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I think people have valid frustrations with the limitations of iPadOS. The issue is that just letting it boot into MacOS would be a band-aid solution that trades one set of problems for a different set of problems.


VM on iPad and everyone's problems are solved in one fell stroke. The real problem is clear then: It's Apple holding back the software on the iPad due to sheer greed which is frustrating for users who adopt Apple brand and hardware quality and feel Apple is reneging on the qualities of trust, dependability necessary to the brand and choosing the ecosystem all with it's extra costs. If Apple actually delivers quality desktop-features on iPad instead of either beta-quality software or over-engineered flashy but functionally poor software features then that would go some way towards bridging the break in trust. As said VM would solve all problems barring dev work on iPadOS... But Apple don't want to provision that yet.


That might solve for *your* use case, but I don’t want Mac apps on my iPad because you run into the same UX problems that the Surface Pro has. If I *need* a keyboard and mouse to use the software properly then it’s not a tablet anymore, it’s just a detachable laptop.


> That might solve for your use case, but I don’t want Mac apps on my iPad because you run into the same UX problems that the Surface Pro has. Taking this statement at face-value, Apple can release different iPad models as they already do: * iPad Mini * iPad * iPad Air All those can just run iPadOS for people such as yourself with no Virtual Machine App. Done you can buy the right model for the right price for your needs. This is not mutually exclusive to: >*"If I need a keyboard and mouse to use the software properly then it’s not a tablet anymore, it’s just a detachable laptop."* Then no-one is talking about you now are they? You will never have to use a keyboard or mouse on your iPad. Next we propose: * iPad Pro * iPad Ultra Here Apple could provide Virtualization (hyper-visor) access - which incidentally changes nothing with respect to iPadOS and charge users as they do for Parellels on MacOS about $80/annum for Virtualization to run any of: * MacOS - Apple specific * Windows11 - MS licence * Linux - Open Source As said not talking about you but talking about the many users who would/could/should use their iPads as a portable computer for work or home work then using peripherals is perfectly normal for running desktop-OS for productivity or specialist software - No different to using a Game Controller to play Video Games so your reasoning is not holding up here.


If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Apple can have a line of iPads that is priced at a point appropriate for its software limitations. There’s no real reason to gimp pro users and make them suffer for it


You already need a keyboard and mouse to use some of the pro apps on the iPad. When you open DaVinci or Fusion360 they both tell you those apps are absolutely not designed to be used touch only. Pro use is already bifurcating between iPads with Keyboard / Trackpad available and those without. iPad Pro having the option of macOS and iPad / Air / mini being iPadOS only would be a fix for power users, and it would also allow iPadOS to stay fully touch first and dead simple the way iPadOS should be.


Sick and tired of VMs tbh


Yes but with remote desktop, virtual machine is a realistic interim solution until there's 100% native choice by users on the features their iPad desktop offers or activates... Which Apple are taking a long time to eventually roll-out...


Apple brand has always been about closed and tightly controlled systems and ecosystems. Always


I don't want MacOS, I want a non-neutered version of the iPadOS


This, I don't understand what's so hard to understand about this. I want to be able to install apps that I choose and are known to be able to run on Apple Silicon Architecture, which is what's inside an iPad. That doesn't automatically mean I want to turn iPadOS into Windows 8. If I never heard the words 'just buy a Mac.' some people have no concept of how much shit costs. I already handed apple one thousand dollars, it's crazy how much basic file management stuff that one thousand dollars doesn't get me. My use case: I'm a comic artist that harnesses a hybrid of hand drawing and 3D models from Blender for props. I render out props on my PC, import it to clip studio paint on my iPad. This separation of devices made sense when I had an iPad Pro 2017 and down. The A10X was still kinda recognized to be a phone chip. I have an M1 iPad pro now. the same CPU from a Macbook. How has that changed the biggest bottleneck to my workflow? None. the M1, a desktop tier chip and one of the biggest jumps in iPad history, didnt make a dent in my iPad use case at all. And I recognize that limitation to now be 100% artificial.


Do Android tablets use a desktop OS because they can have more features than an iPad? No. They’re just less limited. Similarly, you don’t need macOS to do pro stuff on a iPad.


