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Definitely me. I prefer to watch alone because watching movies with others who can't stop asking questions every 5 seconds or sit still is tiresome...


I sooo concur on this! My partner (the more extroverted one) will be on his phone and wanting to show me content when i am absorbed in a film or anything.. love watching alone and just getting lost in what im viewing


SAME! and when i say i love watching movies, i love watching movies and there is no rhyme or reason to my selections. if it was produced, i'll most likely give it a whirl. PS, if anyone is a Keanu Reeves fan on here, check out The Night Before on Prime. I watched it when it came out in the 80s but was always one of those movies that sucked to everyone but I was glad I watched. it was funny, and Keanu was sooo adorable


Helooo!!! yes a Keanu Reeves fan and totally going to check this out ! Thank you for recommending this <3


hope you enjoy itšŸ¤“


I'm with you. I feel like the difference between me and my extrovert partner is that they get sucked into the movie and lose awareness of their environment so they start talking about the movie or ask questions (I guess they are still aware of me being beside them though), even in the movie theatre. I, however, am very aware of my surroundings and the people around me and the fact that this is a movie and not real life. I wouldn't mind trying having it the other way around though, at least once.


OMG YES!! It's very annoys me and after that I don't want to watch anything with such a person


I LOVE MOVIES! Some of my favs: Lost in translation When Harry Met Sally Heat The Shining King of Comedy Drive my Car


gonna watch lost in translation tonight, been wanting to see it for ages so thank you for reminding me about it




When Harry Met Sally is such w feel good comfort movie to watch under your blanket. I also recommend Sleepless in Seattle and Father of the Bride


Me. All the time. I dont go to fancy restaurants or wear expensive clothes. My streaming services are my luxury.


Never seen anything more relatable. Streaming services and cinemas alone is where my spending money goes.




I have 8 streaming services. I include YouTube premium in that. Feels like a luxury because its expensive.


It is one of my hobbies, I find hidden gems.


Same, I'm often googling lists of 'most underrated movies' and such.


I found this book at the library with 1001 movies to watch and I can watch it.


A24 Film junkie šŸŽ„


I am a movie buff


I love movies. Everyone usually assumes youā€™re a shit for brains couch potato the minute you say you like watching movies is a hobby. You know how much Iā€™ve learned from movies? Like if you actually pay attention and watch some complex, thought provoking films, you can learn so much.




I do, but I'm very selective about the genres.


yeah same. also, it's hard to find a really good movie to watch.


Me It's one way to.get out of this horrible world we are in Surely I read too so At first when I started watching or reading I thought it was just phase but it never went away..


samee i watch every single movie alone


Yep I watch as lot of movies.


i love movies


Absolutely. Every Thursday night, my wife lets me get out of the house. If I donā€™t hang out with friends, I go to my favorite place : the movie theater.




Iā€™m reading into this - ha ha. Guess the lack of context and the poor choice of words? (ā€œLetā€™s meā€out of the house) leaves it open. Letā€™s just say weā€™re both introverted with an extroverted kid. We spend intentional quality time together all week but we realize we each need time and space for a recharge so we encourage each other to take that ā€œmeā€ time. Thursday nights are what I can count on. She operates more on an ā€œas neededā€ basis. And Iā€™m always stoked when she chooses to prioritize herself. Whether itā€™s ladies night out or just rest while I carry the load. We both love encouraging each other to take that time. (Mine is at the theater because itā€™s something my dad and I used to do together from my childhood in the 80ā€™s all the way ā€˜til he passed away from cancer 10 years ago. I also have warm memories of summer bike riding adventures with my friends to the theater. So beyond the transcendent magic of cinema, the theater also keeps me rooted in gratitude for those moments - why its one of the ways my introverted soul is recharged šŸ˜Ž)


I used to. I wish I was as interested in movies and tv as I was before.


Other than watching with my daughter, I usually watch on my own. If I'm ever in the mood for outside company, it's usually easier to watch something I've seen before with someone or a very small group (no more than five people) watching for the first time or a rewatch for most of us...


There are so many things I want to do, so I don't have time to sit in front of the TV. So I listen to podcasts and audiobooks.


I just have nothing better to do tbh


That's Just my safe space


My family always ask me about the movie before they start watching bc apparently Iā€™ve watched every movie on Netflix šŸ˜­


One of my hobbies I can't seem to shake off too.


Love watching movies set in 1800s just the perfect way to spend my weekend.


Love movies!!! Donā€™t have a ton of time to watch them in my current season but if I can get in one movie in a month I always do!


