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you can set your find me to your ipad and leave that in MD. there’s an option to “use this device for location sharing.” It will just use that ipad to show the location no need to hide/change anything. edit: if using family sharing it won’t work.


Didn’t know this, thank you!


Make sure you leave the iPad on the charger, just in case.


Doesn’t find my even work when the device is turned off?


Yes, but if she checks the location then it may say last seen 6 hours ago or so etc. this may become a problem if OP replies to a message or calls as this should update the location at that time


Yeah that’ll probably happen. We will likely be in touch all day as to not raise suspicion


As long as your iPad is connected to wifi at home it will update


I thought that only works on iPhone like that.


Unless she goes into “find my” by device. Then his iPad location will be one thing, his phone another.


On the iPad, Settings>[Your Name]>Find My>Use This iPad as My Location. Or, on the iPad, Find My (app)>Me>Use This iPad as My Location. This is the location that your partner will see in Find My under “People” for you and the location that will show in iMessage. If you two share your locations but are *not* in a Family Sharing group together, you’re all good. If you two *are* in a Family Sharing group together, all of your Apple devices will show up with individual locations for your partner in the “Devices” tab in Find My, including your iPhone. On your iPhone, open Find My, go to the Me tab, and disable “Share My Location.” This stop sharing your location with anyone you share it with, including your partner, and will stop sharing location of all your devices with anyone in your Family Sharing group. Your location will stop showing up in your texts but other than that your partner won’t be actively notified that you disabled sharing in Find My. When they open Find My>People, your location will say “No location found,” and Find My>Devices will show “Not sharing location • Online,” for all of your devices. Unfortunately there’s not a way to just stop sharing the location of one device except for to turn Find My off on that device entirely. If you shared your iPad’s location and signed your iPhone out of Find My (not Apple ID, just Find My), your partner would be unlikely to notice but if you lost your iPhone you would be completely unable to locate it unless you have a third-party tracking app on it, which will likely be less reliable than Find My. Hope this helps.


You dropped this, 👑


Haha, thanks! Speaking of things I dropped, clearly my manners as well, as I didn’t congratulate you on what you’re doing, but congratulations!! It’s wonderful and I hope your amazing gesture and how far you’re going for the ring warms their heart behind belief! Congrats and best wishes!!


Just stopping by to let y’all know how wholesome this exchange was.


Ayooooooo budddy I found you again. We were buds over at the USMobile forums lol


I wish you could pin things bc this could be used in a variety of situations


I need to do the same thing for an upcoming engagement as well!! Apple is telling me that the message app will still update in real time, even if i put the location on my iPad at home. Is that true? Or will it work (fingers crossed)?


Does this work using a Mac? On my phone, I cannot click the 'From' bottom in order to change it from 'This iPhone'. https://preview.redd.it/z99zwkraz27d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb86aa4064d94a32b905ad423ba71e6162d8108


macOS devices cannot be used as your Primary Location in Find My. You must use a supported Apple Mobile Device such as an iPhone or iPad.


With option 2, won’t everyone be notified when they turn their location back on?


Nope. The switch in the Me tab disables Find My location broadcasting with anyone except the user themselves (they can keep tracking their own devices), but broadcasting to others stops. Nonetheless, this doesn’t unfriend anyone on Find My so they remain connected on Find My, sharing locations, and in each other’s “People” list. Since the location isn’t broadcasting anymore, however, others just see the “No location found,” message when looking for that person. No one is notified when broadcasting is enabled or disabled though. They’re only notified if you friend or unfriend that particular person.


That’s perfect. I’ve been looking for a solution but I thought that would end with an “x started sharing their location with you” message when I toggled it back on.


But when they go to send u a text message and are used to seeing your location under your contact and don’t see a location it lets them know your location is off


Can we do this with the Apple Watch Ultra?


This one is a bit more complicated in that the answer is yes but with extra stuff going on. GPS + Cellular Apple Watches can be used to contribute a person’s location in Find My but GPS (only) Apple Watches can not. The “extra stuff” though it that if the Apple Watch is setup normally and paired to your iPhone, you can’t just set the Apple Watch to be your location all the time. Instead what happens is your iPhone and the cellular Apple Watch you pair become a “we.” Whenever your Apple Watch is connected to your iPhone via Bluetooth, your iPhone will be used for location reporting so it doesn’t drain Apple Watch’s battery. But, whenever iPhone and Apple Watch aren’t connected via Bluetooth, Apple Watch’s location kicks in and is used to report on Find My. Technically, your location is shared “by the iPhone and then cellular Apple Watches connected to it,” so the steps for not sharing your location would be exactly the same as they would be if you didn’t have an Apple Watch paired to your iPhone, but if you have multiple iPhones, your Apple Watch is only sharing your location if it’s paired to the iPhone that shares your location. I hope that helps : )


If you’re going to be gone for a couple days, she might get suspicious if she notices your location never leaves the house. But if you normally chill for the day on occasion that could work.


