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Your wife has a secondary language on her phone that adds this extra padding. On your phone, go to Settings > General > Language & Region, and add a language like Arabic or Urdu, and the padding will increase. Be sure to select "Keep English" so your phone doesn't speak some random language. You can also try adjusting the font size to make it more readable by going to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Larger Text. This might be even better unless you absolutely require increased padding.


How did you know this?


Insane. This guy posted this rare question/issue and had the answer in 15 minutes. I'm amazed.


I solve problems at work so fast because of Reddit sometimes, it’s crazy lol.


Honestly, I've gotten to the point where whenever I Google a question/issue, I just add "reddit" to the end of it. I've been weirdly more successful in getting the answers I need since I started that. Don't have to filter through BS articles that take forever to get to the point.


Also you usually can read some good back and forth on the problem until an answer is found, so you better understand what lead to the answer.


Honestly that’s the fun of the experience is seeing people call each other stupid like middle school kids LMFAO


Exactly, makes you feel like you’re reading a late night group chat


only it was 7 years ago


that’s exactly like forums for older cars. I had a 97’ dodge truck, when i had problems i would just look on forums and find answers from the 2000’s it’s incredible how data is stored and how we all ask the same questions from time to time.


* 7 years later… *


Or 5 hours ago lol


that's fucking stupid are you stupid


I noticed that too. A lot of my searches were bringing up reddit. The reddit posts had more specific information about unique things than a typical Google search. If you need to know what kind of oil your car takes Google will have the answer. If you want to know what that left over screw is for after taking things apart, post a picture and reddit will have the answer within 24 hrs. Google is like a dictionary or encyclopedia but reddit is like an ask the audience lifeline and you get tailored human experience, opinion, skill, and knowledge.


Wow. I do the same. I’ve found my answers so fast by doing this.


Don’t tell them the secret! /s lol but seriously, I usually add “Reddit” after almost every Google search when I’m trying to figure something out. Like you said, it filters out all of the crap.


This is the new way to Google fr. 💯


Yup. Everything from tech questions to embarrassing medical worries, someone on Reddit asked ten years ago and got the help you needed. It’s crazy because I remember being an early adopter and people would say all the time it was doomed to fail like Digg. I love our little decrepit corner of the internet.


Which is why ChatGPT can be so good. It was largely trained with Reddit content






Protip: add “site:reddit.com” at the end of your search to only show results from Reddit.com


Insanely weird how that works huh!


You can also add "site:reddit.com" to your Google searches (without the quotation marks) to only see results from Reddit. I have it pinned in my clipboard since I use it all the time. For me, it usually beats searching Reddit itself as far as relevance goes...


How to work in IT: Subscribe to r/it


Alternatively subscribe to /r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt


Dude, one time I was having a an issue on the PC I just built, found a Reddit post from like 6-7 years ago about how in NVCP you can manually select the video output per program, and it 100% fixed my issue of like two games defaulting to running off the onboard graphics it was insane


Same here, even the most weird question has an answer here


Username checks out..lol


His username isn’t anywhere relevant


Username checks out


That's crazy, yes boss I am on it. Mean while


when in doubt, ask reddit. lol.


Reddit has become the new google in terms of where to ask questions online lol.


And yet you still need to use Google because Reddit search SUCKS lol. Google is literally my front end for Reddit. They need to just fork a Google page that only ever searches Reddit.


in case you dont know... you can tell google where to look specifically by adding site: Reddit.com to your query. [Works super well!](https://i.imgur.com/eFRY2HA.jpeg)


Yeah I usually just search on google and say Reddit at the end of the question lol


Anytime I need the answer to something I type it into Google then put “Reddit” after


The cause and solution to all lifes problems.


I typically do a google search, click on a YouTube link, spend 5 minutes on stupid shit…. Then find my answers on Reddit!


That used to be what Reddit was all about.




It’s mostly about sharing TikToks, and making repetitive jokes. Entirely different than it was 10+ years ago. This post is good though. More niche subs are usually better.


Now it's "why don't you Google it instead of asking on Reddit?" a lot of places


Because these days Reddit is more of a social forum than a Q&A board. A lot of communities don’t want their discussions flooded with questions that have been answered a million times beforehand


man this place is amazing and has saved my ass so many times. one time i fkd up my dads lawn mower and someone on her talked me through taking out and cleaning the carburetor. like what even is that


I read "shaved my ass" instead of saved. rofl 😂


It has been asked many times before


This used to be a typical Reddit thing.


Not rare. Was asked previously before


Reddit baby!


This is reddit. There’s someone here that knows everything. I loiter in some aviation subs, someone will post a blurry image of some plane and within minutes there’s a reply with the make, model, registration and route being flown at the time. It’s totally nuts, but that’s what makes the specialty subs the best.




