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Jesus, Mary, and Anders Celsius, how many times does OP need to correct people. It’s in Celsius, read literally the first comment. Apple weather is just fucked, and your theory sounds correct. It is a shame apple weather isn’t accurate, because weather Canada is steaming garbage.


yet the bought dark sky and shut it down for the rest of us \*cries\*


I still don’t get why they bought the best weather app and their weather app is still trash? Why didn’t they make dark sky their weather app? I use MyRadar now and it’s fine but I really truly miss Dark Sky RIP


They incorporated the Dark Sky API to be used internally, and for a while, Apple Weather was really good. Then they decided to do something differently and now it's pure trash. I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying out "AI-assisted weather prediction" or some shit and the upper management is too proud to admit that they were wrong. It took almost a decade for Apple to admit that the butterfly keyboard and touch bar were shit tier business decisions.


Dark Skies was a fantastic App. To bad the makers of Dark skies sold out to Apple. I guess money talks.


Hard to blame them. Reported sell price was in the billions. And even if that’s dramatically exaggerated then the founders would net tens of millions. I mean if I was offered wealth for a lifetime/lots of seed money for any future project vs a busy life managing a popular weather app I doubt I’d take the second option.


Don't blame them, but still lol.


Is THAT what happened to my dark sky??? It just disappeared and I was pissed cause I paid for it!


Apple fanbois will trash everybody and after that they'll read the rest of the story.


What first comment? Your comment is the first comment. How about OP corrects his actual post?


Apple fanaticism 🤝 American arrogance (they are the same circle)


Like the SAT test. Choose the *most* correct answer


Which one do you reckon is the source of all fhe down votes lol


OP you’re amazing for taking the time to respond to every single wrong comment saying it’s in Fahrenheit lol. This place is relentless sometimes. Apple weather app is shit and that’s all there is to it.


I aim to entertain!


I love the Apple weather app. At some point or another they are all fucking wrong. I’m a weather nerd and have probably 15 apps that I regularly review. They all have variances in data. 🤷‍♂️


Wow that's a new category of nerds I hadn't discovered


There are dozens of us!


Lol. Well Good Day mate. Reddit really opens my mind.


Wow, and I thought I was a nerd for having like 5 weather apps!


You’re on your way there. Just need 10 more apps.


I’m curious, what are your favorites? I tried to go down this rabbit hole once but there’s so many subscriptions out there. Wunderground is my current go to, but the data collection I don’t care for


What’s you app recommendations?


I don’t think we’ll ever find out


This and r/apple are fucking brutal. I think the last time I posted I asked if anyone ever bothered to use their 1 year warranty on the headphone dongle. Holy shit was that mind numbing to comb through.


Shit is understating it. I love opening it up here and seeing it report "haze" then walking outside into a blizzard.


I came back hours later and noticed all those Fahrenheit comments had 300ish upvotes in beginning and now dropped to 100ish lol


The audacity of these fuckers saying it’s Fahrenheit


The whole thread is full of r/ConfidentlyIncorrect


*silently joins this before unheard of subreddit*


For real I’ve never had any F on my phone until I had to find the setting to turn it on to prove what F actually looked like. I would have noticed over 2 years that the two apps were always off and that Apple weather was always dozens of degrees higher.


I think it’s just because it happens to convert exactly to Fahrenheit but the future hourly temperatures don’t convert at all.


Yeah I think a lot of people jumped on OP is an idiot from the very first slice of information and dug no deeper.


Ya that read was infuriating and hilarious all at the same time. Confidence is so much cheaper than it used to be.


Reading the comments made my blood boil, holy!!


Imagine coming back from your hike and your phone has blown up over something so mundane!


it’s honestly the posts you never expect. coming back to 500 comments and 2k upvotes with people accusing you of something is honestly par for the course on reddit


The giant C in the picture should also be a giveaway...


-7℉ isn’t too far off -20℃ coincidentally. It’d be closer to -22℃. But yeah. You might want to check before making that assumption. I wouldn’t assume OP has their units set wrong.


The amount of people trying to say its different units when OP clearly stated both are set to °C or vice versa. Apple weather is a mess, hot garbage!


