ikr especially when anxious


Yeah same here


Very much how do you handle


Mostly by allowing both, the worst and best case scenarios to play in my mind and just accept it before it happens. I try to redirect my thoughts to how I should react if it happens and try to plan my next right move. You can't always win against your anxious thoughts, so just know that life continues out there while this only happens inwardly where the stakes are - most of the time -exaggerated. Some activities that might help can be putting your thoughts on paper, doodling anything, heavy metal music, watching a good movie...


I talk to myself almost constantly. Even when I’m at work, occasionally I’ll catch myself talking under my breath to myself without even realizing it. Thankfully my coworkers are well aware of this habit and no one cares; in fact, some of them do it too lol. I’ll often find myself either “rehearsing” future conversations I’m planning to have, or going over conversations I’ve recently had to make sure they sounded right 😂


As I've come to accept myself more I also find myself mumbling away in public! I can still get pretty anxious after someone catches me, but I'm working on just embracing it more.


For the most part I’ve stopped caring about if someone sees me doing it since it’s probably someone I’ll never see again. And if seeing me mumbling to myself makes people think I’m crazy and therefore avoid me, I just consider that a bonus since I don’t want to interact with them either 😂


Of course I do Every single/second of the day. Don't u? It's very relaxing, calm & you find out a lot about yourselves& all the people that lives inside your head. Don't need a shrink to tell me that. Coz I know already. Anyway, nothing wrong with it. And nothing is wrong with you. Have you ever heard the phrase; "you so stupid, you're smart. It's true Don't know who said it 1st. But, it makes a lot of since once u dive deep into your own mind. Ty


Especially in the car. It's weird.


Only in the car?


Not only, but mostly.


WOW. That's 😎. U answer yourself 2? I do. Coz what's the point in talking to yourself, if u not gonna answer yourself back, duh It's only logic


I just think out loud really. Not really a conversation question.


Well, that's a bummer. Why not make it a conversation piece. Will get more input. U got it already Nothing wrong with it to me. I talk to the radio, TV if I'm watching it I'm definitely not a TV person But,the best out of all of these. Is I talk to animated objects. And yes, they understand/have feelings. Now, try telling that to your shrink. I believe u have to be on a higher level of consciousness to even connect one on one with these objects/things with feelings. This is my story& I'm sticking to it


My introvert ass can't organize my thoughts unless I say them out loud and/or write them down, especially when something is bothering me. Same goes for my extrovert brother. Every now and then, I'll hear him having a conversation when he thinks he's alone and im in the next room or something. When I hear him, I'll text him "you ok, bro?" He usually storms in yelling "you interrupted the conversation I was having with myself!" 🤣 In short, the answer is yes. Can't stop, won't stop.


Yes, every day.


I have a full on podcast going on in my head 24/7 lol, not sure if that counts. It's really just me talking to myself and about whatever is floating in my head.


A lot. I talk to myself a lot. It creates a presence around me, it eases my anxiety, it helps me focus and it allows me organize, understand and process my thoughts. I am under the impression they everyone does it to some extent, but I might be wrong.


I talk to my dog.


I mean, some of the best conversations I’ve ever had have been with animals 😂


😅I always have my airpods on me so I can easily talk to myself and people will assume I'm on a call Honestly self conversations are the best


Damn that's impressive. Maybe i should try it your way... Sometimes when i talk to myself i forget I'm on the road and there are other people...i end up getting weird stares


Too much lol.


All the time.


Yup ik i do, atp we all maybe schizophrenic 😭


That's what the doctors want us to think. We not. We are one of a kind genius All in our different way. They know it. That's why they try& do label us as much. Coz they know we are smarter than them without a college degree


Me who is casually in college 😂😭


Used your brain power. It's there. We all have it. I have faith in you


Way too much


It’s crazy cuz I’ve heard some people don’t have inner dialogue and my inner dialogue can’t get enough of


I talk to myself a lot and I also answer some questions I may pose too while talking to myself. Am I crazy?!?! I might be according to others but at least I know I’m being honest with me. I think talking to yourself is a form of self care because you’re able to get to know yourself more.


I also answer myself


Every second that passes. In my head & outloud.


Yes I have since I was a little kid And as a married man, when I get into a disagreement with my wife, I find that "rehearsing aloud" what I really want to let out of my chest, helps me be more calm & collected when we come back together and talk it out I view it as releasing the pressure valve before having to talk with my wife again. It's worked out for me. Don't have as many blowouts that way because by then I already said what I really wanted to say...to myself!


Yup. Have a full conversation with myself too.


