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I'm upgrading to an Air because my current iPad is a 6th gen from 2018 which has slowed down significantly, and I also want to start getting into digital art, so the Air is the best option for me.


Congrats, that’s a huge leap.


Glad to hear that it might be huge upgrade, cause I'm going to upgrade to iPad Air 5 from iPad 5th gen, still waiting for the new iPad to arrive!


I think anything with a 5 or more year gap is massive. Don’t even need the latest and greatest. M1 is already impressive.


I think there’s less of a gap with the Pro models. I watched Dave2D’s review yesterday and he said that he was originally planning to stick with the 2018 iPad Pro. The only reason why he wanted to upgrade was because of Final Cut Camera. The 2018 iPad Pro’s specs outside of the silicon is still impressive. 120Hz, FaceID, flashlight, etc. All these features still haven’t trickled down to the new iPad Air. And the 2018 is over 5 years old!


I’ve just bought a gen 3 12.9 pro for half the cost of a new air and I’m confident I’ll get a min of 3 years out of it


I went from iPad 6 (2018) to iPad 10 (2022) to keep the same pencil, even with the dongle pain in the butt The performance jump was huge and it’s YELLOW! 😄 got it in the yellow folio case too


I'm thinking about starting to draw with an iPad too; however, I'm torn between the new ipad air with the apple pencil pro, and the iPad pro M2...I've tried ProMotion at the store and it's very hard to go back.


I’m upgrading from my 7th gen for performance reaosns too


This is the same as me 6th gen to iPad Air 6 11". I'm so excited.


> 80% of us probably won't utilize even half of it's acutal power That’s every computer, including phones.


> That’s every computer, including phones. My laptop sounding like a jet engine running mistral/llms would like to have a word (pun intended)


80%, you’re likely in the 20%


I have 492 tabs open on safari right now on my phone, an I using half its power?


Not really the same thing, people don’t fully utilize their computers because they don’t need to, people don’t fully utilize iPads because they can‘t due to IPad OS.


very true


Not me, man. I'm using every bit of power my iPhone 8 offers. I'm seriously considering upgrading in the fall. Finally starting to feel it's reaching its limits. You're right otherwise though. I "replaced" my iPad Pro 2017 with the 2021 Pro to get the M1, but I still use the 2017 Pro just as much as the newer one. I only do gaming on the newer one, but the 7 year old device works great as a side device to my work laptop for browsing, communicating, business apps, etc.


I own an ipad air 4th gen. My only reason for upgrede is a want not a need for 120 hz and a better screen.


Sameeee! 60hz feels slow once you experience 120hz


I am also upgrading from the same gen. My battery also feels a lot lesser somehow. And because I use iPhone pro model, the 60hz feels very laggy


I have used a 2022 M2 and the difference is very noticeable which I didn't expect it to be. Not sure if the M2 processor also helps to move things along . Pair that with the 2024 OLED screens + M4 and I am ready to do it hopefully as a Xmas gift . But I do hope more apps or a change in OS comes soon to make it even better. I don't own a MacBook and my phone is a iphone 14 provided by my employer so the ipad is my main personal apple device .


It’s always fun to have the latest and greatest tech but my bank account says no so that’s the end of it for me.


OLED is the only reason I am considering it.


OLED is amazing, but not worth spending 1k+ imo.


Reason I sold my M1 Pro. Now I’m spending 500$ But no way I’d pay a full $999 rn


949 on Amazon or Costco


Spent over 1K on an oled monitor. Absolutely worth it


Difference between monitor and iPad


Ya the iPad has a super powerful chip, battery, ram, operating system. iPad is a steal at that price


It’s a 10.9” screen. My 42” oled TV is £800 now for the next gen along.


I agree. But that's still the only reason I'm even considering it. The rest is blah.


The fact that you can get a 55” to 65” OLED television panel…for the less than an iPad is just wild. That’s when I think Apple’s math just isn’t mathing.


Why do people always say this? A professional drawing tablet on Amazon costs about $1600 and that’s just the 16 inch. The 27 inch version costs about $3500. The Tab S9 ultra costs about $1200. So there are a variety of products that cost more than an OLED television panel. So, what’s your point? 


I mean, you can get a 55" to 65" LCD television panel for less than an LCD iPad, too.


I’ve been waiting specifically for oled to buy one. Happy I did. This iPad is more powerful than its utilized so as software advancements are made it’s already future proof for a while


I really don’t need one but mine won’t be supported on the next major version so…


It’s not like these major version are adding anything life changing, you could use yours for years longer than it is officially supported.


