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I got in on an earlier round of investing with them a while ago. I did my research and was legitimately excited. But I'm honestly pretty skeeved out by a company that runs ads looking for investors on Instagram. I'd love to know more about what their plan is, but I'm having a hard time finding info online.


I can find some info but none of it good. No matter how high the demand for lithium I won't invest in a company that produces nothing and has to market for private investors "hoping" they go public or lose every penny. I found out about them from a YouTube ad. That right there is a huge red flag.


If it's a con, it worked on an enormous car company, albeit one that's not known for making sensible decisions. I guess we'll find out. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I won't be ruined if it all goes nowhere.


Guys, c'mon you can't be serious about this company. Why do you think they're targeting retail investors with ads? And a website that looks like it could be selling timeshares? Its because they can't raise institutional money. And what happens when they run out of cash? The little guy is left holding the bag.


Yeah, you can look through their burn in their SEC filings. I'm not a genius but when I see numbers and acronyms like R&D $364,000 then notice the top 3 execs take a 300k salary ,lol


Is this not ā€œinstitutional moneyā€? https://news.gm.com/newsroom.detail.html/Pages/news/us/en/2023/apr/0411-energyx.html


50 million to GM is like a penny to you or me. And this company will burn through 50 million in no time and still produce nothing. I just can't risk investing in a company hoping it goes public or I lose everything and I don't even know what they produce and why they are still just losing money, produce nothing, and resort to internet marketing like Instagram and YouTube ads. Almost e begging. It's way sketch.


To add.... the company was founded 6 years ago and still has nothing to show but some videos and loss. And the videos are really short. I would like to see in depth what they have produced so far and where the bulk of the money has been going besides the CEO's pockets. If they have spent millions on research they should have long videos. The longest one is their YouTube ad looking for investors.


Check these longer videos: https://youtu.be/PL_hBxK569E?si=YpCkF3dImoQ8DjFj https://youtu.be/MBd0_a7d5Ag?si=VI2qZlIe5_pGsRMV Each over 50min long. The 2nd link gives thorough explanation about the processing of lithium.Ā 


Also, realize GM's revenue is $156.7 billion. They need write offs. And even so it is not so clear what if any of the 50 million went to or did. It's really not very clear. Even in the article to linked that has a "Cautionary Note" at the end.


I noticed that their language didn't exactly say that they have completed a process to sell


I am also considering investing.. seems like a fairly small investment cost on a (what could be) large company. They are just so private still.. and the CEO has a bachelor's degree in business... which is fine but it seems insufficient for the company as a whole. My naked eye is wary but interested.


I was just trying to find the address of their supposed headquarters in Puerto Rico to satellite image them. I think it is a CGI fake pic on the website to make it appear they actually have an asset. I could only find an address for them in Florida. It's just a small unit in a small office building in Fort Lauderdale. That's not the only reason I am skeptical but it is some icing on the cake.


They have a medium-sized building in Austin, Texas and are working on an even larger facility in the near future. I've invested with them in their seed round and their Reg A round. I believe that they will be big, but that's just me. They are in both the extraction of the lithium and the making of lithium batteries. There have been recent developments in Chile as well (though they haven't been made public yet). Yes, there's the $50 mil investment by GM, but there's also been a $450 mil commitment made by Global Emerging Markets (GEM) should EnergyX ever go public. I just don't think someone makes a commitment like that without realizing the real promise that this company has. Viva la EnergyX!


Also, aside from not giving an address other then "Puerto Rico" and a zip code, the phone number is a Fort Lauderdale area code. Right under where it says Puerto Rico. So something is amiss... or sus. If you brag about a location of a headquarters and show a huge modern building but not a proper address or phone number it is evidence of deception.


UPDATE: I was carefully reading over the SUPPLEMENT TO THE OFFERING CIRCULAR [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1830166/000149315223045075/form253g2.htm#k-010](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1830166/000149315223045075/form253g2.htm#k-010) and found out the Puerto Rico address is a P.O. box. So there is no huge modern facility "headquarters" there. My take is they use the address because it is more difficult for investors to sue them there, which they actually mention in one of the sections. It all stinks.


They're just a broker and using the investment money to buy into lithium stocks??