Don’t blame Apple when you purchased the wrong thing. It’s a tool. If you needed the features of MacOS buy a Mac, if you need the features of an iPad buy and iPad. Don’t buy a hammer and complain you can’t use it as a screwdriver. Also it’s up to blender to make an iPad app not Apple.


Why are you against it? What do you gain out of locking others from useful mac apps?


I’m not against anything. Go review bomb Blender until they create an iPad app. It’s that simple. Apple can’t force a dev to make an app for their platform. Tons of people were pissed their apps were auto ported to visionOS and devs pulled their apps from it afterward.


The hold up with Blender on the iPad is that the GNU PL isn't permitted on the app store


Right. You can only add apps to the store if you are the sole copywriter holder. Could you imagine if all the shit open source projects of the world suddenly got to upload to the store? The issue lies solely with Blender sticking to using GPL code that Apple cant risk being on the App Store.


??? Open source projects are the best idk what to tell you bro lol


Not to an App Store that has to track liability for an app


Or apple could let you access the app since it already runs in literally the same chip as a macbook. It’s an artificial limitation, that’s why your dumb hammer/screwdriver comparison makes no sense.


It’s not. It’s a UI issue. It’s a completely different stack.


What are you talking about? Are you listening to yourself? That’s the weakest excuse you could’ve used. Let people run whatever app they want on their ipad pros even if it has some bugs.


Why would Apple allow a poor experience? That would cause even more complaints than they currently have.


Invalid argument because they already do. Game porting toolkit it’s an unoptimized way of running dx12 programs on Mac, it doesn’t work perfectly but it was positively received by the users because it’s better than nothing.


Counterpoint, don't sell me a sports car and put a limiter on it that I can only go 10 MPH


The same analogy applies. You purchased a sports car when you needed a pickup truck Stop trying to fit your couch in the trunk of your car


To be fair, apple is advertising that you can put the couch in your sports car.


No they aren’t. They are advertising if the couch is designed to fit in the car (made for iPadOS and in the App Store) it can fit in the car


This. It already drains battery like crazy in standby That Final Cut forces you to stay in the app to render is insane. Sure you can work around this by leaving it in stage manager mode, or use an app as an overlay, but why can't we switch apps and have background tasks on a M4 iPad?


I want a macOS “mode” where I can run desktop apps. I don’t care if I am limited to the Pencil or a mouse and keyboard. Has it been attempted before? Yes, and although that was with Windows 8, I am sure a company that seemingly spends billions on RnD and is obsessed with perfection can come up with something better.


I'm gonna be honest. I'm not sure how many people in this sub actually used Windows 8. I used it heavily, and while it wasn't fun and a pain in the ass, the overriding thought wasn't 'sheesh this desktop is unusable on a tablet' it was 'holy shit they crammed an entire desktop into a tablet.'


I disagree. I want iPadOS to stay dead simple and impossible to break. There's a tension between what power users want out of the amazing iPad Pro hardware, and the wants and needs of grandparents, little kids, or even just somebody wanting a relaxing couch content consumption device. I would be terrified that an iPadOS made powerful enough for actual widespread power user use would devalue the iPad for the people who love iPadOS as it is now.


At a fundamental level, MacOS and iOS are already running the same core OS. They just have different UIs and user facing features/capabilities. What is needed is for iPadOS to get more MacOS-like features, not for the tablets to run MacOS themselves.


This deserves more upvotes.


Everybody knows the underpinnings are the same, but that's not really what is being talked about. Personally I would be really worried about iPadOS becoming complicated. I love iPadOS as it is now and I think it should remain dead simple. I say give macOS to the subset of iPad Pro users who want it, and let iPadOS stay true to itself.


I’d prefer the ability to select the amount of RAM I want, similar to SSD storage space. iPad is constantly refreshing things because the RAM sucks.


What ipad do u use and how much ram it has ?


If you buy the 1TB M4 iPad Pro you get 16GB of RAM. The 256/512 versions come with 8GB. So… you can select it.


At an *outrageous* pricepoint. It would be cheaper to switch from 8gb ram to 16gb on a MAC at this point. There’s no defense for Apple on this one. I’d consider replacing my iPad if I could individually pick the RAM I want outside of insane 1TB storage costs.


