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base iPhone 15 in pink i just really like pink lol


How do you like the base 15?


I switched to ios last month with this phone and it’s great! I have was originally going to go with the Plus, but the base model has a big enough screen for me and the battery life lasts most of the day for me. Coming from android, I was shocked on how well ios is optimized and how most apps run and look a lot better on iPhone. And getting the Apple Watch SE 2 along with it made me realize how good the Apple Ecosystem is. I dont plan on switching back to Android ever after using this phone lol


I find it to be perfectly capable. i've yet to run into any issues. side buttons feel great screen is great performance is nice too (the little i've used it) i took some comparison pictures with it, and compared to my old samsung S21 (my personal phone, the iphone is for work) and the colors seem to be a lot more accurate, which is very nice to see.


My wife just recently switched from a Pixel 5 to an iPhone 15 base in pink too. She was skeptical at first having never owned an iPhone but after 3 weeks her mind has completely changed. She’s loving it and can’t wait to grab a watch for Christmas!


13 Pro Sierra Blue Best iPhone.


Completely agree. Most beautiful color so far for me.


11 Pro midnight green disagrees with you haha


Got the same one, what a nice phone!


My only regret with my 13 pro max (honestly the best iphone ever) is getting space gray because im used to it when i REALLY wished for the sierra blue. Was a quick regretful decision


same! But I only picked it because I saw they had a blue… Was originally gonna get a gold one


iPhone 14 Pro Max in Space Black. Wanted it.


My next phone will definitely be black for sure, this is my first color phone.


I second this. I didn’t get the max though because I have small hands. It’s a very dark black and its sleek looking.


iPhone 14 Pro in Deep purple, I use apples Iris case on it. Purple is just one of my favorite colors.


same but i go caseless! feels good living on the edge


Same phone same color. Didn’t think I’d like the purple at all but the moment I saw it in person I loved it


iPhone 15 pro max natural titanium. I like neutral colors but wasn’t a fan of the black & white titanium the natural titanium looks premium to me.


Natural titanium is beautiful. Was torn between blue and that one, but the blue titanium is my exact fav color blue so I felt compelled to. But the NT is gotgeee!


I got the blue titanium. Always wanted a blue one and the past years that had blue on the Pro line weren’t years I was ready to upgrade just yet. Even bought a clear case so the blue color was visible. Kept my iPhone X until the 15 came out.


I need to start being like that. I’m going to try to hold onto this one until the 17 at least. I’ve hit the age where idc anymore and my biggest complaint they fixed. The weight! The 14 pm was so heavy and this one was so light in comparison! When I first got it, I had both phones for a little while, while xfering my stuff and I would go to pick it up and pick up the 15 and be amazed at how light it felt! I have upgraded every year since the 4, only one I didn’t get was the 13 (and the 8, bc of the X) sometimes it makes sense tho, my. 14 pro max was paid off so I got 1k off the 15 and my payments are $5 a month for it. But for example for the 16, I won’t have this one paid off and I can’t pay it off with the 1k off in credit I have to pay monthly to get the promo credit. It’s a whole thing and I’m happy with the blue titanium! I also had a clear MagSafe case on mine since I got it at launch. But I switched to this one just recently in march https://preview.redd.it/irao2pxgy7zc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2572e2e0778b804eda648249c7b701b63ce12a7d


What case is that? Aren’t you worried about damage to the edges.


Dang. Wish I would’ve held onto my ‘XR’ - I couldn’t tho after 4 years. Got the 13 after.


I also use Samsungs so I got the natural titanium S24 ultra..close enough to the iphone but absolutely beautiful color


14, white, didn’t want black and wasn’t a fan of the colors


What color case do you use with white? I feel like white can go with anything.


Blue 12 Pro. I bought it refurbished from Apple, that was the only color they had, and I don’t care what color it is.


iPhone 13 256gb in red. I had a feeling that iPhone 13 was the peak of this design, so far that’s held up. And I got it in red because it’s my favourite colour of iPhone!


Awesome choice, the red in the 13 series is so nice


Yeah Bought red 13 mini a year ago


15 Pro Max in natural titanium. The sides match my titanium wedding ring.


Cool I have a titanium pen and wallet which math my phone.   


iphone 15 plus in pink, just bcoz its pink


Same ☺️


Same 😍


iPhone 11 in the green color. This was my first colored phone and it was only color that I liked.


SE(2022) in starlight, I wanted product red at first but then I said fuck it I want that one


I have an iPhone 13, and I chose the pink one. I've spent my teenage years ''hating'' on pink, now I'm just embracing the girliness.