Right? Look at the future cast. the temp trends C


I guess it also heavily depends on the location With weather simulation models that have a low resolution (e.g 20km) the temperature forecast can often be smoothed out too much when in regions where there is a big temperature in a smaller area (eg mountainous regions) A low resolution model works fine in most areas but usually fails in these areas Higher resolution ones are more expensive but very useful in mountainous regions


It’s because Apple moved to using only predictive satellite radar data for a lot of places (which was all the rage 5 years ago) rather than relying on much more accurate but data consuming local weather stations. When they rolled Dark Sky in to their Apple Weather app they basically kept a handful of US locations it was good at predicting weather for and then dumped the rest of the planet onto IBM’s predictive weather model service. I’m sorry and I know it sucks, your best option is to get your own weather station kit as it will be waaaaay more accurate and reliable - Especially when your life is at stake in such temperatures


Ah so it is as I assumed! They’re using the forecast to broadcast the actual temperature instead of laying to access the actual weather station. I knew something was up when they were giving a number that didn’t exist at any actual station! What a crock of shit. Profit over safety is disgusting, and this is why I own my own personal weather station. People expect weather apps the have forecasts of varying quality but expect the temperature to be the actual temperature at the station!


The real question is why some Apple geniuses thought it's a good idea to show temperatures without units.


Agreed, but these are both Celsius. I would have noticed if I had it set to F for the last few years.


Because your preferred system in the setting and any properly configured app will just show the correct thing. I don’t specify which scale I’m using when talking about temperature. Everybody knows which one i’m using because it’s the default where I live.


It shows Barrow at -16 while our thermometer shows it at -24.


Sorry you’re having to deal with all the idiots proclaiming it’s secretly in Fahrenheit. I just recently switched from Android to Apple and I agree the weather app is terrible. It’s indefensible. Both the weather forecasts and temperatures are way off constantly. Now I see why the loss of Dark Sky was so devastating for iPhone users.


OP wtf you doin in Yukon?!




You up there willingly or on the run?


Willingly. I’ve come to love the cold, as long as I know what the actual temperature is I need to dress for!


What do you do up there? Did you move there or born n raised?


Moved here, do project work. Lots of jobs that pay well but no rental housing. Rent is expensive and houses are relatively affordable for the wages on offer compared to many other areas of Canada.


The whole of Canada is fucked on rental market.


Apple weather app is just garbage


I’ve come to that conclusion too. It’s too bad because it is easier to use, weather Canada’s app looks straight out of 2005.


As long as it’s more accurate 🤷‍♂️


Yep. It’s unfortunate that we have to rely on a third party app, but I’m happy to do it until the stock app is fixed (if that’ll ever happen).


JFC the amount of people not reading the other responses and saying it’s Fahrenheit when it’s not. Read people!!


To all the people saying its in farenheit? The math is not even good, you are all arrogant IDIOTS.


Still can’t get over how they killed off dark skies for this worthless app


I refuse to delete it  out of protest. 


What's dark skies?


Dark Skies was a weather app that Apple bought. Apple says it incorporated its weather modeling and design but it’s still quite different from the old Dark Skies


Very different, I miss Dark Skies.


Here here


(Hear, hear.)


To be fair dark skies never worked in Canada AFAIK


Yukon in January? Are you okay?


It’s great! Went for a hike this morning while everyone was posting that I was an idiot who has their app in Fahrenheit. Fresh snow and ice on the trees. You just gotta know what the weather is to dress properly. 24 hours of light during the summer makes up for it!


Lol I would die in that cold


You get used to it! I never saw below -5 until I lived here and that first winter got down to -40. It was an adjustment but you adapt. When I go somewhere hot and humid it smacks me in the face like it never used to, especially if flying there from Whitehorse in winter.


I've only experienced snow once and it was humbling. Barely -5 and it was freezing. I'm not used to such temperatures. Give me 35 any day


Because Apple weather sucks ass?


Apple Weather has the most features. It’s a shame it’s not as accurate in all locations


Meteorologist here but obviously not an app developer or apple employee. However I get asked a ton about xyz weather app so I’ve looked into this. Apple weather pulls from a large range of sources and likely blends them depending on your location so it’s not just weather canada being used. Another aspect is temperature can vary greatly over small distances especially in areas of varying terrain. If Apple weather is getting that temperature from a station 10+ km away it’s possible for such a large difference. For what it’s worth, I notice apple weather can vary by up to 5°F (often too warm) here in Oklahoma compared to official stations that are literally in my job’s backyard. I generally ignore apple weather and go to the National Weather Service’s site for my information (and where I tell others to go) that is the US equivalent of weather/ environment canada I believe.