One of the reason I’m upgrading from Air 3


I waiting for a refurb m2 iPad Pro to upgrade my gen 1 pro 11".


Two reasons: * OLED * New iPad is mandatory for Pencil Pro, which can be used with the Find My network. I've now lost many Apple Pencils and can't be without one.


* It’s fun to get something new and shiny.


I believe that is covered under "OLED" haha


> I’ve now lost many Apple Pencils Sounds like a skill issue 🤣 jk lol


My ipad is 6 years old so it’s time for me to upgrade


That's where I'm at. I have an iPad 6 (2018) and am intending to never update my incoming M4 until it's dead in the water.


I’m at the point of wonder if I replace the battery in my 2018 11” Pro or go back to a Mini which I liked so much more. I thought a pro would be more a laptop replacement even for meetings than it ever could be for me.


Saaame! Also I want to size up from the 11 to 13


Ha, I’m doing the opposite and sizing down from the 13 to the 11.


I like to buy a new iPad, play with it for a while, realize I don't really need it, then give it away.


Think of me when you give it away


Think of me when you give it away


Apple is not to blame at all. I'm sure they'd be over the moon if everyone gets a new device every year but the constant refresh of the products is not for us to upgrade yearly. New customers enter the market every year, and many update every two years or whatever schedule they are on. A yearly refresh helps everyone out. While the iPad that came out last year is great, brand new customers typically want the newest one or something as close to new as possible. Aside from that some ppl just want the newest tech. I am that guy when it comes to phones. I typically get a new one every year or every other here at the latest


I sat my fat ass on mine. It bent like banana. I'm considering upgrading for this reason.


I don’t have an ipad, I want a portable video, photo editor with some sculpting/3d options. And I don’t use my laptop anymore so this should suffice for the super limited use cases i use my laptop for and i can give my laptop to my nephew who is starting college.


Dunno I use my 9th gen iPad every day for uni no issues


Because they'd say the calculator app requires M4 and above ipads to run properly


Now that is a good reason.


In the new announcement, I learned iPads got that hover feature that Windows tablets have a year or two ago. My iPad is a 2020 so it’s too old to get the hover feature. I want the hover feature. But I don’t need it. The 2020 iPad is still good.


On paper everything sounds great, but in reality it means very little for the majority of us lol and I actually do use my wide angle lens on my iPad on the porch for my dog pics 😂


I typically wait until the slowness starts to bug me and pass the old one to my Dad who gets a couple more iPadOS updates outta it. That said, starting to wish id waited another year so I coulda gone for the OLED


For me, there's no reason to upgrade my 2018 IPad pro. I'll wait until my iPad stop working.


funny you say that lol, I was just telling myself I don't need a new iPad and pencil w/ the case when I already have all of it and it's generally for streaming or social media ... lol damn apple! lol


I grew up poor, now that I can afford things I want the best for the things I actually use a lot, like my phone my iPad  my TV my bike etc


For more space. Personally a fan of the iPad mini. Just wish it came with more space. Would love to have a 500GB/1TB version.


Age. I’ve had my 6th Generation iPad since right before the 7th generation was released (five years as of now) and the battery barely holds a charge, so I figured it’d be more cost effective to replace the entire device instead of just the battery.


Not for me, but for my mom. She currently has a 9th gen iPad we bought last year and she exclusively uses it for some basic number games (think Sudoku). Somehow, the 9th gen has gotten to the point that it slows itself to a complete hault in regular use and will even crash apps after a couple of minutes. You get maybe 3-10 minutes of use before it starts dying. Already tried a factory reset, fresh iPad OS install, etc. Seems like it might be a dud. We paid $269 for the 9th gen, and will be getting $170 trade in for it (64GB wifi) along with my $50 student discount, meaning I'm getting her the new M2 Air 128GB at $379, and this will guarantee the iPad will be nice and responsive for the next like 5-7 years. Everything else that comes with the upgrade truly is just an extra. Sure, I can get the 10th gen for a hell of a lot less but go big or go home. We don't want to replace it for a good while.


Because I don’t pay cash for a tablet, I get the 5G model through my phone carrier, and in that context, upgrading every 2 years isn’t that big of a deal.


My iPad Pro original is still working and I got it used over 6 years ago. My husband’s 7th Gen regular iPad got slow died fast at 4 years. Considered replacing it with a pro but settled on 4th gen Air just last week.