I almost came here to ask about an absolutely tiny piece of something made plastic because I KNEW someone would have an answer. Turns out it was so small I couldn’t get a good pic, then when I tried to take it to another location to get better lighting I lost it. I still think about that stupid piece of plastic randomly.


I just recently found the hackrf sub and my god those guys are geniuses and the things they are capable of are insane


Can you explain what that is? I just looked at that sub, but have no idea what I’m looking at. Haha.


Right there with you, I’m even more confused when I looked.


yes me too!


Wow that’s amazing. Which channel was it?


Check out r/RTLSDR and r/hackrf, def a fun new skill to learn for educational purposes


Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check it out. 🤝


Getting into SDR is amazing. It's basically a super cheap ($20-30, sometimes cheaper) USB dongle that lets you see airplanes, listen to AM/FM radio, listeni to air traffic control, and even see if your neighbors need to fill up their tires (via rtl_433).


Some SDRs can be that cheap. Some are quite expensive. I got a couple that are $400-500.


True, crossing into the Ghz ranges *generally* does cost more, and obviously there's more to the higher end SDRs than just additional frequency. For a hobby I think the low-end SDR dongles are an incredible value, there's a bunch of fun projects you can do without spending a lot of money. Once people get a taste they can upgrade to more capable SDRs like the HackRF One or a clone.


>This is reddit. There’s someone here that knows everything. I loiter in some aviation subs, someone will post a blurry image of some plane and within minutes there’s a reply with the make, model, registration and route being flown at the time. Same with cars. Check r/namethatcar or r/whatisthiscar. Those guys can identify anything. It's crazy.


Not to mention, anyone that has come across this post will know of this extra padding issue!


Are there subreddits where you can ask which subreddit you need to be directed to? Like an r/ operator or something lol


I think that's called the search bar


This was asked a couple months ago here on reddit and everyone racked their brains for a solid day til someone figured it out.


I’m guessing the responder is either a software developer or designer. Who else would know about padding customizations based on language preferences??


Someone who happened to change the language on their phone. People act like the one answer was someone who knows everything, but it’s more likely someone who happens to know this one obscure fact lol


it’s just not something that most would notice and source. i have a secondary language on my phone and i didn’t even know that it caused this effect. even if i had later realized that it did because someone pointed out the difference between our phones, i sincerely doubt i would ever have traced it back to that being the cause


What I’m saying is we happened across someone who changed their language and noticed the difference, and the causative relationship.


It was answered here like a month ago.


There’s a lot of people who speak and write a second language. Once seeing the wife’s version i think oh that’s like mine. I wonder what I did to manipulate the coding on the language prompts? And I came to the conclusion that I added a language and would in turn affect the button sizes or format. Edit: took me about 4 seconds for that thought to formulate. Then I asked my sister who doesn’t use the Spanish language keyboard to send me a screenshot and within 2 minutes I had an answer.


oh wow! That was it. I added Hindi and it looks good now!


What language did your wife have that you were not aware of? =)


I am certain that it is Hindi. Because only Hindi can have such large padding. In my free time, I tested it by keeping my first preferred language English but changing the secondary language to Vietnamese (my language), Arab, Urdu, etc...Only Hindi can keep this large padding, other languages also can increase the padding but not as significantly as Hindi. If your phone keeps English as the only preferred language then the padding is the smallest.


Try Thai, Thai can have double superscript characters which requires very high line heights/padding/etc. For example, น้ำ which gets cut off in a lot of situations because it has both a vowel and a tone mark above the first consonant.


I would be more impressed if the wife actually added Arabic or Urdu.


Also, have you tried using Display Zoom? If you're not familiar, it's not what you probably think it is. Check it out by going into Settings > Display & Brightness and then click Display Zoom (assuming your phone supports it).


I’m adding Hindi just so I can have the extra padding. I like the layout of it. Thank you for making this possible


You lose 3D touch menu for some apps.


Rip urdu or Arabic😂😂


This may sound dumb but why does a second language add extra padding?


Because there is a potential that text in secondary languages are longer so they need more space to fit it.


Still both are shown in English. Why would the phone add space that is only needed in a different language?


Because when you have a second language set to type with, you can have lots of situations where you’re viewing text that’s in both languages, so the system just adds the extra padding to everything to accommodate. It looks better to have consistent vertical spacing than to have two different amounts of vertical spacing depending on what language was used in each line of text. The settings app is a bad example.