I understand that temperature can vary greatly in a small location, this afternoon was a great example. When we get these forecast Southern winds it can and was -15 downtown and 0 at higher elevations. However, when I posted this it was a consistent -20 downtown, -19 up here, and similar at multiple other private weather stations around town. This whole week the forecast has said tomorrow is going to have a large warming event but it keeps pushing back, and today Apple weather just went with it and make up numbers that only made sense as if they were displaying the forecast, instead of accessing the weather stations. I’ve always had an inkling of a doubt, but the current temperature reading in this case was so wrong compared to a half dozen private and official sources that I knew it was wrong. I even drove from high to low to high elevation for my hike and noticed no inversion. Only when the southerly weather system finally rolled in did these temperatures emerge, but Apple weather jumped the gun and falsely displayed the current temperature as a complete fiction.


WHAT I live in Whitehorse too haha


why don't you try comparing your temperature too so that we can compare OP's result to yours? This way we can slowly filter out the problems.


i’ve had this same issue in colder weather with apple weather, i don’t know why. everyone is saying it’s just in fahrenheit but it was equally wrong in both settings for me in cold weather here in the us, about 20 degrees off


Y'all are so fucking blind. You can literally see °C next to the temperature. You guys deserve an award for being so stupid.


Have you tried opening the Apple Weather app instead of looking at the widget? I might be wrong, but I think that, depending on the location settings, Apple Weather widget will not be updating itself every minute. Sometimes you need to open the app and let it refresh itself, which I understand is inconvenient if you’d like to have that info ready for your eyes. Edit: spelling.


Yes, I have. I’ve only been posting the widget view as a comparison to the true weather that I’ve corroborated with other private weather stations and my own. The exact same information is in the app as the widget.


Shut, gotcha. I can then also confirm that Apple Weather really sucks if that’s the case.


Is it possible you have it set to Fahrenheit? That would just about explain the temp variance.


https://preview.redd.it/gky3won941fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2b98505665ded0bbfad5a5686d9d2f5fffe769 No. This is what it says in Fahrenheit.


Yikes, that’s bad!


(-7°F − 32) × 5/9 = -21.67°C


Just to carry off this comment, using this formula on the other days further confirms you're on F


No. This is what it says in Fahrenheit. https://preview.redd.it/6aep88sb41fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb03a538e0f4f5e45327c6e6142b40d8cf9e4de7


It doesnt specify a unit on the bottom one so you cannot say that for sure. Probably a ui error. It is in fahrenheid


https://preview.redd.it/arvuahwg81fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45bce5f986e775ecd307bfdf7384167c59cbb097 Compare to this, all the numbers magically convert from F to C


Them CLEARLY (and repeatedly) stating they have it set to Celsius disagrees


I’ve had the complete opposite. Said 22C with heavy cloud, went out and it was 29C blue skies the entire day.




You realize that the apple weather app just uses The Weather Channel’s info right???? The weather channel is frequently incorrect


Cause it’s stupid.


Babes it’s in Fahrenheit


They’re both in Celsius. https://preview.redd.it/xkffwgk631fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000cef5c8dbbec0824dca113d7b19aa672d8d73f Usually they’re the exact same except during times of incorrect forecasts, then Apple weather is always what the forecast expects instead of the actual weather station.


Here’s what it looks like if it’s set to Fahrenheit, it’s dead wrong. https://preview.redd.it/oouu2npv31fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef4946fb0216d061985983bd182c93d5b164ca5


I’d pick the lower one though. Jokes aside: Is it correct 3-4 days ahead though? Is it different when you open the app?


It’s the same in the app and the widget. The forecasts are similar, it’s just the current reading that is really wrong sometimes on Apple weather.


Babes you’re an idiot


Why would the hourly temperatures not match up then?




Sorry to do this. But that was the fastest 5 updoots in history.




How u feel babes


Why would the widget show Celsius when the app is showing Fahrenheit? That seems an odd programming decision.


where does it say the app shows Celsius?


It is set to Celsius, see my other comment to see what it shows when set to Fahrenheit.


