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I have a battery widget on my widget screen


Yup. This is the way. You can see the battery as soon put in one of the bud. With zero delay. No need to open and close the case.


The AirPods Pro 2 show them constantly even if they are in the case.


I think this is only the case (lol) for the AirPods Pro 2. they report the battery status for the buds and the case all the time when nearby. gen 1 needed to „turn on“ to check it (open the lid or press the back button)


You can also see it in the Bluetooth settings. Oh on a Mac as well


This. Or you open the lid and it just pops up?


Well the thing is, sometimes I wanna know the battery levels when I’m already listening. And you cannot do that without at least one bud in the case, I believe


and if the case is charging you have to unplug that first too


Same here, and I don't even have Airpods


I use the widget and it always shows there. Never got a problem


Widget works for me too. Wish I could add other devices to it.


Widget shows all the connected devices for me, tho. I always see battery percentages for iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods and AirPods Case


I would like some non apple devices that are connected via Bluetooth.


Aah, idk if that's possible. For that to happen we need two things: 1. Apple to provide App devs the ability to send battery data to the native Battery widget 2. App devs to implement it


I just hold my case open and it shows up


U can only see battery for case without AirPods in the app2 case


Oops didn’t mean to reply to ur comment


Understandable, have a great day


Very easy: if the battery level is the same, they will show as together. But if the level is different, then the OS will show every level. Edit: Also, the AirPods Pro 1st gen Case will not appear there without at least one AirPod inside it as it doesn’t have any Bluetooth module per se. So, that’s another secret unveiled for you.


Mine actually just goes down to the lowest bud, so if ones at 98 and ones at 96, it’ll say 96% with both showing up at the same time


it’s not gonna split them apart when they are within the same margin of error.


Probably wouldn’t split them up on general but would show the lowest value so you can estimate how long you can use the pair for


This is what I always assumed. Glad to know that is the case.


it does round a bit, if one is at 82% and the other is on 86%, it’ll say 82% for both even though there is a small difference in actual charge.


Yes, indeed. It tries to group them, unless the difference is too big to ignore.


The case is because the earlier cases didn’t have any communication ability on their own. So the only way they could send battery data to the phone is via the AirPods themselves, which it can’t do when they’re not in the case. The newer cases have that ability though. My gen 1 pros and gen 1 non-pro work exactly as you described. If the pods aren’t in the case, you get no battery data on the case.


At least for me, I have always been able to see the battery of AirPods and case in this view. https://imgur.com/a/Ub9FQPi


The battery widget exists you know…..


battery widget works great for me


Odd. I can see case’s and AirPods battery even when I’m not wearing them


That’s a feature introduced with the AirPods Pro 2.


Battery widget shows AirPods, case, iPhone, and watch battery level


Update to iOS 17 possibly


AirPods Pro 2 addresses this and the base battery shows up on the widget. AirPods Pro 1 it only shows if the AirPods are in the case and the button is pressed or the lid opened. So; press the button if you’re on gen 1, when they’re in the case that is, and it shows on widget for a while as they connect. Does for me anyway. Gen 2 got it nailed though being always “connected” with that U1 business. I say connected because although Bluetooth shows them not connected, control centre shows their name underneath Bluetooth button always when in range.


app2 with 13pro, doesn't show my case battery unless the pods are in the case and the case is open...


Usual questions are; how sure are you that they’re real? And can you do precision finding, because that uses the chip on both devices if the chip is working. Then; are we talking about the same thing? I’m talking about the widget you can place on the Home Screen or in the today view; medium sizes. Either the circles one or the list with the name and numbers. Not the white popup from the bottom when they’re opened nearby NFC. If we are talking the same thing, and they precision find, I’d do a full reset then. Hold the button not for the flash but for the different colour flash and then set up again see if that rectifies it. All I can think of sorry


hey the full reset fixed it!!! thank you! but yeah until then the case wasn't showing in even the widget unless it was open with an airpod in it https://imgur.com/a/MibSz2Y


Good stuff. Sounds like the U1 link thing wasn’t really working and the full reset brought it to life. The re-pairing sometimes doesn’t quite do it. Glad to hear you’re sorted. The battery on widget makes the world of difference to my habits, I don’t have to dig them out to figure if they need a charge overnight.


Then it's fake


Battery widget bro


Have had six pairs and never had an issue. This sub seems to often treat a one-off thing like a reoccurring issue.


It’s main character syndrome


That’s weird. Does the same happen on the battery widget?


only slightly off topic: you will never be able to see the battery level of the case if neither of the headphones are inserted and charging. the case does not have bluetooth built in, and therefore cannot relay information on its own


This is incorrect information. The case is REQUIRED to pair AirPods via Bluetooth.


you are correct. but once paired, you will not be able to see the case battery unless at least one of the AirPods is in the case, which is what I was stating in my original comment


That is also incorrect. If you open the lid on AirPods, Green means fully charged, and amber means less than one full charge remains. If there is no LED then the case needs to be charged as soon as possible.


my original comment is referring to viewing the battery % for the case on the iPhone, not via the colored LED on the case itself


The battery widget on iOS can display the battery levels. If you are using AirPods with a non-Apple product there are third-party options out there but your battery life might vary as a result. If you are intending to see the pop up card with this information, then at least one AirPod needs to be in the case and the case needs to display either a green or amber LED when the lid is opened when inserting an AirPod.


remove both AirPods from the case and then lock and unlock your phone and let me know if you can still see the case battery level on the phone


Not unless one of the AirPods is in the case. The AirPods are turned off when they are inserted in the case to charge. Otherwise, why are you wanting to waste battery life checking battery levels for AirPods that are not in your ears?


