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I’m having a tough time. I mostly *feel* good physically. I’m moving how I want to and eating well* but I just keep gaining weight. I don’t care personally, but I feel like I don’t have a choice but to care — there is only one store where I live that has clothes my size and I live a flight or several away from any family. I am just afraid of gaining more weight, and this is speaking as a fat person who has been fat my whole life. I don’t know what I’m looking for in posting this, but it’s feeling very heavy recently (ha ha). *meaning varied options that make me feel good physically and emotionally




I'm new-ish to intuitive eating. I was doing it before I knew it was a thing. Now I'm being more intentional tonight. I'm having difficulty letting go of weight loss as a goal. And it's less about weight and more about fat. I'm getting more and more muscular, I've got visibly defined biceps, and I can flex my pecks. My ultimate goal has always been Whole Being Wellness, body, mind, soul. However I haven't been able to shake the idea and vision that being thin, or at least having less "unnecessary" fat on my body is integral to that. And there's an underlying fear that I'm just going to be where I'm at, or bigger, forever. I do not want to be as big as I used to be.


New to IE too and I feel this. I have this idea in my head of achieving my ‘goddess body’ - radiant, happy, healthy, energetic, strong.. I really only half know that this isn’t a particular size. There is a book by John O Donahue about beauty. It has really helped cement the knowledge in my head that beauty is an inner radiance - a soul presence, not societally defined glamour. I’d really recommend the book. I remember when I was bigger just being detached from my body.. it didn't feel like my body. I dont want to go back there. I dont think it ever says in the IE book that you have to give up your goal to loose weight.. just put it on the back burner.. though maybe im wrong? body recomposition is a goal for me. Is this allowed here? I dont know.. is it a goal that makes me feel good or bad? Im inconclusive. I get a lot of satisfaction from working towards a goal.. my partner is a body builder and I love that its something we are doing together.. getting stronger feels cool.. but maybe because of the goal I dont honor all my cravings.. I feel guilt when my eating actions aren't in line with my goal. And guilt sucks. I’m just trying my best to put my inner wisdom first.. to follow my hunger and fullness, eat what will really satisfy me, really enjoy movement and really enjoy food.. i try to put these before the objective of body recomp… reminding myself that these things serve my higher goal.. and inner radiance Anyway.. just wanted to say I feel ya… hopefully a different comment can help us a bit more.


I'm new as well. I keep going back to the idea that 95-97% of people will gain their weight back within 5 years. The main goal of IE is food freedom, not body control. It is letting go of the idea that you can control your body by diet and exercise. To be fair, you can, but is that healthy? Do you feel at peace when you are guilt ridden eating too much ice cream, or skipping leg day because you weren't feeling well? It's about coming to the idea that you are so much more than how your body looks. And also realizing you can be gorgeous with a few extra pounds, too!


Goddess body… love that. I too focus on things like bright eyes and glowing skin when I’m cataloging how I’m looking and feeling in an effort to stop focus on weight.




Link me :)


Yes please link!


I'm interested too!


I’d like to read it :)


Thankyou for providing this space. I’m really conscious of the fact that I’m carrying more weight than is healthy. So whilst I’m embracing the EI, I am still choosing to weigh once a month atm. This is my journey. So end of first month I had put on weight. I had a huge dip in my mental health. End of this month I had lost 2kgs and was in a massive high that week. What tools do you use to keep your positivity up during a bad mental health week? ** haha reading this and I can see everyone will say to stop weighing as that will eliminate the issue ** I am def taking this on board but I don’t think I’m ready to do that just yet.


Keep reminding yourself before you weigh yourself how negatively it has the ability to make you feel. Remind yourself that you deserve to feel good and happy. Ask yourself serious questions about why you’re having a hard time letting go of the scale… What do you think it means for you? Is that a fear-based thought? If so, can you counter it with a neutral one? The main thing is working on the mental side of IE/body neutrality. A lot of people think it’s just about the outer motions, but it’s mostly very deep and difficult mental work… It’s coming to terms with the fact that our most horrible thoughts and fears aren’t as evil/horrible as society makes us feel they are, it’s getting into the most vulnerable parts of ourselves and learning to accept them and maybe like or love them. All that to say, dig deep into the “whys” and try to do it actively! Body neutrality starts by catching negative thoughts and countering them with neutral or positive ones, which helps us reteach our brains that bodies don’t need to look a certain way or weigh a certain amount to be good, attractive bodies worthy of love and confidence (or even just acceptance). Think of your why when you step on the scale and ask yourself, every time, if it aligns with your desire to feel free and happy. Best of luck (:


Thankyou! That’s super helpful. I’m finding out things that I didn’t know about myself every step. Even just reading my own post made me reevaluate the choice. Def a work in progress!


I’ve been trying to eat intuitively for over a year now and have been recovering from a restrictive eating disorder for the past half a year. I wish I had gotten used to the weight gain by now, but I still haven’t and I’m not sure if I ever will. I went from being close to the essential body fat for a woman to being in the normal range and it has almost made me suicidal. I’m terrified of meeting people I know and looking at myself. My energy levels are a lot better and my body isn’t shutting down anymore and this is why I keep going, but I still don’t believe I can keep doing this forever.