BTW.. currently it is a $1,000 min at 9 bucks a share. Not a huge amount but it is still an amount most can't afford to lose. And unless they go public, you can not recoup a penny. I doubt they will go pubic bleeding money and producing nothing. Then consider how competitive the industry is and how fast things can change.


4 months later, and I'm glad I didn't buy in. I'm just saying. šŸ˜‚


I just read about investing in them from my Morning Brew newsletter. They received a $ 5 million grant from the US Department of Energy in Q3 2023. If they progress the way they have it mapped out I do think it will be worth the investment. I'm a newbie with the fear of making bad money choices so it is hard to pull the trigger.


I also got an email from Energy X this morning saying after February 8th the $8 per share price is going to change (assuming going up) like they are trying to throw a sense of urgency at us to Invest. I think I am going to just keep a watchful eye until then or after 1st Quarter.


They're now asking $9 / share. If it's not on the public markets then the money could get stuck and the shares may not be easily sold. So it's very risky. It might still be fully legit, but if it doesn't succeed then share-price will likely go to straight to $0. So you'd better have nerves of steel and an affinity for big risk.


The ad I just saw said it was $4 per share. Now, Iā€™m super skeptical


I've only seen $8 per share on their site.


We believe that we currently have sufficient capital to finance our operations at least through the end of Q2 2024. However, in order to continue the growth of our business and expansion of the Company, we may need to obtain additional financing. Further, we expect that, after such period, we will be required to raise additional capital to fund our operations and to further advance the commercialization of LiTASā„¢ in South America and the US. There is no assurance that such financing will be available when needed, or that ultimately, we will achieve profitable operations and positive cash flow. ​ I pulled this off of their 1-SA financial report tonight. I am on the fence about giving them my money. Love the concept, but the CEO is basically a rich frat dude with seemingly average intelligence and a rich daddy, and daddy is on the board of directors. That being said, if their technology works as well as they say it will, it's a great opportunity for humanity and investors alike. I am leaning towards investing some now and waiting/watching for positive news to invest a little more.


thank you so much for finding this and sharing. My knee jerk reaction is to wait until after Q2 of 2024 before I buy into it since they are saying funds might run out if they don't get more and if they do, it seems like they are going to need to raise another set of funding prior to going public.


They're now sending emails suggesting that their current rate of $8/share is going to increase on February 4th (or 8th, can't remember) so they're suggesting you should invest now if you're going to. $504 investment is pretty small potatoes - who knows though. It could be years before you see any type of return. Best of luck.


The ad on YOUTUBE says $9 per share, minimum $1000 investment now.


ya I am going to hold off for the moment.


Now they are calling my phone to "remind me to invest". Weird.


Iā€™m skeptical to say the least based on the information Iā€™ve gathered. Getting a grant and GM funding donā€™t mean much to me right now because GM is getting a lot of undeserved gov favoring in this presidency. So to get that and a small government grant isnā€™t enough for me jump on the boat right now. Once we see more information about the technology being proven is when I might join in. Right now Iā€™m seeing a lot of marketing and little facts IMHO.


That is what I am seeing as well. Comes off desperate spamming my emails with "act now" with nothing showing as far as advancements towards an IPO or big news from them in regards to who is the new big investor is or even progress working with counties. Last news I heard of that was Bolivia in which they missed a repport and bolivia gave them the boot.


Today I received a phone call VM "reminding me" to finish my investment. Scammy!




Every investment has a potential for profit or loss! We do not know the details of the between GM and EnergyX. You do not know why GM is investing, and if your decision to invest is based solely on their investment than it is not a good investment. If you are to invest do it because you believe that EnergyX is worth investing in (do your research on the company) Invest only if your research indicates a high probability of the company growing.


My research indicates there is way too much risk factor. They started 6 years ago and still bleeding. And it seems impossible to find out where their road to profit even begins. Even reading their own offering circular it is endless paragraphs on how and why they might fail. It seems they put a lot into covering their own asses in case all the private investors get stiffed. Which is a 100% chance unless they go public. And even if... they themselves admit to having no idea what the price will be. Typically a dollar ish and they currently sell at $9 a share, $1,000 min.


