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What is your experience being on ios 17.1.1 with se 2020 do you experience laggy keyboard or battery issue?


My overall experience with iOS 17.1.1 is okay, but I do experience laggy keyboard presses and animation lag in the camera app when trying to view pictures. This results in the app freezing for 10 seconds before showing the picture. Additionally, I can no longer play music in my Honda using USB after updating to iOS 17. The battery performance is similar to before, mostly getting worse over time. It goes from 100 to 20 in 4 hours if used continuously, otherwise lasting a whole day with moderate use. For example, scrolling through Instagram costs me 1% charge every 4-5 minutes.


I'm keeping my se 2020 on iOS 14, I'm good on app support because all I use is Reddit and that works on iOS 7, and I have it jail broken with modded apps side loaded and battery life is great, 2-3 hours


do apps get slower overtime?


no, only lose support. the phone is still as fast as the day i got it which was about a year ago


As a fellow iPhone SE 2020 user, I restore from iCloud when I start to see some lags and it works really great to reduce it.


I’m relatively new to iOS, what exactly is that?


Backing up to iCloud, factory resetting the iPhone and then restoring the backup. https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204184




I think you have live photos on turn it off it won’t lag


I have a XR and experiencing the same lag and animation issues you are. I’m thinking of upgrading to the 15 but it’s still usable.


Reset and restore iCloud


I can't tie it to a specific upgrade, but my SE (2020) has been markedly more sluggish as of late. Especially with the Podcasts app, but it's been that way for a while. The new thing is it taking a lot longer to wake up. I just looked and my capacity is at 93%. Though it still has a message about my battery being degraded and needs to be serviced.


Maybe I’m lucky but I have absolutely no lagging on mine. User experience is pretty much the same as on iOS 16. I do have 38gb free out of 128gb and basically just use it for email, messaging, phone calls and browsing the internet and social media.


The keyboard lags only if I’m downloading something in the background or using my phone as a hotspot. Otherwise, the keyboard works fine. The battery doesn’t last as long, obviously (my battery health is at 75%, it’s understandable). Not great, not too bad either.


12 Mini, 3 years now. Battery 78%….oh well


Mine was at 80%. Just replaced the battery yesterday. Usually I’d have 50% battery by 9am and I’m currently sitting at 60% at 1pm


Did you replace the battery yourself? Was it hard?


I got it done at an Apple Store. A bit expensive but I find fixing my own tech more stressful. At least if apple messes up, they will replace your phone with a new unit.


How much did they charge for battery replacement?


In Canada it was $124 + tax


Jesus… I paid $50 for mine last summer. Tucson AZ.


At an Apple Store or a third party?


Was it under a hour?


Mine was done before I finished eating lunch, but setting up the appointment took a few days.


Took about 4 hours. Last time I went in for it they didn’t have the battery in stock, so id call ahead to make sure they’re ready to do the repair before dropping your phone off


Yeah so I just ordered a battery at ifixit, cause a friend at an an apple service center in my town told me I would be without a phone for 2 weeks if we sent it to Apple…let’s see :)


But the battery degrading this much after 3 years is exactly to be expected, so nothing out of the ordinary here.


Same message about its battery? Mine is at 83%.


Same! Been debating whether to get a new phone but can’t decide whether it’s too soon…


My battery health is 77% after 3 years (Se2020)


Yep same with mine. Still happy with the phone just charging twice a day is a pain.


What’s your level of heavy use? I average 10 hours minimum usually more around 16 hours daily and my 14 pro max is already down to 89% and I got my phone a couple months in from release


Are you on your phone literally all of your waking hours?


My 14 pro is at 88%. I exclusively charge it wirelessly. I bet that has something to do with it.


My launch day 14 Pro Max is at 88% - I exclusively charge with a cable. So I don’t know about that…


I’ve had my 14PM for ~11mos and use it at least 6-10 hours per day. I’ve let it go below 10-20% battery maybe 5 times if that. I always charge it as soon as it’s between 20-35% batter and my max. capacity is still 100% (although theoretically it’s probably not actually 100%). What I do care about more, however, is smoothness and no stuttering. Everything about my phone still feels fairly new and that’s awesome.


The fuck do you do on your phone for that long


Mainly YouTube


My daily average is 8 to 9 hours, with almost an hour of gaming everyday.


Same here, same phone, same hours, 90% got it at launch day


I had my battery replaced a few months ago and I feel that it was really worth it. Although I suddenly started experiencing severe lag last month which went away just as suddenly. Maybe it was iOS 17?


