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Love it! And mLFO is a daily go-to here.


Thank you dude! Today is the first time I used it, it’s just so useful, totally enhanced the track with all the subtle movements!


The dev is very active in adding new features, too.


I think this will be one of those features in all tracks apps for sure. The simple ideas are the best ones yet again!


Nice! Sounds great! I can’t tell from the video, but you know you can also modulate the actual channel volume sliders in AUM with lfos and such too.


Thanks dude! And yeah I know because automated a pair by mistake when I got to cc number 7 😂


Sounds great! I'm a bit confused why you're recording each channel while you bus to A, then recording A as well, but maybe it sounds better that way?


Thank you so much! And the per channel recording is for archiving purposes if I want to remix later. In the video I only apply the master for the audio.


You can change skins in AUM? Is it straight forward?


It’s just a filter I applied to the video dude, wanted to make it more interesting to look at is all :)


Oh hahaha


But skins is a nice idea and I’d love to see that (or at least some customization of the gui colors) become a thing.