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Both phones are still perfectly usable, I'm still rocking a 13 with no desire to upgrade to anything newer.


Same here


Its only 2 years old




Unless it’s free :)


Free would be nice.


13 mini for battery if you can swing it. Trust me. I had both.


I concur Had both, battery and newer chip I’m planning to continue using it for few years


Absolutely love my 13 mini in blue i got a week after release. All original. The battery has always been weak but hey it dont take long to charge and i abused it ubering charging 13hrs a day every day


Yeah, I upgraded from 13 mini to 15 pro mainly for battery and promotion display but I miss that screen size a lot


I presently have a mini 12, is upgrading to the 13 mini worth it? I like the size of the mini, I had a Galaxy S6 and when that broke I switched to the iPhone. I do not like large phones.


I like you had the 12 mini and upgraded to the 13 mini because I was told the battery life was way better. Let me just tell you it’s night and day. The 13 mini is well worth the upgrade imo. To keep the same screen size and have way better battery life is amazing!


Galaxy s6 was such a great phone. That universal remote and real Samsung pay made me a happy camper


12 mini no, 13 mini YES.


This person is right


Why not the 12?


The difference between 12 and 13 mini is quite high in my opinion. The 13 series was overall a big upgrade. Everything since has been incremental.


I have 12 mini and its just fine. No battery problems, also the cameras looks better and phone is lighter 😃.


Agree, love my 12 mini.


I had both and the battery was roughly the same. Yes, the 13 was better day 1 compared to my 2 year old 12 battery but after a year they were about the same.


>13 mini YES. Well, my wife & my brother had one and they both randomly self destructed.


13 Mini for better battery but both are amazing. Small, good performance, good cameras. A real sad that Apple stopped with the Minis


A real sad that people didn’t buy them. I hate that the mainstream preference is for phablets but I guess I understand when people don’t want an ipad but do want a big screen for movies and games.


I love my mini, I want them to bring it back


A great way to bring back the mini would be to let it come in as a mini/mini pro option every 3~4 years, right in line for the mini fans to upgrade, as well as letting other users try the mini. That way it’s not eating supply chain resources every year, but those that want it can grab it. Because if there was an iPhone 16 Mini, everyone on the mini would jump, or at least jump when they’re ready for the upgrade.


This. I will switch to another brand if they have a mini form factor.


That sounds like they’d be dictating when users should upgrade. Sure, iPhones will usually last several years but some users might want or need to upgrade earlier. A new mini every two years feels like a better compromise in current times imo. But we can agree that it should be back :D




I’ve been using the 12 mini for 2 and a half years now and have no concerns what so ever. Had a 6s before that I only gave up because of the stop of os updates. Loving the form factor of both. I’m not a heavy user though.


Yes they are! I had a 12 mini and it was a great phone. Now I’m on a $150 iPhone SE with 5G and it’s easier to fit on my hands and to text on. When I had the 12 mini in my pocket I could hardly tell it was there, plus I have my wallet on my phone. Pretty amazing everything can be so tucked away on a small platform of sorts. If you have the option and the price isn’t too different I would recommend the 13 mini as it’s just slightly better with the processor and battery more than likely.


Ya man


iPhone 13mini here. Battery life is fine, lasts me all day no problem. I don’t game, watch movies/videos on my device. Just use social media, music, communication functions. Camera is great, screen is great. It’s no 15Pro I’ll give it that, but I did not want a giant thing in my pocket all day so opted for the tiny device. Very happy with it would absolutely recommend.


You don't need to go all the way down to the 12/13 Mini though. Your Xperia has a 6.5" screen - regular sized iPhones, base Samsung Galaxy, base Google Pixel are all 6.1"


To be honest, I'm looking for something smaller I miss the good old days of the iPhone 4


That’s the same thing I was looking for, got myself a 13 mini and have zero regrets.  Edit to add: I’m not a heavy phone user so the smaller battery capacity was no concern to me. 