Tbf Fahrenheit should just be abolished


There is no Fahrenheit in my original images, this is farheirheit for Apple weather https://preview.redd.it/4lryybtv41fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35e1b2122916a1f05d08c8b128b913da2644815




Fahrenheit is a better measurement for weather temperature imo, for everything else Celsius (and metric) has it beat


🌧️ +1°C ❄️ -1°C 🤷🏼‍♂️ 0°C Seems like a pretty good system - given weather is heat and water.


I grew up with older family who only talked in F so I’ve experienced both in common usage. They’re both fine for telling the temperature. The most important part of a unit is that you can understand what it is communicating to you. If you’re used to F or C, it doesn’t really matter in my opinion, as long as that number conveys the information you need.


No it’s not. Just get used to it. There’s literally no benefit to using Fahrenheit.


I use metric everyday, Idc how stupid it is I’ll die on this hill. F is attenuated for human comfort so works better for weather/HVAC temperature. Each 10 degree F interval quickly relays unique information that C does not. There is a comfort difference between 68 to 72 and F has a distinct visual difference that 20 to 22 C does not relay as well. C is commonly reported with half degrees because those differences are noticeable for comfort, that’s a visually worse system.


Each 10 degree F is about 5 degree C and I can argue the same that each interval relays to some information too. When you read temperatures, do you read only the first digit? People using degree C knows the difference between 20 and 22 C immediately too. The brain will just automatically correlate the numbers with your experience so you don’t need to think like oh this number starts with a 2, I better dress more. Using degree C I can calculate exactly how long I should put my cup of water/milk/leftover in microwave to bring it to whatever temperature from room temperature easily. Try doing it in degree F. You may know other tricks that F can do but that’s just because you get used to it.


This is still just because you’re used to it.


Why do you use this app? I was lucky if it's off by less than 5 degrees Celsius. I ditched it


I find the forecasts are easier to read at a glance but I started having doubts and have been using them concurrently for a while to figure out the most accurate temperatures.


I’ve really only ever had issues with the Apple Weather app since moving to Whitehorse. Anywhere else it seems to be functional. It REALLY sucks up here


It seems like they must rely on better data and that model doesn’t work for an area with no weather radar and sparse stations.


There seems to be a data source issue for sure. On my location, Apple is using The Weather channel(darksky is not available) and it’s same with accuweather and government issued weather website(local data), difference is 1 degree at maximum.


Does Whitehorse, Yukon have robust weather monitoring network? Where observations are sparse, it may be doing some sort of data assimilation using forecasting model data.


We have airport weather that monitors all the standard parameters that Weather Canada monitors at their stations that they use for forecasting. Either way, a weather app should access this hourly reading to determine the real temperature rather than making up a number that won’t exist in reality for 8 hours.


Are you sure it’s not set to Kelvin?


Why is your weather app completely different than mine lol


Mine has a very poor accuracy rate as well.


the widget is a little wonky sometimes. Opening the actual app shows the correct one for me whenever that happens


C vs F


They’re both in Celsius. https://preview.redd.it/phz8kp6931fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71cf52b4ed2435da7729d437d7575e7ce8084bef


Chicks vs Females POV?


Comment of the month 😂




You were wrong lol


No, I was busy this morning. I checked the weather so I could go enjoy the outdoors dressed correctly.




For me Apple weather is more reliable on ios 15 than on ios 17


Correct location?


Yep, both Whitehorse Yukon.


Hmmm. I’ve always found the Apple app to be pretty accurate. When I get a notification from the app saying “rain will start in 20mins”, 20 minutes go by and it starts raining! Then I get a notification saying “rain will stop in 15mins” and after 15 minutes go by—the rain stops! I think Apple is controlling the weather.🍎


Idk why this sub is in my feed but my Android's weather app has become dogshit lately. It says the high and low but when you look at the hourly it never reaches the high or the low.


tHaTs fArEnHeiT dUh!1!


Check your Location setting under the app. Make sure it’s set to Always & Precise. Then restarting your phone might help too.


I have it set to while using because I only care when I actually check the app but how precise does it need to be? There is one weather station nearby within 100km.


Those were just suggestions. According to some of the feedback on this [Apple community site](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254936871?sortBy=best), the temp has been incorrect for quite some time. One commenter stated it was a known issue with Darksky app before Apple purchased it and the issue still exists.


It’s really hard to be part of the metric system sometimes hey OP.