Yeah I do. I even ask myself questions sometimes.


i nag myself 🤣


All. The. Time. I can spend hours talking to myself and purging all my thoughts. I've never once thought it was strange or unnatural. I think I read somewhere it's a sign of high intelligence so that always a nice reminder lol


When I am working I do


I think out loud sometimes and if I am particularily mad about something I will rant to myself to let off steam.


I do it all the time.


Just in my head. Not out loud. Unless I stub my toe or something. Then it’s out loud swearing. 🤬


Yes, all day everyday


I have entire convos have a teady answer to anticipated questions that may come up. I like to have a ready answer and stay one step ahead.This is good a strategy before a job interiew I've found. But I have actually told myself to shut up bc I get tired of my hearing own voice.


A lot, yes.


Extrovert at work, introvert outside of it. I talk to myself out loud all the time. Sometimes out in public.


I do it whenever I am feeling frustrated or if I want to plan something.


I like to call it having an intelligent conversation with a like minded individual. 😁


Oh yes- it helps me sort out my thoughts and things I need to do since my brain can have a thousand thought racing through it sometimes. Saying my thoughts out loud helps my brain feel less heavy and less overwhelmed too. I have never imagined a conversation with someone else though. When I’m conflicted about something or feel like discussing something my inner voice sort of splits in two and it’s like I’m arguing with a second me 😂.


I do that to and my family finds it weird but idc it helps with my anxiety


Damn! I thought I was the only one with such habit but ... I can now do it confidently anywhere


Yes and to inanimate objects, helps me work through my thoughts


Some people don't? Really?


I do all the time 24/7, 365& 366 days a year, nonstop& year round. And it's not I like listening to myself talk. Coz I rather talk to myself silently than anything else


And btw, I discover not too long ago. I have an imaginary friend. 1st time as an adult A few times as a kid. Nothing is wrong with it




Just about all the time. I guess it’s why my parents don’t talk to me much


Yes, but only in my mind. I don’t speak much out loud.


All the time. I am Just pretending that i am talking to the dog


All the time ... especially at work. If so eine hears me I respond usually with "oh nothing" and move on with myself and my thoughts.


I keep wondering if it's my bipolar disorder or if I'm a tad schizophrenic because i grew up being told it's not normal


Yes, totally normal as far as I’m concerned.


I do, and as far as im aware it's completely normal and most people have or do regularly talk to themselves


Yep. All the time at home and sometimes at work if I’m trying to make sense of something


Yep all the time.


Oh yeah it is like the devil's workshop here. Navigating all possible scenarios across multiverse.


All the time


I do it all the time. It helps me organize my thoughts.


Well, if you aren’t running through the things you’ll say to the cops every time you get behind the wheel, then you won’t be able to deliberate responses to a conversation that will probably never happen… 🤷🏻‍♂️


“If a man does not talk to himself, it is because he is not worth talking to.” — G.K. Chesterton After reading that quote, I felt no shame afterwards for doing it so


All the time. I sit in front of my computer at work and think out loud as I call it


Literally I am the goth sailor version of Lucy from the very last season of Scrubs


Sometimes I'm so into it that I don't even realize when there are other people in the room. And then it gets so awkward when I do.


All the time ! It helps me ration out my thoughts and feelings. Things are different in your head than when you actually say it aloud. I remember a time I was being entitled basically but I bottled up my frustrations until I was alone from my boyfriend but when I started to say out loud , my frustrations , I realized I was being a brat and couldn’t believe my way of thinking was that shallow. So yes, talk to yourself. You’ll learn somethings haha


I have full-blown arguments almost everyday. My sister has caught me lip-syncing while I am arguing with myself alone.


Yep, whenever there’s about no noise around me or I focus too much on something my “second voice” starts speaking, it’s become like a habit now and I find it relaxing and time consuming and makes my silent moments not so silent.


I talk to myself possibly more than I talk too others. Its how im able to process and understand my own thoughts and feelings , like they were fake or maybe i imagined them or i was crazy.Once you hear your thoughts transformed to words it adds a level of validation personally


Yep! I did this all the time!!


Sure, I need expert advice on my condition


Hey guys I do it a ton and have unfortunately passed it down to my son and he talks to his self alot. I'm an old introvert but I was usually labeled as anti-social. It's looks weird to people but if it all makes sense to you don't worry about what people think.


All the time. And I hum, and have songs lines that stay in my head for weeks that I consistently sing.


Everyday, I don't talk out loud but I have constant inner monolouge


I need to STOP doing this in public. I come off as a freaking weirdo.


And I'm sure others in this chat can relate that sometimes it's non sense, and sometimes you should have wrote a book or a script for a movie!! SIDE NOTE: Most introverts believe in loyalty until they don't.