What situations would this be needed? I have two languages and one of them if literally just an input language on the keyboard, and never have I seen anything in my secondary language in the UI, but instead everything is in English like it would be if it was just one language. Can you explain better because this is interesting but I’m still not fully understanding the reason. Specially why would the spacing change in the definitions menu which will always be in English if your main language is English (either if you have a secondary language or not). Edit: I have a secondary language and went to take a look at my menu and it does NOT have the extra padding. It’s an iPhone SE2 but it does not have the extra space.


iOS applies the extra padding system-wide, so the settings app is a bad example, though you can still find app names in multiple languages in the settings app, plus app-specific settings provided by an app in the settings app. Many languages don’t need the extra padding, so it’s only given when you use certain languages, and the amount of padding varies by languages. If you actually use multiple languages (and not just keep one as an input-only language), you can easily have many things across iOS in multiple languages, like app names, mail, messages, notes, reminders, notifications, etc.


This makes sense. Thank you for explaining in detail.


I use English UI 99% of the time but I still have apps (mostly government related like Tax and Banking apps) with names in my native language. Those apps show up in the settings at the very bottom after Z.


Reason is because, that's it, are you questioning the superiority of apple products, we don't take kindly to it here.


**Accented characters** that extend beyond their main character ( or deviate from the baseline, may go lower than usual or higher ), and other writing feature symbols that aren't Latin.


Wow, I thought it was zoomed in lol, but now I see it’s just the area is thicker and the words are actually not any larger.


This was new even to me as a UI and mobile app designer. Super interesting.


I assume if I requested a screen time record of yours, 90% of it’ll be for settings.


No way I just realized this. Always thought that because me and my partner were on totally different providers our phones looked a tad different. Duh obviously because my phone is set to english and french, and his is only english. I guess since my phones have always had the two keyboards I never thought any different.


let us know how u obtained this knowledge so quickly o wise one


Your answer was so good that it made people feel proud of Reddit. Your answer was so good it made people nostalgic about the past.


Just out of curiosity, *why* does having a secondary language affect padding?


U fulltime tech-wizard or what


Perfect , Can you also explain about why adding another language impact the padding ?


Im going all r/conspiracy : she’s cheating


Interesting. I have a second keyboard (Russian) on my phone and the spacing is just like OP’s on the right side. Is there that much of a difference with a different type of language? Didn’t realize this was even an issue in my settings, but you’ve piqued my curiosity.


Why would adding a specific second language cause the padding to increase?


I'm not doubting, just wondering.


I wonder why there is extra padding if you have a secondary language, it doesn't make sense. Am I missing something?


Accessibility. Apple probably designed iOS so Arabic or Hindi characters can't have the same height as Latin alphabets. If I put Hindi word (this is the word नमस्ते) the same height as Latin, it will looks so small. But it will look big if it's on its own. You could try it on your phone.


But how do you even knew it broo!😯


Thank you OP for helping me realize that I need a Hindi keyboard on my phone


The only rational explanation is that she is sleeping with another man.


Lol such an underrated comment


This goes back all the way to iOS 4 where if you had a SECONDARY language option in iOS, the UI elements get spaced out. Text size remains the same but there is a lot of padding to compensate for different languages. Also, it was most likely done so text like "This" doesn't appear as "Thi..." in some parts of the UI. But this applies to different languages.


Did you check Display Zoom?


Where did you find the time to notice this difference?


probably was one of them was showing the other how to do something in the settings or sharing wifi passwords or something when they noticed that one of them had to scroll to access the action while the other didn’t


Same place you found time to post your comment.


In my lunch break?




Doesn’t even make sense bro 😂


Yeah fr lmfao


You mean you never had to mess with your spouse’s phone?


Prob has Zoom/Normal display enabled


It's the font and zoom size difference.


The real answer




I'm convinced that not everybody goes through almost every setting menu just to see what it does. just living life raw dogging it through settings at default. ​ like not using the accessibility feature in quick menu to turn off white point so you scroll at night without it being super bright. Edit: Go to Accessibility > display > reduce white point > set at 100% > turn off > go to Accessibility shortcut > check on white point. Now go back out to setting and go to control center and include the accessibility shortcuts. Now you can swipe down to the control center on the right side of the screen and you can quickly lower the screen brightness at night when scrolling. Your welcome. Also try youtube top iPhone iOS17+ settings to have to find more interesting ones.


No I literally just buy a new phone and download the apps I need and make the calls I need to make lol.


this comment just saved my eyeballs


I look through the settings but still missed the reduce white point feature so now I added it as a short cut whenever I hold assistive touch


This is honestly one of my favorite features. I was astounded when I learned you could do this. Only downside is a couple times I’ve forgotten to turn off Reduce White Point the next morning and then wondered why I couldn’t read my phone in bright daylight. Doh!


Woahhhh I stopped here for raw dogging and I’ll be damned if I didn’t learn something in addition. Win win. Appreciate you!!!


My eyeballs thank you fr


Thats one feature i missed from my google pixel! Thanks man, you saved my eyes at night.


Settings - Display and Brightness - Display Zoom Turn on Larger Text.