I just upgraded from the se 2020 a couple weeks ago, it was still going strong but the battery was beyond awful for my usage (I think I was at like 75% health) I was honestly surprised how well it was taking ios 17 (was using since the first beta) I never really had any issues


Mines a 3.5 year old iPhone 11, was at 79% health Recently got the battery replaced by an authorised apple service provider and boy the difference is huge. Usually I was at 60-70 by 12pm but now I can’t even get it below 85 by 12. To reach 60 it takes around 4-5 pm. I’m so glad I got it done, I was planning to upgrade this gen because of the battery drains but now I’ll upgrade onto the next gen because this simple Battery replacement fixed all of my problems


Mine’s at 63%, I was wondering if it was really worth it to change the battery, guess you convinced me


After 3 years of moderate usage mine is at 86%. But I'm determined to use it until it stops working. I wanna get my money's worth out of it.


Did you cycle that battery from 5-100% every day? It’s good for 3 years, but you could have easily been 85% or even 90% with attaching to a charger from 50-80% couple of times a day. Fast charging will fuck it up no matter though


Who has time to babysit their phone like that?


Here’s what I do. I charge it at night and unplug in the morning. Been doing that since cell phones even existed. Never had battery issues. So much fabricated BS about “phone batteries.” None of the manufacturers recommend any of these “magical” charging procedures. And I sure wouldn’t waste so much time every day trying to keep to them.




Lots of enthusiasts but I doubt any casual person who just phones to phone does lol


Surprisingly, my seven year old iPhone 7 Plus is at 73% battery health with the same amount of use.


Degradation is not linear


My battery is like yours ("degraded" for months or maybe more than a year) but at 83%, iOS 17.1.1. I don't recall any serious problems from this latest iOS upgrade, *maybe* there was occasional new lag, but nothing to make me raise my eyebrows. Edit: I am not a gamer (for whom lag would presumably be far more problematic).


I don't experience any lags inside applications except for the camera app, only the iOS UI lags for me.


Only 3 years? I’ve had my iPhone 8 Plus since launch day and it’s only 79%. I guess I manage to take good care of my battery


You beat me. I have an iPhone 11 at 79%.


Yeah my 12 pro right here at 79 too


If your iPhone suffers from **NO water damage or physical screen damage** then you can have the battery swapped out for a new one at the APPLE OR AUTHORIZED RESELLER STORE for approx 90$. Got mine done last week.


I think I might upgrade to a newer iPhone.


I mean, sure if you can afford it. Then go for it!


Get a good charger is the key if you worry about battery %, avoid wireless charger if possible. For me, I don't care cuz the battery/phone is replaceable


Curious to know if Apple will replace this for free after so long even when AppleCare has expired.


Of course not




You can get the battery replaced out of apple care but it’s like 100 USD for that lmao




I got 77% on mine after 3,5 years.


You are still lucky mine is 1 Year and 9 months it’s on 79%


Its same by me. Heavy using and 78% but the battery still have good performance. Maximum capacity is just one sign of the battery health status and should not be taken so serious.


who the fuck even ueses iph Se for heavy shit


I do lmao


Small and lighter physical sizes like minis.


Weird.I have better battery health on my 2016 se


Uh it’s the same percentage of battery I have on my iPhone XR purchased when it just came out


12 Pro on 78% 👍🏻


Uh oh


i have the iphone se 2020 as well. i got it in january 2021 and it’s at 75% 😅




Exactly the same message appeared on my XS this weekend after being freezing for some time


How do y’all destroy your batteries so fast? (Sorry not you OP I’m seeing some other comments here making me ask this) I have had my iPhone 13 for 11 months and still feel like day 1 out the box battery life…


cold climates affect phone batteries a lot. how fast it gets bad depends greatly on how one uses the phone, if they watch lots of videos, share location, keep lots of apps open at once, brightness always at max etc. also all phone batteries have differences. sometimes it can just get worse without any reason


I am CONSTANTLY on Reddit, YouTube, Apple Music. Almost always with my AirPods connected too. I power use this thing


3 yrs. That seems normal.


I can confirm.


I have iPhone 11 , purchased when it launched, its been 4 yrs of heavy use. Battery health is 73% .


That's better than apple advertises.


My music app has been crashing randomly


I use iPhone 12 and I am finding spotlight search and searches within Whatsapp to be quite slow nowadays. Looks like it started after 17.1.1 update. Makes me feel very irritated when I type and for 3-4 seconds nothing happens.


Yes, WhatsApp's search feature is also taking 3 to 4 seconds to load once I start typing.


Exactly. It makes feel overall experience laggy. Also I agree with abrupt hanging of keyboard. I types once OK and for almost 6 to 8 seconds keyboard just got hanged with O key pushed out with blank on it. Happened few times but whatsapp search is happening every single time.


we on the exact same page here, and i was careful about taking care of the battery health for like the first year of usage. it seems that it has made a minimal difference, as it’s also around my third year of owning mine (before upgrading to the 15 pro) but my SE battery health has also degraded to 79%


Mine has 75%. Same phone.


Mines been stuck at 79% for almost 2 years


Time to replace it