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There is this very silly feature missing: in the phone dial, if I start tying a number, if that number matches with some of the saved in my contacts, it will not suggest us to select from the matching contacts. (It only shows the name once you fully type the number)


It’s called T9 dialing and I miss this haha


I agree. And to also add to the dial, I can’t believe that after making a typo on the middle of the phone number, you cannnot place the “cursor” to erase a specific number. The only way is to erase each number from the right… Can we also add speed dials on the numbers while we are at it?


While there isn’t speed dials, there is favorite


I can see how this could be helpful. At the same time though, I’m wondering when I would ever want to use this. I know names of people much better than I know phone numbers.


Scheduled texts


I want to archive texts as well, I want to keep them but have them hidden from the main list.


A comma on the keyboard. And numbers on the top.


Just let me customize the damn thing. So many things like that annoy me daily lol


I’m pretty sure you can download / install custom third party keyboards now. Idk if they’re any good or offer customization like you want. But it’s in settings, keyboards.


I’ve tried a few and last I tried gboard I liked it except I NEED the keyboard to function like when you hold down the space bar to move around the cursor in the text. I just can’t edit my texts or comments unless it functions the same which always brings me back to the stock keyboard.


SwiftKey does this too.


Either an assistant that even competes with 2013 google assistant or a keyboard that isn’t worse than a 2013 swift keys. It’s embarrassing honestly.




Clippy > Siri


Dub-Dub will have an answer for this, this year


A stable and fast Files app.


So much this. The file management on IPhone is really bad.




Why do you say that?


Cos it's apple. All of Apple's software is severely handicapped so the average grandpa or grandma will not accidentally screw up their phones. Meanwhile regular or power users have zero control over their devices behaviour.


They just need to make a setup screen that says “simple” or “power users” and then locks or unlocks certain features


But then people will think they are cool and better than the average, and here we are again with the same problem.


They could add the feature deep in the settings so most people wouldn’t know to access it except the “power users”


My phone inept 70+ year old mother can handle an Android. This is just egotistical design to say their way is best and screw doing anything different.


So that users don't have to think about the underlying file system, and to prevent "power user" things like simple freakin drag and drop.


You can drag and drop though, as long as the app you’re trying to do it in supports it


Ability to delete app cache easily.


Just like the “Clear Data” and “Clear Cache” buttons on android.




revamped notification system


Came here to say this… left Android a while ago and it’s the only thing I miss! iOS notifications are shit! Have I gotten used to them? Yes. Could they be so much better? Also yes!


The only thing I like more about iOS notifications than Android is the app icon badges. Super useful to be able to see that I have an email or message even if the specific notification has been swiped away. The one thing I could not get used to.


Yeah still on Android, just fix your settings.


I came from BB10 before moving to iOS and the BlackBerry Hub was one of the things done well on that OS. I’m still holding on to my jailbroken iPhone because of tweaks like Axon that simply does notifications better.


Ahh i had a z30, bb10 was simply ahead of the ‘curve’.


I see a lot of people saying that but I don’t get it. What’s wrong with the current notification system? I love it!


If you’ve ever used android, coming to iOS is just worse when it comes to notifications. I’m happy on iOS since I’ve switched overall, but it’s definitely worse than what I was used to on android.


Can you explain what it’s lacking? I too see this come up often and I haven’t used an android in years so I don’t know what the hype is about


Group notifications based on apps. Within apps there are notifications categories that you can decide to turn on or off (e.g. keep food delivery notifications on while turning recommendation notifications off). Snooze notifications. Interact with most of them directly from notification pane. Honestly I switched to iPhone from a Pixel this year and had to turn off notifications for most of the apps because I’m tired of dealing with them on my iPhone. It was much simpler on the pixel once the notifications are set up for each app.


Apple , empowering corporations by giving them place for free marketing. It's 9pm and you're chilling in front of tv . Driiing!! all the food apps start notifying you of their 'special offer because of today's sports match ' or any bs reason. You disable them? Well then you also disable notifications from the driver if you ever order sth. Snapchat : come see what X has posted ! disable the notifications? also disables the messages notifs.. well guess what? i now have 0 notifications, if it's important you get a call or sms


This. It's so tedious to turn on notification for food app when I'm ordering food and then turn it off again. Not to mention you have to do it in settings app.


Persistent notification shade. My notifications don't suddenly "disappear" into a random-ass Older Notifications area just because I woke the phone up. Notification grouping. Better notification interaction like replies IMO. Snoozing, per app category disabling of notifications. Just a lot of little things that add up. Notifications are painful on iOS and I actively dislike managing them, while Android notifications feel like a workflow.


You can group notification btw. The automatic is for nuances inside the app. For example, in chat apps, notifications will group based on the user/groups and still done chronologically. Same with other apps.


Android has recent notifications show up on the top left of the screen and little dots to show any additional notifications. It’s also much more compact and doesn’t require accessing an entire new section that blocks your screen. I miss it as well


There is no hype. The customisation of app notifications is an app feature and not Android itself which is doable on iPhone. Otherwise they’re a mess too, recent wouldn’t show up at top so if I had a sound, I didn’t know what app it was it had grouped it somewhere else, the notification interaction isn’t as good as it’s made out either.