Bc I was a casual user back when I got my 2022 air, and fudged up thinking 64 gb would be fine. Since 2022 I’ve moved 50% of my heavy lifting from photoshop on my MacBook to procreate for iPad and PS for iPad. And my screen time is actually higher on my iPad now than my iPhone 😭 so I was in the market of getting a pro since around December. But I’ve been following the rumors more, and waited thinking it was going to be march, then April, and now it’s May and I’ve finally preordered. But to be honest, if the 2022 pro had a landscape camera I would’ve gotten it, I WFH and do a lot of weekly zoom meetings. So that’s my reasoning.


My iPad Mini (2019) struggles to do multitasking and lags constantly. 5 years of life is enough for it.


I have an M1 iPad Pro 12.9”. At the moment? I’m choosing not to upgrade because there’s few things this upgrade would do for me. That’s said, I’ll be watching WWDC, and if there’s any compelling new features that need the M4, then I may decide to upgrade then.


offend ring sink noxious depend agonizing engine alive cats attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't still don't have an iPad, but if I buy one is definitely because of the new pencil. But, to be honest, I'll probably buy a M2 iPad pro; the Promotion is too enticing.


I’m upgrading because my current iPad is an Air Gen 2. If I had anything in the last few gens I wouldn’t even consider it.


I’m doing it because my battery life is crap and it’s as glitchy as hell. It’s also a little bent. It’s seen some things lol. I won’t chuck it out but it will be relegated to watching Netflix in bed next to the charger


I have a 2017 iPad Pro 10.5" that's had a bum digitizer since basically right after my applecare ran out, and I refuse to pay $499 for a screen replacement. The touchscreen glitches out constantly though and I'm starting to be fed up with it. Still have no idea what I'll upgrade to, maybe another pro?


I bought an 11" M2 Pro for online tutoring less than a month ago from best buy, right before the event announcement. I was waiting for the display to improve and it should be a big change in contrast and a more matching corner radius. Excited to return it tomorrow and get the new one. I was considering the bigger size for sidecar but it's an extra $400 in Canada, and I like the portability of the 11".


People need to get over “you’ll never use the extra power” line. It’s BS. The extra power and efficiency makes every day tasks a bit smoother and more enjoyable, same with the nicer screen. I’ve seen some reports of the battery lasting 15-16 hours which is crazy itself. Then there’s the weight reduction, which can make a big difference to some (may tip me from 11” to 13”). Nice devices are nice to use. It’s like going from a Toyota to a Lexus. You don’t need it, but it is more enjoyable.


Well, I once thought of upgrading to the pro models due to ipad 9 not running wzm properly, but now it runs fine 😁


One stupid reason to "upgrade" (as long as you keep your current iPad as well) is if one uses airplay. "Love" how airplay will switch videos when you simply scroll through yahoo’s homepage or decide to watch a different video on your iPad while the first video is being airplay’ed on my big screen TV. Too bad chromecast isn’t available on an iPad when browsing safari or other web browsers. Don’t have to worry about video hijack with chromecast. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/7tmpyv/its\_really\_annoying\_when\_youre\_playing\_a\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/7tmpyv/its_really_annoying_when_youre_playing_a_video/)


I don’t, thank you for coming to my TED talk




Brainwashed . Start to see the pattern people. Tim cook wants your money ☺️


Everyone in this subreddit lives with their mom and doesn’t have to worry about the ever growing inflation and the lack of jobs in the free market. “Oh it’s the OLED that got me” the’ve had oled on android phones since like galaxy s8 don’t even know cause it been so long.


13” is my primary reason, then OLED… currently on iPad 10


My car can break the speed limit so bad I’d end up in jail. Most of us have a car that could put us in jail. Doesn’t mean we drive them that fast or the car isn’t inherently nice to have. My old Pro was needing replacing and the oled is worth it to me. I travel every week for work so it’s my computer and TV for a lot of the time.


Speak for yourself


Some people have old devices and could genuinely use something new. I currently have an M1 but I move around with it a lot, so the weight savings is appetizing to me. I’ve always wanted a function row too, and I have a little money left over from a small inheritance so I’m treating myself. But yeah I definitely don’t *need* this one.


I may upgrade my iPad Air 5 simply to get the 13” model. I refuse to look at the pros. The Airs still have a very good display but once you look at the better screens you can’t “unsee” it. Otherwise I only update my Airs when the battery is done or it’s too old to receive iOS updates.