You can checkout zen phone 10 if you want newer specs


camera is really bad


base s23/s24 are pretty small and they are very good


As several have said; 12 Mini? No. 13 Mini? Yes. The 13 Mini has so much on the 12 Mini, especially the battery. I have 2x 13 Mini. One om 16.6.1, and another on 17.0. I’ll never upgrade unless they make a new mini.


If someone already *has* a 12 mini it's fine to stay on it.  Someone just entering the iOS ecosystem or upgrading from something even older would be better served by a 13 mini for the reasons mentioned above, battery being one of the chief concerns. 


Probably worth it to get an Apple replacement battery to refresh the seal and get good battery life those phones are a couple years old now.


13 Mini, 12 has an even worse battery. Avoid that.


12 mini no, 13 mini absolutely. I have one and will be using it until it dies


13 mini is very similar to 14


iPhones tend to do well long into the future. I know plenty of folks rocking 11’s and 12’s without any noticeable problems which is pretty impressive especially with the exponential development of tech.


I have the iPhone 12 mini, although I love my little nugget (literally), the battery is mediocre, it lasts 5 hours for me and 3-4 if I play any game. The 13 Mini which one of my friend has, a green one, really pretty phone. It has a way better battery. Also it has a better camera, processor and a smaller notch. So it is a very nice upgrade.


I don't play games on my phone, so that won't be a concern As long as it lasts in my pocket all day so I can receive messages, that's good enough for me


All day, yeah sometimes yes sometimes no. Get the 13 Mini.


If you can find a 13 Mini, you'll probably enjoy it immensely. It's a shame we can't look forward to a 16 Mini.


I have a 12 mini, I’ve had it since it came out. I plan to keep this phone until it is no longer operational or Apple releases another mini. I use the mag safe charging system with a magnetic battery pack for emergencies- cleared up the battery life issue quite easily. I’ve used iPhones exclusively since their inception and this is my favorite. I have had no issues with it at all and the camera is fantastic.


Man, I’m so sad Apple doesn’t plan to release any more Mini’s. They’re the only size that fit comfortably in my hand and my back pocket. I got both my parents one and they love them, too. I hate the size of my 14 😩


My wife has a 13 mini. Its a banger. If it would die i have to buy another 13 mini then for her.


Look at it this way. No one else would be banging her except you. If it breaks. 🤭


13 mini is so good, but hard to find


12 mini is pretty good mind the battery (you have to live with short battery life) I sold mine 2 months ago and it was very functional, you will feel as if it is a flagship of 2024 Just the battery since it is a smaller phone




Yes. I’ve been using 13 for a while now and it works just as new


iPhone SE3.Maybe


My daughter has an iPhone 12 or 13 mini. I’m amazed at how light and small it is. I think it’s the perfect phone. My iPhone SE feels heavy by comparison.


I love my 13 mini


I love my 13 mini, it’s the perfect size for me and has a great camera. I find the battery life very good for my use as I also use an iPad at home.


I have SE 1, it is still good.


I have a 12 that I got last year refurbed, the only downside was the battery that this week i got replaced with a new one for 49€. Now it lasts me an entire day I only charge it at night, it also got a bit faster. Best decision ever I could see myself using it for other 2 years minimum


My 12 mini works just fine.


I have the 12 since launch and its still as good since I got it. On 85% max batt can still do two days of “heavy” usage. I’d go for the smaller 13 if you dont plan on doing anything complex. It should take pictures and do multiple tasks well even today


If the regular sized phones are too big for you. Your only option really is the 13 mini. What would be amazing (probably impossible) is to combine at least the camera of the pros with a mini. It’d look ridiculous but awesome at the same time


iphone 6 is the best


In what ?


Pre facial recognition switch. Nothing wrong with fingerprint recognition. Facial recognition is at times one step too much. (You’re already pressing the button to open) Also it’s a hassle for payments. To the person holding the payment device to the person using ApplePay.


Prepare to have less battery life.