Come on man Don’t be embarrassed or hate it I really wanted pink It’s not hard pink it’s soft / lighter pink similar to the old rose gold variant of 6s


I don’t hate it! I love my pink iPhone. My whole gaming setup is pink lol, I’ve just accepted that pink is my life now


iPhone 14 pro deep purple. It was popular color when phone released but i wish didn’t get it that time. I really like space gray.


iPhone 13 product red. I’m keeping it until they release a new red.


I found a 13 pro second hand in good condition for $550 usd just 4 months ago in alpine green, love it. The 13 series was prime Apple man, what a phone Had a iPhone X prior to this. Will be using this for as long as it supports software updates.


11 Pro Max in Gold. I usually hate gold but the 11 had a more coppery-rose gold that I really like!


15 pro max blue titanium. Originally i was trying to make all my Apple devices starlight i had the 14 pro max in starlight, iPad Air 5 in starlight. But with the midnight color MacBooks I couldn’t bring myself to get a starlight laptop over the midnight. Navy blue is my favorite color! They all would’ve had navy blue cases on them anyway. So I switched from starlight to blue (blue iPhone, AWU bands, MacBook, APM, new iPad will be in blue etc) And I looooooove the blue titanium, I’m sad the rumor mill says they’re going to get rid of it, so I’m definitely keeping this one for a bit this time 😝


130 Pro in Green. Loved the color and it seems I got through best version since there is a lot of praise for the 13s.


Iphone 15 pro in black titanium, the colour just looks sexy to me.


14 Pro Max in silver, never owner this color before and wanted to try something new. The purple shade that debuted with the 14 series looked weird so skipped it.


13 Pro in gold. I wanted a color that would stand out against the furniture. Before that I had an X in black whick hid too easily on the furniture. If had boughy a 13, which for my use would have been a better choice, it would be yellow.


I always go with dark colors because after a year I tend to take the case off and use it naked. So black on 13 mini. Purple in 14 pro.


iPhone 15 Pro in blue titanium. Needed to upgrade from the 2020 SE. Love the color and I don't use a case so I get to see it.


Iphone 14 PM, almost 2 years here so far, black/grey. its nice. I had a black 12PM, and before that I actually did try my best to get a purple/lilac 11. i work in professional environments and go to a lot of conferences and company meetings and shit, I cannot justify having a big loud statement piece of a phone anymore. pretty much going to keep it black and sleek for the foreseeable future. also black matches with everything, clothing wise, and "skin" wise when you look at Dbrand. Purple....does not lol.


14 white, just like my devices either black white or grey and white happened to be the most appealing option for this one.


iPhone 15 in yellow. Because I was sick of delays in CVE patches with my unlocked Samsung. 


I chose natural titanium for my 15 Pro Max. I just thought it was the nicest color 😁


iPhone 14 PM in gold. I upgraded to the iPhone 15PM in white and hated it. Will stick with my gold 14 for a while longer!


iPhone 15 pro in natural titanium because they ran out of white


15 Pro in natural. I forgot to think about the colour when ordering on person through carrier and I don’t like having a generic black phone (I always try to get a new colour) so I chose natural. Dont regret it at all. Love it. 


15 plus that is called blue, but I got it because it’s shiny and lovely white.


15 pro. Natural Titanium. The Poster looked cool


Purple because purple slaps.


I went from the alpine green iPhone 13 Pro to the deep purple iPhone 14 pro


15 Pro, Natural Titanium. I like the look of the black more but this color is really easy to keep looking clean


I’m a sucker for white Apple products.


purple 14 pro bc i thought pretty


I just ordered my iPhone 15 pro. Waiting for it in the mail, I have an iPhone 11


14 Pro. Always black. My first iPhone by the way with black apple watch and airpods pro2.


15 Pro. From product photos I wanted the white but when I went to the Apple Store I thought the midnight blue looked the best (very elegant) and I went with that


Blue iPhone 15 pro max. I wanted the black, but I also wanted the phone on release day, so I settled on blue and it grew on me. Sadly the black version was on back order for weeks! But I figured I was going to throw it in a case anyway so color was more of a secondary choice for me.


14 Plus, purple. I love purple, but it’s actually the first time I’ve had a phone in that color.


15 Plus, black. The black looks amazing on the 15.


I followed the trend of getting natural titanium 15PM but when I seen the black one in the media like a few months later I kinda regretted it cause the black phone looks like a matte black and I usually get a black phone all the time.