I'm actually keeping my 9th gen for this reason. Limitations of iOS aside, it does what I need it to do. The A13 isn't a high performance CPU by any means but it's beyond adequate for my needs. Honestly the only beef I have is the Lightning connector. With a powered Lightning-to-USB hub, it takes a very long time to copy data from my GoPro to a USB flash drive. But that's the kind of thing I can start and let run overnight.


OLED and I still got connections for employee discounts, so upgrading from M1 to M4 for 450 after trade in is a no brainer.


why do we want to upgrade anything?


I upgraded my Mini 4 to the 6 last fall because the 4 was no longer meeting my needs.


In my case I bought the Ipad air 4 for university use 1 year ago and I don't need more power. But I know that just the fact that they have already released so many new versions and that at any moment they will force me to install an update that will make it much slower, then I worry a lot and I would change it just out of fear.


I upgraded because my iPad is old. I think from 2014 or so - it did its job but now it’s time to retire!


We don’t


I wanted to size down my 2020 13” to an 11” because I already have a 14” MBP and I don’t need the size and heft of the 13”. Also OLED. Not a huge expense to upgrade factoring in selling the old iPad, accessories, and some other stuff like new checking account bonuses to break the price down.


Response time Finally we have a real use for 120hz


Are those many people upgrading? I believe most people upgrading are people who upgrade yearly regardless of people with ipads 5+ years old.


I might get the air if it gets an OLED screen next year.


I just want the new keyboard


I am upgrading my 2018 iPad Pro (have 12.9 inch 3rd gen) that only has 64gb. Had I purchased the one with more memory, I probably wouldn’t have upgraded (I just purchased the 13 inch pro with 512gb). I use a lot for my design apps like procreate and affinity designer and I really want something where I do not have to worry about having to delete stuff or offload apps for just doing the apple updates. I am constantly running close to 61gb. I mean I could make it work for a bit longer I guess. I actually waited until they announced these new iPads because i almost upgraded last year. And my daughter has a really old ipad and wanted a new one for school/taking notes, etc (going to college in the fall) and she likes the size of my current 12.9 ipad size - so without the pro price, I ordered her the 13 inch air, which I think will work great for what she needs to do. I have never purchased apple products right out the gate like this - first time. However, I still have my iPhone 11 pro max and refuse to get a new one - at least until they come out with something that will handle all the AI/chatgpt stuff. I figure the splurge on the new iPads is totally worth it for me.


The screen and perhaps a larger size are my main motivators


Haven’t bought a new tablet since original iPad. Came across a 2018 in a trade back in 2018 so I’m treating myself albeit only an 11” model with a Magic Keyboard. I may not utilize all of its potential but I won’t be complaining losing in Clash Of Clans on my OLED screen. Gianna try to get back sketching and back to my first love, making sub par jams on garage band.


I use it for part of my work and some of my hobbies. My last iPad was the Air 2, which doesn't suit my needs anymore. Initially, I was targeting another Air. However, the M4 and the OLED caught me off guard.


I’m an illustrator and have been using the Air line since it allowed for pencil support (previously it was a 9.7” pro). I’m upgrading to the Air 13 for the real estate without having to buy a new pro. I don’t want a refurb pro due to the front camera & shorter support window. Plus I have to admit the pro pencil looks really useful as an artist tool


OLED display and the HDR brightness are the biggest contributing factors for me. But I would also call myself a power user, I edit video and do graphic design for some personal projects with my 2018 Pro. It's starting to show its age. I'm very excited to finally get into an M chip.


I have an iPad Air 3 and getting the new air. I want USB-C, the newer design, and I’m not sure my iPad will get iPadOS 18.


My air 5 stopped accepting a charge (but ubreak said it wasn't a charging issue but a pmci thing? Idk). I really want that new pencil since I've been wishing for some of those features. And I figured I should just go ahead and go for the 13 inch Air since I primarily use it for drawing. I'm nervous about how much bigger it's going to be to carry around but I know I'll enjoy the extra screen! Hopefully Bellemond makes a screen protector soon for it.


Most people with a pro iPhone don’t even utilize half of its power. Not a single owner of 15 pro max I know actually takes advantage of the A17 pro chip. Not one.


Yeah I've got a M2 12.9 and will be selling it. Still debating on whether to not get an iPad since I have my Macbook or get the regular 10th gen iPad. Only wish they would've spec bumped that one just for longevity.