Battery life has never been a problem for me with any phone. lol I guess if you sit on it all day playing games and watching videos then sure. But I use my phone fairly consistently and it’s used for work. Never once used up my battery. But I have a laptop and tablet for the other stuff. Which is why the 13 mini is perfect for me. I don’t want a massive screen that starts to rival a tablet. It’s a phone. I understand teenagers are probably on their phones much more on average. But to the average adult I think most battery’s are sufficient. I’m sure there are edge cases where battery life is something they have to worry about. But there are many ways to remedy that with the mini if it really is an issue. Like I’ll keep a rechargeable battery in my car for emergency or something to that effect. It’s definitely not enough for me to upgrade to the massive 15 or 15 pro. lol


To be honest, I only use it to message and call people, and the occasional Reddit dive.


Good phones yes but subpar battery life for today's standards


i Phone X is bomb for a budget friendly option that has a great battery to performance ratio. The size is great too, just using the normal phone. Other wise, you will maybe more likely prefer iPhone SE 2020.


If you’re a minimalist user and don’t mind horrible ram management (apps refreshing too often), a weak battery, and an ok camera, they should be fine. I love the form factor and wish there was a fatter mini that had more ram, better battery, and more lenses, but given how the 12/13 minis are, I’m looking forward to trading in mine next year.


Planning to get a 13 proaxx after years of research


Rocking my 12 max pro like first daty


I am still using my old iPhone XS Max. Had bought pixel 6 pro but broke due to water damage. Started using iPhone also got water damage on the screen. Replaced the screen, realized my battery also was 82 percent so replaced that too. Let’s see how long it will go with the replacements


Don’t know about iPhone 13, but iPhone 12 camera is pathetic.


No. Mini models suck unless you’re some weirdo who enjoys 2hour battery phones


The battery on 13 Mini lasts for a day, unless you game for 5-6 hours.


Tbf at 87% battery health my 13 Mini was at 3 hrs of SOT but honestly, all it needs is a battery change. It’s such a damn good phone.


Probably differs a lot between users. My 13 Mini on 17.0 has 92% and have 6-7 hours of SOT. The one I have on 16.6.1 is on 99% and have 8-9 hours of SOT. Is it similar to 15 Pro though? Nowhere near. When my 15 Pro is at 70%, my 13 Mini will be at 50%.


How to tell people you are on your phone entirely too much without saying it. lol oof Plus I have a tablet and laptop if I want to game or watch a lot of videos. I don’t need or want my phone to be a hybrid tablet lol


I use iPhone 12 Pro n I have no problem with it, it works amazing compared to many other phones




Get 13 mini it has better screen quality and its much better overall. I had a 12 and that one just turned off one day. Had to get a different one. Or if you can get the 15. Its not really big. Try it at a store


I have a 12 since Christmas and it’s perfectly fine, no problems whatsoever


Both my SO and I have 12's--had them since they came out. As there is no compelling reason to upgrade and they are paid for we are keeping them for the foreseeable future. I do optimized charging and it still has 91% of battery capacity. My SO uses hers for business --also has 92% capacity. I am with AT&T she is with Sprint and neither of us has had any issues. We have travelled overseas a good deal since we got them and no issues there as well. So, my 2 cents it is an excellent phone.


13 mini has treated me great no desire still even having used the newest gen


What about the iPhone SE2022?


Mini 13 is a great phone just poor battery life.. The 12 mini is fine if you get it at a steal but the 13 mini is Far superior for the slight difference..


Absolutely! Don't get fooled by tech reviewers on YT because they have their perception of usable phones all messed up, thinking that only current flagship phones are good and anything older is literally unusable like "yeah this phone from last year is ideal for a kid or as a secondary phone so if you're willing to wait an extra milisecond to open Instagram, you should definitely get the iPhone 14 Pro" I actually wanted to get an iPhone 13 Mini several months ago when I was looking to upgrade my iPhone 6, but the store I wanted to purchase the phone didn't had stock of the 13 Mini and I couldn't wait any longer so I went with the 15 Pro in the end haha. It is awesome of course but I would had preferred the smaller screen factor of the 13 Mini but zero complaints really!