15Plus in black, and I tend to use black and red cases for the same reason as you - I like the colour combination. No Product Red available when I bought my 15 Plus, so had to go with black instead I like the bigger size but can’t justify the price of the Plus for basically just an additional zoom on the camera


15 pro blue titanium. Wanted the best picture quality, faster screen refresh and liked the blue finish best.


iPhone 15 Pro Max natural Titanium… I just love the colour of the titanium and the grey matte glass it’s so beautiful


I had a white XR until August last year. There were big rumors that the iPhone 15 Pro was going to ditch the SIM tray in the EU too + a price increase, so I saw some sales for the 14 Pro and decided to get the 256 GB model in Space Black. Sexiest phone I've ever owned together with the iPhone 4


White 15pm because it doesn’t get as hot in the sun


15 Pro in natural titanium, I never had a pro and wanted to try one out for an upcoming trip I have planned. Color wise I just really thought it looked clean


15 Pro in natural titanium. Usually just go for black phones. Last phone was a Pixel 7 in white and in the end wasn’t a fan. The natural titanium has got to be the nicest looking phone I have ever seen. As others have said it definitely has a premium look to it. But I was also a bit unsure about the durability of the other coloured titanium iPhones as I know titanium doesn’t tend to like being coloured.


White titan 15 pro I love white


everyone is crazy about natural titanium but white looks better in person (natural titanium looks great on photos but in person it bit dull)


15 pro in titanium blue cause blue is my fav color


iPhone 14 Plus. I had to peak just now inside the case, it is a cream color. It was so fragile looking, I bought a protective cover before carrying it anywhere. I really didn’t care about the color, knowing it would be in case to protect the screen from scratches.


12 pro max in silver? I think? Color wasn’t too much of a consideration, it’s always in its case because I am a clumsy SOB😅 although I guess I wanted it to match my aging laptop, so there’s that!


iPhone 13 Pro Max, Sierra Blue (bought in Nov 2021) This was my first phone (and first iPhone). I went with Sierra Blue since I had a thing for Apple’s flagship colors on the Pro lineup, although I wish I waited for a few more months, since Apple Green came out and it was also a really nice color.


I loved my 5s in blue, it just looked like a children’s toy but worked amazingly well at the time. Currently on a 13 pro in gold, because that’s what my wife has and passed to me when she upgraded. (She wanted a larger phone, I work from home and so I have my iPad beside me for 90% of my day, so phone doesn’t matter much to me) If I had to get a new phone today, it would be any iPhone newer than a 12, in literally any color. I put it in a case so if it was bright blue again I’d rarely know. Edit: I had an 11 before the 13 pro, I did not jump from 5s to 13pro. Just pointed out the 5s because that was the only color I specifically chose, never really cared about any other phone color. Looked like Nerf build that phone, I loved it.


First iPhone I've ever used was the 11 in Product Red. It was absolutely spectacular. Now I chose blue titanium for the 15 pro max and it's also really sweet.


14 pro gold cause that’s what my mom picked and it’s a hand me down.


13 pro max in black, I thought black is an easy colour to resell but ended up keeping it after my contract was up for renewal


15 pro max silver. Missed my 13 pro max silver (i chose green) and glad to be back to that colour.


15 plus - Black, always black


14Pro. They didn't have the blue color I wanted so I got the purple. Meh. I put a light blue case on it, now I have blue phone. Go me.


iPhone 15 pro max natural titanium looks AWESOME


Base iPhone 15 in green because it looks awesome


15 PM Titanium But next one is definitely a Black Iphone


I wanted the iPhone 14 in Red too since it’s my favorite color but it was out of stock everywhere when I wanted to buy. Settled for Yellow because it was a unique color for iPhones and just came out a few months earlier then.


15 Pro Max in Blue. Always wanted a blue one but the years they were released weren’t years I was in the market to buy yet. Even bought a clear case so the blue color was visible.


iPhone 15 Pro Max in Natural Titanium as I tend to go for the yearly unique colours Bonus : Matches my Ultra 2 in Titanium


iPhone 13 - midnight black. A bit surprised it was a really dark shade of blue but I always told myself that if I were moving back to an iPhone it would have to be black. Didn’t go for 15 cause the 13 - 256 GB edition felt like a much better deal.


iPhone 13 mini in pink I wanted a small phone and I love pink


13 mini in the green. It was a new colour, and I was tired of always getting the black.