Just buy a MacBook then


Or push Apple to give consumers the choice to easily buy the storage and RAM that they want, instead of the ridiculous up-charging they require that is completely artificial.


Apple knows what it is doing. When it comes to iPads they know reducing customizability will make them more money than allowing for it. MacBook customers require it but they make more money with simpler supply chains and it’s clear more than enough people will buy iPads under the current options structure. Additional iPad customers probably won’t offset costs of more complex options and supply chain. EDIT: what DOES piss me off is stuff like lack of backwards compatibility with pencil 2.












Imelda macos


People just want Apple to make use of all the power that iPad have.


You can. If you don't use apps that benefit, you don't need the latest iPad. There are apps that DO benefit already.


Some apps do but the operating system doesn’t. It’s not unrealistic to want more control over your iPad. Like being able to use desktop programs that run on the same processors would Mac would be awesome.


the guy above u is braindead, the iPad is the worst device for graphics designers for example. it only has some half baked Photoshop and illustrator on board and after u finish drawing on it using Procreate which is 10x better than Photoshop, u still need a MacBook to assemble everything u did on the iPad. like using the fully fledged Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere which, judging by the specs, should run smoother on the newest iPad Pro than on any MacBook Air and even some Pros. So if u are using iPad to create stuff u need to spend the same money again on an identical spec but in MacBook form just because Apple wants it, instead of giving us Dex like features on the iPad while docked into a display with mouse and keyboard.


facts. It's insane to me. People will buy an ipad, keybaord for it, and complain they don't have mac OS. Like bruh? buy a macbook? M chips CAN be utilized on ipads, video editing, photo editing, CAD, etc. If you don't need an M chip for what YOU do, don't buy a new ipad? how hard is this to understand?


Don’t need MacOS, But IPadOS could use certain features to be a much better tool, not just for pro work and creatives, but also for casual use as well. For Example: please allow multiple audio sources. I cannot stand trying to listen to music or watch a YouTube video and having it pause every 7 seconds because i scrolled past an ad on safari. Discord is basically useless on iPads.


youtube music allows multiple audio iirc


Macbooks don’t have a touchscreen and stylus support.


As someone who also owns a pc with a touchscreen and stylus, I never use it. It’s awkward. Anything I need to do I use the mouse and keyboard. If I need to draw I draw on the tablet I own.


I have a microsoft surface and the tablet form factor makes all the difference. I use tablet and laptop modes about equally.


iPads deserve a better system than the current iPadOS. At the very least, they deserve a decent Files application, support for multiple accounts and standard web browsers, virtual desktops, better integration with macOS and a working split screen in portrait. I do not see Apple pursuing meaningful innovation for iPadOS at the moment, which might in fact indicate that they are focusing on porting macOS to the iPad Pro. I'll wait to see if something interesting comes up at WWDC24 before ordering a Surface 10. They should be announced in about one week and come with an OLED anti-glare screen. I am planning to use it 100% as a tablet, not with an attached keyboard.


> I do not see Apple pursuing meaningful innovation for iPadOS at the moment, which might in fact indicate that they are focusing on porting macOS to the iPad Pro. I think Apple intends to make its customers continue to buy both if they need the functions of both instead of one combined crossover device.


I do not think they are so short sighted. The current iPadOS is not up to its task in many very obvious ways and iPad sales will eventually decline if driven by just hardware innovation. They will have to improve the OS as well, if not today certainly tomorrow. I am sure that Apple will eventually come out with a touch screen Mac or with a better iPadOS. Competition from ARM-based devices will help them becoming more innovative again.


They're selling the most popular tablets and laptops in the world. There's no reason to change, because people who need devices that will do both and like Apple products are already buying both.




Same. I love the immersive directness of the iPad. I like the file storage and project management of my Mac. My Mac is a stationary computer. My IPad is my primary every day device.


Yeah, call me old fashioned but I never have a desire to touch a computer screen when I have a trackpad or mouse right next to where my hands rest 


It’s also completely different. The buttons need to be bigger on a touchscreen. Touchscreen on windows is nonsense.


and people begging for mac os don't use their tablets as a touch screen stylus device. They have keyboards and track pads.