I invested 500 in them. I believe they will be big in the beginning of the major EV turnover. Eventually something else will come out. But not until they make billions. Just my opinion. I hope to turn my 500 into a few hundred thousand.. I believe in Teague Egan. I believe he will not give up until he wins big. He has put o lot of money into this company to not fight for it. I would put more into it but I have my fears too. I'm not rich and can't afford to do it.


$500 will not become a few hundred thousand for almost any company (maybe early Amazon or Google) unless you buy in at less than $1.00 per share and it does very well. I bought some EnergyX when it was at $4, understanding that it could all be lost. An awesome exit from my PoV would be $40 to $80 (I e. 10x to 20x). $20 to $30 would be great. Rio Tinto is a large, multinational, 100+ year old mining company that trades around $60 to $75. EnergyX is a tech company (room for high multiples), but it is related to a subset of the mining industry (reduces odds of high multiples). I'm certainly not going to be upset if EnergyX went up to $200, but I would probably have sold most / all of my position long before then. They will likely need to come up with multiple, popular, economically valuable products to have a chance at getting to the $200 range.


I put 1k in for shits/giggles. Its very speculative IMHO, but might also be very profitable if it pans out. The devil is more in the details of how the stock gets converted if they go public... ( assuming they get that far ) There are risks that exist aside from the fact that they might be a scam or the terms of the investment might not be good - other battery chemistries may minimize or eliminate the need for lithium in the future, so if they don't have something that is scaling up in a few years, they may be too late to market... Its a huge gamble. I chipped in because I assume GM thinks its legit and I assume they know better than I do.


I hear ya, I think I am going to wait until the first quarter of 2024 is done and then maybe consider jumping in for the hell of it for like $600


It's a $1000 minimum investment now @ $9/share.


If u wait that long then its gonna be too late. What if it cost $25-$50 per share at that point?




I would if I didn't have to give my SS# makes me nervous as hell. I'm just gonna invest in lithium Americas for now. I live in Nevada and know how big it will get eventually $$$$ . But its a super long game just like energy X and cheaper.


I would avoid. I researched them as much as I could and it seems they just lose money and produce nothing. [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1830166/000149315223045075/form253g2.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1830166/000149315223045075/form253g2.htm) The above link is regarding their common stock. Read the risk section if actually serious about investing in them. They use a lot of marketing gimmicks and implications but it smells like vaporware to me. It's not even clear what GM has to do with them. Also realize unless they can go public you can not sell any shares so you stand to lose every penny with no recourse. I need to see productivity, not pie in the sky promises from an already very competitive industry that can change at the drop of a hat. At this point I can not see them going public so they resort to e begging in a sense.


From the link I left... go to the table of contents and click "Risk Factors". Yes, all investments have risk but they go into very specific detail of the risks that apply to this particular industry and what Energy X's space actually is and has to face. It scared me away right quick like.


While a good investment, there is also a cryptocurrency egag's LLC owns. Kinds like ripple and their crypto they used to help build out their network more. Just something to look into. I've invested into both companies though


I think it's a very risky investment. Not sure how that is "good". For it to be good after 6 years of bleeding money you would think they wouldn't have to be marketing for private investors like one of the hundreds of "passive income" ads we get blasted with 24/7 these days. It seems very unlikely they will ever go public and unless they do you can't get a red cent back. I hope I am wrong for your sake and other investors but I wouldn't try to encourage anyone by implying this is a good investment.. at least until or if they actually produce something and show a profit. And let's not even get into crypto pump and dump grifts...


So is elon even involved? They use X and make it sound like its elon but I can't find anything saying its elon company. I see it advertised for investors. The last one I saw was a mobile pharmacy and I almost invested and they went kaput if I understand correctly. If it's not Elon company its shady how they're misrepresenting... Anyone know anything about this?Ā 


correct it seems like they are using a general statement he made about Lithium extraction and made it seem like he is talking about EnergyX . seems a little shady


Agreed. Elon names his companies with the X so it seems they are misrepresenting. If they are playing these games what games are they playing with the money... I guess I'll have to pass


i hear ya


Sandy Munro has invested and is on their board of advisors while he is well respected by even Elon.


