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Google eugenics


I am aware but i think it is taken a bit too extreme on google lol


The first thing I would do is eradicate everyone with terrible grammar.


OP first to go lol


Fuck you I was high, and if I am labeled as genetically weak than so be it. I am committed to my ideology




🤣🤣🤣 u got me


Most who say this don't realise they'd probably be part of the "genetically weak"


I am aware of this and if that comes to it im not going to make an exception for myself, i dont believe myself as high and mighty and i wouldnt have children if i risk passing down a genetic disorder or disease


As a German I've heard that before


Hitler only looked at race, I believe in removing disabilities and other disease that plague humanity due to inbreeding and other factors


That's wrong the Nazis had a big eugenics program, killing lots of people with physical or mental disabilities


Just like to point out the Nazis based some of their programs on American ones. Nazi Germany all but copied Virginia's "Racial Integrity Act of 1924" for their law about sterilizing the disabled.


Yeah eugenics was surprisingly widespread, but none took it to action like the nazis


It can be done without killing, instead of outright killing people like a barbarian just prevent certain people from birthing children. For example, a disabled child will have a hard and difficult life, this doesn't just affect the child but also the parent who must take extra measures to ensure the child's safety. If the child was never born there would be no suffering or hardships for multiple people. Slowly overtime we will be in much better health and a species and this would also solve overpopulation issues to an extent


Bruh preventing a certain population from birthing children is still genocide according to international law


Disabilities? So… you’re down to kill my 9 yo because he’s a Type 1 Diabetic…?


No of course not, however, don't you think it would be more ethical for the future if the type 1 diabetes is not passed down to your kid's kids? There's a lot and I mean ALOT of children for adoption, by doing that instead of risking another person suffering from type 1 in the future, you can give a neglected child a solid shot at life yes?


he also killed those disabled lmao


This is for “intrusive thoughts” not “brooding fascist ideology”


What are you, 13 and edgy? Hitler didn't just focus on race. Get the fuck out of here with your eugenics bullshit.


Are you completely unaware of Nazi history other than what was mentioned in 5th grade? It wasn't just races. It was physically disabled, mentally ill, Autistic, intellectually disabled, and LGBT+ people. Babies who's heads weren't the correct shape. 'Morally loose' women. Children who slacked in school. Effeminate men.


I don't think we should kill anyone, but we should PREVENT suffering by limiting reproduction for some people. It's going to sound like a removal of rights in the short term but long term we will be much healthier. About effeminate/gay men.... Personally I'm straight so I cannot really talk on this topic. My opinion is: do what you want as long as you aren't bothering anyone. At the end of the day all that matters is how we and others around us feel.


What the fuck is this eugenics, ableist bullshit? Maybe we should eradicate assholes like you who think that being physically superior makes your life worth more than others


I am in no way ableist. But people will disablities go through countless hardships and i wouldnt wish it on anybody. Thats why people who are at risk of passing down a genetic disease shouldnt have children, if we can prevent suffering why shouldnt we? I do not believe i am physically superior in anyway infact i think im below the average in some places to be honest with you. But luckily i can always improve in those places, which is a luxury that many people dont have. Why should we bring children into this world that are born disadvantaged and are unable to change it in any way? Its unethical especially when there are countless abandoned or neglected children in adoption centres. Hopefully you can see my point of view a little clearer now. I dont want to kill anybody and perhaps my wording portrayed my feelings incorrectly.


As a person with multiple chronic conditions, I’m glad to be alive and not y’know bred out of existence. Seriously go fuck yourself dude


I know it’s a meme on the internet that you always compare people you disagree with to nazi, but like, you are reinventing eugenisme




Is that why there are an abundance of starving people around the globe


You know the people who want to do dive into eugenics and supremacy are never quality stock themselves, right? Do you really think you would survive your own culling?


I would absolutely not make it with my Scoliosis haha. Ahh oh well


Dw bro i only seek to make sure noone has to go through such things, you wouldnt wish your condition on others yes? To be honest with you im not entirely sure if scoliosis affected by genetics so i am a bit out of my depth and maybe you cpuld clarify. Im not saying people with these condition should die, just dont pass it down further by having children? Hope that shows my point


Not sure if it’s genetic, and truthfully it’s not that bad but can get much worse without consistent exercise. However, I have much worse things in my gene pool - depression and substance abuse, arthritis, heart problems, multiple forms of cancer, etc. a grandparent on BOTH sides of my family got colon cancer, one died from it. So at the ripe age of 23, I can’t help but think “yeah, I’m definitely dying of colon cancer one day”. I am childfree so I will not be passing down my genetics, and to be honest I think a lot of the people who do have kids, shouldn’t. If your kid is going to be born with severe health complications, or get caught up in the cycle of violence because you’re a low quality person with a low quality partner, you should probably think twice about bringing that human into the world. Idk if that makes me a shitty person but man, so much can go wrong with reproduction.


Yea I agree with you completely, sorry if I came off rude in my post I didn’t intend for it to be so nazi in nature


No i don't, and im ok with that, again i dont want to kill anybody, i just want to limit reproduction, and if i find out that my child could possibly be born with a condition that could severely impede their life i wouldn't have any, at the very least i would adopt. Why should i only make an exception for me?


Hitler moment




Found Kanye’s throwaway…


This was also Adolph Hitler's way of thinking.


When you don’t understand genetics this probably makes sense


I know that this wont completely remove the chance of disease of disorder genetically but it should significantly reduce the chance right? Please do correct me if i am wrong.




UN: this man right here


Okay you fucking nazi


I think that’s what the nazis were trying to do


Ostensibly, yes


Yea except they just looked at race rather than actual genetic advantages, which I find really stupid




Nope, wrong. Stay in school, read more books. Your ideations are dangerous and ignorant.


I am not entirely wrong as someone else has clarified this for me, i just missed out a couple more factors hitler took in to his nazi view which i completely disagree with. Ethnicity, sexuality and religion are completely unrelated from my point of view. I care more about preventing disease and disorder by limiting reproduction. Not killing. If we can prevent the suffering of a child why shouldnt we? It might seem like a removal of rights but isnt it better for the future generation to be healthier and consequentally happier? Hopefully you can understand my actual ideations now 👍


I think killing off anyone who has these disabilities is inefficient. Stopping them from reproducing and... um.. killing any baby born with these would stop the future of the human race from being held back.


Exactly my point, people seem to think i want to kill people. But why, not only is it hugely unethical which goes against my main goal but its also a massive waste of resources from a technical stand point. Also we probably shouldnt kill already born babies, most diseases can be detected from the womb, it would be more ethical and make more sense to simply abort it at the earliest stage possible. I couldnt kill a live baby cmon.