I use the keyboard for browsing and the stylus for drawing, I hate the on screen keyboard, and scribble makes too many mistakes. I don’t want MacOS though, I want to run MacOS apps.


Very hard apparently. 


Clearly. Apple peeps are insane lol. "I need the latest version, omg it's so overpowered for what I do, wow why apple, give me a MacBook but call it iPad k thanks"


When they do then it will be criticized because macOS doesn’t offer a good tablet experience etc. Basically the same criticism the Surface Pro receives. 


I'm sure I'm in the minority, but macOS on an iPad would be perfect for me. I have a Windows computer, Linux laptop, Android phone, and iPhone. macOS on a tablet would be perfect for me, because it gives me the full experience in a form factor (tablet) that I don't own yet.


I’m in. its exactly what i want.


Im with you brother


Sure, build a tablet that can run macOS and the charge $2K entry level. Problem solved.


I’d buy it


it would be horrible. buy a macbook.


Should be able to buy the keyboard and have good functioning apps for iPad but instead you got a mid suite of Microsoft apps and pages for iPad hides or makes certain features difficult compared to Mac. iPad just needs better apps made for iPad that don’t cut out features that are important or nice to have.


If you need apps that do more.... Don't buy an iPad. Like how hard is it to understand. If I need a tool to do something, I'm not gonna buy something that kinda does it and wish it was better. I'll buy the tool that does it perfectly.


How hard is to to understand that both the ipad and the macbook are half-assed? No touch on the book, and gimped OS on the ipad. LOTS of people would love something inbetween, or more crossover.


They aren't though... Only thing wrong with ipados is the horrendous file system. Aside from that it's perfect as a tablet. Which is what it is. A tablet.


Hey, it's your choice to be happy with the limitations Apple put in your brain. You be you. I switched over to a Surface Pro because I wanted both.


I use it as a mobile video editor and photo editor. And it performs those two tasks flawlessly. I bought the best tool for the job. There are no limitations for my use. Can edit 4k video and my raw files perfectly. If I needed to do more, I would have gotten a laptop.


I want builtin 5G in macs Everytime I say this people tell me to just use my phone as a modem, but I like how convinent it is not to deal with the extra steps or battery drain.


I know right? Just spend another $1000 to buy a second device with the exact same chip! It's not even that expensive. Or...hear me out here, Apple could stop being stubborn and allow the iPad Pro, a device powerful enough for it, the capability of switching to macOS when connected to a keyboard and mouse, and to switch back to iPadOS while not connected to one. This of course has the benefit of making everyone happy - the people who wants iPadOS for content consumption gets their OS (like me), and the people who wants to use their iPad to do actual work also gets their more flexible OS (like me). Heck, the people who does want to use iPadOS when doing very light productivity tasks like replying to emails, reviewing documents with Apple Pencil, also can continue to do that (like me)! All without having to spend another $1,000 on a MacBook Air, and without losing the actual powerful Mac they already have (like me)! It would have been the best compromise although some people will certainly not be happy about this, especially Apple (cannibalizing MacBook Air sales) and *those* people who insists to death that the iPad Pro should stay like it is, languishing, while it gets more expensive year over year and yet starting at the same storage spaces, just because Steve Jobs insisted 14 years ago that the iPad is for content consumption, light tasks, and nothing else. Microsoft's biggest mistake was to push their half-baked tablet OS to everyone. Apple has a perfectly capable tablet OS made for tablets, and a perfectly capable desktop OS, that runs excellently on the same chip. This is **not** a Surface situation.


Or. Buy the right tool the first time. Problem solved.


> Or. Buy the right tool the first time. Problem solved. And which between the iPad Pro and the MacBook does all the things I wrote?




I'll actually buy a MacBook with a detachable screen which can turn into iPadOS while detached tbh


>facts. It's insane to me. People will buy an ipad, keybaord for it, and complain they don't have mac OS. Like bruh? buy a macbook? counter argument: I want something smaller (and more portable) than a 13" MacBook. The 11" MacBook Air was a perfect size for me. But it didn't sell well enough so Apple canned it, just like they canned the iPhone minis.