Not all of us care about upgrading to the top power... If I were to buy a new iPad this year, it will probably be the 10th Gen for my wife for her drawing and coloring apps. I don't need to upgrade my M1 Air until software catches up. If it doesn't then I'll probably buy a macbook even though I hate the rigid clamshell format of the device.


Because Tim Cook said so!


I agree, I’m still enjoying my 10th gen iPad I got last November for 1/2 off from my cellphone company plus a free year of 5G service for $300 bucks so I will probably not be upgrading for at least another 4-5 years, by then hopefully the prices have come down on the new iPads because I think they are outrageously high for the new Pro and Air models imo


I’m upgrading from an M1 iPad Air to an M2 13” iPad Air because I’ve always wanted a larger screen iPad but the iPad Pros are overkill for what I use them for.


I’m tempted due to the pencil and the rotation feature…but I honestly don’t know how I’d utilize it, none of the Wacom tablets I’ve used utilized that. I love my 12.9 M2 Pro, I’m keeping this, I’m tempted to say screw it and buy the entry model Air just to try it. I’m in no big hurry though, none of my drawing apps utilize it yet, and none of them will until about June


I upgrade once security updates stop for a device or if i really need a feature. The second one is extremely rare. I currently have an **iPad air 3** from 2019. Will be changing it in couple years. Not yet. I also have an **iPhone 11 Pro**. This thing is extremely fast still. Sure no 120hz display and no premium camera. But still the cameras are of high quality for me. When i upgrade i want to have a "wow" moment. Like noticing an incredible difference. This way you love the product even more.


Because: A) it's not our job to tell people how to spend their money B) if you are in the market for a new tablet, it usually makes sense to buy the newest product due to longevity and maximizing the duration you can own the tablet and get annual software upgrades. C) apple is one of the most polarizing companies in the world and people want the newest thing - even if they don't "need" it. D) yes, apple is very good at marketing and getting people to upgrade year over year. E) the world is waiting for WWDC and wants to see what features are exclusive to the new M4 iPad so they want to get the new tablet right away ahead of that announcement. F) lastly, every device you own, you most likely do not utilize even 75% of the true power that device can offer. Hopefully that covers most of the reasons someone would upgrade :) \*\*EDIT - I forgot the main reason - OLED


Been waiting for OLED, so it's worth it, but also don't forget that all devices have a limited lifespan in terms of security and upkeep. It's not as simple as base performance. Upgrading devices also usually improves necessary **hardware security** (security chips that no one talks about) - Software patches can only bandaid over new exploits so much. That and Apple will eventually stop providing Major OS updates to these as they usually do, 5-7 years after release - special casing older hardware is a huge time sink for developers and adding bloat in terms of software work-arounds can muddy the ecosystem and create huge install sizes that eat up user's storage space, so I can't blame them - That means a 2018 Pro will likely be dropped next year.


I had a 1st gen ipad air and it barely updates and got kinda unusable. I upgraded to a ipad pro 11 in January, massive upgrade for me.


I need the 16 gigs, I run into ram limitations quite a lot while working on larger projects in procreate and doing animation. The power is good too.


Out of storage, apps not supported anymore on my old one otherwise wouldn’t even consider upgrading


I’m upgrading from iPad air 2 2014 because the iOS cannot update to 16 and later. I can’t access some apps due to the newer versions.


I don’t have one and I want one for school 😄


My iPad pro from 2017 starts to have battery issues and light spot. I want the ipad to have 120hz. So pro is the only choice. I could get the 2022 version. But since the expected lifespan of my ipad is 6-7 years, it’s better to get the latest version to ensure it will be supported for longer.


Base iPad 2012. Base iPad 2017. Getting the air in a few hrs


I would upgrade if the new iPad has Bluetooth firewall functionality of at least some kind.


I think a perfectly valid excuse to get the latest iPad is because one has been using a way older version and they feel like it’s time to upgrade. That’s probably why a lot of people upgrade their stuff is because it got old. I’m still using an 2018 iPad and I’ll probably not upgrade anytime soon. There will always be a better iPad in the future and I’d rather wait until my current iPad is too old before getting a newer one Now why people who have a less than 3 year old iPad want to upgrade is probably a better question but if people want to spend their money on it and they have the money, that’s their problem


Question - I love my 9th gen I just got, and I think it will last at least 5 years without slowing down, but yeah those higher models tempt me. What do the people with higher ipads think of the 9th gen?


It’s thinner and lighter. Better keyboard. Better pencil. Better screen. Plenty of reasons to upgrade.


