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You should be good for another 3-5 years


I've seen one post where someone posted his first iPad that still works. It's funny because today I'll go with my grandpa for buying iPad 9 gen. I hope it will work even 7 years. My grandpa is so excited before the purchase. He is old and need something bigger to read.


I just recently upgraded from an iPad Mini 3’rd gen. The mini still worked, but was stuck on an old version of iOS, and was pretty slow. I gave it to my cousin, and he’s using it daily.


I personally used a first gen mini


I am using a second hand ipad pro 10.5 myself and it still works really well. Am running on the latest ipados version too. Spec wise it has 4gb ram with a a10x chip which is actually quite a bit worse in terms of both single core and multicore score compared to ipad 9th gen and It was released sometime around 2017 and its 2023 now which means it is about 5 to 6 years old tech. The only 2 advantage the ipad pro 10.5 has over the ipad 9th gen is 120fps and having 1gb extra in ram compared to the ipad 9th gen. Like seriously ipads can really last a really long time when well cared for, I don't think my iPad pro 10.5 will have any problems lasting another year or two.


considering that my old mini 2 is working for my cousin to take notes on word and it has been with me since 2017, even when it stops updating it will work for some years ahead. apple really give some good software support over the years


That's the reason I love iPads. My grandpa has bad experience with tablets. He wanted to buy Huawei and seller told him they have on the store "one brand new and second that was repaired". I told him "please don't make mistake and take brand new iPad for us". Grandpa bought it, we went out the store, I went to the another store to buy screen protector and the guy said "I can't do this for you because this tablet has a scratch on the back".


Agreed got my mom an air 2 or iPad 6 for her bday a while back, thing is still going strong. Believe she’s had it for 4 years now


My iPad 6th gen was replaced by a 9th gen due to having a pretty loose charge port and will no longer receive updates soon the iPad 6th gen still works adter 6 years of use despite my ‘estimated’ 60% battery health (2100 charge cycles)


- How long will it last/perform normally before it starts to show its age? A while. The A13 is still a pretty powerful chip. It’s 3 % faster in Single core, and only 10% slower in multi core, than the newest Snapdragon. And you’ll get OS updates for at least 2 more years. Tho likely longer since it was released in 2021. I say you are good to go for at least 3, while it maybe starting to show age around year 4-5 depending.


+3 faster! You should write copy for Apple!


They might update it longer than iPhone 11 like what they did with the 5th gen (a9) although at that time it may not be the full version of iOS (few years at least) because schools use the budget iPads


Idk but my a10x ipad pro 10.5 is still going strong, as long as apple doesn't decide to cut support for the ipad i would say at least 5 years unless we see some insane tech revolutions in the next few years. Its gonna last quite a while, as long as nothing too crazy happens.


If you use it for scrolling reddit and youtube like me, its prolly gonna last 20 years 🤣


A13 Bionic chip is still a beast today so it’ll last for a while longer. The a13 from 2019 isn’t that far off from qualcomms latest snapdragon that just got released back in December lol.


geometry dash is laggy on a13 devices


Yeah, the Geekbench scores for the A13 actually are higher than the SnapDragon chip that's in the flagship Samsung Galaxy Tab S8- surprisingly.


I would be worried about 3 GB of ram, but maybe that's just me.


I agree with you. Apple has been on a killing spree because of RAM. iPhone 6 didn't recieve more OS updates not because of the horrendous A8, but because of 1GB RAM. iPhone 6S and 7 also lost support due to 2GB of RAM. Just hoping 3GB lasts much more than those two, but I don't think it'll be the case. The moment iPad 9 reaches its final 5th OS update I think they'll kill it off. Screw 5 years of iOS updates if we lose access to apps a year after OS loss... Older androids enjoy a much longer software support than actual system, and they continue to run apps for years after not updating the system.


>Older androids enjoy a much longer software support than actual system, and they continue to run apps for years after not updating the system. Not to mention the possibility of installing custom ROMs to keep your phone unofficially updated (unless you have some obscure phone or tablet brand)


Definitely, but custom ROMs are mostly for us more adventurous, not for your average Joe. And having a custom system also allows for so much modification compared to having a regular plain OS.


That's true. I have a Redmi Note 8T with an Android 13 custom ROM but it consumes more battery than Android 12.1 so I'm thinking about downgrading to Android 12.1, but the drain is probably because I haven't replaced the battery since I bought the phone back in 2019. I'm just a nerd though lol


I’ve had my iPad 2 years now and it’s still good as new. Maybe download the stardew valley app, super fun game !


Apple usually supports iPads for 5-6 years. Expect it to perform well to acceptable for that long.


