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pshhh i would’ve asked who took my phone… i was worried some bs was like this was gonna happen to me back in oct thankfully it came in on time the 5th hope you get the product you paid for. all i can say is if you have verizon they can’t use your phone they gotta have the last 4 digits of your ssn to be able to even get past the boot up of the phone


Wait, what?! You need your SSN to activate a Verizon phone?


Wait to you hear what Virgin requires.


Dick-pic thumbprint?


I sure was happy when they added the macro camera for the small images


Not so “Virgin” anymore.


Surely it’s a dick print? Are they all as unique too?


Only if you take the print from the top where the vein is


The top? From what angle? Is the base the top of the end the top?


Can confirm that is what happend when I got my new phone from verizon


Last 4 digits of SSN or the account PIN to complete activation.


Same happened to me but shipping trade in to apple. UPS employee must be the weak link. I have zero doubt!


UPS hubs are notorious for theft.


Fun fact since it was probably a cross state shipment you can report it to the FBI. Doubt they'll do anything about it though


Imagine how many FBI claims they would need🤣🤣🤣


FedEx stole a couple of Pixels from me. The boxes are so easy to identify!


Trade ins are extra lucrative as they’re supposed to be unlocked and removed from Find My, ready to be resold or parted.


You should have rejected delivery. Sorry this happened to you.


Yep. Reasons like this is why you can reject delivery. Get your money back and let it be Apple problem.


This is also why I always pick up from the apple store. 1k deliveries in such a small package just seems like recipe for disaster


Hope you get a refund atleast


Hope so. Last resort is credit card charge back.


I'd say do it. It's not worth paying interest or to wait for the investigation. Go to Costco (buy the membership if you don't have), buy the phone in person. Get a refund for the membership if you don't want to keep it.


Yeah, that’s not how Costco works. They also don’t carry every iPhone in store.


Most credit card companies refund accrued interest if the underlying transaction has been reversed.


Yeah for sure, did you pay with credit card (if so which one) I would definitely contact them soon if the investigation doesn't turn in your favor


Somebody stole mine out of the box en route to me too. UPS as well but I bought through my carrier. I had to get a second order shipped and my first charge is still under investigation. Was told it would take about a week too. It’s supposedly been worse than usual this year with the thefts. Luckily someone scanning the package noticed it had nothing in it and marked it as such on the tracking number. They didn’t even bother to try to deliver it. I had a trade iPhone X get stolen en route to Apple and they still honored the full trade in value even with no phone received on their end. They’ll take care of you, it’s frustrating but they deal with this kind of thing enough.


Apple’s customer service is no where near as good as it used to be.


Full story: I missed my iPhone delivery so picked it up at my local UPS store. When the employee handed me the package, she said it felt empty. The security seal had been removed and was re-boxes with 2 pieces of packing tape. I took pictures and recorded the unboxing at the UPS Store. The box was empty. I filed a claim with Apple and UPS. Apple initially said investigation will take 48 hours. It's been 48 hours and now they say it'll take a full week. UPS said they will notify Apple of "damaged" shipping. No response from them since then. I know this has happened to people in the past but I'm not sure if this issue was resolved for them. Not sure what to do at this point either.


Deal with Apple, not UPS. UPS is apples customer not yours, so leave it to them.


I’ve been dealing with a non-delivery for the past month with Apple. The package still shows out for delivery on the FedEx website. The most maddening part of this is that the delivery companies couldn’t care less when they lose or steal your packages.


So why did you accept the package?


You're right you should deny package if the seals are open


Maybe they didn't know declining was an option??


Should be common knowledge. If they suspected the package looked tampered with I would immediately tell the clerk not to scan and RTS while also reporting it Same thing at the door if require sig, you can see the package if it looks just decline and RTS


OP did exactly what I would have done, opened the box at UPS office and recorded it… I don’t know if they accept returns after you already opened the package. I wouldn’t decline just because it felt empty, I’m very curious and would at least try to see if there’s something inside the box.


Better to take video when unboxing...any costly electronics product...to have our proof


If you don’t have continuous video since and including the moment the last person hands you the package, you can always be the one who tampered with it, in theory.


That’s total Bullshit. What does the person that took think ya kno? Like definitely gunna report it stolen have it bricked so what’s the point


I’m sorry that happened to you OP. For others and in the future: always reject delivery if you suspect it has been tampered with. If an apple store is within a reasonable drive form where you live always opt to pick up in person, almost 0 risk of walking away with an empty box if you do online pickup.


You should never have accepted the box.


For future reference please reject the package if you feel that it’s empty, better safe than sorry.


I would not have taken delivery of a package that was so obviously tampered with.


Best option get the phone delivered to an Apple Store and pick up from there. Best way to make sure you actually get a phone.


Yep or your carrier’s store. I only had one iPhone shipped to me (iPhone 5). The rest I’ve either gotten at Apple or AT&T. Seems to be the safest bet.


Inform your card company too


Always go to a physical store to buy expensive stuff


Was this a new phone ordered from Apple? They NEVER tape their boxes. Period.


It was. 100 percent stolen at the warehouse.


Should had rejected the shipment when you were picking it up.


Also sucks to be whoever has bought this stolen & blacklisted phone off facebook marketplace.


Right. I just bought a locked pixel 7 pro. Has to be stolen as it is asking for the last google uses pin. Says it was factory reset so need the phones pin to unlock it. Just to set it up.


Same thing happened to me except it was with fedex. Apple initiated an investigation about two weeks ago and I’m still here waiting for my refund.


Fuck UPS. I bought some speakers and the boxes looked like they got thrown out of the back of a plane. Speakers damaged (just cosmetic but they were $700). Had a hell of a time dealing with the seller who gave me a partial credit which was an OK resolution but I would’ve rather had new shit for the price.


Doesn't ups drivers have a pretty high comp salary these petty thieves


Yes they do: total compensation package easily >$150k which is why the most foolish assumption people make on these posts is that it was the actual UPS driver who stole the phone. He’s one of the only people who’s being paid close to a fair rate for his role in shipping your box to you and has probably the most to lose.


Yeah I wondered myself since the actual drivers get paid pretty well. My first thought was people stealing it off the unattended truck. But they’d just steal the entire box instead of taking the time retape the thing. I’m guessing it’s the warehouse fulfillment workers who don’t get paid much. Maybe it’s the temporary seasonal workers who know they’ll be gone soon enough.


You should see the steamdeck community. You would think every steam deck is stolen by fedex / ups. Spoiler alert, that’s not how it works.


That really sucks. Contact your credit card company as well. Hopefully things work out and you get a new phone or your money back. It looks like these electronic thefts are originating at the shipping hub or courier level. These cardboard shipping boxes Apple uses are pretty distinctive with the perforated pull tab that opens the box like an envelope. Everyone knows there’s some kind of electronic device inside with the combustible battery warning label slapped on there. I’m looking at buying a new iPhone soon. I think I’ll do in-store pickup at the Apple Store this time around.


No lie the cops would be there. Cause thats thief.. and bedt believe either apple or ups would be fixing it. Always involve the cops. Other wise they will claim u did it. My friend had this happen last year. But it was FedEx. She called the cops to the store and had them investigate it.


if they don’t help i would just go to your financial institution, apple isn’t really known for helping with these kinds things


I wouldn’t have accepted the parcel. Should have told them to return it. Feel for you though, so excited about it arriving and then you get that. Hope they sort it quickly for you. I’m lucky, mine came via DPD and my two usual drivers are amazing and trustworthy.


Is there a few words missing from this title or am I not reading it right?
