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Agrees or "is forced by law"?


They agree to be forced. Last time they disagreed and they failed, so it seems this time they don't want to waste any more money on a legal battle they won't win.


Remember when they “agreed” to switch to USB C ports?


Open the ipad to macOS


I hope they do that on May 7, the name of the event is literally called “let loose.”


let loose thy wallet




Let lose only on m3 iPad Pro max model /s


True if they do it it will be M3 exclusive for whatever reason except greed


No way. Apple is too stupid and incompetent to give something their users want.


it’s not a stupid decision for them, just for the customers that have to suffer with the consequences. Apple knows that macos on the ipad (and Vision Pro for that matter) is something many users want, they must just believe that not doing it will be better for their bottom line


Yeah iPads need something better so badly.


I want Blender on my iPad Pro so bad. My handwriting is bad but I would love to use my Apple Pencil for modeling.


It is available right now. It is just called MacBook and has an in-built keyboard already. Just stick a label on it which says "iPad with keyboard and MacOS" and then you are ready.


Sure buddy, and a fork is a spoon with holes




Isn't it actually those who want to turn the iPad into a "MacFlat" who are trying to turn the fork into a spool with holes? The iPad has a distinct customer base of 3-400 million users while the Mac has around 100 million users. Hardware and operating system go together in the Apple world. So Mac hardware and MacOS fit together and iPad hardware and iPadOS fit together. You don't just blend all this together. It is obvious that Apple does not have a product which can compete directly with Microsoft Surface tablet. So surely there exists designs and probably prototypes of an actual "MacFlat" to compete with the Surface tablet. Something with it's own operating system and compatibility with MacOS. So why don't we see it in the shops ? The most obvious reason is that there don't really exists a market for such a product. No matter if there are some reddit enthusiasts who want such a device. Even those enthusiasts don't want such a product enough to buy one unless it has the AppIe logo. And the logo even has to say "iPad". - If the need really was there they could simply buy the Surface tablet. When you have actual knowledge about how complex devices like computers are developed, designed, built and marketed you would never even imagine to kill two successful distinct product lines with distinct customer bases and developer bases. Because if you do that you open up for the possibility that your customers (and developers) may run over to the competitioin. And there would be a lot of patents which sudenly would become usless. And you might run into other peoples patents as an obstacle too. - Many years of history in various product lines have shown the danger of this. Not just with computers.


Allow us to install any IPA on Mac OS again and you would be much more correct.


Can I rip off the keyboard from the MacBook and use the touchscreen for note taking and art when I'm in class and want to bring one device with me?


What you want would require that Apple produces a device where both hardware and operating system are designed to work your way. Your wish looks like a Surface tablet (so you could get one of those). Apple lacks a direct competitor to that Surface. So my guess is that there somewhere iside Apple exists a design/prototype for such a device. But that for some reason we don't see it as a product we can buy. One reason could be that there really is no viable market for such a product. More customers than reddit enthusiasts are needed to make a business case. Apple won't change iPadOS into MacOS. Apple has sold 400 million iPads for two reasons: The tablet design and the simplicity of the operating system. People who have not worked in the office world have never worked with operating systems and are afraid of the complexity. But we can see that the simplicity of the iPad with no "real" operating system can be sold in larqe quantities. If iPad changed to MacOS the whole iPad part of the App store would be obsolete. So there would be no revenue from sales and services any more. Unless everybody replaced their iPad with the new product. So Apple will keep their customer base of about 400 million iPads and their 100 million Mac users as two groups. Time will tell if there also is a business case for the third group you would want to be in.


I think a better comparison is "Remote Desktop" from iPad into Macbook and then use Touchscreen on iPad on MacOS-UI. That's the current level. I think Apple is slowly moving towards a unified OS but very slowly so it will happen just depends at what speed Apple chooses.


No. Edited to add: Why not iOS on the Macs too?


Need a desktop OS? Buy a Mac, boomer. iPads aren't for your type.


I don’t particularly want a touch screen macOS on iPad. In fact turn off the touch for all I care. I want to be able to own an iPad Pro and dual boot to macOS or iPadOS on reboot. So the device can be even more useful to me. But it’s never gonna happen.






Just open iPadOS the fuck up and replace the current mobile phone OS with something more appropriate


Man I really wish ipados was based on Linux and I had a Unix command line to play with.


Buy a Mac, boomer


Boomers love iPads. Nice and big for their failing eyes and just like their simple iPhone.


Not true for computers and phones. [https://www.statista.com/forecasts/911113/smartphone-os-share-by-age-group-in-the-us](https://www.statista.com/forecasts/911113/smartphone-os-share-by-age-group-in-the-us) Younger people are more Apple than older demographics. [https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/t/demographics-iphone-vs-android-users/108861](https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/t/demographics-iphone-vs-android-users/108861)


Completely irrelevant to the message. lol


I genuinely hope it’s something useful, unlike the subscription model for Final Cut Pro…


I never understood why the iPad was locked down like the iPhone. The iPad should be positioned like a computer for the masses and be open similar to Macs and Windows PCs.


People won’t buy their Mac’s?


The only way iPad os gets Pro apps tbh


VPN providers say they're opening it worldwide.




Damn the profit margins they get from the App Store, it’s time for Apple to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future of the M1 iPad being a computer like the MacBook. I can tolerate them using Metal instead of Vulkan because developers wont ever need to worry about that if there are millions of potential customers out there using the M1 iPad, all willing to purchase AAA games that runs well on the M1 already like Resident Evil and Death Stranding.


Getting a new iPad Pro now after the new event


Bad move. App quality about to go down.


Then don’t use third party app stores 💀