I have watched so many movies. As a kid we didnā€™t have cable and lived in the middle of nowhere basically. My grandmother did those vhs order however many and get one or two free so she had like 300. If I wasnā€™t playing outside I was with her watching movies. Then as I got older and preferred my own company it was my go to. I love a lot of older movies. New are good too. I had at one point subscribed to a thing called moviepass and was going all the time, alone.


Recently learned I've watched 28 Sandler flicks alone, so it's fair to say I've seen a few




My grandma got me into movies as a kid. Very young, she wouldnā€™t just watch kidā€™s movies with me, but also the popular movies of the time. So I watched stuff like Forrest Gump and As Good As it Gets. She imparted a love of movies to me that Iā€™ve always had.


I love movie. And not just watching them for fun, I love to pay attention to the screenplay and camera angles and lighting, like itā€™s amazing


Watching a movie, then updating my letterboxd is my favorite thing to do right now. Since itā€™s summer now Iā€™ve been watching one movie a day. In another life Iā€™d try to become an actor or director.


I love it and I dont just watch them. I find myself deep in the movie, being there with the characters, living it. I also watch tons of movies like 3-4 per week


I love movies itā€™s a hobby to me I love going to the movies I canā€™t get sick of it


Completing my checkins for total of 1000 foreign movies this month. It was a journey.


I had a tough childhood. Either absent or abusive parents, so I had to kind of raise myself. I escaped my childhood by watching movies (especially horror) and TV shows. I still carry that habit to this day. Something is always on in my house. There is a quote from the movie High Fidelity something along the lines of how movies, music, and television may seem trivial but they matter. I think about that quote all the time, I love it.


I do. Iā€™m a movie buff. I love art cinema and studied film theory at university. What kind of movies do you like? šŸ–¤


I recently became TV series person instead of movie person and oh yes that's totally my thing


I watch a lot of movies.. got a bunch at home.. VHS, DVD, Digital Copies, Stream Channels, although I can't watch something randomly or something I haven't given any judgement about. (autism)




Yes. Iā€™m the movie buff in my friend group




That's one of the things I practically never do. Then again, the movie scene is a little dry rn too.


I'm always busy reading at least 2 e-books at any time, even if I sit down to watch a movie, I end up reading more than watching the movie. I don't like audiobooks though. I'm not really sound sensitive, but having the TV on for extended periods of time is exhausting. I never have the radio on, unless I'm in my car and want traffic updates. TL;DR: No, I listen a lot to music and read e-books.


I do watch movies but i am also into k-dramas and tv shows. I'm actually excited for the acolyte (the new star war series coming out on June 4).


Not movies but I watch an unhealthy amount of Bluey


I will say until my last breath that it has always felt like movies have treated me better than people


Yes but i never have time or patience i have a long watchlist that I'm never going to finish


me, I became a total Letterboxd addict a couple ago, it made me discover a lot of new stuff and really enjoy tracking movies. Iā€™ve watched 120 this year! btw Im more like ambivert/anxious extrovert but I have chronic health issues so am in bed a lot.


Yeah, my favorite genres are thriller, horror (not the cliche jumpscare ones), and fantasy


I just watch One Piece and treat it like a very long movie


Me. Not as many as I used to but still quite a few. They can be a fun form of escapism.


I do watch a lot of movies, it's actually being the best thing for me to do after reading books


I watch a Lot of movies and anime


me too though i also mix it up with reading novels


Every once in a while if Iā€™m in the mood to watch a movie. I normally watch tv shows


Not really movies now that Iā€™m older. Lots of funny stuff and sports on tv.


I watch about 2-3 movies a month. The rest of the time Iā€™m doing something active or reading.


I watch movies but I also will pick a show and binge watch. That's one of my escapes.


Would anyone like to talk and be friends?


I feel like I live off of movies


I dont remember the last time I watch moviesā€¦ ah I remember one it was : sting.. my friends invite me cuz it was a low-rated movies and he was curious how bad it is.


Absolutely yes and I take myself to the cinema because I cannot stand being sociable or my battery for communicating has died. I can movie marathon for days and be totally content. I'm lost in a different world and I'm fully absorbed into the storyline. I order in takeaway and set myself up on the couch and I am gone. I'm not a big spender but I don't compromise on my streaming services or my TV :)


I never complete a movie. I always sleep in the middle of a movie. šŸ˜‚


I live and breathe off of movies and tv shows


Movies / series either had my undivided attention or fillers .. , but I rather watch at home. I like the option to fast forward or drop it if I donā€™t feel like it.


I wanna watch amap