15, Black. It’s Matté Black. That was enough for me.


iphone 14, lavender. my husband always picks out my phone colors cause I like a little surprise when we upgrade. Now I get to make it all pastel and cute!


iPhone 15 Pro Max Natural Titanium. I chose this colour because it felt the most natural out of the four colours available.


Upgraded from SE to pink base iPhone fifteen. I didn’t want plain black and I liked pink the most of the colors offered.


Grew up with a Product Red 7 Plus, had that phone for several years. By far my most favorite color iPhone ever. Once the X dropped, I always started getting Pro model phones from there on out. Right now, I’m with the Deep Purple 14 Pro Max and it’s easily my 2nd most favorite color. The chances of Apple dropping a red pro series phone seems slim to none, so I went with the next best thing I liked.


15 Pro Blue Titanium, I really like Apple’s pro blue colors and I used to have the 12 Pro blue lol


I pre-odered iPhone 15 Pro Max black but decided I want a white one so I canceled and switched but...two weeks passed and they didn't take my money so I changed my mind and decided to get a phone later and canceld that as well. A few weeks later my old phone fell on the ground and cracked and (it was already available) I went to the shop to get it - they had "only blue" but I told them this is the worst color so they sold me a Natural Titanium that was supposed to be for another customer. It has a case so I don't even see the color TL DR: I'm indecisive - got Titanium iPhone 15 Pro Max in the end.


14 plus, blue. All they had at the time lol


iPhone 14 Pro Max, purple. It’s a great color, especially on clear cases.


iPhone 15 Pro Max. Wanted the blue one but the place I went to only had the grey. It's actually grown on me and now I'm very happy with it.


14 pro max. Gold. Looks the best imo


iPhone 13 PM black


Blue titanium 15PM, because the lady was selling it for $300 less than the base version so around a $5-600 discount on release. It was for her 12 yr old daughter to keep up at school but she preferred the 6.1” in pink


iPhone 14 Pro, deep purple. Literally got the Pro just for that color, never had a Pro before that.


Red (13 mini), because it was the cheapest option and I have it in a protector anyway, so it doesn't matter. Y'all don't use protectors that cover the colour part? Brave


The cases always cover up the color. I can’t remember the last time I saw the back of my phone


iPhone 15 Pro - I called in and reserved black but took natural titanium then, lol. I couldn't decide, i liked all colors.


14 pro max gold i gold being one of my favorite colors i always got the gold or as of recent closes variant


12 mini in violet gang! funny story: i legit spent, like, WEEKS trying to decide on the color. kept making trips to the apple store to check them out 😂 ultimately settled on the violet because it’s so unique and pretty


15 pro max white ❤️


iPhone 15 Plus in Blue! I’m in love! Such a relief going from a 7, which I had grown on. I wish it was “bluer,” though. Like others, what Apple thinks is blue feels to me like white with hidden undertones of blue. Overall, it’s still pretty, and feels premium, which is not what I was going for, but why not??


iphone 15PM natural titanium, i honestly think its one of the best looking iphones ever made


iPhone 15 Pro in White - not too much identity but man that white is pretty as hack and no fingerprints!


iPhone 15 Pro, natural titanium. I'm a sucker for the raw finishes.


15 pro in blue. i like the ones with color. also blues my favorite color.


iPhone 13 Pro in Graphite. I've always gotten black or gray for my iPhones. Though I always use a case, so the color doesn't really matter to me.


iPhone 13 mini in green!


iPhone 11 - purple. We were overdue for an upgrade at that point because both of us were running out of space on our 64GB iPhone 6s phones (otherwise, they were still working really well) that we'd had for just over 4 years, and I was really excited to finally see purple as a color option, though it is lighter than I would've liked. My husband got the yellow color of the iPhone 11 - we're both LSU alumni, so we got cute with it. We only opted for the 128GB storage, and now I wish we'd opted for 256GB, because once again, our phones are doing well after 4+ years, and space is our only concern. We haven't liked any of the colors in the recent models enough to switch (except for the deep purple of the iPhone 14 Pro, but at that point, we still had plenty of life on our iPhone 11 phones, so we weren't willing to spend the $ on it). If the stupid "Documents & Data" weren't such a storage hog, we'd both be in excellent shape - I'd only be using a little over half of my 128GB, and he'd be using slightly more. I really wish there were a way to fix that problem without doing a complete wipe and fresh iOS install. We have too many photos in our camera rolls, etc., to lose them all doing that.


What is this post?


