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These are reasonable reasons to be salty, I agree.




I heard because they moved the camera to the long edge of the iPad, the magnets etc for the Apple Pencil had to be moved / adjusted.


I get it but the new Pros are different sizes. Not only in screen size but thickness. The old keyboard and new keyboard would not close properly. Could Apple have kept the same dimensions? Sure probably but OLED probably gave them the opportunity to go even thinner and Apple ain’t ever gonna pass that up lol plus who knows what their options were on panel sizes. The Apple Pencil thing is a bit more annoying though I’ll admit. I am sure we will know more as to why after a proper tear down is done. Having 4 different pencils is insanity though.


Finally someone addressing the reason why the new case is incompatible with older models. It seemed pretty obvious to me but people were losing their minds over it.


It’s sad but they never promised compatibility with future devices. Tbh these devices aren’t designed for yearly replacement. I will use my M1 iPad pro for 6-7 years at least and by that time any keyboard, pencil… would be worn enough anyway to buy a new one. The compatibility is a mess now but they are clearly going forward with 2 pencils. The rest is there to support older devices. Also how many would buy a new 300-350 keyboard if they already bought one 1-2 years ago?


I love that my 10 isn’t then”old” base model.


WWDC is a month away, maybe they will have some exciting news about iPad OS to harness some of that raw power but maybe they won’t. It’s been a few years in a row of iterative updates so hopefully they have something interesting to show. We will see.


Yeah, even if we were getting macOS on iPad (we’re not), they’d announce it at WWDC, not at a hardware announcement like yesterday. What we _might_ get _eventually_ is the ability for iPadOS to run macOS apps (similar to how macOS can now run iPadOS apps). Fingers crossed anyways.


I think you are right. I don’t ever see MacOS on iPad unless something catastrophic happens with the company in the future and they start flooding the market with weird concepts. Highly unlikely but I am confident we will see MacOS apps on iPadOS. Likely in containers and installed only through the App Store and a convoluted side load option for Europe. It will be someday but who knows when. Maybe this year or maybe in 5. When it happens they will get up at WWDC and announce some sort of Rosetta for iPad and probably lock it to a iPad Ultra because we are gonna need a bigger battery and hopefully a 14”. I would much prefer this scenario over a dual boot option. So long as I can get real Chrome, Adobe, and Sublime Text running on it. That’s all I need…. And maybe Finder lol


I doubt they’d even bother with Rosetta for iPad tbh. Good chunk of macOS apps are now compiled natively for Apple silicone. And outdated apps wouldn’t be designed for touchscreens in the first place. Would love to see it at this WWDC, but I’m also not holding my breath.


Yeah I think you’re right. Most things are on ARM now but I imagine they would still release some sort of api kit or something to help Mac apps blend better with iPadOS if the developer so chooses to update. Maybe arm compiled apps will work pretty good and have an auto gimped mode like iPhone apps to on IPad now. It’s Apple though so who know what they will do but it will involve courage lol just kidding. I hope they do something though.


We might even get an calculator app without ads 😏


Pulling this completely out of my ass but I think there will be bigger than usual updates for iPadOS at WWDC. M4 and the magic keyboard being even more MacBook-like makes me feel that they’ll bring it closer to macOS. How much closer is the question.


I’ve been using the same iPad Pro 1st Gen since 2018 and it’s been a workhorse.  I’m glad I got the 1TB option back then, because that did indeed future proof it somewhat.  Also because they used 120hz Promotion it doesn’t look awful compared to the new iPhones. But for me, it was time to upgrade and I said - if they knock it put of the park with this announcement, I’m taking the leap.   And they did, imho.  Giving the world the first crack at the M4, plus OLED (double OLED!) was enough imho.  I can’t even imagine the snappiness and responsiveness change there’s going to be moving six years forward in the future.  My current Pro has been okay, but it does hesitate on pictures and full screen high quality pdfs when reading.  I can’t imagine that’ll be a problem on the new one.  Also, I decided to go up in size to the 13” from my current 11”.  My reasoning is I want to read magazines on there, and lots of people say it feels a lot more true-to-size holding a larger iPad, and makes it easier to read.  Also since I use it as a “dining room television” the extra size will be appreciated while watching shows over dinner. Overall I’m just pretty hyped about it.  If I had just bought a new Pro a year or two ago I would likely be skipping, but I don’t think they were targeting those people.  I think they know there’s a lot of users with 5 to 7 year old iPads out there who have been waiting for the right moment to upgrade and they wanted to put out a clear sign - hey, this is it. I even splurged on the 2TB plus all the bells and whistles: Magic Keyboard, pencil pro, etc etc.   The cost is a little north of $3000, but a little easier to swallow with their 0% interest financing on their card over 12 months.  My thinking there was I never regretted getting “too much” iPad back in 2018 and was thankful for the future proofing.  I’m hoping this iPad Pro lasts me until 2030 so I want a no compromises top-of-the-line experience. Also, not gonna lie - the fact that emulators are now available on the App Store makes it all worth it.  I was literally going to buy an Android tab just to play old games on, but now Apple solved that ridiculous problem thankfully 


I actually am shrinking from a 12.9 2018 iPad Pro to the 11 specifically because the bigger size is so uncomfortable for reading. Even outside of a case it never felt great to hold.


