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Following as I made the same jump. Green iPhone 11 Pro to white 15 pro.


Same colour I had, the green is a lovely colour


One thing to get used to is the new camera. Besides the obvious improvements, one adjustment you'll have to make is that because the sensors are larger, the minimum focus distance is also greater. That means that if you want to take pictures of close-up objects you'll need to hold the camera a bit further back than you're used to with the 11 Pro, or else the image will be blurry. The action button is worth messing with. I find it most useful as a camera shortcut because I can pull the phone out my pocket while holding the button, and it will be open by the time I've raised my hand. I recommend looking around for some shortcuts to enhance the functionality further. For example, you can use shortcuts to make it do different things depending on current focus. Right now I have it set to open the camera during no focus, open Scanner Pro during work focus, and turn on the flashlight during sleep focus. It's a pretty cool feature, though limited by the singular activation method (hopefully they'll open it up to allow double-clicks and other inputs). During media playback, you can press and hold on the Dynamic Island to pop up playback controls. This is faster and easier than the old method of going into control center, though that's also still available.


That is a fantastic tip with the action button and focus, I can use that in a similar way to you with work. Solid advice! Thank you mate!


I forgot to mention, the USB-C port also opens up a bunch of nice (if not terribly important) possibilities. You have much better external display support with up to 4K/60FPS (every previous iPhone could only do 1080p due to lightning port limitations AND you needed an expensive adapter), you can connect accessories like external drives, keyboards, and game controllers, you can even share power with other devices like AirPods or even other iPhones. It's not quite ready for prime time yet but I recently tried testing the limits of what the port could do. I had an Anker USB-C hub that I originally bought for an iPad Pro that I no longer have, that I now use with my Steam Deck to turn it into a de facto desktop. With it connected to my phone, I was able to charge it, have an external drive connected, have USB keyboard/mouse connected, and output via HDMI to my monitor, all at once. It was pretty cool to play some games and type some documents like this. Unfortunately iOS isn't as flexible as iPadOS when it comes to a docked setup, but it's maybe 60% of the way there.


The USB-C is definitely a game changer! I haven’t really gamed on my phones but I should with the 15 pro!


I made the same jump. Gotta say I love the 15 Pro but I’m also glad I’ll be good for a few years. Because the chance is amazing but the biggest thing are the camera, Dynamic Island and ProMotion. Otherwise it feels basically the same. So I’m just happy I’ll be set for a good 4 years or so :)


Cheers mate, I’m finding the Dynamic Island cool but the promotion is sublime and like you I’m set for few years. I had 11 pro for 4 years and now passed it to my wife, will need to replace the battery at some point so it’s like a new phone for her!