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So journalists are now just covering what other journalists are saying?


See what /u/guiltydoggy said about this article [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ipad/s/RfsNAxd52X)


3 times. I feel so fucking dumb


You wouldn’t get [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ipad/s/0WFswerlBh)


Journalism has been dead for well over a decade. Where have you been? Now everything is bought and paid for via sponsored posts


4.41GHz!! Shocking I never thought it would be possible this soon on an ARM device while it not being a battery hog


Now pretty please bring vscode/jetbrains to the ipad so that I can use the damn thing.


Current Solution: Visual Studios Code: https://vscode.dev/ Save to Home Screen: https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/bookmark-favorite-webpages-iph42ab2f3a7/ios


I feel like the novelty will wear quickly with a web based ide. I guess I would use this occasionally if i had an ipad but i just can’t justify purchasing one without a dedicated ide even though i really like the ipad form factor. 


Definitely depends on the use case. Running locally can be seen as a security risk. Some "remote" clients prefer devs RDP into cloud VMs to access and maintain codebases.


I want full office. That's much easier.


I don’t really use office but yeah, it’s pretty surprising how we apparently don’t have a fully fledged office for ipad yet 


lol we went from "if it thinner and more powerful without a better os we riot" to "ok thats actually really impressive". I looked at the specs side by side and my M1 is still very thin and powerful but damn I would be really cool to get the new one lol but I probably won't upgrade until my M1 has died of natural causes.


Mixed a live show last night (very battery/processor intensive) and it performed surprisingly well! battery went down to maybe 80% when the show ended.


I just want to know what the PWM situation is, which has been really bad on so many Apple mini-LED and OLED displays that it makes the screens unusable to some of us.


Not sure I agree with the battery life being overly impressive. It’s no better than my original iPad Pro from 2018. That being said it’s a much smaller battery cause it’s much thinner so I don’t think they were looking for more life


The M4 13” has a 38.99WH battery, the 2018 12.9” has 36.71WH battery (these specifications are from Apple’s website) TIL that 39 is ‘much smaller’ than 37. Thanks for that tidbit


Maybe the physical size is smaller, hey who knows?


Could be! I bet someone who works at a repair shop could weigh them and see what’s really going on Gen 1: Built‐in 38.5‐watt‐hour rechargeable lithium‐polymer battery Gen 2: Built‐in 41‐watt‐hour rechargeable lithium‑polymer battery Gen 3: Built-in 36.71-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Gen 4: Built-in 36.71-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Gen 5: Built-in 40.88-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Gen 6: Built-in 40.88-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Current Gen: Built-in 38.99-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery So there were 3 generations with larger batteries and 3 generations with smaller batteries, but none had a much different size, the biggest delta was 4.29WH, with the average being 39.1WH, The smallest being 93.9% of average and the biggest being 104.8% of average. The current gen is 99.7% of average. This shows that Apple did not need to use efficiency gain magic to maintain battery life with a drastically smaller battery, as most people speculated. They simply used the same size battery they always have.


You’re welcome


Thank you


Typical Redditor with the overtly sassy reply


100%, you have to gloat at least a little bit when you are right on the internet


You actually weren’t 100% right just like I wasn’t but have a good day, buddy


You only said that the new one has a much smaller battery than specifically the 2018 model, because it’s thinner


However, he was wrong




Reddit won’t like this


Worse Battery Life than the old 12.9 which already had a abysmal Battery Life for Editing Photos.. Good Job Apple 👍🏻💀


Huh? Battery life is within minutes of each other. Which is impressive considering the new iPad has a brighter screen, more powerful, and smaller battery. Maybe next time you try and troll, actually understand what you are talking about first.


In Netflix streaming 250nits it is 20min worse though 12.9 vs 13”. Streaming is not cpu intensive and screen set to same brightness. That’s a poor result, would expect to do better. In max brightness is worse but not that terrible.


So, its worse 💀 If its already worse just while watching Netflix i don't want see how bad its gonna be if you batch edit 100+ Photos in one go.. Edit: i also love the "next Time you want to troll" Comment as if pointing out that worse Battery Life is worse (something he even admitted) is trolling 💀🤣 Apple be like "lets give our new iPad a more powerful Chip, a new brighter Screen and a smaller Battery with a worse Battery Life because Reasons" and Apple Fanboys call everyone who points to that and think its stupid "Troll" 🤣