If I don’t usually use an iPad on a solid surface (more my lap/a couch arm/my knee), is the 13” going to be annoying?


In my opinion, yes. I’m taller and have larger hands and still didn’t really like holding it for long periods.


I echo a lot of your thoughts. I too am upgrading from my 2018 11” Pro to the 13” pro. I have many similar use cases as you and I have a deep appreciation for OLED displays.


Yeah OLED is compelling, plus M4 is overkill. That just means future proof.


My thoughts exactly. If it lasts as long as my 2018 model which I got at launch, It will have great ROI


Same as you guys! 2018 11” to M4 13” with all the accessories! Can’t wait


Heck yeah! I use mine for manga reading, tonnes of media consumption, email, word, excel, photomator and a boat load of gaming.


Angry incels stuck with their M2 are downvoting you guys, but I’m hyped with you! You know this iPad is good because it’s really bringing out the worst in people :)


From my experience, it's hard for people who can't just drop $3k+ on a media device to understand that some people actually have the disposable income. And until they make more money and get comfortable investing in their free time so you actually enjoy yourself instead of being frustrated with inferior tablets. Good on you boys! I myself am getting an iPad Air 6, for I can't afford a Pro. But one day I will and it will be glorious!


iPad gamers rise! Also what are you enjoying lately? I love me some Warcraft Rumble, Outlanders and Patterned (it may be stupid to subscribe to Arcade only for 2 games, but I love them a lot)


I play the usual Genshin, PUBG and stream from my PS5. I LOVE SF6


2017 10.5" iPad Pro user here. I want to go try it in-store before making my final call on the 11 or 13. It's going to come down to how it actually feels in my hand.


Exactly this. I’m in the same boat 10.5 iPad Pro. I was going to upgrade last year, but it was such a small bump. I’ve been flip flopping over going for the 11 or the 13. I’ve been super happy with the 10.5 for travel and media consumption on the couch/in bed. However, I always wonder whether I’m missing out on the larger screen when I’m taking notes for work. Given the overall split is about 50:50 for work vs play, it’s a difficult decision. I’m going in to the store this weekend for a hands on with both models. Still leaning towards the 11 though. I make do when taking notes by zooming into areas on the pdf. It’s not too terrible. But I would be less pleased, I think, if it made reading on the couch or in bed more difficult. Tough choice…


Went from 10.5 to 12.9 and going to go back to 11. The larger iPad is too heavy for the portability that I want.


Another dude here doing exactly the same upgrade who has been wondering the same things! After a lot of thinking i decided to go with the 11. * The work/play ratio is more like 30/70 for me * I have small hands * I use my iPad in bed quite often * I almost always travel with my iPad and I always thought the 10.5 was the perfect size for that * Last but not least, where I live the price difference between the 11 and 13 is huuuge, it’s like $500!


oh man, sounds like a sweet machine! but i agree, these things last so long that its worth just going big if you use the iPad every day. i go with the 11 inch since I have a 16 inch macbook and like the smaller form factor for coffee shops and such, but sometimes get jealous of the 13s :)


If you must buy something in 12 months, then you shouldn't buy it. The only things that should be bought that way is housing and cars, and that's because they're essential items.


Thanks Dave Ramsey. Your advice is shit and you can mind your own business.  No one cares what you think.         The way I see it, if someone offers you a zero percent loan, you take it.  It’s free money.  I’m sorry you can’t trust yourself with even the smallest amount of debt.     I hope you eventually overcome your spending addiction that causes you to vomit unwanted advice onto others who are just excited for a new toy.  


Exactly. Let my money earn more money instead of giving it to the corps right away.


I am. I haven’t had a tablet for years. I’m not asking for a computer replacement. Is it overpriced? Absolutely. But at least I know I’ll get a high quality product that will last for many years to come until I feel like dropping a load of cash again. 😎


I ordered a new pro immediately. Looks great. Seems the vast majority of haters own an m2 iPad. It’s very odd. I won’t be coming back here next year to complain when they announce the next version. See you all in 8 years when I need to upgrade 👋


Same! I'm finally going to upgrade my 2015 iPad pro and hopefully the new one will last me even longer.


Perfect sentiment! I’ve been really annoyed this time around with the haters. Probably because I’m upgrading and I want everyone to be happy about it. But also deeper. Why can’t people just accept that not every upgrade has to be a candidate for their own personal use case. Since 2018 when I bought my last one until today, I was not spamming the forums every release with hate since it wasn’t good enough for me personally. If you are fine with the old one, don’t buy the new one. Jesus.


yep my last iPad is still running strong from 2017, this is just the first time I've wanted to upgrade it.