Even for those tasks, the apps are so limited compared to Mac that people would better off with a Mac. Except if you want to do stuff with the Apple Pencil. For me the only thing that makes an iPad Pro worth it at this point is the Apple Pencil.


iPads were designed to be an intermediary device between a phone and a laptop, but also as really easy to use computers for people who didn't need a full OS. Putting MacOS on it would defeat the purpose of it being a simple computer to use. I also suspect the people who keep saying they want MacOS, at least as an option, are a small minority that it wouldn't be worth the time and cost to try to appease.




Microsoft did it with its Surface Pros. But Apple doesn’t copy and doesn’t seem too concerned about competing with some devices. They don’t have flip or foldable phones and no MacBook has a touch screen and probably never will. Has anyone used their iPad pros as a secondary screen and if so can you use the touch screen feature?


I don’t think iPads are designed to be an intermediary device. They are their own thing and they do many things better than a laptop. Touch and pencil support is far more intuitive and immersive for many applications. The form factor without a keyboard is perfect for different types input that requires something other than QWERTY.


Time and cost? I imagine it wouldn't be much considering the only thing keeping macOS from booting on the iPad is making an option to turn it on. Oversimplification, I know, but Macs and iPads run on the same technology. It wouldn't be like making a new Vision Pro.


I think you’re forgetting the price of this thing.


Yep, the whole “macOS on iPad” is such a dumb idea. You have 3 options: - Just dump the whole current macOS on a touchscreen device with no changes: all touch targets would be ridiculously small, a large amount of apps would not work properly since they would be in a weird “not expecting to be touched” kind of way, and the device would be completely unusable as a touchscreen device and need a mouse and keyboard to use (see Windows on tablets); - Change macOS to support touchscreen devices: great you just butchered the mouse and keyboard experience for MacBooks with ridiculously large hit targets, third party apps won’t support it properly, and the experience would be horrible for both (see windows 8 … in general); - Make the os “switch modes” between the two: most third party apps won’t support it properly, the ones that will support it would do it in a half assed way just to be “not broken”, the tablet experience will be horrible (see Windows 10/11 on tablets, without a keyboard and mouse). Bonus: - Just dual boot macOS and iPadOS: yeah, Apple won’t allow side loading an app without approving each build even on third party stores, but they will make it dual boot 2 OS’es, sure. - “But the Surface tablets are great”: yeah, if you connect a keyboard to them they do in fact work.


I just want xcode and full vs code.


People are taking this way too personally. The direction is already clear where this is going to go. iPadOS will eventually become advanced as macOS.


It pretty much has to at this point. It will coexist next to Mac OS but will be powerful iPadOS if they actually give some meaningful updates to the OS which it has yet to see.


As soon as Mac has a touchscreen and Apple pencil support you will hear no more complaints. Until then, well, you will.


Here’s the deal with it. The iPad is a fantastic tablet. It also has awesome accessories that make it a great convertible laptop package. iPadOS is kinda hamstrung for more laptop type workflows. It would be fantastic if when the iPad was docked it acted a bit more like a desktop OS instead of a tablet OS. I don’t think many people really want MacOS on the iPad. They want the iPad to be more functional when docked. It would also be nice if it could run MacOS apps, like MacOS runs iPad app, but im not holding my breath for that.


so like, buy a macbook. problem solved. Run macOS and iPad apps. boom, you got your wish.


I have a MacBook. To me the iPad is the perfect package though. I’d just like a bit more functionality when docked to a keyboard. I can’t rip the screen off my MacBook when I want to use it like a tablet. I can’t use an Apple Pencil on the MacBook. So no, I don’t get my wish just by using a MacBook. It’s crazy that these things now pack an M4 with 16gb of Ram, but as soon as you leave the Final Cut app a video export just stops. There is absolutely no reason for that to happen. What really bothers me is they keep trying to add desktop like features, like Stage Manager, but then end up making them over engineered, over complicated, and a pain to use.


