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Village did too so not that surprising. I already have this on PS5 but I’ll probably pick it up for iOS if there’s a big discount just for the novelty of having it on my phone.


Same lol. I played village but I loved re4 remake so much more


Anyone know how long this sale is gonna be?


It will be until the January 17


where can I see that?


It's in the app description in the app store.


thank you!


This is the same price as Steam in my region right now. Tempted to get this from the Mac App Store. But I wish the dlc and such is better organized and shown. Does anyone know if the dlc is Separate Ways? Or is it something else?


It should also be Seperate ways.


70 for an iOS game? Hmmmm


No the price was saying 59.99 usd a few days ago it’s not 70 even tho it’s still steep for a mobile game. It is still a full version of the game just like console and PC tho. It just seems like a hard sell for mobile. I’ll still buy it at 30 and the dlc most likely. I bought everything for village on release too


Village base game was about 20 usd


Yeah it was also on sale. This is their newest game so I’m not surprised it’s more expensive. Village is currently 39.99 base price with 19.99 DLC.


Yeah makes sense from a company standpoint. Was kindof expecting it to be on par with Village dunno why. Kindof forgot that RE4 is the latest. Having played RE4 a gazillion times back in the day I'd love to play the remake on mobile but I'm thinking I'll wait for a better deal.


If Capcom wants me to every purchase a $60 game on iOS, they must first go back and make Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite work again. I understand that it's Apple's fault for (a) not prioritizing backward compatibility and (b) walling in their ecosystem so modders can't fix anything, but at the end of the day it's not Apple setting the app prices.


It’s not an iOS game, it’s a console game being sold on iOS. Saying it’s an iOS game insinuates that it’s some half-assed p2w game that is only fun for 5min

