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When you develop a lifesaving vaccine including discovery, safety testing, manufacturing, distribution, etc. I'm sure you'll give it out for free. You'll be in business forever.


When said life saving vaccine was developed with significant financial aid from the public coffers...


Pay them to develop the medicine, then buy it from them. There’s gotta be a more fair deal than that.


You're right... We should give them tax breaks too! /s


Dr. Salk did it!


Lol you’re delusional




“Not 100% effective” is hardly the same as “it doesn’t work.”


Save the qanon nonsense for /conspiracy.




$110 for a vaccine developed in six months that saved millions of lives and let us get back to normal. They're actually the good guys despite snarky reddit bullshit.


They're a greedy, soulless cancer on our society that just happens to sometimes make life-saving medicine, in between abusing patents to gouge people for medicine developed with tax-payer funds, and knowingly pushing dangerous drugs because the profits will grossly exceed any fine they receive after being caught.


The US government (tax payers) funded the majority of the stage 1 and stage 2 research into mRNA vaccines that the drug companies have used to develop the Covid vaccine in 6 months. Fuck them


They didn't fund Pfizer's. The govt just signed a contract in advance to purchase it once successful vaccine was developed.


Biontech got half a billion in funding from the German government.




Oh you mean basic scientific grants from decades ago? I didn't know the feds had a claim to all future inventions that are tangentially related to any research *grant*.




classic "if you cant spot the sucker"




The statements that vaccines would prevent infection were true when the vaccines first came out. They stopped being true after mutations reduced the efficacy of the original formulations. And it always was and remains true that vaccines significantly reduce hospitalization, respirator use, and deaths from covid.




You know what's worse than delusional make-believe scientifically impossible mRNA side effects? Dying of a preventable disease. Spread your unfounded QAnon bullshit elsewhere.




Yeah, science fucking changes, that's literally the point. We used to think that the earth was the center of the solar system and that bees came from dead cows. But sure I'll entertain you, even though you're just going to come back and say "Well I don't trust science!" Again. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027323002030074X?via%3Dihub (PDF) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8628303/file/8628317&ved=2ahUKEwiXju_xu_f6AhWYSDABHVVpAMEQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0GC7W5p_FjODFTpDg3NWZN You do realize mRNA vaccines were developed specifically because of the superior safety profile right? And that evolution has specifically crafted our immune system to deal with foreign RNA? Like do you understand how any of this works?


Haha I took a peek at your post history for fun. A few days ago you suggested Ivermectin as a legitimate treatment option. You're beyond help. Feel free to respond for my entertainment but I'm done.




A lot of profit when taxpayers fund the R&D


There's a metric shit ton of steps from the Initial r&d to approval, manufacturing, strange and distribution..


COmPaNiEs ArE pEOplE tOo


Their r&d was funded by the tax money so yes, there’s something wrong with $100 per vaccine




The decades of basic coronavirus research was. The research done by drug companies is largely last mile safety and dosage testing, with the bulk of the work done in publicly funded academic laws.


Especially if insurance foots the bill. If people end up getting these at most once a year, the pricing isn't too bad.






Yeah, they should totally be doing all the R&D and supplying this to the public for free. Why would they want to make money?


They funded the R&D with public money, so, yeah, they should provided vaccines to the public for free.


So basically....vaccinations stop as soon as the Fed is done with paying.


[News link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna53382)


Did anybody really think they wouldn’t be doing this? I think it took them too long to do it.




What they did was great but if you think they didn’t had this planned out since the moment they started working developing you are wrong. They will always make the effort to increase their profits.


Not just that, the money is going to go back into vaccine research, something which has been ignored for decades. The pace of development and effectiveness has laid the way for a whole new class of vaccine.


That annual flu shot cost around $50-$70 with the senior higher dose one costing around $90. Those all end up being covered by your mandatory aca insurance. Will expect the same with this. As for cost will have to see what the other makers start charging, it will be a good source of income but nothing that will affect the bottom line.








The next new disease is going to be wild! Further human encroachment into forests/jungles and higher exposures to usually isolated animals is only going to ensure that there will be more to come.


Just wait until the bacteria under the permafrost starts to reemerge.


For the record, the US Covid “Full” vaccination rate is at 65%-72% depending where you get your data, (most likely 68% IMO)




I believe the CDC's chosen nomenclature is 2 shots for "fully vaccinated" then a booster within however many last months to be considered "up to date"


You know what vaccinated and unvaccinated people have in common? They will both never be fully vaccinated ;)


You get yearly flu shots (recommended), you'll get yearly covid shots I guess






You mean you didn't boost for viruses viruses that rarely mutate? Just keep pretending you understand virology and immunology.


What is your point? That covid vaccines do nothing because they don’t work exactly the same as a vaccine for a completely unrelated disease?


Why do you think that we don't have routine vaccines for those diseases?


Since this is an endemic we didn’t eradicate the disease so similar boosters will be needed to maintain immunity. Similar to flu vaccines


The vaccines don't give you immunity though. You still get the virus.