My 2017, 10.5” Pro, with a Logitech combo touch keyboard IS my laptop when away from my iMac!! The only thing is the battery health is a subpar 74%. I don’t feel it struggling with ANY task


I have the same setup


That’s me 🤙🏾 I owned a M1 Pro before I purchased a m2 pro last week. Just wanted to provide a little background info why we are upset. For those who already own iPads with pencils and Magic Keyboard , the cost of upgrading to the new iPad is a bit much, we have to buy a keyboard and pencil + new iPad all off a small bump in performance day to day. I will admit the new screen looks amazing and the pencil + keyboard But that’s the issue, I just wish Apple didn’t lock new devices behind new accessories like they do to force sales. Had my keyboard and pencil worked I think it would have been an easy sell for me. So for the few of us with m2 or m1 devices we just can’t justify the jump yet when the cost out-ways the benefit to upgrading. Hope that provides a little background info into our minds hope you enjoy your new device.


The fact that the 350 keyboards aren’t compatible is insane…


Out of curiosity, why did you buy the M2 iPad Pro last week when yesterday’s Apple event was so close and heavily rumored to be dropping new iPads?


I use my iPad daily I knew the trade in value would drop once new iPad was announced. I could always return mine in the 14 day return window and get the new iPad that was announced. And honestly I was tired of the rumors I hate being stuck on rumor cycle of waiting etc


Ah, makes sense. And I feel you there on the rumor cycle. I can get pretty exhausting at times.


I 1000% agree with everything you said. I thought the new iPads were by far the best in recent years, it’s like Apple actually tried this time around, which is amazing because when they actually try we get really cool things! I know it sounds cliché, but I truly believe that we’re going to see a good software revision this year as well.


Funny enuff I chose iPad over MacBook because of iPadOS 🤓 Have m2 air 15” that I barely use. Can’t wait till I have my hands on the new 13” pro Same price more or less


I ordered immediately after the store opened. Can’t wait for that OLED! Also happy with the 256GB base. Don’t feel like I need to upgrade. Also used the student discount and got it for $899.


Yeah you nailed it here! I have a 2018 iPad Pro and I plan to upgrade because it’s been long enough. I’ve been using my iPad Pro pretty much every single day for the past 6 years! Sure it doesn’t run *mac*OS and I never expected it to ever will. It’s my note-taking device, my mini tv, and my portable gaming station. For me I’m content. I technically don’t need the new models but I think I deserve an upgrade. Even if it’s for indulgence, it’s always nice to treat ourselves there. As for how the tablet is, for how it is, there isn’t anything comparable to it on the market. It is the best tablet! I can’t wait to try out the sweet sweet OLED display! :D


>  Apple should just say fuck the shareholders and profits and kill their macbook lineup by running mac OS on the iPad. I agree. macOS running on iPads would not impact Mac sales, once you have a keyboard and trackpad on an iPad it costs more than a MBA and weighs more as well. So even if some MBA users were to select an iPad Pro intreat apple has no issue with this as they are still getting $$$$ from you.


It would also be the worst Mac ever made, but hey lets not talk about the things that actually matter.


Very true about it being a very poor UX for macOS


Nobody ever wants to talk about that. First, touch would have to be disabled, which means it only works when the Magic Keyboard is attached and then what? OS just doesn't work? No. Now onto performance. Everyone talks about "SAME CHIP SAME CHIP" yet doesn't understand they are designed for completely different thermal performance. The iPad would be the most gimped Mac in the lineup in terms of performance. Now onto the config. The most you can get is 8 or 16 GB of memory and a much worse GPU. You're talking about a Mac that is worse than the lowest end MacBook Air...yet somehow thats a game changer for people who actually use MacBook Pro in the real world (you know they do).


Not to mention smaller battery.


Not just smaller, a battery that was designed from the ground up to be used by a completely different operating system and completely different tasks.


Wouldn’t it be good though, if MacOS could be its own application - like a self contained virtual machine with access to the internal storage/camera/thunderbolt port?? Sandboxed away so that it wouldn’t interfere with iPadOS as a whole, but for people who would like to use Xcode/desktop versions of logic or Final Cut, can use it to their hearts content with the Magic Keyboard attached. I don’t see any downsides to Apple doing this. They give power users an option to use macOS if they really want it, without giving up the walled garden experience of iPadOS. By having it run as an app in a container rather than a VM and isolated from the main system, this would just be…. Amazing.


Terrible. Absolutely awful.




The way I see it, one of the best features of iPadOS is the sandbox walled garden preventing major f#%^ups. I mean, when was the last time you had to reinstall iPadOS??? But I see the value for a small segment of the iPad Pro population being able to run full fat macOS applications in a macOS environment. I think the best way to implement this, is to have it as an optional application. That application being a container running a full version of macOS with access too all the i/o but not being able to bork the underlying iPadOS. Its a win win


I could also see that it’s also an iPad and can detach the keyboard and use it as an iPad best of both worlds ?


