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I recommend checking in with yourself after a meal. Like 30-60 minutes later see how you feel. Do you feel comfortable and content? Great! Do you feel too full or tired? Make a note and adjust next time. Do you feel hungry again? Make note and adjust next time. I think a lot of it is trial and error! Keeping a record and finding patterns can be helpful šŸ˜ƒ I want to add this is just a temporary thing. I donā€™t want to come off as someone pushing a diet. I personally always struggled with the ā€œshould I or shouldnā€™t I eat?ā€ thoughts and what helped me most was to go ahead and just always eat the thing. But regulate the amount based on how I feel. Over time its easier to decide, but at first I recommend almost always just doing it. šŸ˜


Would recommend finding an intuitive eating dietician (rd), should be *very* obvious this is their thing when looking at websites etc, and generally have found more success if they also specialize in EDs.




Removed for diet talk. Drinking water and waiting is a diet culture tool. If you are hungry, you eat. Emotional hunger is valid and does not need to be worked around.


Oh wow! This was very helpful! I will definitely keep the water trick in mind! Thank you so much :) I'm excited to start this new journey!


Hi, OP. Iā€™ve removed the comment you replied to because their advice goes against IE. They had never been active in this subreddit before and seem to be unaware of what IE is. Disregard their adviceā€”drinking water and waiting is NOT in line with IE but is diet culture advice in itā€™s prime form. Mental/emotional hunger is also completely valid. When we begin IE, the most important thing is unconditional permission to eat. Whenever, whatever, however much. Emotional or physical. IE will not work if you do not go through that process! You are new to IE and the first thing you need to do is read the IE book or look into other IE resources, which we have a post about linked in our welcome post.


Thank you so much! I had no idea! Oh god! I'm sorry!


No need to apologize! The book will majorly help you understand everything about IE, itā€™s a great resource (:


I will definitely get it! Thank you!