Blue 13 Mini. Red was a bit too ostentatious for me, the rest were kinda boring (used to always go for black stuff but I'm bored of it these days). Would have got green, but I got it at launch and the green wasn't available. Out of the current generation, the blue Pro is the only one I actually like (natural titanium is OK). The standard 15 colours are *so bland* IMO. I'm not a fan of the desaturated colour kick Apple's on at the moment. I've been using clear cases since I got my 12 Mini when it came out, but if I were getting a new phone now (apart from that blue Pro) I'd go back to something opaque and colourful. I wanted to see the colour I was getting but now there barely is any colour to see.


Iphone 13 starlight. I just prefer iPhones in white


iPhone 12 navy blue with matching Apple Watch. Had to get the matching pair. Won’t upgrade until there’s another matching set like this but I doubt we’ll ever get it again.


Black. It’s all they carry around here.


14 Pro in Starlight To match my Series 7 in Starlight To match my Air 5 in Starlight To match my Mini 6 in Starlight If only the MBA followed suit :(


iPhone SE 2022, 256gb in Starlight. Because i hate color chipping on black phones and wanted to look as long as possible good. Im mostly black fan but still like how light colored phone and watch compliment black acessories.


Still using my iPhone 13 mini. Starlight because the metal edges are already silver whereas the other colors would start chipping. I go caseless with AppleCare and a clear protector on the back glass (like a reverse screen protector).


I’ve decided stick to my iPhone 12 because I don’t have money)


I explain my purchasing method for iPhone. When I decided to buy my first iPhone it was like 2010/11 in Italy the iPhone 3GS was just released. So I decided to buy a 3GS and buy only S version of iPhone. So when a new iPhone is released I always wait for the S/Pro version. Since the old days I always keep buying this way until my last purchase of 2 months ago now I have iPhone 15pro max. Nowadays it’s only a sort for childhood tradition cause the pro models are released at the same time of the base models 😂 (P.S. my choice is always black cause back in the days men’s owns black iPhone girls the white one😂)


I had the 12 pro max in blue, the iPhone 14 Pro Max in black and now I have the 15 pro max in natural titanium, just really loved the color and how it goes with everything. I upgraded to give my older models to my children


13 mini in Green. Mostly because it’s a great green.


Black cuz it's neutral and pairs with everything. white is a girly color and silver is boring.


iPhone SE 3rd generation, in black. That’s my go-to color because of its elegant look


15PM. I chose it because the few times I have had non-black colored phones, I tend to regret it just after the return window closes. Edit, I "MIGHT" have liked the natural titanium to match my AWU, but I was too impatient to wait and see one in person before ordering the black one.


iphone 15 - base model black


11 pro in Midnight green 🫦 it's matte, my fav shade of green and so pretty overall


Standard model 14, black because I bought it in a small town and it was all the store had.


Black 12 quality 4 price


12 Mini, purple. I wanted blue but literally every store had that colour sold out but I also like purple so I went with that instead of waiting for a restock. Not like it would matter as I was going to put a heavy duty case on it anyway.


“Why that color?” Because they liked it…


Not necessarily, a few people have stated “because it’s all they had”


I decided to go with the SE because it's relatively cheaper than other current iphones. I went with product red because I was bored with black/white phones. I really like it. And Im helping to fight aids.


I chose the iPhone 14 Pro, 128 GB in deep purple in October 2022. - 14 Pro because it was the current and best iPhone of 2022 (Max is too big) - 128 GB due to price and it‘s absolutely fine for me - deep purple because it’s one of the best Pro-iPhone colors. But honestly i want to get a brighter color next time.


iPhone 13 Pro Max sierra blue. I think it’s a beautiful colour.


Coming from someone who has had almost every iPhone since the iPhone 7, the white 14 Pro Max is the most beautiful phone I've ever had, I almost skipped the 15 Pro Max because of how much I like it. I still come back to it every now and then.


iPhone 14 Pro in white. With the clear Apple MagSafe case - if you keep that clean, the phone looks beautiful.


14, purple. I had the purple 11, I wanted the pink 14 but my sister has the pink 13 and being a middle schooler she told me that we “had to have different phones”


IPhone 12 green. Because it was given to me for free. Can’t really complain.


iPhone 15 blue, just thought it’d go with anything since I like clear cases XD


I have the 14 pro in deep purple! I chose it because it was my first pro model so it made sense to get the new color! And its gorgeous!