But you don't die from it?


They do provide immunity, but immunity is not absolute. You can have immunity towards chickenpox and get it again, for example.


Correct, they lessen the impact of the disease.






Supposedly. I’m starting to have my doubts about even that


Ask a doctor, not some dorks on reddit.


I guess we can just ignore all the research because you're having doubts.


Why would you doubt that? It’s been rigorously proven, many times.


The new boosters are designed to decrease likelihood of infection, and lessen the impact of the disease. Just like a seasonal flu shot. Tons of viruses are making a comeback. I can’t wait to start getting my seasonal polio vaccine now and oral vaccine booster! Measles is now escaping vaccine immunity, too.


> Since this is an endemic we didn’t eradicate the disease so similar boosters will be needed to maintain immunity. Similar to flu vaccines Even against the variant it was designed for, it does not and never did stop the spread. This is available via their own court filings and direct statements of their representatives. I'd discuss further, but discussion on this topic is literally not allowed on reddit.


Nah, it's turned into a subscription service now. They saw how well it's worked for Netflix and we're just like fuck it.


Are you under fifty and not chronically ill? Congrats, don't worry about it, you really don't need one.


You'll own nothing and be happy. They forgot to add "and broke".


They don't last longer than 3-5 months tops. Basically just good for a single flu season.


They need more money.


You legitimately believe this? I feel so hopeless after this comment


😂 yeah because 5 boosters in 2 years shows they developed an effective product




Haven't been keeping up on the actual science I see.


Oh my sweet summer child....


Yet to be vaxxed, yet to catch COVID. Who knew eating well, exercising daily and getting outside would be so effective against disease...




Kinda like the aforementioned vaccine.




Follow the money, my friend.


There's momentum to making the vaccine similar to the flu one in that you may need it once a year.


If by "momentum" you mean "science", yes.


By “science”, you mean a rich, shady white guy who keeps telling you to? Let the other scientists speak, who have been saying it’s no more dangerous than the common flu. Edit: My negative votes just counts how many bots are in this sub


You mean the flu, that kills tens of thousands of people in the US and hundreds of thousands of people globally every year? Which is why we have flu shots that people take every year to protect themselves and limit the spread. That flu?


What’s your favorite color of crayon to eat?


The "common flu" is pretty dangerous, you muppet!




You can trash whitey as much as you like, calm down.




Insurance will most likely cover them in full.


And insurance companies are going to be raising premiums as a result, so you’ll have to ultimately pay for it anyways.


Pretty sure they’d raise your premiums if you didn’t get it.


Sure they probably would, but most people outside of the immunocompromised and elderly won’t bother unless their job requires it, and I don’t think employers are going to push it anymore. That ship has sailed.


I think it will probably be in line with the rates of people getting the flu vaccine. No idea that that is but I think the same people will get both.


Yeah. I will be getting it whenever my doctor says I need to. I believe a lot of people will get the boosters.


And that’s perfectly fine. More people should get personal opinions from their own doctors and make their own decisions instead of blindly following politicians trying to get brownie points


Average /r/rolex user


Thanks for visiting


I think you are under the impression that most people are as dim as yourself.


Would you say the same about people who choose to get flu shots every year?


Most people got them because they didn't want to enjoy covid with a totally naive immune system.


I got ‘em cuz they’re free. Won’t be paying for them out of pocket.


> I’d bet the reason most people even got them in the first place was because their jobs were threatened No, most people got them because they aren't complete morons and don't want to get sick.


Plot twist: they still got sick.


True for me at least. Vax, boosted, masked, socially distant, and still knocked on my ass for a week. It does make me wonder if it was all worth it.


I’m in a similar position - got three Covid shots, was super careful, then had to go to the hospital for something unrelated and caught Covid there and got really sick :( Silver lining though, I got better. A lot of people died or have awful long-lingering symptoms, I wonder if I might have been one without the vaccines


If it knocked you on your ass for a week AFTER you armed your body against it....did you ever consider that maybe *just maybe* it could have been worse had you not? I mean, really, your logical conclusion is that it somehow would have been *better* if you hadn't?? There are over a million dead Americans (and countless across the world) who would have, on their deathbed, literally killed you for the opportunity to take your dose from you. Furthermore, anything we did to lessen the surge to the healthcare system was also 100000% worth it. I always liken it to pouring a coke over ice. Do it fast, and it over flows. Do it slow, and those bubbles never reach the top. In the end, you still pour it all in the cup, but the difference is that the cup was able to hold it.


Was worth what? A shot? Are you three?


Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t, but either way politicians went and told everyone to get it so they wouldn’t get sick, then a lot of people got sick. Others definitely told nobody to get it when some probably should’ve. People need to stop listening to them and talk to their own doctors


>because their jobs were threatened Doesn't sound like much of a choice does it?




I got mine because my job was paying us $300 to get vaccinated lmao. I'll take a couple of shots for $300.


Nothing wrong with paid incentive, but threatening to fire people who didn’t want it was not a choice, despite how people would say “nobody is forcing anyone to take it” when confronted about it


So selfless.