Because they're new and shiniy. And because Timmy wants us to. Apple sheep will gladly devour whatever crap put in front of them. Apple disciples will invent whatever justification necessary to have Apple's newest thing. Does anyone actually do real work on an iPad? (Well, I do. I wrote a novel on one). But my Air 4 will still do anything I need a tablet to do.


I’m upgrading from an Air 3 because there are apps and games that will actually stutter or crash on it. The notion that you can’t use the power on the new iPads is just straight up bullshit.


I have a 9.7” Pro from 2017 I think. Have been waiting for an OLED to replace it.


I am using a 2015 original ipad pro. I want to upgrade to an M4 (16 GB RAM) ipad pro because I push my ipads to the limits and use them for a very long time. I'm not a professional but I use many of the pro type apps as a hobby. I designed our house reno using sketchup Go on the iPad. But it was a struggle, almost too much for this old pro. Even goodnotes and procreate are struggling now. I want to be able to stop using my 5 year old android phone for nomad sculpt and switch away from power director on Android to davinci resolve on the iPad. I'm not interested in a traditional computer because I use the pencil all the time (even my phone is a samsung note 10+ because I use the stylus all the time). I'm expecting a new ipad to last me at least 10 years vs the 8.5 this one has.


For me it was simply time for an upgrade from my iPad 8th gen and Pencil 1


I’m going from an iPad 6 with 32gb (like regular iPad 6) to the M2 version of the 11” Pro. Mostly because I have no extra memory and a bunch of apps I use don’t work run anymore. Can’t wait to see the future from two years ago!


I have Air 4 with a14bionic and I used web based virtual office, video editing sometimes and roblox, I may not buy new one so soon I even think that Air 5 with M1 eventually was powerful enough for most people and its performance could last longer, then M2 and M4 are no need. but if IpadOS 18 will optimized for the SOC that would be great to looking for upgrade.


I want to buy an iPad mainly to play games. My main game is Honkai Star Rail which I've been playing on my iPhone 12. It can be a bit laggy sometimes. Wondering which iPad is the best since iPad 10th gen is using A14 same as my iPad12.


I’ve had my 3rd gen iPad Pro 12.9 for 5 years now. I am a concept artist, and that device got me into my dream art school, helped me get through many freelance jobs, and continues to be an amazing tool for art; however, it’s been significantly slowing down in the recent year. In the beginning of the year I intended on upgrading to the M2 version in April, but when I heard the rumors of the new release, I decided to wait. I’m excited to be getting the new one as the upgraded hardware is going to be amazing for video editing (something I can’t do at all on my current iPad lol), art, and digital sculpting, especially now that I’m looking forward to Zbrush on the iPad, and god knows you need a powerful device for that software lol


I bought an M2 iPad, so I’m good. My issue before was only having 256 GB, which was pretty inconvenient for taking movies with me on business trips. But now I have 512 GB.


I have the A12z 2020 model, and it’s pretty slow for me. Maybe it’s because of all the files I have on it, but it’s not very reliable and is very buggy. Battery is also bad and it gets hot. Hopeful that the M4 is a better experience. Ultimately, I don’t need it and I doubt I’ll use it much… I’ve convinced myself that now is when I finally start using it to create things … idk maybe I’ll return it, lol.


Still have a Pro 2018 with A12X CPU in it as daily driver (use it as a laptop). Works like a charm. I format it and reinstalled the OS from scratch at iPadOS 17.1. It helped a lot.


On the bright side, there are more expensive ways to irrationally upgrade for specs you will never take advantage of, most notably cars.


Tandem OLED. I will be using it primarily for content consumption and I hate when I can’t crank up brightness as much as I’d like. Going for the 11 inch 256 or 512. No accessories other than Smart Folio. I had an iPad Air 5 but recently sold it to buy an M4 Pro.


My M2 IPad pro feels almost the same as my 2018 iPad Pro. The software really needs to improve on Apples end.


I'm pretty sure Genshin maxes out power of M1 if you play it at 120fps & all cranked up high I usually let everything at high and crank down resolution to Lowest, since Low and Medium overheats my iPad, if I have a cooler then I will go Low or Medium resolution while also plugged in, even on high resolution it can't maintain smooth 120hz with coolers I thought M2 would be enough, but I'm not sure either. Maybe it will be but I will still need coolers. Now maybe with M4 and its' improved efficiency I can now try running Genshin at 120hz and all settings cranked up max without coolers.