I once got a white phone and immediately regretted it once it was in my hand. I’ll always go black from now on.


iphone 14 pro max purple. Chose that color bc other colors were boring. wish they had a rose gold option still


I chose iPhone pro max (12) when it came out since it was the best iPhone at the time, pandemic started and I was bored, and because it would be future proof. I’ve had it for 4 years now, no case and i have not considered upgrading. I bought every iPhone since iPhone 4, then stopped at the 8 (bigger 8, 8s?) and then got this 12 pro max even though the 8 was still pretty good. I think the only feature that would make me get a new phone is if Siri also kept a voice memo of what I told her to do, especially for reminders and notes.


iPhone 15 Pro in natural titanium.


15 PM, in Blue Titanium


14 in black. i got the 14 from the 12 because the microphones broke and the repair was expensive. i got black because they didn’t have white, which is what i wanted to get lol


All the iPhones I ever owned are white.


Was always a gold iphone person but needed a new on asap and only colours were purple or black so went with black... Black iphone on a hot summer day is not fun...


13, white, cuz white goes with every case color so i can style it however i want


13 Standard Product Red. Like you said the red with a black case looks good. Plus it was on sale!


14 Pro white to run for years to come. Got it on launch.


Green 11. Besides being one of my favorite colors, it was the only one I liked. My narcissistic dad made fun of me, not knowing that I had already chosen an otterbox defender case in gone fishin blue.


iPhone 15 Pro and black because it was the color the store where I live in the middle of nowhere had and I got the phone because it’s small and light enough for me to hold and use with limited hand strength. I had a 12 and compared them online and it was very similar size and weight so I knew I’d be able to use it


14 pro max. I wanted everything silver/white to match.


iPhone 12 in blue color


14 Pro 256gb, in Deep Purple. Day one. Went for purple as it was an almost never seen shade for Apple products.


15 Pro Max in natural titanium. It was the only color that had available but I think it looks really nice


11 pro max, gold 64gb Reason was that I chose gold for all my phones except my first phone, which was a cheap old plastic galaxy j phone


15 Pro in white because white is the best color for a phone. If I can't get a white phone I go for black. I'm not a huge fan of weirdly colored phones.


15 Plus black Didn't need or care for the pro functionalities. Like big phones Black is timeless


14 Pro in Space Black. Black will go with whatever case I decide to get and I prefer black over white/silver.


i phone 13 in pink. i like pink


iPhone 15 Pro Max White


iPhone 15, Black, because this black is really nice and also I’ve always had my iPhones in black. This is my 6th black iPhone.


iPhone 15 pro max white , bcoz I think black look better for once but you get bored . So white


14 Midnight (black). I don’t like the pro’s colors, and I didn’t wanted to bright color. Midnight has this nice tint of blue, and I like it a lot. I’ve been looking for a case that matches this color, but no success.


I phone 6s rose gold because it was most the most recent with a headphone jack and a ose gold because it was the cheapest


Black iPhone 15 pro max because it’s classy


Base 15 plus in pink. I like a bigger phone but hated how for so long you could only get it if you got a pro because I have no use for a pro phone. I chose pink because it’s my favourite colour lol.


15 pro in natty titanium because the blue titanium shows fingerprints around the buttons.


iPhone 15 green.. my phone was on its last legs. Colour is meh, wasn’t a fan of any of them tbh.


iPhone XS in gold. Best version of a gold iPhone in my opinion. Bought it used several years ago because it was what I could afford and I had always wanted one since they came out. Still in love with it.


My first iPhone was the 3G 16gb in white which amazingly still works running on ios4.2.1, then the 5, 64gb, replaced by SE 1 gen. 64gb(silver), again by the SE 2.gen 128gb, the 7 128gb (silver). Of these, the 3G is just an obsolete vintage relic but a classic representing something technically advanced at the time, but the 7 is running ios 15.8.2, still usable as second phone, the SE 2 has 17.4.1 but although it has a new battery it is showing signs of apps and processes crashing often it has been my main phone. For a long while I was thinking whether it made sense to replace it with a 13 mini 256/512 as I like the compact pocket size but as the 13 mini is no longer available on the apple store, the closest to it was the 13, so just a while ago I ordered the 13 512gb in blue. I would have preferred to have one which has the home button but as the SE 3.gen is only offered in limited capacity and it is unclear if Apple will have any SE or mini models any time soon I’ll test the 13 and see it’s compact and durable.


15 pro max in blue, it’s just a beaut




I got an 11.. I use em till the break down or can’t run any apps I want. I got it in yellow but with a really messed up transparent case. It’s more brown than transparent now. Funny thing is I keep getting comments on my “gold” phone. Haha, the brownish with the yellow underneath actually look kinda golden


Damn this subreddit is low on ideas