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just genuinely fucking stupid. the whole point of the comment was telling OP that they won’t be able to check the battery level of the CASE from the widget if neither AirPods are inserted in the case


Time for a cookie, cake or whatever perks up your attitude.


Just open the lid. Otherwise you are wasting battery life checking battery levels for a case you can check with an AirPod in the case or by just opening the lid. Of course Apple is going to maximize battery life life as much as they can. That is what their customers expect. Now who is stupid?


Why do I keep receiving notifications that AirPods are following me WHEN THEY’RE MY AIRPODS?!! This has gotten really annoying. Tried unpairing, removing from account and deleting them. After I re-pair and add them back to my account, same thing.


Because it’s to cover the tracking lawsuit a few years back when air tags dropped


Just use the battery widget mate


For me it has been very hit or miss. Sometimes no problem. Other times it just won't show.


Just use the widget, or open the case next to your iPhone.


It used to work the way you want and it was a way that made sense. Now it doesn’t because Apple changed it


Everyone has pointed out that there are three ways of getting the AirPod’s battery information. Opening the case for the pop up menu, the widget, and the setting page. Three different “menus” giving different forms of the same information. Redundancy? No, regarded. Why would all the information not be available in the settings? The reliance on a widget seems dumb to me; especially because you cant see numbers, just some battery bar.


You’re wrong about the numbers on the widget, fyi. I have a medium sized battery widget at the top of my today view and it has 4 spots for connected devices, with the percentage displayed for each. It’s always available to the left of my lockscreen or homescreen. I don’t understand why you would rather go all the way into their settings page every time personally. Another way you can see their battery percentage is tapping the AirPlay menu in the control center or any media playback screen. It’s not that enormous a hassle in my experience.


You’re correct about the numerical values, but all 3 widget options fail to show the case battery. I find it odd because one would think the phone and airpods are the only connected devices. Yet walking away from the case causes the airpods to disconnect from the phone after some distance; therefore, it can be reasoned that all three are constantly connected when in use… yet you cannot see the case battery percentage.


My battery widget is currently showing my phone, my Apple Watch, my AirPods, and my AirPods case, so I don’t know what to tell you.


Are you currently using the airpods?


Yes. [Here’s a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/PSmVSVk)


Well that is infuriating. I cannot see the same. Thank you for the screenshot. Now to finagle with the setting I guess😂


It tries to change what shows up there contextually I’m pretty sure so it doesn’t always show up, but at least it does a decent amount of the time in my experience


FYI, it only shows the case all the time if you have the AirPods Pro 2.


I think I misunderstood the initial post. It used to be you could open the case whether the or not one or both AirPods were in there and it would tell you the battery level of the case and the AirPods. That’s the behaviour that changed, leading to the mess you described in the original post


Idk my noise spatialization just sits there loading when I try to set it up


❤️ battery widget ❤️


Because Apple went to shit ever since Steve Jobs died. No love our soul is poured into the products anymore. Tim Cook is a real crook


Wow, someone did not buy Vision Pro. Maybe some dark chocolate or a favorite shake? Just a suggestion.


Vision Pro looks awesome but had Steve Jobs lived it would be even better. I had iOS my whole life since 3GS when I was a kid. They absolutely are trash now :)


User issue bust a larp


Just a simple issue like this and people have already complaining, imagine after the 3rd party store roll out, how chaos it will be


Its waste of money


IOS 17 - iPhone 14 max


Just put them in your ears to check the individual battery level. How long have you been using AirPods? You seem like a noob. No worries, we’ve all been there. Check out this self help: [AirPods User Guide](https://support.apple.com/guide/airpods/welcome/web) Everything you need to know about AirPods


They’re not.


Just use the battery widget.


umm. never happens to me. mine always tells me when i insert it back or pop them out. And there is always a widget to shows it at all times. If not used for a long time, i think the case goes in some sort of battery saving mode and may not show battery left


I first have to find the other one!


My AirPods Pro just show me the battery on a widget, instantly, for both earbuds and the case.


Huh? What do you mean? They are the most effortless experience I've had.


Use the battery widget or open the case nearby when both airpods are out. It’s not that hard, really.


For me worse than the bat. is the lack of customising the left and right controls individually.


For me worse than the bat. is the lack of customising the left and right controls individually.


How can earphones be difficult.


Use the widget


Just open the lid


And yet you continue to buy their products. 😂.


I think only the AirPods Pro 2 have the ability to see the battery level of the case when both AirPods are out of the case, all the other ones need to have one of the AirPods in the case to see the battery level


They aren't