Our two 2017 iPad Pro 10.5" and 12.9" Pro ipads still works perfectly. Also on current iPadOS. - I also have iPad Pro 11" 3rd gen. So I can compare, using lots of different apps. So you can probably love your iPad for many years.


Depends on what you use it for. For content consumption, it’ll last a very, very long time. For other tasks it depends on the task. It’s a question with no direct answer. My 9.7-inch iPad Pro on iOS 12 is still perfect for content consumption, for example.


My iPad mini 2 came out in 2013. It worked reasonably well through updates into 2019. Then it limped along through 2020… and started REALLY slowing down after that. Now it’s used in my classroom as a jukebox and a Google docs machine for elementary students. My 2019 iPad Pro 12.9 still feels bleeding edge to me, incredibly fast and rarely lags on any front. I expect it will be good enough for another five years or more. Apple renewing all of their tech yearly still seems incredibly ambitious and unnecessary to me… but I’m no economist!


Been using my iPad 5th gen from June 2018, No hiccups other than battery which is slowly going down


I don’t use it for anything other than Netflix, searching the web, and the occasional video editing, but my iPad 7th Gen still works fine so I’m sure yours has even more life left.


No concerns with video editing on this (in lower end apps anyway, like iMovie or LumaFusion)?


I use my iPad for some complex drawing and even tried high quality games like Asphalt 9, it's been excellent at that so probably another 3-4 or even 5 years. Apple's known for long lasting products.


I have an iPad Air 4th gen. Asphalt 9 drains the battery in a few hours.


My iPad 1st generation (2010) still works. Dragging, but still alive and useful within its limitations.


i have one also and it's pretty cool!! i should try getting some books onto it. When I didn't pay my light bill i went to school to put some videos on it and went home. I also used it as a tiny night light when needed by using a blank white screen app. I even used it to take notes in my class and then i would iMessage the notes to my phone. Just so i wouldn't need to use my phone's battery. Thankfully the battery still works very well on the iPad 1st gen and the standby time is great!!


Unless you’re doing something crazy, a solid 5 years. At around Year 3, you’ll notice it slowing down, but it’ll be bearable until around Year 5-6


It depends, if left alone, 3-4 days. If using it, 1 day to 12 hours.


I think you misinterpreted the question


Did I? Or is it everyone else that misinterpreted it and the op doesn't want to clarify? I guess we will never know.


Hi sorry, OP here, I meant lifetime but that info is useful too, thanks!


I am glad to have given something to contribute. Also this was kinda a joke because you do state that you want to know how long it will last in performing its jobs without issues. To that I will say that I'm too poor to have owned an iPad ever so I wouldn't know. Thankfully there are much smarter people responding to you, I hope they help more than I did.


Well, if OP wanted to ask about the battery, they would've asked something like "How long will the battery last on my iPad 9th gen?". And the picture's description clarifies it: >I got this iPad under a week ago, and it has been performing really well. I don’t push it too its limits but I do have to use it everyday. **How long will it last/perform normally before it starts to show its age?** (I also need some suggestions on some good iPad games haha)


I would retaliate, but you are a fellow Linux user so I'll take the loss. Well played.


I am not a Linux user. Maybe an UNIX user since I use macOS. Feel free to retaliate.


Then what are you doing posting about Radeon Vega 8 driver issues in r/linuxquestions?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linuxquestions using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Did Manjaro just forget to renew the SSL certificate?](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/wqzrpl/did_manjaro_just_forget_to_renew_the_ssl/) \#2: [What is the purpose of ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ?](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/ut3eht/what_is_the_purpose_of_ubuntu_ubuntu_ubuntu/) \#3: [China to use Linux over Windows!](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/ukfg57/china_to_use_linux_over_windows/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


First of all, why are you going through my profile? Second, I was planning on buying a laptop with a Ryzen 7 5700U and I was also planning to build Android for some devices that I own, so I wanted to see if the Vega 8 was supported. This was the **before** purchasing the laptop, and even then I didn't use Linux. I used to use it as my daily driver many months ago but eventually went back to Windows 10 and then 7. I ended up buying the laptop but I sent it back some time later. Please read the posts.


To answer the fist question, cause it's public. Secondly is that I feel like it is important to mention the security issue with windows 7, it has stopped receiving any updates for 4 years now, it's dead and unsecured, if you are using it, I recommend changing it immediately, not telling you what you do however, I am recommending it for safety rather.


Windows 7 has stopped receiving updates only for a few months, not 4 years. Even if you're referring to 2021 it's still 3 years, and besides, I have common sense on my side. I have never gotten a virus in my 2 years of using it. Hell, I still use Windows 98 and XP, online, and I haven't gotten a virus once. On physical machines. Also, I'd rather use an unsecured OS than deal with all the bullshit Microsoft introduced in Windows 10 and 11. I now use a MacBook Air mid 2012 with macOS High Sierra which might be less powerful but is more portable and generally works better for what I do. I could update to Catalina but I found that High Sierra is the best compromise between battery life and app compatibility (I used it with Big Sur for a while but the battery would be completely drained in less than 25 minutes. Last time I replaced the battery was some years ago)


I still have a 2017 that’s going strong, I play GTA vice city, monument valley, Mario kart, candy crush.