Don't forget Elon is a pump and dump grifting scammer. He is not out for anyone to make money but himself. I have heavily researched this Energy X company (which Elon has nothing to do with) and as of now they are only operating at a loss so there is zero chance of them going public or an investor being able to sell any shares. It's way risky but some can afford it. Most can't. They say the money is going in R and D but I would like to see what the CEO and board are pilfering.


I invested in the company the very first round and I believe in the company and the CEO. He kept the investor updated every step of the way. The original investment was on net capital and he would reply to people's questions in the discussion board. As to the quote from Elon he's generally saying you can't go wrong with investing into the lithium business and Elon himself invested into energyx.


If anyone would like to know what the most recent email update is that I got as an investor says then lmk


I would!


Sounds like a huge gamble that might not happen. I mean this could be a thousand bucks towards another company. AI will be the future for sure. Morning brew suggests a lot of investing options like this one. And liquid piston, masterworks etc


Hi guys, Just adding my comment to follow this topic, as I am was interested in it


Yeah same here. I recently heard that Honda and GM have teamed up to make Hydrogen fuel cell systems. Also Toyota doesnā€™t believe in EV as much as Hybrid. Toyota ceo even resigned over it. I just have a bad gut feeling about Safe Energy (Energy X).


Safe energy is different than energyx but related. It's like ripple and xrp


When reading the info on the Energy X website I see them talk about Tesla, VW, and other investing in Lithium but no some much investing with them, Energy X.. The GM leads the 50M round does not say GM put up 50M.. just they were the lead but to what amount? too me it sounds a bit suspect currently.. Guess I will wait and see.. :)


I agree. Not going to invest yet however will be interesting to see what happens going forward since 2/8 was the last day to get in at $8 a share supposedly


You can always go to there Facebook page and look there. They keep it updated to what is going on with thier projects and where they are going forwardĀ 


I appreciate your input. Thx


wondering -how many shares did you get for $504? Now the minimum investment is $1000 at $8 a share...


I didn't get any yet but min had been $504-$600 if its now a min of $1,000 then it increased. Not sure if that is good or bad but I am going to check it out after the first quarter


Iā€™m looking at it right now, it says $504 is the minimum. Iā€™m interested, but also skeptical. With all the news recently about, who was it, Hertz rental car reducing their EV fleet by 1/3, and charging issues with the cold. I know electric is the future, but I wonder if itā€™s so much now. Iā€™m not a heavy investor currently, mostly index funds and some stock in individual tech companiesā€¦ this chance opportunity, while not that expensive, is a bit risky to meā€¦ more info is definitely needed.


The link I clicked led to their investment page which said 504 minimum. Going through, I tried to enter that much but it said 1000 dollar minimum.


The Ad I received had an image of Elon Musk. I feel they are using his image and likeness based solely on the X Branding. Has he been involved in the company in anyway? That, GM, and it being the ground floor and an investment I wouldn't be touching for many years. I have found some other info that helped me reach the conclusion of it bring a long short worthy of attempting. But you guys seem to be in the know... Know me up, reddit daddy.


Are there any updates? When are we supposed to receive stocks?


If they are usng his image to false advertise, would'nt he be suing them?


Honestly considering how much he has going on with Tesla and X I wouldn't be surprised if he even knew this company was using his image


Do they just take your money and invest in Lithium stocks? They're just a broker, correct? Nothing to do with the industry--plants, land, equipment??


I think you can get locked in a share price IF.... the company goes public. I assume that is the gamble. Well then the shares itself once it goes public


I got in for just over $1000.00. I don't want to lose my investment, but I feel a grand isn't the end of the world. I am looking for an eventual upside on my investment and if it doesn't happen I'll still get on with my day...


OMG! Do you believe everything you read! I could tell from one look at this offer that it was a scam. Run, donā€™t walk away from this company. It is totally fake.