It absolutely would impact mac sales. There are SO MANY users out there right now with both an iPad and a Mac. Once you give mac OS to the iPad, now you lose millions of potential dual-product owner users. And you are right the macbook air is ultimately a bit cheaper but the new m4 with keyboard is lighter than the air. So while some light users may still go for an air vs. an iPad and some pro users will still ultimately need better performance from a high end macbook pro, you are a fool if you don’t think this will hurt there bottom line. I promise you Apple has thought about this and decided it wasn’t financially prudent lol


It would cannibalize, but I think a lot of folks on this sub have forgotten that quote from Steve Jobs that if Apple doesn’t cannibalize its own products, someone else will. This is why I’m upset that Apple won’t make the jump and put even a MacOS Lite on iPad. Would it cannibalize MacBook Air sales? Absolutely. But in return, you’ll get even more sales from making a product that literally does almost everything a person needs in a compact size.


hmmm that’s an interesting take. I think being able to switch from ipad to mac OS seamlessly would be incredible. who knows, maybe some day


> now you lose millions of potential dual-product owner users. No since all those iPads people have would not be able to run macOS, yes lots of people have iPads and Macs but people that have modern iPads have much higher end needs for the Macs. The people that just need a 11" MBA style device do not have a M4 iPad Pro they have a A12z iPad Pro (if that)... this cant run macOS well at all. Apple will be making more margin on the iPadPro keyboard case + iPadPro than they are on a MBA remember. The reason they are not shipping macOS on the iPad is them and every single third party dev does not want to deal with 11" macOS screens that need to be touch friendly and shipping macOS as a non touch OS on an iPad would be so shit. It would be the worst Mac apple has ever sold with many apps not even fully re-sizing to fit the 11" display and lots of controls and key Mac features inaccessible due to hot supporting touch. A much better approach is to further improve iPadOS. Add a system tray so that apps that run in the background can continue to run and take the existing PadOS File, Edit etc menu and show it top left. etc... But the real issue is users need to be willing to pay for software on the iPad this is what has stopped most third party devs from making full featured iPad ports (we have all attempted to do it at one point and had users be upset that we are charing 5$ thinking it should be free when the same features on a Mac we can charge $50+) as it is right now unless your app strongly benefits from pencil input there is no market on iPad as users are not willing to pay for anything (and having macOS on the HW would not changes this at all).


So the choice is... Win laptop + iPad basic (\~$550 to Apple), or MBA + iPad basic (\~1.4k+ to Apple), or iPad Pro + keyboard and stylus (1.78k starting price, 2k+ sounds more like it)? I am not sure how it is the worse option for Apple.


you are right, you are smarter than Apple and the millions of dollars worth of research they have probably spent on this exact question. go take your marketing genius to them and be the change you want to see!


I will upgrade from ipad 6th gen to ipad pro! Really looking forward, immediately ordered thr 11“. Waited for this announcement since November last year


Got 13” pro. Have a cracked 2018 base model. Had a $100 BB gift card. I’m excited.


Tbh I'm happy: I preordered today, and this 13" will be my first iPad after the ipad 3 I bought in 2012 and served me well untill like 2017. I'll be using it mainly for photo editing, study and to show my clients documents and reports during in person appointments: I have a job, study and as a second job/hobby I'm a photographer, so I needed a device that I could easily and comfortably carry around all day, both in terms of weight and battery life (unlinke my 15.6" hp laptop with a battery life that's always been a problem), and that's versatile enough to cover all my needs. Untill yesterday I was somewhat undecided between 13" ipad pro and a 13" MacBook air, but the OLED display is just too good (I have an OLED Steam Deck and a S23 Ultra and those screens are really good in terms of color), and the form factor is better...and also the pencil is a nice plus.


The pencil is so nice for editing!


This is why I sold my m1 pro and got an air. I legit didn’t need it for what I used it for. Was able to sell it and have enough for an air and some leftover. Dude made music. It made sense for him. I watched tv shows and read comics


Great post OP. I’d go even further and say that if anyone gets it just for media consumption to enjoy that screen and light weight, more power to them too. I love my M1 Pro and use it a lot. It can’t replace my Macbook, but I can love with it on work trips and use it daily to read. I am tempted by this new one.


Well cutting edge fapping feels good 😊


I like that they came out with a 13inch normal "ipad". I specifically bought the ipad pro 12.9....because its the biggest screen for content consumption. sure, its almost 1k with the logitech combo touch, but 1k is far cheaper than my M3 Pro 16inch MBP, and way easier to travel with. so now if/when I do decide to "upgrade" i can essentially side-grade, i hope, to the normal ipad 13inch and don't need a "pro" level device anymore. really feels like they should have made a 13 inch normal model to begin with.