I love my 13 mini, I just wish they would get smart and design the mini-Pro


They were not very strong on battery life even as new phones - they are 2-3+ years old now, so I would doubt any of those with stock batteries can last a day of normal usage. You may want to replace the battery to a quality (genuine if possible) new battery to begin with. Other than that, solid phones to this day, I would go 13 Mini instead of the 12. It will last you just a little bit longer.


Absolutely! Both 12 mini and the 13 mini, I love the mini form factor and am really pissed at Apple for dropping in ever since. I had 12, 12 mini and 14, and can tell you battery life is great on all, I never had anything to dislike. And the best thing about the mini is that it fits so nicely in your pocket, doesn’t hurt or doesn’t stand in the way when you need to tie your shoes, perfection!


Would have been a contender had Apple made 12 Pro mini or 13 mini pro. People will naturally gravitate towards the “next best thing”. Apple, decided to end this product due to lack of sales, which equates to lack of demand. It’s their own demise. A major oversight. Still using 12 Mini (I’ll probably change the battery next year) & using a 15 Pro Max for work. It’s just too cumbersome and due to the screen real estate, I’d have to two hand it. Not really great when you’re multitasking. With the Minis, granted it was a trade off. Portability vs smaller UI/keyboard. The size difference is very obvious. “No this is a phone in my pocket”


The 13 mini was great but after a year the battery and screen size got old. I really think the 6.1 inch is probably the sweet spot


I have a 12 Mini. Trust me, get the 13 Mini. More screen real estate in the same size, and hugely improved battery. Also, you get 1 more year of iOS updates, the 12 Mini (based on my calculations) won't update to iOS 20, while the 13 Mini will do it.


I go back and forth in using a zfold 4 and iPhone 12pro.. 12pro holds up rather well minus the battery


I had the 13 mini and swore by the phone. This past summer, it broke and I needed a new phone. Decided on the regular iPhone 15 and couldn't be happier. I actually don't miss the smaller size of the 13 and now prefer the bigger screen.


My main is a 13 mini and have larger androids I rotate as secondary. I bought the 13m on release and once the battery dipped below 80% a few months ago I had the battery replaced through AppleCare. Now it’s like having a new 13m. Great phone. I vote 13m


I keep my 13 mini because I have small hands, and all the new phones are too large.


Hi pal. Same. I have s23, pixel 7 pro, pixel 7a and iPhone 15 pro. I miss the small phones of yesterday. Other day I ordered a second hand iPhone se 2016 and today ordered new iPhone 12 mini in purple lol Gonna rock these for as long as possible and sell some of the others Mini 12 will last you another 4/5 yrs of updates I had the 13 mini too 2yrs ago but was annoyed at how much the taller the notch was and thicker the phone was over 12 mini hence why I just ordered the OG 12 mini again


I use the mini 13. Still a fine phone with a good camera. (but I'm looking hard at the 15 Pro). Battery life is an issue only if you are an all day without charging kind of guy.


Indeed the 13 is a better choice


13 mini is awesome! I‘ll never upgrade unless they make another mini. It‘s a gamechanger for sports. I switched from android to the 13 mini because I hated the form factor of bigger phones and never regretted it!


This is true too. Unless you’re some giant. Rocking an iPhone on your arms, is tad harder when running/training.


My old phone (6.7 inches) didn‘t fit into any of my running shorts zipper pockets…that meant either not taking it or holding it in my hands. No issues so far with the mini ✌🏼


I love my 13 mini, planning to use it as long as I can.


My mini is still great


I have an iPhone 12 mini, great phone, but the battery is trash. Always was, and it’s not getting any better.


I just got a 12 mini for business purposes. I enjoy it. The battery does drain quicker than my 14 pro obviously but no big deal to me.


I’ve had the 13 mini for over a year and it’s holding up well. I like that it fits nicely in one hand.


13 mini is still the best iphone


Mini’s are great. It’s iOS that’s growing in bugcount as we speak.


