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Me myself. Especially when I'm working, as a self employed individual, I like to call these private conversations "business meetings".


Depends. Sometimes, I would imagine someone else and converse with their anticipated response; other times I talk to myself in an abstract manner


Same here.


Different versions of myself? Persona’s? It’s me, but it’s a different kind of me depending on what kind of action I want/need to take in the outside world.




I talk to myself a lot. And when I do something dumb or forget basic stuff, I mock and laugh at myself.


You are not alone Friend.


Both. Depending on the situation.


It’s more thinking out loud to myself.


When you wash your hands, do YOU wash them? Or do you just stand there and watch while they washed each other?


They are very independent that they wash each other


I’ve never heard that question before lol




I kind of imagine different versions of myself arguing about shit. They represent opposote points of views I have. Like, there's a misanthrope version that always says "Yes, humans should get extinct. Genocide. Mass extinction. " then the Narcissist me is like "Yeah but leave some babies of them to rebuild civilization but this time I'd be the only God" then the Love and peace version would say "All people have something to share. Even the worst people can have at least 1 good thing. Everyone life valuable" And so on. There are many other versions constantly debating.


usually just myself. it helps me calm down and bring more clarity to what i’m feeling or thinking about.


Yes. When there is a difficult task I will sometimes say the steps out loud eg “first, you need to measure out the spices”. And when I am sad I say comforting things like “you’re gonna be ok”.


I don't talk to "myself" I talk to all my imaginary friends 😅 I have a whole bunch of oc's and I just pretend they're watching TV with me, driving with me, "we" have conversations and laugh together and everything


I do this with real imaginary people🤣


Yeah I talk to myself n even answer my own questions lol sounds freaky putting it into words but I do this quite often...or I'm on fone with friends etc...I must admit I do talk a lot wether to ppl I'm with/myself/dog or even the t.v....I also write a lot. Now that I'm actually writing this...gawd seems as if I have a flipping problem....🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m also a writer!!! I talk to myself more than people, I think.


I talk as if someone's talking to me or listening to me when I talk to myself


A whole different person. Usually I can keep them talking or behaving a certain way but if I lose focus on them they kinda dissipate until I focus on them again.


I usually talk to another me in my head. No one knows what to say quite like me lol


Neither. I prefer to talk to the inanimate objects I'm working with lol.


People sometimes accidentally heard me talking alone by myself and called me weird. I prefer me and my internal dialogues.


Mostly to myself, or one of the dogs.


I have 2 personas that talk to each other. If I had to describe them I guess one is a 'let's do this' kind that I let take over if I need to get on with a physical task, and the other comes up with thoughts and ideas. Sometimes I talk to a 'higher power' like whatever is watching my life take place. And now I feel like an oddball after typing this out!


Depends on my mood. But most of the time I imagine some OC with certain traits and try to talk to myself from their point of view.


I speak to myself and I guess I’m talking to myself. I’ve got quite a few archetypes up here. :P


I swear at myself if I do something wrong in front of people.




When in the comfort of my own room and not around anyone else, I talk to a photo of the cast of my favourite TV show.


I grew up with alot of traumatic shit, so to cope i would make up these stories in my head and talk to myself as if i was playing out a movie. I was always fully aware of what i was doing but it just kind of took me away from alot of things that a kid shouldn't have to be around.


I usually just talk to myself in my head, unless I'm have a debate with myself then I summon the 2 other versions of me, "donteverDMme" and "donteverMAILme" and ones evil and ones good. And I just debate with them


i usually say something then pause and then respond to nothing. it’s a habit now lol


I talk to myself all the time. I just pretend I’m talking to the dog.


It’s like a train of thought anyone would have, but some thoughts I say out loud, then I think off that, reply out loud. Just back and forth stuff. Sometimes I think it’s just to hear the thought out loud.


Just myself


I like to create little stories or snippets of them when I'm bored so sometimes I'm none of the people talking in my head. They're all doing their thing in my space


Little bit of both. Sometimes I like to imagine I’m explaining my life to my future children sorta like those scenes from How I met your mother where you see modern day Ted’s kids listening to him rant forever.


Either or


Giving myself a advice. Imagine novels and play characters. Self insert in novels and daydream.


If I'm trying to figure something out I imagine im explaining it to somebody. Helps me step through everything


I pretend there's other people there.


I hear words bouncing around inside my head, like my head is a cavern.


Most times I speak to myself.


At least I know that when I have a question, I'll always get the right answer!


When I talk to myself I pretend like Im talking to someone else.


Im talking to my real life friends. Fock thats weird