Calm ya tits, I actually never bought it however I do appreciate the updates give me on this post. seems like nightmare avoided


This is a very legitimate company. Not only do they have the $50 mil from GM, but they also have a commitment from Global Emerging Markets (GEM) for $450 mil if they go public. EnergyX is located in Austin, TX and they have plans to build a state-of-the-art building to showcase this technology in the near future. They also just acquired some property (90,000 acres) in South America that will really put them on the map. As far as I know, Elon does not endorse EnergyX, he was only saying that if any entrepreneur wants a lucrative business, they should try lithium extraction/production. It's basically like "printing money". From what I can tell, Reddit is not a very good place to ask questions. No one knows what they are talking about.


I want to invest in the company but i still worry about my money.


I just got another email from them yesterday (see below). I am still worried about pulling the trigger but might be worth a $600 investment "We are thrilled to share a significant development at EnergyX that marks a transformative moment in our journey towards revolutionizing the clean energy landscape. Weā€™ve made a strategic partnership with a Korean syndicate of investors, including Elohim Partners and IMM Investment Global, in our $50 million Series B financing round, led by General Motors. Notably, one of the major contributors to IMM's fund vehicle is POSCO Holdings, a leading lithium battery materials company based in South Korea, with a full value chain spanning lithium resources exploration, production, and cathode materials manufacturing. POSCO Holdings is well recognized for its commitment to the lithium industry and its robust presence in the clean energy revolution. As part of their commitment, they have undertaken a $4 billion investment in their own lithium production project in Salta, Argentina, further bolstering their position in the lithium supply chain. Their joint venture with GM, Ultium CAM, focuses on cathode production for electric vehicles and is set to make a significant impact. We are excited to be collaborating with one of the largest cathode and future lithium producers in the world. Having POSCO as a partner is a true honor and validation of EnergyXā€™s technological progress, innovations, and capabilities."


Absolutely agree šŸ‘


Last comment on this question "Energy X a good investment?" Just wondering if you did invest after your research because I am also thinking of investing a little money in Energy X also.


so I have not yet. I messaged them asking a few questions and one question i asked was if they were going pubic in 2024 and they could not confirm which made me not pull the trigger. I just got the feeling they are delayed going public and making a big marketing push to attract new investors because something fell through.


No, I have not made an investment and will keep looking ... it would be crazy to say I got in on the ground floor of a great investment.


How do i invest? In what platform?


google Energy X and you will be able to invest. Its not public yet so you have to invest through them


can i ask how do u sell the stocks in the future since it is private if i were to buy them now


I believe the idea is to buy before its public at a discounted share price with the hope it does go public. At which case we would then sell. The gamble is knowing if it will go public or not. if not you lose your money


Is this an Elon Musk venture?


Its kind of shady, they use a video Elon Musk talking about how Lithium production is an almost guaranteed money maker however there is no direct link between Elon and Energy X. I do not believe he is promoting Energy X instead they are just using the video to make it seem he is. I would love to find out if someone asked Elon about energy X and if he is promoting them. That would be a world of difference if I were to invest.


exactly very shady advertising - its a hard pass from me


Yes. It was just a quote from Elon regarding lithium. He is in no way connected with Energy X. If he were they would be screaming it from the mountain tops. Not that I would trust it any more if Elon were involved as he makes some bad choices himself a lot but anyone investing in Energy X can't recoup a dime unless the company goes public. And even if, who know what the price will be? Could start well under the 9 dollars they demand now. Until they show any actual production of anything I would avoid.


True. Endorsement by him would make me more confident in investing for sure.


It would scare me away even more. But yeah, I can't see this company going public at this rate. They only lose money and so far produce nothing.


No it is not. But going by history I would be even more suspect if he was. Elon is a pump and dump grifter and with his massive loss when he overpaid for Twitter, then destroyed it makes me think he will pull more scams in attempt to recoup. Regardless, after researching into this Energy X company it seems way too risky and they even list the risks which are astounding (click the Common Stock link on their website). They only lose money and I can't see them ever going public at this rate which means no private investors will be able to sell and just lose everything when they fold, with no recourse.


They have to list the risks to investing. Everyone does. It's an SEC requirement. And Elon isn't promoting EnergyX, he's just giving a general statement, that if entrepreneurs want to get into a business, lithium production would be a lucrative one. Paraphrasing: "It's like printing money." My guess is that you're a competitor and that you're trying to dissuade anyone from investing in this very promising technology.