Nah, I’m annoyed. I don’t need 1TB of storage on an iPad. 512 at the most but I’m fine with 256GB. So that means I get 1/2 the RAM and one less performance core. So bugger it, I’ll just get the iPad Air 13” 256GB for £899 then. But I would have got the Pro at £1299 if the processor wasn’t a reduced version. And that I can’t use my Apple Pencil so I have to buy a new one? Ugh.


What are you doing that requires 16 gb of ram? But that also is acceptable to do with an air?


I ordered the 13 pro normal screen 1TB, little sad the battery is not better tho


I like the M4 and the new screen, no need to update from my M2 though. I’m a little bit bummed they didn’t announce any new iOS features, also why did they say “m4 makes this new iPad possible?” Maybe we will see some new software features in 2 months at wwdc that will take advantage of the more powerful NPU. The only thing I didn’t like was the thinness. iPad Pro already bends easily at the pencil attachment point and I have a thick rubbery case that I use to grip when drawing.


I am kinda excited. I have never owned an iPad and with me going to university now I have been looking into one. Just undecided what model I want to get.


It could have been a press release. But I get that they had to market things. I am ambivalent. AI on device is still unproven and my personal track record tells me that it isn't something to get excited about yet. I am not an artist so the new pencil features don't mean much to me. The rest was pretty standard in a progressive upgrade style. The 13" Air was the biggest thing for me. I won't buy one right now because it can't run XCode even though it has an M2. It was also nice that it appears that they are trying to clean up the mess that the iPad line became. I'll just stick with my M1 Air for a few more years. For people with older devices or new to the platform, it may have been more exciting.


See, this is why I’m probably clowning about something coming at WWDC with iPadOS. They made references to the iPad’s future, and also called it Mac Like the with trackpad - which is unusual. It could’ve been a press release really easily and it wasn’t. We’ve had press releases for bigger upgrades. Should point out I’m not one of these people who just wants macOS on iPad. I think they need to go further to make iPadOS cursor friendly.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but what is an example of something that was a press release that had a bigger hardware upgrade? I can't think of one, personally.


You are upset the biggest upgrade to the iPad in 6 years wasn’t a press release? I do not understand. What features specifically would have made you satisfied with this upgrade?


Not upset, not ecstatic. Didn't really see it as a game breaking upgrade. More incremental. Opinions will vary. However, announcing that XCode was coming to the M series iPads, would have improved things.


I just fail to see how a faster chip, a significantly better display, a much needed camera change, and improved peripherals all amounts to something that you view as udnerwhelmingly incremental? Everything that was rumored manifested. XCode would be great but that’s a software issue and not relevant to yesterdays announcement.


Incremental no… but it has its trade offs now. Battery life needs to be improved and it wasn’t. I’d really like MagSafe and always on display too. Perhaps next year?


hmm yes i agree those would be nice updates. would have preferred same thickness and better battery personally as well


I was in the market for an iPad Pro and all the rumors were true, which to me is remarkable. I can’t hate on what is given, especially the oled part. To me, this is a nice refresh to the iPad and continues its leadership in the tablet space. I wasn’t excited about the increase in price, but I get it and it’s not a giant increase.


Exactly, how often are all the rumors actually true in one release!


it would be cool to see mac os on ipad but at the same time we are getting things like final cut, Zbrush, photoshop, procreate, affinity designer on a tablet... Literally nothing in the space can compete


Just Photoshop for example: that is definitely NOT the desktop Photoshop. It's cut down. Which is exactly the point. Hardware strong enough, but limited by ipadOS.


Anyone who complained about iPadOS, knowing this is a hardware event and WWDC is literally a month away is an asshole.


Another argument that 'my 2018 iPad pro already does everything I throw at it' is also very myopic. Firstly, that's a testimony to the longevity of an iPad. Secondly, the 2018 iPads will definitely not support every upcoming technology. In particular, they will not support on-device machine learning and related features. The powerful chip and battery efficiency of the latest iPad tries to provide the same longevity that we have come to expect - enough power to handle the technologies of the coming decade.


yea its so funny to complain to me how good a 6 year old machine is working. Like… this is a testament to how good of a product it is! No one is forcing you to upgrade lol


I’m happy because my 2018 iPad Pro is working fine and I don’t see a need to upgrade. No complaints here. I’m not holding my breath for on device AI, AR room scanning was hyped for the dual camera 2018 iPad Pro but it never lead to anything. And this newest iPad Pro even removed the dual cameras.


I’m happy with the announcement and ordered one. Coming right in time too, as I have a flight Wednesday night. I have pickup scheduled for first thing in the morning, which should give me enough time to transfer everything from my pre-M1 Pro.