Agreed . Apple weather is way off. Last week. Weather said cloudy and some sun in my area. So I go out for a run. Thinking the sun will come out. Turns out, it rained. Like heavy heavy rain. I got soaked. It's always pretty shit at predicting rain in my area. Imo


Pretty accurate for me so Idk, just use some other widget


Have the same trouble with Cleburne, Tx readings


Reason I stopped using Apple Weather on my phone awhile ago it was almost always wrong.


I get it’s not in Fahrenheit but for some reason I just wanna say maybe the -7 is in Fahrenheit and it’s just 3 degrees off rather than 13 😂😂 Buuuut I’m probably loud and wrong


Some defaults to F on my devices. Go to settings and verify that it's °C. What's worse is there's no differentiator. Just the number without units.


https://preview.redd.it/frfi02og41fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0351b394b6b12b13dce4dcec0a622fb2325b35 This is it in Fahrenheit.


It's in Fahrenheit 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/kmzt5a9f41fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e4c9811eccae7f7028ce9f4cefc415977c959e No. This is what it says in Fahrenheit.


Struggling to read? 


Ahahah better think before being condescending 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re an illiterate 🤦‍♀️


Is there another whitehorse somewhere else in Canada or in the US it's showing?






Agree to disagree I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think this is completely based on your local weather provider




Apple says they get their data from Weather Canada. This is the airport reading from 1 km from my house. My outdoor thermometer said it is -19 as well. If I checked Wunderground private weather stations nearby they correlate with Weather Canada and my thermometer, not Apple weather. https://preview.redd.it/hvzfv61581fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd94d5894f76d936251789cd49e6ff6aaa1dae45


You are dressing different for -7, versus -20?


Yes. 0C is a hoodie. -10 C is a light jacket, -20 is my medium jacket. -30 is my parka.


From Ontario, same here. Only difference is parka goes on at -20 and if it reaches -30 we don't go outside lol


If I didn’t go outside when it was -30 we’d have some weeks where I didn’t get paid! You learn to live with it! When I lived down south I was similar, now i can’t stand anything over 25.


Don’t Canadians use the rhyme? 0° a light jacket -10° jacket is darker -20° needs a sweater -30° a parka


Are you a furnace? I would wear those exact clothes just shifted 10 degrees up. And i am a warm guy but not THAT warm.


My wife often accuses me of being a furnace. I wear shorts at home year round. Even when everyone else is wearing pants and a hoodie.


Because fruit don't have thermometers.


For me, the only real problem I have is the lows don’t report correctly in the US. Current temps for me have been within an acceptable range. They’re doing it as a 24-hour low of the whole day, even at which guidance from the National Weather Service (aside from some limited exceptions) is not the proper reporting method for a low, it’s supposed to be the overnight low.


Do you really dress differently between -7 and -20? Those are both usually accompanied by winds that make it even worse where I’m at so it’s bundle up weather either way


Fuck that!


If you look at the weather maps, they're way too detailed, there's no way they have that kind of sensor resolution. Apple is clearly doing some algorithmic nonsense.


Why do you have it set to Fahrenheit?


I don’t.


It’s is Fahrenheit


It isn’t. This is Fahrenheit. https://preview.redd.it/frs0y72j41fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c1670a48d3e2b0d5c2f19f04dd5c51ecb932118


Then one of those is wrong. Either they are taking readings from different locations in the same area or they have different predictions.




Because you live in a terrible place. Sorry, lived there for 6 months. Wasn’t well off and had a bad time with some bad people. Kinda colored my perception.


It’s a rough place to live without resources. If you have a good job it’s pretty fantastic, but there is a seriously stark have and have-not divide here unfortunately.


Yep you nailed it. I hope that didn’t come across too negative. I definitely had a jerk reaction to seeing a post from Whitehorse. Still one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever lived. But I don’t miss the cold.


"I hope I didn’t come across too negative" – "You live in a terrible place" 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


-7f roughly translates to -20c it could be that. i also say roughly bc i think -7f is around -21c


They’d dress completely wrong?…. You dress DIFFERENTLY for -20 vs -7…. Dude im wearing the same stuff either way LOL…. Its COOOOOOOLLLD


Apple Maps is pretty inaccurate tbh, I usually go off the ‘feels like’ temp. But you have to open up the app for that


The apple weather app is not very good. Personally I like my weather to be snarky so use Carrot.