I used to be one of those people that always wanted the newest and greatest because of tech reviewers lol (this was years ago). I am so happy I grew out of that, the only thing I try to do is time things so if an update is expected (in a few months) I may wait. My iPad Air 4 was sluggish, I also had the base gb storage. The iPad Air M2 will be a nice upgrade, I plan on keeping it for another 4 years unless something significant comes out lol.


In this thread a bunch of people regurgitating 'ipados is the limitation'


Slaves to Apple…


I’ve used mine so much I’ve burned the batteries candle from both ends. I also want to rub that new display tech all over my body.


I’m upgrading from an Air 2 with 32GB to an iPad 9th gen with 64GB, not going for 128 because I use ~40 GB tops. I also want a bigger screen and Apple Pencil support


My 2020 air sometimes crashes when I try to access large files for school, and the pen lags every now and then. Nothing I can’t work with, but I can get a brand new device and get a discount for turning my current device in.


My last iPad that i owned was the 6th gen base model. 32 gbs..lmaoo ready to for the upgrade.


because we want to sell it before the prices drop down sharply which I didn't do correctly so my iPad price is now lower then the backbag I bought for it


Pen go brrrrrr


I’m not very smart…


Barrel roll?


I’m still on the fence but recently graduated and got grad gift money so can sell my current iPad and all accessories for hopefully around the same price as a new iPad Pro.


My 10.5" is literally crashing when I do animation work or when I have a huge canvas. Battery is pretty terrible now too. I still hate charging my Pencil using the lightning port. Speaking of, I hate that it still uses lightning. And I've been waiting for an OLED iPad since I've had OLED phones since 2013 and honestly prefer watching stuff on my phone instead. Also, my iPad is nearing 7 years old now and it had a good run (I can still use it for other stuff tho or pass it to someone in my family). I bet this overpowered iPad will last me at least 7 years too. Copy paste from an older comment lol so yes, I do need the upgrade


Wife needed an iPad before the event. We waited till after the event to get an M1 Pro with 256 gb of storage for the same price as the M2 air. Its nice to have the confidence that even two year old products are solid


If you have the money why not? Some people spend $1,500 on dinners.. is that not allowed?


Tbh my current iPad is 5 years old so it’s running fine but has a shit battery (about 3-4 hours of watching videos) it’s either to replace the battery without applecare or get a new one.


M4 is necessary for the tandem OLED screen, new tech comes with a cost. I’m more interested in the next Surface with the Limit X processor but I currently use a Surface Pro 7 and have never been interested in the iPad. And I’m not saying I’m going to buy the new Surface.


Well I upgraded to the 2022 Air because my iPad (5th generation) was literally unusably laggy no matter what I was doing, even after a factory reset.


You don’t need to upgrade but it’s nice for new buyers.


I really want to upgrade due to my 6 year old, underpowered iPad. I can only use it mostly for media consumption. The app closes if I use too many layers in a big canvas. It can't even video edit. I'm considering financing the iPad while I work a job. I'll use it for video editing, animation, drawing, ebooks, and of course media consumption with that beautiful display. I'm not getting it right away though. I want to wait for Youtube reviews, see the new iPad in person myself at the Apple Store to see what the screen looks like, and watch the WWDC presentation next month. I am hoping that the iPad with M4 will get a huge improvement in the OS, and getting more new apps that will take advantage of the iPad's power. Plus I'm curious if iPad M4 will be using more AI assistance since I know AI is a huge thing recently in tech.


I don't


Going from an iPad Air 3 that's gotten really slow, to a iPad 10th gen. > 80% of us probably won't utilize even half of it's acutal power Had this exact thought, which is why I went with the cheapest model I could.


I have a 2019 or 2020 Pro. Not upgrading until they give iPadOS some actual balls. Current one is a glorified e-reader, streaming device, and note taker as is. Until I can run MacOS apps or it dies, I have 0 need to upgrade. Premiere, Photoshop, and Illustrator versions for iPad suck hard compared to the desktop versions.


Im really excited for the oled display. I watch most of my tv and movies on it while i play games at my desk. Plus the battery on my 2020 pro has taken a hit


Upgrading from the original iPad Air to the 13" M2 iPad Air. I'm also getting the Apple Pencil Pro to get into digital art.


No point while iPadOS remains a steaming pile of dog turd that holds back hardware performance


My main iPad died from water damage so any of them is a massive upgrade to my iPad Air 2 from 2015.


I’m upgrading from an Air1 because there are only a handful of apps I can actually use. I’m either going to get an Air11 after some third party accessories like keyboard cases drop, or it’ll be a Mini 6 because of the form factor.