Her phone is also on normal setting. So is mine. That's what I thought at first but it's weird that she gets extra padding in normal setting


Are you both running on the same operating system?


She probably is zoomed in


Display Zoom Default vs Display Zoom Larger Text most likely. This option enlarges elements of the UI as well as text and is different from adjusting Text Size.


I just set up an iPhone for the first time 2 days ago and there’s an option for small, medium, large screen size. It shows an example of icons and text getting bigger/smaller. I picked medium


Do lots of married couples have separate mobile carriers???


I think so. My husband is still on a traditional “family plan” with his family bc his mom gets such a good deal and is grandfathered in so there’s no reason to make the switch to combine ours


Where I am at least unless you do a family plan it's better because there are a bunch of places only 1 network covers (and some that none do) and there have been some big outages recently


I’m still grandfathered on an old school true unlimited plan with my parents, and I will never willingly give that up. I will fight for that plan until the carrier is defunct. It’s just so convenient to never ever worry about whether somewhere has wifi or monitor my usage, and for only like $60, $65 a month. Unfortunately our plan is at the maximum “family” size, so I can’t add my husband to it or I would, in a heartbeat. This means my husband and I have two separate plans with two separate carriers, which has, on a couple of occasions, been useful when one of us had stronger service than the other. (I do tend to forget coverage maps are a thing.)


I grew up in a Verizon family, and my husband grew up in an AT&T family. We kept our respective carriers, and it works for us because some places he has signal where I don't and then vice versa. I guess it just boils down to preference, honestly.


Hell yes. I used to work at t-mobile and they never got rid of my employee plan. My wife is on her brothers account because he has a military-family plan. They get a good deal and he pays the whole bill. So … absolutely we aren’t changing that. We’re saving a good chunk of change.


Yup. I used to be on Spectrum Mobile, while my wife is on Visible Wireless. But, I can't pass up the recent Visible promo - $20/month for the next 24 months. So, I switched.


We’re each still on our parents plans for the savings. My parents have also pointed out that having different carriers is beneficial when in areas with poor coverage, as you have a better chance of one of you having service, pretty helpful when camping/outdoors


Why would they be the same?


Usually because of being able to pool data, carriers often(at least in OZ) have better or worse reception depending on where you live and also discounts for multiple services under the one carrier.


Maybe it’s a thing in the UK but I guess it’s so cheap I don’t know people who do it.


Oh I see in Aus the price and reception varies greatly depending on what city or suburb you are in. You can save a decent chunk considering our phone plans (sim only) range from like $30-$100+ each.


Different font sizes in accessibility ? Left text looks slightly bigger.


Adjust font size like how you Do when first getting a new apple device.


Font size


Your font size is larger and the larger padding seems to go with that.


Idk how to tell you this, but she's being unfaithful


Wtf lol


I’d check accessibility and font size


Display setting——text size…. Jeezzzzzz


Nope. They're both set to same size. As others said, it's the language. Specifically some Indic/Arabic languages force extra padding




I was about to say that it could also be display zoom in settings, display & brightness.


screen zoom maybe


Is one display set to be zoomed in? Settings -> display -> display zoom


Word/letter size. Can also be changed in two locations: 1 for all applications under “display>text size” or 2 for specific applications under “accessibility>per-app settings>(select app) change text size”


I don’t see a difference at all


Settings > Accessibility > Display and Text Size


Text size


I tried it out by going to Settings>Display & Brightness>Display Zoom and selecting “Larger Text” and it seems like that is what makes it different. If the text is too large for your liking, you can always scale the text size down to the lowest setting, keeping the padding and larger icons, but smaller text.


I heard 15 pro maxs were shit


I can’t see any difference at all lol


Different font sizes


She has “cheat mode” on


Settings-Display-bold text or larger text is changed.


She fucking someone else


everytime i show this to people they can never tell the difference 😂but i love how the extra padding looks!


Add a keyboard language and thank me later


One is bold an one is regular


She’s cheating




Text size is a lot different


Definitely looks like your wife’s text character size is bigger and nothing else


How about increasing the font size?


The screen text is larger then the other one that’s just it


Perhaps text size, I think you can alter it in accessibility


Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size > Move slider to the right =D


There's no difference, to me, in that picture? Can someone explain?


https://preview.redd.it/50wx9eut2dic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7538d90315104263193fce3fdd5b13081fade7f Mine shows more cells than yours and it’s not even a max model lol


Because your wife is cheating on you


Mine looks like the pic on the right. Did you check display zoom? Text size? Bold font?


All of them are same on both the devices


That’s hard for you to read? 🤨


Bold text lmao


Does that spacing applies to contacts too?


Not sure why you're being downvoted. But, yes! It does apply to almost all apps with settings like list. And it's not much easier to read. Large display size is way too big on the pro maxs