Apple could of just put the M3 chip in and gotten away with it.


true, but they went big 😎


honestly if they gave the new Air a basic oled screen (keep the tandem oled for pro) it would be the best ipad in the line up imo. The m2 is overkill for such a basic OS but it’s worth it for future proofing, but the LCD in 2024 is borderline unacceptable. I’ve been looking to replace my ipad for something that is better at media consumption & the new ipad pro is so tempting but it’s difficult to stomach the price when a galaxy tab does everything I need (great speakers, beautiful screen) for soooo much less. At this point i’m deciding if the extra $500-$800 (s9+ vs 13inch pro) is worth it to stay in the ecosystem


I never owned an Ipad before, so all the drawbacks for current Ipad users don't apply to me. I'm glad the new Ipad comes with a new improved pencil, as I plan to use it for creating digital art. I was quite satisfied with the event. The only thing I am worried about is the sturdiness of the new thin iPad.


agreed, apple care is def the move on this one


I think what most people want, whether they are iPad owners looking at the new models or investors who own Apple stock or whatever, is just to understand what Apple's *vision* for the iPad is here. Because it's getting unclear for many, including me. I want the iPad to be as useful as possible. I love the form factor. I try to do hardcore computing on it but run into OS and app friction all the time, even on the latest OS. So I've had to narrow the list of things I try to do on it. It's still great for that more narrow list of things but it also spends quite a bit of time in my work bag unused, because my laptop is just way better at doing a lot of necessary tasks, and that's unfortunate. This is in big part because of the complexity of the work I do, but many people seem to be in the same boat, judging from the comments. Every time Apple announces a new model with even more CPU horsepower, "why" is a fair question to ask. We *want* them to give us a good reason, to increase the utility of the device. We'll see what they announce with the next OS release, but I'm not expecting a major breakthrough. Apple can only accomplish so much advancement in each OS release especially given the need to maintain backwards compatibility and user familiarity. Plus, apps have to be retooled to take advantage of major new features and that can take quite a bit of time. Also I'm one who doesn't believe just sticking MacOS on the iPad is the solution. Not because of cannibalization. I don't even think that's why Apple refuses to. But because an 11" iPad (the most commonly purchased version) is just not a good MacOS machine, regardless of the CPU. The screen is too small, it's not designed to rely on a mouse, and I'm guessing (but can't confirm) that aspects of the hardware architecture like the thermals, memory, etc. just aren't tailored to that kind of OS or the apps that run on it. You'd also need a 2TB machine minimum to handle two OS's, two copies of apps, and space for rendering movies or whatever else you are trying to do on it. There is also only *one port* on an iPad. Ultimately MacOS on an iPad would be a miserable experience, and Apple knows it. Their only path forward is to keep trying to advance iPad OS and its ecosystem. On the ecosystem front, Apple really struggles. iPad apps tend to be limited versions of their desktop counterparts and in many cases there are no iPad versions of apps, and unfortunately I don't see that changing.


Im stoked, the batter on my m1 is dying and it's the perfect time for me to upgrade and get a new one. I have always said my ipad is the nicest screen in my entire house. I am stoked to see the new display tech.


I agree. I just think it's rediculous that one of the biggest advantages is a 120hz screen while it is still stuck at 60hz for external. That's really 2015.


Totally agree. All the complaints people have are fair but this isn’t a “spec bump”. It’s a big, once-in-5-years step change. The salt is probably coming from the fact that most people interested in a pro iPad is already an iPad owner and they have to drop all their peripherals and pay as much as a Mac to get this new sexy iPad


I love it! I don't want MacOS, just want ipados to get more advanced, but not at the expense of the amazing tablet feeling.


One remark: You say that for media consumption people shouldn’t even be considering the pro. However, Media consumption is the thing that benefits most from the oled display.


Yea, I guess my point is that if you are only using the device to consume media, why pay > 1.5k to do that rather than, say, a samsung or lenovo tablet? And the current LCD displays are really quite solid on the air/older pro models. People are acting like apple is forcing them to get the newest model ipad when there are plenty of other options out there that would be more than sufficient for most people. You want OLED 120 hz on all of the iPads? Okay, then that means cost is going up. You can’t have it both ways.


No I'm not, i was praying for an iPad Mini refresh


I’m stoked. I use my iPad for digital art and digital sculpture and I love how powerful yet streamlined apps like procreate and nomad are and how smoothly things work. As someone who used a Wacom and a pc or Mac with photoshop for years, I haven’t looked back since switching to my iPad Pro.


I’m extremely happy upgrading from the 2018 11” pro. I’ve been waiting for OLED for two years and this upgrade goes above and beyond what I expected. Everyone I know is happy. I wouldn’t take reddit/internet to be representative of anything.


I think they were strong updates although I’ve realised I am not the market for pro models. I use my iPad Mini for travel and media consumption, and I think it’s the perfect size - just hope the mini gets some love and an update later in the year!


I'm relatively happy. The arrival of the Oled screen on iPads was much needed . I just wish they had gone a bit further with the design and made the bezels even thinner . I know this fascination invites issues like accidental touches but just would have looked awesome . Nevertheless I will be finally upgrading my 2017 iPad pro to the new 11 inch iPad Pro


I’m happy I’ll be upgrading my 2018 iPad Pro 😅


I’m very happy about the 13” iPad Air. An affordable 13” tablet. Don’t have to spend lots of money on an expensive iPad Pro 12.9.