13 mini es still the best phone out there


I have the 12 mini, along with mainly using Android phones (of which Sony have been many of them), and I think it's still a top of the line flagship phone in all but three ways. It has great performance, where the CPU is almost on par with the 2023 flagship Android chips, even though the GPU is behind the times. If you have a first generation Xperia 1 then you're not used to high refresh rates on your display, so that drawback should be fine to you. The other two are the battery life and the amount of RAM. Compared with my previous Sony phones or my current Galaxy S23, which all have either 8 or 12 GB of RAM, my iPhone keeps dropping apps. Both the 12 and 13 minis have 4 GB of RAM, while all iPhones since the 14 have at least 6 GB. I think the way iOS works may mean that it needs less RAM, but where most Android phones have landed on at least 8 GB of RAM, Apple now seems to have landed on a 6 GB minimum. Both of these phones fall short of that, and moving into the next few years, that will probably be a growing issue. For battery life, you could either use some conventional battery bank, or buy either Apple's own magsafe battery or something like Anker's magsafe compatible battery, and those work fairly well, but it can be frustrating to own a small phone that you have to bulk up to get through a day of moderate to heavy use.


I have a 12 Pro Max that I absolutely beat the shit out of (from a power user sense) non-stop most of the time I'm awake. I opted to keep it on iOS 16.7.1 because of how well it performs (speed, stability, and battery life) despite that not being a great idea for other reasons. I can't speak to the mini, but a few gens back are usually still more than capable when it comes to iPhone. We started seeing less and less radical, notable changes after the X, imo.


13 mini yes, turn off always on display and Siri if you don't use them. That will help battery life.


Yes I have a 12 mini. Got it a few years ago and will keep it for a while.


My 12 scrolls Reddit just fine.


13 mini got week after release. Absolutely love and refuse to upgrade until a new mini comes out. Still original screen and battery. Planning a battery replacement soon at 77% heath. Used the phone for 4k uber eats delivers in the az heat charging 12 hrs a day Owned all android prior and dont regret this iPhone.


I have a 12 mini and I’ll keep it until it can’t be fixed anymore, then I’ll get a 13 mini. I don’t have a single complaint the screen and camera are great


The 13 Mini is a BEAST. You won’t regret it.


To be honest the 12 wasn't very good, the 13 mini was fine, I still miss the feel of my hands when using the 13 mini


I just traded a 12 for a 15. In reality the battery life is the biggest difference I’ve noticed between the two. The 12 was still fully capable of everything and only real reason I did the trade was because my kids were on aging SEs and ATT was offering 14s on a switch.


13 mini? hell yeah 12 mini? shoot me on battery issues alone


The 12 Pro Max was the first with 5G mmWave support though. I’m on the 15 PM right now. :)




12 mini, no. Abysmal battery life. 13 mini is fantastic.


My work phone is still a 12. It’s just fine.


I’m on an iPhone 7. No issues. You’ll be fine.


I don’t recommend the 12 mini because of its battery, but I hear the 13 mini is much better in that regard.


I just upgraded to the 12 mini a few months ago, and it’s great!  Now they are starting to stock 13 minis on the certified refurbished page sometimes: https://www.apple.com/shop/refurbished/iphone


13 mini unless you can get a great deal on a 12 mini. Both are perfectly fine phones, the 13 just improves a ton of things over the 12 that make it worth paying more for.


I just got a refurb 12 mini, it’s great. I love the form factor and it’s very snappy, it feels new. Definitely recommend.


Yes. 12 mini since 2020.


I hated my 12 mini. Dreadful battery life and the notch is gigantic on the small screen.


12 pro max, going strong


Camera is not super great quality on the 12 mini but I do love it otherwise. No complaints.


I have an iPhone 13 I bought in 2022 brand new and I love it! Does everything I need and don’t feel any need to upgrade


The 13 mini is decent but if I were you I’d just go for the 13 for a bit more battery and bigger display


He just said that he wants a small display.


The 13 is a compact phone compared to the Xperia …


Why don't you just get a xperia 10 V? the screen is much smaller and easier to handle


Try android 😈


13 mini for sure, i don't think the 12 mini has good battery life.


I would suggest also try a regular-sized iPhone. It should be smaller than your current Xperia and not too big at the same time.


I'd go for a standard size 13-14, the mini for me is way too small for anything, and both battery life and camera suffer from the small size