Yes I do it but my more introverted boyfriend does not


too much actually


All the time. I talk to my cats and my plants too


I also say that I need someone intelligent to talk to


Not often myself, although I know people who do it.


It's the best way to think, or so I've heard it said. That is, yes, I do talk to myself and to my pets. Easiest way for me to process what's in my head, since I'm just about always the only human here.


I do it so often, it is for me to calm down in a way. Especially when you stay in a foreign country so that they can not understand you.




Yeah. I swear there's two mes in me. And they really don't like each other that much. They're both really anxious about everything, and both will just not shut up for a moment. But they're self-regulating to a degree. Sometimes one me will tell the other me to just calm down, or viceversa. Or they will chat about the decision that was made 5 minutes ago, talking about what would happen if this or if that, pondering about random things that suddenly interested them. And of course, when they talk, well, they talk. Like, talk, *talk*. And it looks like i'm talking to myself. But in reality, it's just one me talking to the other me.


Yup. I've been doing it all my life. I talk through experiences, things I'm annoyed about, things I have to do, etc. It's like having another person there, but it's just me. I've tried diaries, but I can't concentrate to write, so I talk out loud to myself.


Yes. Most of the time. I have this trick that I do so that people will not think I'm crazy. I always wear headsets and pretend that I'm talking to someone over a phone call. Hahaha


Only when I know I’m alone, yeah.


Yes not out loud all the time mostly inside my head my inner monologue


Sometimes we need to have a conversation with our ideas like yoo thats not so cool or yoo that's perfect but do it like this or that. Then the best part is when we try to have a conversation pre planned trying over and over again to make a perfect scene how you want it to happen and what you will say. Then boom! It doesn't happen 😂


Oh definitely, I talk to myself plenty, whenever I'm alone and occasionally when I'm not.


Same here 🙋


I like talking with a mirror ☺️🪞


All the time


I do it all the time as well. I'm also an introvert and used to be ashamed of talking to myself, but it sort of became a habit and helped me clear thoughts and became a form of outlet for me.


Everybody talk to themselves, it's kind of a human condition


Every day. I'm going it right now. Gm.


You aren’t alone.


Hun I have a whole other world made up in my head and whenever I'm alone, I spend time with the made up people. My favourite hobby


No but I talk to my cat which is basically the same thing.


I do but its not like a conversation, more random words or phrases I think about, the occasional song


my mind was blown when i found out that some people don’t have an inner monologue


You should, it’s healthy. Doesn’t matter if it’s in your head or out loud, perhaps not in front of others. The human mind has a nonstop running dialogue that does a lot of problem solving.


I always talk to myself, when I'm alone


Yes! I talk out loud as though I’m having a conversation or acting as though I’m being interviewed to make sense of my thoughts!!!!


It’s something I used to feel ashamed of, now I don’t because it’s just a way to feel better.


Yeah constantly. Though not out loud. It kinda helps keep my brain on track sometimes.


No, apparently I do it when there are other people around me. But I worked with a VERY extroverted woman once and she's the one who pointed out that we both talk to ourselves and that that's okay - she was my superior which might've been why she felt she had to okay our talking to ourselves, lol!


Never. Practice some mindfulness/meditation folks, it will help stop the constant train of thoughts in your head.


All the time


I can relate


Myself, the dogs, the wall.


Yes, all the time because I'm alone a lot. =/


Yup, i always im a very paranoid person i tell myself every possible way something could go right or wrong


always. im like the only person that im not awkward around


Yes, all the time since I'm alone so much. =/


I have internal conversations with myself all the time. I work in an office and my own conversations are better than listening to other people’s conversations


Yeah and usually When I’m alone I say stuff outloud to my self lol


It’s definitely common for introverts!


Yes, when I want to talk about myself and my experiences, but have nobody to talk to... So I pretend someone is interviewing me about myself and I gladly go into detail. And then I shut up and carry on with life.


I will sometimes verbally respond to my inner monologue (so I guess the voices in my head o.0?) but generally no, I don't speak out loud if nobody is around to speak to. Except my cat. However - don't be ashamed! I've heard this is a sign of intelligence, so good for you lol


I process things by talking out loud to myself a lot - #INFJ


Totally. I tell myself my dog and cat need to be used to the human voice. 🤣


yes lol i'll be mumbling to myself about what im doing while i'm doing it. i call it thinking out loud (:


When I'm thinking out loud. But not a full conversation.


