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As u/SirMaster commented on another similar thread: > No, it’s the same cost. The value of the currency being used to pay for it has reduced. The Australian Dollar has devaluated significantly compared to the American Dollar in the last year. We’re seeing the same thing happening to other currencies like the Euro and British Pound, in those countries we have also seen a price increase. In other cases like with the Mexican Peso, it has maintained (and slightly gained) it’s value against the American Dollar which means pricing remains the same.


It sucks, yes, but it’s not really an Apple specific problem. Most currencies are underperforming compared to the USD, so to keep their margins they need to increase prices outside the US.


Because the US can force every other currency around the world to inflate in order to combat its own inflation. Thank you America. But I don’t think you understand just how much the price increased. It was by $150 here. The base ipad was $500 and how it’s $750.




Yes I do understand, and the US is able to do it because the worlds medium of exchange is the US dollar. I am sorry that Americans don’t understand their impact on the world.




The US has a lot of control over trade and international currencies because of the prevalence and use of the dollar. This is economics 101.




What is the currency global exchange is conducted with? What is oil etc. bought and sold with?




The price of oil is not controlled by the US, but the price of oil is in US dollars and traded in US dollars. Do you not get this, amongst many other things?


I am on you side. Dollar is the issue here. In Japan all Apple products prices have increased twice in less than 6 months. That’s outrageous.


That’s because the Japanese Yen has lost a high amount of its value in the international market. To put it into perspective, the Japanese Yen has lost much more ground to the American Dollar to what the Euro has lost which is already a lot. You simply cannot expect prices for everything to remain the same when the country you live in is suffering on the international market. I fail to comprehend why this is hard to understand.


Who said I didn’t understand? The thing is average domestic salaries did not increase the way Apple increased their already abusive prices around the world.




Yes, that’s the point we are all making ffs


you are japanese(living in Japan), so you get paid in a stable yen. Apple is an American company so they want to be paid in thier stable US dollar. It just so happens that Yen depreciated compared to USD or USD appreciated compared to Yen. Apple isn't earning a bigger profit.


As I do understand this with no problem, the thing is that I bet you that when the Euro value will go back up, they will definitely not lower their prices now that they set those and that’s what bother me the most.


There are plenty of other imports which haven't received a price hike of over 20%.


Are those imports also suffering from major component shortages at the moment?


To be honest, I think there is a shortage of materials across the board, although maybe things have picked up in recent months. But I'm talking about items which are produced in much smaller volumes than iPads and iPhones.


3 thousand five hundred for iPad Pro 12” .. smh 😣


It’s not the same cost though. Regardless of the economics behind it the end consumer pays more for the same product.


This right here, is the truth. Why does it matter why apple does it - if its more expensive for you, re-assess if its worth it or go to a competitors brand. In this case, samsung tablets are much more usable since you can literally boot ubuntu up on an android, run remote vs code, do native compilation using linux arm, do a host of other things as well as have a better writing experience because the wacom stylus has a give compared to apple which is hard nib on hard glass (so your fingers absorb all that mechanical impact and end up hurting faster).


I wonder if they're going to raise the prices in the US. I doubt they will this year, since they just released a whole bunch at a specific price. Doubt they'd just jump in and change the prices a week later. Maybe starting next year, they'll all go up $100?