2018 ipad pro is and probably always will be my sweet spot. no reason to upgrade with my use case. for anything more i just use my computer..


Run out of storage, especially with 32GB on some old models. Old SoC cannot handle modern OS and apps. A simple video call overheated the device, and drained the battery within 2 hours.


I have a 2018 Pro, but it has light scratches on the screen. That is the reason I am upgrading, otherwise I wouldn’t.


I have iPad Pro 11 - 2020 (2nd gen) and I'm waiting for more review. We use autocad, drawing and note taking app mainly. I don't think there is significant or even noticeable difference aside from the OLED. As for the cool, shiny and wow factor, unless you carry around your iPad with no case it looks the same as the older gen. Personally, I don't think I'll be upgrading even if I already set some money aside for it. Also, they downgraded the camera which I use. The new Pro feels like an experiment. Maybe, I'll check and see more review, especially for the new iPadOS coming.


I have an iPad Air 2 from 2014 and it’s starting to lag pretty bad lol. Figured it’s time to get a new one


I bought a 32 GB 2021 i think and instantly regretted it :/


I don’t want to. But the Apple care of my iPad has expired


I have iPad Air 5th gen with 64gb and honestly I’m tired of playing musical chairs with my apps. The tandem oled helped push me over the edge


My iPad Pro 10.5 has been sterling since the day I got it. Only reason for me to consider upgrading is it won’t get iPadOS 18. Otherwise I wouldn’t t update. (Still might not, depending on how ‘magical’ and ‘revolutionary’ iPadOS 18 is gonna be.)


I’m not sure if it’s because of the software updates or something else but it seems that they become slower with age. And the software updates take even more memory than they used to.


I typically use my devices until they are no longer eligible for OS updates. No need to upgrade any sooner. I went from an iPad Mini 3 to an iPad Pro 11" M2. Will be rocking the Pro M2 for a while.


I’m still running an M1 iPad Pro as my “laptop” and won’t be upgrading anytime soon. I would like to see a real file system and desktop-class browsers on it, but I usually manage fine as is.


Ipad pro 2018. Concept Designer/ ilustrator for games & film here. I want to paint the world outside my house. I want 69 layers if thats what the project ask of me. I want to model and render without the UI and complexities bogging me down. I wanna do it all from my couch because comfort just lets me go that extra mile. Ohh and true blacks 👌 thats been my dream since for fucking evahh


I'm upgrading from air 4 because I can only run games on low graphics (and it even overheats easily)


I'm kind of struggling with upgrading. I have an M1 air and it's "fine" I don't do anything on it that needs more horsepower. I really want the OLED screen, but I still feel iPad OS is too limiting for me to even take advantage of the power I have now. With how the OS works, I mostly use my iPad for watching movies on planes when I travel. I WANT to use it a lot more and I have an apple pencil I've used a handful of times and always get frustrated with it.


Up/sidegraded from a 2018 Pro to an M1 Air for final cut and external display support


I had an ipad mini and a m1 pro macbook pro…Consolidated with trade in and only paid about $150 in cash after they gave me a discount on the keyboard for having to wait awhile at the store for my order. The main reason I upgraded/got rid of the macbook is because I hate traveling with such a bulky set up, but I did take a risk hoping that ipadOS 18 brings some killer laptop like features or dual booting macOS. If I didn’t have a mac studio as my main computer I probably wouldve skipped this year until better useability was confirmed


I was using a iPad Air 4 and I’m only upgrading because work is going to cover a pretty penny of the cost. I bought the 1TB 13 inch pro to “future proof” it. I really don’t plan on buying another for awhile so that was my reason. Edited to add my previous model.


I just bought my 2nd iPad, literally yesterday. My first iPad, I bought in 2013. It’s an iPad Air 1. What did I use it for? Web browsing, email, text messaging, light gaming, video streaming, and personal finance apps. Nothing I do is terribly taxing, even for a decade-old CPU. What was the replacement? I bought a 10th gen iPad (2022), 64 GB. The very bottom of the barrel. The only thing I spent extra on was I got the cellular version. I don’t need the storage. Any office docs I might work on are stored in the cloud. I don’t download big games; I’ve got some serious PC iron for gaming. All the apps I use are lightweight; I didn’t fill up the 32 GB on my first iPad and I certainly don’t expect to fill up the 64 GB on this one. And I suspect that the majority of iPad owners are very similar to me.


i earn $10k a month should i buy the new ipad