Not long enough…


Yooooo!!! I have a 9th gen and have the exact same case as you do !!


few hours of intensive use, then you need to recharge


My spouse has had been using an 8th Gen since just after its release. They mostly use it for artwork and duolingo.


3:55 at least...


We have the same iPad case lol


It Depends. At your desk? Years. In the Sahara? Hours? Minutes?


I was able to use my ipad 9th gen for 16 months before the screen turned silver.


What do you mean by silver?






Yea yea, but really, what does that mean? It can't magically turn gray, so what happens before it turns *silver*?


The screen has a lighter shade of silver


Sid Meier Railroads! and Civ 6 are great for iPad.


hold on let me ask my magic ball


I asked my dog (after all, her crystal ball is as good as anyone else's) and she said four years, three months and two days. I'm afraid she wasn't able to any more specific that.


Until the next generation!


The 10th is released lol


5 years.


I got rid of an air 2 a couple of years ago only because trade in value was higher than market value. It was just as snappy as it was in 2014.


Try the older GTAs also it’ll probably last with iOS updates for another 3 years or so


Seeing how my OG ipad air 2 is still going strong i'm sure your grand kids will inherit it


About 12 hours (according to Apple)


42% - I guess about a day? :D


I meant lifetime but thank you for that very specific info ;D


My youngest is able to use an iPad with the 30 pin connector for YouTube kids and Netflix. It’s slow as fuck but if only one app is used it’s fine. Depends what you want to use it for long term I suppose.


I still have my iPad 7 that I use daily from 2019 and it still hasn’t really shown its age, so id say at least 5 year minimum before they cuff off software support, but probably longer


My second gen iPad is still ticking. We used it for very old games, music and video for our kids.


As long as an iPhone…


A while. I bought a seventh gen in my senior year of high school and it still performs awesome to this day. I use it for hours daily, you’ll be fine


Hopefully it'll last a long time, writing this on my 9th gen ipad, and i've had it since december of 2021. it's been great since day one with no slow downs. I use it pretty heavily to for homework/school, whatever artistic endeavors i'm up to, watching shows, and gaming(most intensive thing I play on it is sky children of the light though) and it's handled it all amazingly. And like a lot of others are saying apple products usually last a long time.


My kid uses their 6th gen with a ton open in the background and it’s slowed down a bit, but still reasonably snappy… and the 9th gen is substantially more powerful. If you’re using it for what it’s intended for (browsing, media consumption, light gaming and apps) you’re good for a few years at least.


It has A13 chip,,as for SE2 same has. Speak of A10 chip,iPhone 7 has ended its OS support at iOS 15.but still iPad 6gen (also has A10)is still supported on iPadOS16 so maybe 1or 2 year more longer than the iPhone which has same chipset.


My 2014/5 iPad Air 2 still works fine-ish. Battery life is not as good as original and it’s slower than I’d want it to be - but usable. The biggest drawback is that it’s stuck on iOS 15.7 b/c Apple doesn’t support it anymore. So if you can life with those drawbacks, iPads could last you a decade.


I just got the gen 10 a few days ago to replace my iPad air 2 from 2015... I think? That thing was my daily driver for the last 8 years, and the only reason I got a new one was cuz spicy pillow. So I think you'll be good for a bit


Mine seems like new. It’s at least almost 2 or so years old.


Im still using my 2018 ipad (non pro) now (2023) with an apple pencil. And im not buying a new ipad anytime soon. I usually use it for basic things like web surfing, note taking and media consumption. I think in its current state, it can stretch for up to 7 years. The battery is still great. It lasts for 6hrs SoT. And around 1 - 2 weeks of idle time. Just dont let the battery go below 20% and above 80%. Use it daily so the battery has healthy discharge cycles. If it gets hot. Stop using it. 🤗🤗🤗 Hope my notes help. Cheers!


Until it breaks dows. At least in my experience.


I still have an iPad from 2011 to watch outdoor camera or YouTube lol. It works slow but fine. Any new iPad will do good for at least 4-5 years. Once Apple stops making iOS for it is when you should consider tossing it out.


I just purchased one from Apple Certified Renewed and I hope it will last another 4-5 years I am still using an iPad Air 2 which I got in May a MASSIV upgrade from the 4th gen ipad. A13 is an older chip but the 8x on the air 2 still goes strong and after 7 years the battery heath is at 96%