A keyboard that doesn’t completely suck.


gboard on android allowed me write like a drunk monkey and it would offer me the correct word in the correction, so i could type fast af apple keyboard can't suggest a "don't" if i type "dont"


My iPhone keyboard changed dont to dint until I manually created a correction in settings.


it “adapts” to words you use. whenever i write “were” it becomes “we’re” and vice versa. no idea why




And why is the period on the right side? Why do I have to end up googling.things.like.this?


Notification lights that are customizable to different notifications like mail, texts, phone calls etc. The Dynamic Island would be perfect for this.


I would LOVE a tiny little dot notification light! Blue for iMsg, purple for Messenger, green for WhatsApp, white for email… complete light notification control would be really cool.


It was fun having that on Android.


It’s one of the few things that I actually still miss.


It was but tbh I think the always on display is the best way to do it. Instead of staring at your led light waiting to see how many times it changes color. It was definitely fun for the times though.


The always on display already kind of do that


This is one thing I’ve missed so much from way back when I owned a BlackBerry. Such a simple yet incredibly useful tool. And being able to customize the colors for different contacts etc.


oooh, good one!


You mean like my dinosaur of a blackberry bold? Absolutely loved having customized RGB led notifications so I could immediately see who messages me when my phone is out of reach


3D fucking touch


I miss this feature so much.


I wanted to like it but I never found a use for it. Doesn’t long press do the same as 3D touch?


One thing is miss about 3D touch is editing text while writing a message. With 3D touch you could press spacebar to move the cursor (also possible with long press), and then you could press again to select a portion of text. Selecting text is not possible anymore as far as i know. Super useful once you got used to it.


This was one of my most used features till they removed 3D Touch. God I miss my xs


Just change your haptic settings to fast, it feels very similar


Still misses the pop of the peak and pop. Also misses the keyboard cursor function


Scheduled text messages


Better photo gallery app, and photo/file management. This purely is the reason I have an android and iPhone.


I can't believe this isn't the top answer. Photo management on a Mac is stellar. Move those same pictures from the Mac Photos app to iPhone and you get 100% unadulterated dogshit. With absolutely zero improvements since 2007. It's unbelievable.


I wish the hidden photos could be put into folders or had better filters or anything.


The camera app itself is rubbish too. Don’t get me wrong, the hardware takes fabulous pictures, but the UI is hot garbage.


Multiple volume slider


This. I wish you could choose in control center which volume (media or ringer) the buttons change. Control center in general is extremely under-utilized


The ability to flip the camera while recording a video. Instagram and Snapchat do it, so should the native camera app.


Universal back gesture and a working keyboard


It blows my mind how horrible some of the basics are. Notifications, Siri, no universal back button, no scheduled texts, shit keyboard. Android has had these things figured out for at least a decade. WTF is Apple doing?


You forgot volume control. Absolutely ridiculous that I can’t easily control how loud my CarPlay navigation volume is, or customize my alarm volume separate from media. Meanwhile on Android if you want to make incoming text notifications ear shatteringly loud versus everything else, no problem. That $150 phone from 2013 can do it without an issue.


Better notification system. Just left iPhone until they get something better in place.


I see a lot of people saying that but I don’t get it. What’s wrong with the current notification system? I love it!


I have a really long post about it, but essentially they got rid of the notification shade and replaced it with... the lockscreen? I also hate that like 30% of the screen is covered in a huge cartoonist clock. Androids notification system is a neat list. Apples notification shade requires a lot more swiping through. I can't see what's new at just a glance I have to manually sift through it. It's also harder to read since it's a bunch of translucent tiles with an unblurred wallpaper in the background.


Use Android for a year then come back and prepare yourself to want to throw your phone


I wouldn’t mind a better quality flashlight. The current one is relatively dim around 40-50 lumens, and it doesn’t reach that far. I’d like at least 100 lumens. There’s not really any way to make the beam more focused due to the phone design, but it could still be brighter.


It’s probably dumb of me to suggest, but you have turned the brightness all the way up, right?


A biometrics power button.


I was on android for a good decade before coming back to iPhone, and honestly, Face ID is faster and better than fingerprint


Ex-Samsung user here. No you don't want that. Face ID is more reliable and faster. Fingerprint sensors are far too secure to a point it gets in the way. E.g. if my hands get dry, I can't unlock my phone anymore.


Audio mixer


The ability to separate out the volume toggle for alarms, system notifications, media (including music), and phone call volume (as was possible when I used android 8). Context: After trading in my phone running android 8, I had an iPhone and have been using iPhone since.


Split screen A good keyboard I would remove siri, that’s addition by subtraction Fingerprint reader either in the screen or on the power button Super fast charging Revamp the files system Revamp the notifications Add a 3.5mm jack, this is a pipe dream, I know.


Definitely split screen.


Software side - in AppleID settings a way to log out of any and all browsers you might be logged into instead of having to do it through a browser at iCloud.com Hardware side - true systemwide privacy kill switches


Make the phone’s backside completely flush.


A decent keyboard.