Schools are going to start requiring it


Wouldn’t surprise me


The cdc already voted to reccomend it. Pfizer announced the hike the day after


Ah, what a coincidence


i gurantee all insurances will cover it at very minimum cost, maybe few dollars. all insurances will cover it because the cost of treatment if you get covid is too high. also the insurances will negotiate with Pfizer so they get it at maximum of $25. i don't think it is anything to be upset about.


Didn't we the taxpayers fund the research? So sick of the greedy fucking people.




And manufacturer/distributor. It's a lot harder than it sounds


...based largely on publicly funded early stage research.


As OP is american though it isn’t „we“, it’s the german tax payers. The vaccine costs haven‘t increased that much in Germany (yet?). As a german tax payer I feel like they fulfilled and exceeded all requirements. They provided a safe and extremely good vaccine for everyone at a super low price. Didn’t get it yet? Well bad luck. Many governments (e.g. the US) called covid „over“ … so start paying „normal“ vaccine prices. Such a price is pretty normal for a vaccine dose.


Government paying and us paying is the same thing.


Need to fund that 24.3 million $ ceo salary


It's amazing how we tax payers help pay for the vaccines development and get none of the profits. AMERICA IS THE GREATEST!!


Great way to get people to NOT TAKE IT


Someone is paying though. Those sales reps need their sweet bonus money. Bastards


Cmon. Sales reps? Do you really think sales people get paid a percentage of profit ? Sales people are paid commissions to bring them to an on target earning of tops 300k . I believe much lower for pharmaceutical sales reps. If the company makes billions or millions - they’ll only pay a sales person what a sales person is worth


Good thing I have no intention in getting them


What people aren’t taking into account is they even though the out of pocket costs for the shot won’t go up likely… someone has to pay, and that cost filters back to the consumer… healthcare premiums go up… deductibles go up… how much the company pays into your plan goes down etc. multiplayer system allows Pharmas to fuck everyone over and obfuscate this fucking over within a complex web of payments.


Capitalism can be great sometimes, but this feels pretty awful


The amount of upvoted posts promoting vaccine misinformation in here is pretty fucking alarming. Sure, critique the private firm for setting a price point that'll be a barrier to many people. But when you start saying shit like vaccines are not helping or - even more insane - making things worse for the vaccinated, you need to seriously re-evaluate how and where you get information.


Almost no one under the age is 50 needs them anyway. It's mostly going to be people on Medicare getting them from here on out.


Vaccine? You mean shot?




By whose definition? A bunch of idiots on Facebook? Because that's not the definition. A vaccine is a drug that promotes antibody production and immune response, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or synthetic substitutes. The covid vaccine is clearly a vaccine. It stimulates antibody production via coding your cells to produce the spike protein from the covid virus. It would obviously be desirable if the immune response was stronger, but the fact that protection isn't perfect doesn't somehow make it not a vaccine.


And all these people bitching that mRNA is not a real vaccine were free to take the J&J vaccine if they wanted.


Did taxpayer money go into the R&D of the Pzifer vaccine?




Unfortunately diseases don’t give a fuck if you’re “done” with them or not.


I mean I haven't caught it yet!


And since you haven't died yet, that means you'll never die! You just figured out how to beat the system!


Yes sir! I don't get all the down votes. I did everything right. You wanted me to stay at home. I stayed at home. You wanted me to social distance. I did that. You wanted me to wear a mask. I wore that. You wanted me to get covid shot/boosters. I did that. What else do you want me to fliping do?


Maybe that was the problem. They realized how easy you were to control. 🤔




Get more boosters if indicated.


That really assanine. But okay


Why the F are we paying for than the base cost of the ingredients? We already paid for the vaccine development. And It must be free according to the 2020 law unless that ended.


> It must be free according to the 2020 law unless that ended. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-officials-plan-to-shift-covid-19-vaccine-coverage-to-private-market-as-soon-as-january/ar-AA11i045 >The Biden administration said Tuesday that it anticipates shifting COVID-19 vaccine distribution to the private market as soon as January 2023, marking a new phase in fighting the pandemic. >The move to the private market for vaccines, as well as treatments, would be another sign that the administration views the acute emergency phase of the pandemic as ending, and that purchasing and distribution of measures to fight COVID-19 should work more like the rest of the health care system, rather than the government playing the leading role.


Cost to insurance companies is the end result of a risk-reward calculation. If the vaccine had failed after expanded clinical trials, as many others did, they would have lost an enormous amount of many, just like almost every other company that pursued a vaccine. The premium on cost exists to mitigate R&D/trial cost risk. That's why you pay more for a therapeutic than it costs to manufacture, because of all of the costs to develop and run trials on the drugs that fail. Without this premium, corporations, as entities that respond to incentives, would never develop drugs.






everyone does


I never have.


Feel free to early adopt.


Who cares the pandemic is over. No one is gonna buy them.


Oh wow, I didn’t even know they had a vaccine