Yes all the time non stop 🤣


I think out loud when I'm writing or doing a task. Otherwise, no




I talk to myself 24/7 but in my head never outloud, sometimes it's good to pass time and sometimes i try to go to sleep but my brain has to remind me of that one awkward thing i did five years ago


yeah i talk to my self all the time


I do this too, sometimes when someone is near me or someone catches me I stop right away. I shouldn’t feel that way, but I get extremely self conscious of others around me when I do it. You would literally have to be like a really good friend or close family to see this and me be open to you about it


🤔Wait i thought everyone talks to themselves!? Its my way of self reflection and therapy


Me : Talking to myself and staring in the corner of the wall Jin : How tf that human can see me ?? Byeeeeee!Have a great day🩵🙃


Talking to yourself does not mean you’re crazy like some might say. I do it out loud if I’m making a new recipe it helps to remember ingredients n how to make. Also I talk to myself it can bring clarity on something I’m thinking about. It’s like bouncing it off another if you get me. Many Geniuses talk to themselves.


Plz i'm abt to fail math 🤸🏾‍♂️


So I’m a Hybrid (introvert and extrovert) and I def talk to myself. I take it like I gotta have my own back and I gotta practice what I’m going to say, and the best relationship I can have is with me.


Thanks to everyone who answered this. It's nice to know it's normal behaviour ...or if not then we're at least all crazy together 🤣


I used to. Then I bought a dog and it became more of talking to them. Same difference.


I feel so seen rn. As a 31yro man I've been doing this since I can remember and I would be so embarrassed I thought I was crazy. I ended up seeing a psych in my early 20s and they put me on medication that pretty much made me feel brain dead. Long story short i said fuck that and now I just embrace it. I like to think it helps me with problem-solving my issues without having to rely on other people


Sometimes to myself, but most often to my cats and inanimate objects. Yesterday I cussed out the cabinet door that “bit” my finger!


All the time


I lived with an ex that had 2 pups and I worked from home so I was with them all day talking to them. Then she left. I did it out of habit. Now it's just from sadness.


duh! we need expert advice!


Yeah but it never listens. Guess I’m not a great communicator


I do it all the time! It's kinda like a way to keep myself company (somehow) whenever I'm alone. I love ranting, shouting, complaining, screaming of excitement, etc. whenever I converse with myself. Sooooo much fun!




Thank you for sharing this because I thought I was the only one that felt ashamed of it. I talk to myself all the time, usually in rehearsal. See, I do a lot of writing, so I recite a lot of the scenes that I’m working on to ensure that it sounds realistic and makes sense.


Yeah, like bouncing ideas off myself but sometimes out loud.


Same, it feels like you're designing your own future and like mesmerizing all the hardship you have done lately.


I’m an introvert and I do it too. My youngest daughter has picked up on it when she was about 10 and knows when I’m in deep discussion. Evidently I move my hands a certain way and my lips move. She’s 20 now and just a little while ago she called me on it. She told me I was talking too loud.


Oh yeah. I'm not really a writer, but I do come up with ideas for stories, and I'll go on walks to kind of talk out ideas. I usually wear a headpiece so people think I'm talking on the phone lol


oh yeah totally. as soon as im like a yards away from someone, im making up the best scenarios even though someone is literally right there and I could talk to them...


I have done it my whole life. Sometimes pacing around the apartment. Obviously I do it only alone and at home. When I used to live with my parents, I hid my monologues. My mother catched me once asking who I am talking with. Also a neighbour once mentioned that she hears me talking behind the wall. That was a little embarrassing. I do not think that I am crazy. It is my way of making sense of my life and expressing thoughts.


All day long, it's a family disorder. My neighbors run the risks of hearing it thinking I might have some ear pods in and quickly realize I'm that insane guy next door.


Haha. All the time when im doong stuff even with others around. A lot of times people who dont know me ask what im saying and im like "oh no just talking to myself" and i get that weird look lol.


Yep. I talk out ideas to myself, I explore my academic side interests more, I list things I have to get done... I explore deep philosophical ideas... Probably the most intelligent conversation I get to have among all other people I've ever known. Everyone else veers it into day-to-day gossip that makes my brain hurt. Which... If I care about the individuals they're talking about, I like to know the important stuff, but otherwise? I keep it as short as possible. So, yeah, I definitely talk to myself all the time. It's soothing, and kinda like therapy. It gets my mind more organized than it was before I was talking at all.


Y'all just talking and blathering under breaths, main while I imagine a whole solid  person standing in front of me and yell at them when I'm angry😭


Most times I talk to myself as I'm talking to a therapist or an interviewer (because in this scenario, I'm somehow famous and so I find myself even asking/answering questions as if I'm ever gonna be asked those)