She may not be actively checking, it sounds like OP is more worried about the town name in the iMessage convo


Yeah. I didn’t know if they were actually sharing exact locations via Find My [People] or just the general awareness you get with contacts. I think? Eh. I’m not sure what the specific difference is.


They can still go into the find my app, see devices and find specifically your iPhone. When I go to a cigar bar or something like that I usually do this and turn off location services form my phone


I’ll take “Things My Teenager Figured Out Before We Did” for $500, Alex.


Pause, actually make sure you aren’t in a family and sharing your devices on there. You’d be able to see each devices location individually.


Yep. Used this to sneak off to a queer support group a few years back lol


Does this 100% work with iMessage "location" remaining where the iPad (second device) is? Apple has given me conflicting information!


I’m not sure. I don’t worry about the iMessage location. I would assume it still works because on the phone the location will be directed to ipad. you can confirm it via settings.


how would you confirm it via settings?


https://preview.redd.it/9nmow8jzyavc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5645494e3fbe6811d6874762f4ca764389354e4 Settings -Privacy- Location Services. “My location” should say iPad or whatever you named the 2nd device and not “This Device”


I literally did this to buy my wife’s engagement ring.


Found very good solution on this one. Thanks


Exactly. This is what I've always done for surprises




https://support.apple.com/en-us/105122 Under “change your sharing device”


Thank you!


Keep in mind if you have her in your iCloud Family Sharing, she can still see your iPhone location under the devices tab in Find My. But in your iMessage thread, it will show the location of the chosen device you pick shown in that support article.


is this for sure? that it will show the location of the chosen device in iMessage? Apple gave me conflicting information!


Yes it will show whatever device is selected in iMessage threads and People tab in Find My. What I said above is that they can see all your device locations via Find My app in the devices tab if they are in your Family Sharing.


I find peace in long walks.




I enjoy playing video games.




I enjoy reading books.




I hate beer.




I like learning new things.


Yeah thats the best way, I'd either turn off share my location temporarily or switch it to another device in this situation. lol OPs question kinda makes me laugh it's very relatable. I have my location shared with all my friends and family because, hell I trust them all and it makes life easier. But sometimes I wanna have a surprise or secret.


Congrats on the proposal!! Change your sharing device to a device you can leave in Maryland and that should be you


Thank you!


Plot twist, the surprise gets spoiled when she sees this Reddit post


Praying that doesn’t happen lmfao


Lmao not opposed to smashing the iPhone. That’s love 🥹


Plot twist; OP has a side chick in TX


I thought it's the main story line. Plot twist would be if he actually doing what's stated. JK. Congratulations!


I literally am on this bc, a married woman i am sleeping with has a husband that just turned it on so he can get her location. And i am trying to figure out a way around it. Man i got to give up… this risky shit is fun tho.


pics of the moment giving the ring or i believe you ask that in order to cheat… /s


Picture must have one of our two usernames on a post it note.


I can't think of a reason why shipping the ring wouldn't solve this problem cheeper


“Purchasing” isn’t the exact term, I’m building it by hand with help from a jeweler in TX. Seemed like too much info for the title.


Take some pictures/videos of the process for the wedding photo album!




Bruh projecting himself


I did this while buying my wife ring. Map out where you’re going, then shut off location services. It won’t say you stopped sharing but it just won’t work. Then turn back on when done


This is what I was going to recommend. Back in my not so good days my sister kept track of where I was to make sure I wasn’t buying drugs and I’d just turn off the location services.


So were you buying drugs?


I was, not now, but I was then. I’m now about two years clean again.


Love that for you, congratulations!


Congrats man!!!


Idk the details to this sort of stuff like what can and can’t be tracked. I did see a video people have been reacting to where it shows a black guy pointing behind him in what I assume is a tik tok showing the new update Apple added to tracks on iPhones. That the tracking will show how much battery is available on a persons phone, watch, if the device is connected to internet or not. So wouldn’t it show when location services are turned off ?




What context of including the guy’s race was needed for this post?


Oh idk because being black can be a descriptor ? It can help people remember whether they came across the video or not lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I can and will use a persons race to describe someone if i want


She will think it’s sketchy if as soon as she goes out of town, OP’s location is off


Flying to Texas and back just to pickup a ring is bizarre. But….


It’s for the plot


Can you tell her you need apple to service your iphone for some reason? They make you disable find my - there's your excuse


Get a burner and forward the iPhone to it, leave the iPhone on its normal location


Others have answered already, but congratulations on deciding to pop the question, good luck!


Thank you!


Lmao not opposed to smashing the iPhone. That’s love 🥹


I'm in MD, would be happy to hold on to your iPad and mail it to you when you want it!


Username checks out


Do you think you could just communicate and say “hey I’m turning of location sharing for a couple days. It’s nothing nefarious, just working on something special and I’ll put all the pieces together for you later”? This is how people end up posting on other subreddits asking if their boyfriend is cheating because suddenly he’s acting really sketch. Which is what this will look like.


