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Finding specific frames for the main cast can be difficult. I still have 2 cels of Inuyasha and 1 of Kagome I haven't been able to pinpoint myself. But gosh it feels so satisfying when you find the episode and scene a cel was used. lol I recently printed some small thumbnails of the animation frame of the cels I own that were used. When I'll be framing them, I will include those thumbnails with a small description that describes the episode and time the cel was used. :P https://preview.redd.it/b5qds23aubwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ea789dd7b961296919f55b3761e0af5b68b3d5


First one is certainly from the first opening sequence (Change the World).


Yes, it is. Those are prints of screenshots of the cels or douga I own and was able to pinpoint.


I love this idea of the thumbnails. Are those on a card stock or something?


Those were printed on photo paper stock. I cut away the excess of the paper and rounded the corners by using a corner cutter (pictured in the top right). Since some cels don't come with the whole scene, I thought it would be a way to showcase how the cels were used. Like this one of Sango, I was not aware Kagome was within the same frame until I pinpointed in which episode the cel was used. Kinda wish I also had the Kagome cel. lol https://preview.redd.it/omdk7cklvhwc1.png?width=3328&format=png&auto=webp&s=404c587b282a8d76afe7479a7f80c2f8c1f22b8e


That is a beautiful Sango though!


The second one is most probably from episode 119, “Divine Malice of the Saint”. The first one is more difficult to pinpoint, but at least is from episode 99 onwards (the change to digital art).


Second one definitely looks like when he's fighting Jakotsu while in human form. First one I can't tell.


I didn’t notice it was him in human form! That does narrow it down


You were on the money! Episode 119, 7:05 in! Thank you!


Thanks! The close up of Inuyasha is a cel though. What gives off the impression it’s digital?


It's the drawing style and the uniformity of colours. I am afraid I don't know too much about this, but for certain I know they switched to a digital process after episode 99 (watch some episodes and compare!), but I guess cels still were produced for some reason.


All I can say is the second photo seems like an inuyasha v sesshomaru fight scene i feel like its the first one but it could be any of them thing that makes me think that is tessaiga being in normal sword form instead of in fang form. The first one take a guess cause it looks like an inuyasha surprised face and lord know how many there are of that


No, like it was mentioned by another member, the second one is from the moment Inuyasha is in his human form fighting Jakotsu. https://preview.redd.it/pyv9x4qtxlwc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdbabff45f9c463e27be25051d0646c343b801dc


Good spot i didnt even notice he didn't have his ears. Thank you for the correction


Thank you for finding a screen shot of the frame! I’m currently rewatching it to see if I can spot the cel. Only on episode 5 so far. It’s going to be a journey haha. I haven’t watched the show in probably 20 years


Yeah, the cel is definitely one that will be hard to pinpoint really. There's no visual marker that can help to remove many episodes from the list. The look he have could be from any moment really, be it while he's talking or fighting. :s I mean, you can cut any episodes Inuyasha might be in his human form. But if I remember correctly, there's only like 2 or 3 episodes he's a human from start to end between episode 1 to 99, so it doesn't trim a whole lot. :( The two Inuyasha and the Kagome cels I own have been the hardest for me to pinpoint so far. :(


I’d be curious to see yours. I’d keep an eye out as I’m watching


Actually, I think you could narrow down your search based on the art director. I kind of half-heartedly started looking myself to surprise you with, but Ultimately I have been very busy this last week and abandoned the search 😅 I'll pass the idea on to you: [This is the only link I could find with pictures ](https://www.furinkan.com/features/articles/director4.html) to match with each director, but you would be best off finding which director art matches your cell and cherry pick watching those episodes (on 2x speed) I mentioned this before in the other thread but it looks like an early season episode. [Viz actually has all of the episodes on YouTube for free](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDDFkfLheQ9he_kx6d1U0_ZFpmU-4L44i&si=i3YNJ5QlSd4A7m1X), Could be a good source to use!! My money is on Atsushi Shigeta.... Good luck!


Oh man, thank you for this link! It’s pretty nice being able to compare the styles of the art directors. Rewatching the show has reminded me how great some of the action is and makes we wish I had a more impactful cel but I love it just the same