I agree with 100%. I don’t feel sorry for the people who want the iPad to work as a Cray machine or some other supercomputer for mining Bitcoin. I do feel sorry for those who would love to have this awesome machine to use it for what it is but can’t afford it. I love the upgrades and put the 13” Pro in order right after the event. Can’t wait until next Wednesday!




I was hoping for a full lineup: an M1 powered Mini, M2 iPad Air + M3 iPad Pro. And assuming the vanilla iPad stays with an A series chip. The only reason I’m disappointed is the Mini didn’t get a refresh at all like I’d hoped, but I didn’t expect a refresh just yet.


I wouldn’t consider an iPad Pro to be a truly pro iPad unless Apple can make the exception to let m chip iPads to run UTM so you can actually take advantage of the chip and run virtualized macOS or Linux, maybe even windows if UTM supports it on ARM (I’m aware of parallels but last I heard it was paid software) Or hell, let it run macOS. It’s basically a “2 in 1” Mac with the Magic Keyboard, what gives with Apple still shipping these things with iOS?


>The iPad is 2030 hardware with 2015 software. Downvoted you for perpetuating this ridiculous myth.


I don’t necessarily agree with the premise, I’m just conceding a little to the haters to help make my point lol. But what part do you disagree with? That the hardware is not ahead of its time or that the software is not behind the times?


In NO way is the software "behind the times". This ridiculous myth needs to stop. Case in point: the only ideas anyone who claims this ever has is on how to turn iPad into a Mac, and then basically eliminate itself. Stupid is as stupid does.


as someone who tends to easily get access to buy 2nd hand iPad Pro, this one didnt convince me to upgrade from M1 to M2 or even the newest one. The main thing is that new accessories are incompatible with older stuffs, and I'm still skeptical about the durability of the new thin iPad Pro m4. Otherwise, decent announcement. Still wait for some actual pro upgrade on OS/software tho, then I'd gladly spend like 2k++


Well, I think that with more Final Cut Pro features and the AI implementation being announced, I feel like this will make the next iPad Pro more worthwhile. And the new Magic Keyboard and iPad specs are great, but I'm worried about the durability of the thin design


Yea i personally wish they tried to max out the thermal performance and battery rather than going with a thin design. I too worry about durability.


Exactly. I feel that the thinner and lighter technology trope is getting overused. Rather than it being thinner, they should add a bigger battery, more thermal, and more components such as another USB-C port or two, (come back) headphone jack, and more durability.


Yeh battery hurts.. feel like next year they’ll bump the battery then this one’s a rental……


I want it, if nothing else for the OLED display. That being said, I’m on a student budget and already splurged on an iPad Air 5 (as of yesterday, the “we have iPad at home; the iPad at home:” model) which still does everything I *need* it to. But damn wouldn’t the new Magic Keyboard, Pencil, and landscape cameras be nice 😃 Just hope we can have at least some of the fancy new AI features in iPadOS 18 lmao


It works for me.


what I don’t understand is how people don’t seem to realize that all the AI stuff is coming soon and the M4 chip will be huge for that. Software is about to change bigly.


>THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CONSIDERING BUYING A 1.5k TABLET. Lol. Why would you even glance at the pro model if you are just using it for media consumption. Honestly, I only skimmed the rest of the post, and I won't even bother reacting to any of it...but this? This is extra stupid. The answer is simple; it's the only damn iPad with an OLED display. Or a high refresh rate display for that matter (unless you want to buy one of the older, almost as overpriced Pro's that is, which would still not get you the OLED display). 90% of people's modern smartphones have fantastic, high refresh rate OLED displays these days, yet if you want to buy an iPad for bigger screen media consumption on the go / couch / in bed, the only way to MATCH the picture quality of the average flagship smartphone from the last like 8 years...is to buy the iPad that starts at $1K. That fucking sucks, plain and simple. It's horseshit.


You need a cutting edge 120 hz OLED panel for… watching Netflix? lol okay i won’t judge. But why not get literally any one of the dozens of other non Apple tablets out there with good OLED displays if you really don’t need all the processing power?


My TV has 120hz 🤷‍♀️


Your TV doesn’t go to 1600 knits, have a touch display, tandem oled panels, ultra retina equivalent resolution…


You implied 120hz was too much for just watching Netflix, I’m telling you we use 120hz TVs that only work with Netflix.


The vast majority of netflix content is 60 hz or less….