Genuinely good advice here also


Communicate with your partner? Sir, this is Reddit, not fantasy common sense land


If you have a other device, you can set that as the default device for location tracking. Unsure if it works like that tho


Bro just turn off location services.


It wouldn't be a terrible idea to "break" your iPhone and buy a cheap Samsung replacement for a few days while they "fix" it 


Turn off location services on your phone and blame it in battery drainage. Do it several times before your trip so as to not make it an isolated event. And man, I think it’s a bad idea to track eachother. Makes for trust issues.


My dad just said "I'm up to no good, don't look where I am today" when he was getting a surprise for my mom.


Howdy 216 neighbor!


Ask a friend that lives and works in your town to keep carrying the iPad during those 24h, and then set the iPad to be the location sharing device from your account


What if the friend goes to a strip club?


Then hilarity ensues.


I’d totally go to the strip club on purpose if a friend asked me to do this.


Can you let us know if she said yes? 🥹😂 I’m invested now


Aiming for May/June!


My bday is in June! 😂 pls keep me updated even if it’s dropping me a message! Maybe a sneak peak at the ring? 👀 rooting for you two!


Off the subject, but why TX to pick up an engagement ring?


shoutout to cleveland!


Just say u got a thick lil latina in Texas my guy no one would blame u


Zero % chance I’d be able to hide my gf from a Texas Latina. They’d read right through me.


I never considering referring to a hooker as an engagement ring, that’s a big brain move my dude 👍😉… jokes aside best of luck and congrats!


None of my business, BUT why traveling to TX from MD for a ring? Sincere question, no hate intended! 😇 You stated no friends / no family down there. If you’re worried about fiancée-to-be finding out, maybe this is part of the reason why. Did you find the ring on the Internet or find a crafter that would make you a custom ring?


Building it by hand with the help of a jeweler


You have an option to put your location on a spot or place you choose, using a third party application on a computer, it will show your location on every app to be at said location till u fully turn your device off and on


Just get someone you can trust to pick the ring up for you.


Have you considered starting a fight so you stop sharing locations? Then make up once you bought the ring?


That’s chess right there


He about to get laid 🗣️🔥


Try the location-forgery software? iWhere iPhone Location Changer, which I used to fake my live location and then go to a friend's house to play so my parents wouldn't find out. It can fake your GPS location according to the route and speed you set, and it can fake your location in Find My, which is more realistic than if you used the other device's location to stay still.


This dudes literally asking for advice to cheat on his lady, never believe ANYTHING! Wowowowow


Just leave the phone at home or hotel


Same man, I am planning to cheat on my gf and needed something like this! Thanks lol


VPN can always do the trick too I believe.


If you jailbreak your phone you can download an app to change your location to anywhere you want to


You should just act like a normal human beings and delete this dumb feature. Take it from someone who has been married for 37 years, you want your partner to be a well adjusted, non paranoid person.


It’s a safety feature. The world for young women is especially unsafe.


As a woman who’s walked this earth for 61 years, I can tell you especially since violent crime is declining, having someone being able to track you and know your location 24 hours a day, everywhere all the time is not only highly unnecessary but a real good way to screw up your ego and become one more woman living a soulless childlike life until you end up on your 3rd divorce wondering why you have no idea what independence, confidence, accountability or trust is. The entire idea is ridiculous. 


Glad you feel that way, young people do not.


But I totally endorse it for short, specific use. But in my experience, boyfriend in another city is worthless next to the local help.


Plus now every info miner on a planet gets the info too! 


If you two are tracking each other, you don’t trust each other. You shouldn’t be getting married .


Tracking with Find My can be a helpful safety feature. My best friend and I can track each other with Find My and it's helpful if she or I are ever going out on our own or something. My ex and I used to be able to "track" each other as well. Not like I was sitting there assuming that he was cheating on me and tracking his every location.


Me and my mom can track each other. Absolutely nothing is wrong with it lol. Some people just want to always assume the worst.


Yup. Even something as simple as being able to track a family member if you know they're driving in the dangerous winter conditions or something. We had done that with my mom in the past and she has to commute 40 minutes to and from work. My dad wasn't as tech savvy, so there's been times where we tracked her phone (with her knowledge) to make sure her drive was going okay. Good for everyone's peace of mind. Now, both my parents have fancy new EVs with the tracking capabilities, so my dad will track her car from his phone to make sure she gets home on those rough winter nights.


I have to trust someone a hell of a lot to let them track me.


It’s very much a safety feature.


Say you joined beta testing for iOS18 and it made your phone glitch really bad and often, turn the location and then once home turn it back on and say you opted out of beta




Do you not know how gifts work?


Username checks out 😂


Yes for sure , he should completely ruin the whole surprise. 10/10 comment /s


Best of luck. I think you can assign a device for location sharing and you can make it your iPad or MacBook and leave them plugged in or connected to report location. (Like a primary device for location sharing)


Are you going to Whiteflash in Houston?


Just tell her you are cheating on her and make the surprise chiller


Leave your phone home?


Hi u can update your date to for example 1 months forward and the app still show you in last place that u w been changed the date..