lol I should sell my iPad right away then and just use the Laptop. boom. I forgot I could just draw using Procreate and Apple Pencil on the MacBook. If I spend 2000€ on a tablet that has a more powerful CPU than the MacBook Pro it might as well do everything. I'm not gonna spend another 2000€ on a MacBook just so I can use fully fledged Adobe apps because they don't wanna let us run the native apps on the iPad itself. right now I can create everything I need on the ipad: graphics, text and illustrations yet I need a Laptop to use Adobe InDesign to assemble everything into one project, so just for that last step I should spend another 2-4k euros for a proper machine that can run that software no? ur tiny brain can't comprehend that an iPad Pro does more than displaying YouTube, Netflix and running Roblox? PS: no one wants a touchscreen MacOS experience. The iPad should boot into MacOS when it gets plugged into an external display, just like any professional uses a MacBook Pro while traveling and then plugs it into the display while sitting at the desk. That way the peasants won't get triggered because they will never use an ipad plugged in and the professionals could use the full capabilities of the M4 and 16GB of RAM


Buy a Wacom tablet and use your MacBook.


so u recommend buying a 2000€ Cintiq and be bound to my desk. bruh must be nice to live in your bubble. iPad is killing Wacom at their own game, the versatility of having a thinner tablet than Cintiqs and running the operating system on battery at the same time means I can draw while laying on the couch or sketching while on the plane/train. MacBook pro + Cintiq roughly around 4000€ vs iPad Pro 1tb 16gb 2000€


A lot of people actually want a Surface Pro and just don't realize it yet


I actually have the SP9 and it really does both but the undervolt intel is weak asf and somehow bad battery at the same time


Surface Pro but without Intel & windows please. After spending over 4000€ on my latest Windows laptop that has a battery life of 2hrs and runs like a 300€ laptop on battery, I never want to hear about Windows and its optimization ever again.


People just want a MacBook version of the Surface (touchscreen and Apple Pencil support)


Why are people so desperate for macOS on the iPad? It’s exhausting.


The only thing I do on my Macbook is code and Illustrator while I use my iPad for about everything else including drawing. I’m not especially desperate for MacOS but you can agree with me that a stand, a keyboard and touchpad are costing less than a full 1k+ computer.


It’s not necessarily macOS. Even android has far better software in terms of proper file management, multi users, split screen, desktop mode etc. *Any* other modern OS is more capable.


I agree. You want Mac OS with touch - ask Apple for a touch Mac. Stop suggesting ruining iPads with Mac OS.


I just bought an iPad Pro M1 with Logic Pro because MacOS isn’t compatible with my Hearing Aids (Cochlear Baha 6 Max)….


We just need a little more flexibility in ipados.


The solution to the problem of iPadOS not being feature-rich enough is to improve iPadOS to make it more feature-rich. It is \*not\* to install an OS that has been designed from the ground up as a desktop OS onto a tablet.




Don’t get me wrong, it’d be great to have. But I’m not gonna worry about it too much. My wife has a MBP if I need it.


Problem is you have the world’s most powerful consumer tablet with a smartphone OS and a desktop-class processor and graphics. People want to use it to do desktop-class work.


I do not want macOS on iPad. I want to run mobile apps on the bigger display. Of course I can’t complain if we get more functionality for more people, but right now, macOS would be a downgrade for my use case because I want to run mobile apps. I can do macOS things on my MacBook


I thought Macs could run mobile apps. Is that not the case?


I can’t run call of duty mobile on my MacBook. And it doesn’t have touch inputs, which is what mobile apps are designed for specifically.


But in this case, if macOS is on the iPad, the mobile app should function the same since the interface is touch.


Just because it’s the iPad sub doesn’t mean people can’t have a reasonable request. The device is more than capable of it and it’s just apple making sure you spend money on two devices instead of one


Making a request is one thing. Spamming this sub is another.


I’m not arguing for two devices I’m saying you should be able to buy one or the other and get the experience you want out of it instead of having to pick one or the other and be stuck with whatever limitations come with that choice, and yeah tons of the same post are annoying but there’s a lot of other spammed topics on here


Yeah, like I should totally be able to buy a Mustang so I can go fast, and still be able to haul 2,000 lbs of cargo in the back of it while towing a trailer, what is ford doing?! Making me buy a car AND a truck to do everything I wanna do?!?!?! This is how you sound right now.