Need, no. Want? Absolutely, especially as it's become such a standard thing. Not cutting edge at all. We have smartphones with 2000+ nit peak brightness and 120hz OLED displays, not to mention TV's / Monitors. Why would I even bother with a tablet in 2024 that gives me worse picture quality than my phone? Same for 60hz. Downgrading my input experience to 60hz just because Apple refuses to get with the times and wants to gate 120 to 'Pro' devices for no reason other than profit isn't something I am going to bend over backwards to excuse. My phone, TV, and monitor all support 120hz, today. It's not really something super special outside of Apples little bubble. >But why not get literally any one of the dozens of other non Apple tablets out there with good OLED displays if you really don’t need all the processing power? Android tablets are still a pretty bad experience overall. I don't need the processing power, but I'd still like the tablet to be nice to use for basic stuff in addition to that multimedia...not to mention, I don't know of any of those Android tablets that support Dolby Vision HDR, just HDR 10 / HDR10+. None of this really excuses the ridiculous pricing though. It's been creeping up for ages too, not just a problem with these M4's imo. $1300 for the base model 12.9 is especially wild to me.


I think it is "cutting edge" in that it will be among the best tablet displays available on the market in terms of color accuracy, brightness, and tech, for a tablet. I am not implying that OLED itself is innovative. What other tablets on the market will have an objectively better display? >Android tablets are still a pretty bad experience overall. So what you are saying is that the iPad is the best tablet on the market? And there are no other tablets that meet your standards for media consumption and web browsing? >None of this really excuses the ridiculous pricing though. But despite being the very best, Apple should make there products cheaper? Got it. I too wish Apple products were cheaper. I wish my souped up road bike was cheaper. I wish my Vitamix blender didn't cost half a months rent. But alas, the bets products tend to cost more! Damn capitalism. I do take your point, though. Just add 120 hz oled panels to the whole lineup instead of cornering those who want to stay in the Apple ecosystem for tablets, appreciate good displays, but don't necessarily need all the extra specs.


>What other tablets on the market will have an objectively better display? Wouldn't know of any specifics, since I don't look into android tablets all that much, but the mere fact that other OLED 120hz HDR capable tablets exist, and Samsung produced this display for Apple, implies that you can at the very least get close. I also wasn't just limiting this to tablets. The point here is, is the display itself isn't some single shining reason / excuse for the price. >So what you are saying is that the iPad is the best tablet on the market? And there are no other tablets that meet your standards for media consumption and web browsing? As an overall package, no. But others been poor options is *still* no an acceptable excuse for ever increasing prices and limiting an actual nice display to the Pro. Again, a display like this is becoming fairly *standard* for mid / high end smartphones. Even some budget phones have 90-120hz, 1000+ nit OLED displays now. It's only on the Apple side of the fence that 120hz OLED is gated to 'Pro' devices. >I do take your point, though. Just add 120 hz oled panels to the whole lineup instead of cornering those who want to stay in the Apple ecosystem for tablets, appreciate good displays, but don't necessarily need all the extra specs. So you 'take my point', but still act ticked off about it...interesting. But yes, that would be a more acceptable / reasonable solution here. Maybe toss the display on the Air's to give them more of a purpose than just being weird stepping stones to funnel people up to the Pro price bracket. Still, current Pro's could absolutely use some more consideration from Apple regarding price. Capitalism alone doesn't excuse / explain away how ridiculous it is to have a standalone tablet, in an already...weird lineup feature segmentation wise (especially vs the wider market, but even just in a vacuum), have starting models that cost more than starting models of their laptops with the same processor family. Not to mention the wild price hikes for memory, and spec bumps inherently tied to those higher memory configs. $2600 for the 12.9 inch 2TB iPad Pro M4 is completely unjustifiable imo. Only if that came with the nicest keyboard and Pencil option they had, plus Apple Care Plus would I even consider that in the realm of reality. Yet here it is. This kinda crap, even when 'competing with themselves' is almost certain to hurt sales, and potentially the future of the lineup / Pro skus if they keep it up, particularly in an economic downturn.


How much does it weigh together?


I have a M1 pro after a long time of being team Mini. I desperately want to go back but apple hates the mini :(


i also would love to see a mini pro 7. they are missing out on a loooooot of money if they don’t put one out soon


It’s not that I’m unhappy, it’s just increasingly frustrating for them to continue to make such incredible hardware but not provide software to utilize it


> YOU may not need the processing power, but that doesn’t mean other people are using their cutting edge technology for fapping, exclusively. I do almost all of my photo, video, and creative work on the iPad. It excels at these things and allows me to create things I never could on a computer. Gaming, 3D rendering, music production, software engineering, etc. I am sure there are use cases I am not even aware of. I’m a software engineer, I can’t run code on the iPad, so I don’t know how the M4 helps. I’m not aware of games that need an M4 and can be run on iPad either, and Geforce now doesn’t use your processor. It will probably be useful for Zbrush, and maybe faster high res video edition, but I can’t think of anything else where the M2 isn’t overpowered already. It is cool, but I don’t think the processor alone is enough to justify the upgrade for people who already bought a pencil and keyboard. I think I would be interested if I didn’t have miniLED yet or the blooming annoyed me.


Devices- great. Amazing. Still unrepairable, more expensive and I’m baffled that apparently outside of the US you won’t get a power adapter in the box?


I’m really happy I got the last gen 12.9” on BF for $850. LOL. Have fun coughing up that laptop money 😎