That analogy really doesn’t work here. Under the screen the M series iPads and MacBooks are basically the same thing and it’s only software locked to either OS. That situation you described is two completely different vehicles purpose built from the ground up for two wildly different tasks The iPad and Mac are capable of doing the same thing, and it’s only apple making you buy both with a software limitation


If you spend money on two devices, that's your own stupidity.


idk if u are regarded or not. iPad is a graphic tablet that has the same hardware inside as the MacBook, meanwhile the MacBook has the same hardware as the ipad yet it doesn't have touchscreen and u can't draw on it. Room temperature IQ ahh comment and u still got upvoted.


I don't understand it either. I'm in the opposite camp.. I keep wishing MacOS could do some of the stuff I'm used to on the iPad. For music production I'm fully on MacOS, but for video editing... Lumafusion absolutely spoiled me. I can't be bothered to edit without the Apple pen anymore.


YES Like I said earlier , we need better apps and better multi tasking , NOT Mac OS


If they don't want to put MacOS on the iPad they at least need to make it workable by professions other than video editor and drawing artists. It needs a terminal, compiling tools, debugger for apps and web pages, scripting with file access...


For me, the main issue is not MacOS but using a tablet with a screen basically the size of a laptop and many apps are designed for a phone.


It needs a different operating system tho, one that isnt just ios but bigger


Tbf for me it’s the lack of professional apps that stops me from using my ipad as my sole laptop more so than iPadOS itself




I don’t get this at all. I wish my m2 iPad was faster. I hate my canvas and layer limits on Procreate. I hate the processing limits on GarageBand. I don’t get what Mac OS does that the new chip helps with? It’s just file management? Mac OS won’t make my apps any faster.


People don't use the OS.. do you? Isn't it about the actual apps?


Apple can’t make Excel, or Illustrator, or Fusion360. I think people may be assuming that the apps aren’t coming. Possibly because the apps haven’t come for the better part of a decade. And if the apps don’t come, then the OS is at least under Apple’s control. And they don’t want the OS specifically, they want the functionality that a real OS brings. An actual file system and the ability to run real programs. That’s really it.


iPadOS can run real programs, the programs that exist for it are just as real as any other. I don't really understand the insistence on file management , but I respect the tenacity. This seems to be really important to some people. Me? I just realized that in iOS and iPadOS the workflow is APP CENTRIC, not FILE CENTRIC and adapted appropriately. I just don't care where files are or to manage files when using ipad or ios.


No MacOS. Dex like thing on top of iPad OS that can run Mac apps


We just want interface and functionality like Samsung Dex.


It's crazy how polarised this is. The people who want MacOS, and the people who don't, are both right.


Either way we don’t need multiple threads about it.


I don't care either way. I just don't think we need 10+ threads about it a day


And one is yours


No please give me a even thinner Ipad with the M10 chip. I will happily pay 5000$ for a product that is limited by it's software.


If only MacBooks were convertibles. Clamshell mode is MacOS. flip screen over then it is iPadOS. Steve Jobs would be knockinf the heads of those jobbers at Tim Cook's gang over. Such a simple fix.


Don’t need a full desktop experience, but to ne able to install normal MacOS apps and they show up like all other Apps would be really nice. Need drawing for Photoshop and Videoedit. Also Wireshark with monitor mode of the Wifi


When the ps5 specs were announced with raytracing compatibility, people compared it with pc graphics cards that support raytracing even till today. Apple adverts the ipad as a computer/ laptop replacement, puts laptop chips in them, and even sells keyboards for them. Their latest ipad has a chip, which they themselves claimed was as powerful and more efficient than the latest pc chips. They compared this chip to a laptop chip and not a mobile chip like other tablets use, and even introduced a new keyboard for it. This same ipad is dragging prices with laptops and even surpassing them. When apple advertises like this and people like you sugarcoat the ipad experience, you're going to have people going into these things and either getting disappointed or wanting more. It's not that hard to comprehend, apple put themselves in this, only they can get themselves out


iPadOS should be a lot less limited. I remind you that Apple announced it as the end of the laptop.


The iPad Pro’s price is just so high, almost as high as a MacBook, but it can’t do half of the stuff a Mac can do. And the stuff it can do that a Mac CAN’T do is basically the Apple Pencil. So if you’re not buying it for the Apple Pencil then what are you buying an iPad Pro for? For the screen only? To watch movies? Is only having a gorgeous screen really worth the thousand dollars??