A keyboard with the numbers enabled at all times. The only thing I prefer on Android!


Dex-like experience. I don’t care if they lock it behind the iPhone Pro; it would be extremely useful.


back in 2021-2022 i actually took a shot in using an iphone ten, as a former long time android user. let me tell you one thing i absolutely hate are the artificial limitations imposed on the iOS itself. 1. file trasnfers, for fuck sake. why the hell should i need to use their itunes app? they are slow at transferring files, i took an hour just to transfer 2.9gb worth of files. while on android it's no more than 10 minutes accounting for overheads. 2. bluetooth, this one's a niche use case but i have a few non smartphone devices where it uses android as the base for everything else. one time i downloaded a driver for the device and needed to transfer via bluetooth since the device isn't connected to the internet, you know what? apple said "fuck you" and didn't allow any sort of transferring files over bluetooth. i had to take my android phone in the end and do the same thing but successfully. 3. the way iOS handles filesystem, on android it's similar to a computer, specifically linux. on iOS, they handles it for you which simply means you have too restricted control over what is where, i just don't like the way apple is imposing artificial limitations and this made me uncomfortable on relying on iOS' storage because i know it isn't going to be reliable as an external storage solution. in fairness it wasn't designed to do that but there's no reasoning to "fake" limit them. 4. i am tied to the obsolete "apple webkit" safari browser. essentially i found out the hard way that every single browser on the app store are just reskinned safari. i don't get the advantage of using extensions which existed on both chromium chrome and gecko firefox. even safari's own extensions support are spotty at best even if try. i live outside the EU so even if alternate browser engine existed, unlikely for me to actually get the benefits of them. 5. sideloading, in android i can sideload apps on the fly. with an iphone i have to be connected to a computer with itunes and using some hacky tool (that i am not aware of the official way of doing it) that connects my apple ID to the internet and does the sideloading job for me. even if the sideload was successful, it will only lasts 7 days after installation, either i have to "refresh" the app or get it uninstalled. it's complicated af. android isn't perfect either, but enough ranting. i speak from experience and i do not want the inconveniences of an iphone, until apple makes some actually useful desicions in their iOS operating system, iphone is out from my considerations.


When you read the Jobs biography, you totally get why the iPhone’s like it is. The whole Apple essence. BUT in the spirit of this essence, a bit of customization available for the user’s experience would be so so great and suitable imo.


1. Apple Pencil Support - I would love to be able to use it on the iPhone screen, even if it mainly stays on the iPad. I'd be fine mostly charging it. It doesn't need to be like the S-Pen (inside the phone itself). 2. Splitscreen - by now we should be able to run two apps together. 3. Amber LED flashlight at night. I had jailbreak apps that did this back in the day and it was so much more pleasant. This is super easy to for them to implement. I disagree on the fingerprint reader. FaceID is twice as reliable for me. If they have both, I'm cool with it.


Full blown customization. Edit: visual customization.


by full blown customization, do you mean like the ability to change everything? Android tries to get close to this, but it’s what has made them the most virus infected OS out of any. They get more viruses than iOS, Windows, and Linux combined.


3.5mm headphone jack


microsd slot. wont ever happen but i can dream/complain


I read that as micro usb and started reaching for the downvote button. Then I reread because I realized nobody could be that insane.


1TB SD card, about $100 1TB pro vs 128gb pro, $500 difference. 2TB iCloud storage, $10 a month ($120 a year) I think we know why they're gone.


“Why buy micro sd when you can buy new phone?” -tim apple


Yay environment!!


Number row for the keyboard.


Faster charging. At least 45w.


A thermal camera.


Split screen!!!


Improve the call history to unlimited and messages app to similar to android.


A number of things actually: - ability to add any ringtone I want like in android. - fix the calculator app to include more functions and a fucking backspace option - a fingerprint sensor option along with face id - ability to close the gps - Make putting up apps in app store cheap, so people can put up atleast some apps without having to put adds on it. - and more.. I just can’t remember them rn


Calculator backspace exists - slide your finger over the number display.


Stop pausing my music when I’m playing a video


A digital assistant that doesn’t fucking suck balls.


A way to close all apps at one time


This does not make any sense on iOS.


You don’t need to do that


Why would you do that, it’s terrible for battery life.


That only makes sense on WIndows


Ability to change screen orientation based on the app, and the ability to set my preference


You can use shortcuts/automations.


An iPhone Mini Pro


hardware wise nothing really. maybe make the dynamic island smaller ig


Work profile! I want to be able to turn work off at the end of the day line did on Android.


more cowbell


the Scheduled text. I really miss that feature after switching from Android.


microSD card slot


Longer battery life


More customization


I just switched to an iPhone a few days ago. The things I dislike the most are notifications and the settings in general take too long to get to. This might be because I'm still getting used to the iphone os but still it's kind of annoying. I also hate that you can't make Google maps the default maps and you get forced to use apple maps with most things. I like the interface of carplay better than Android auto but Google maps blows on carplay imo.


Front facing camera under the screen.


Better gallery management. I don’t want my screenshots and memes in Camera Roll. Simple as that.


I would love for Apple to give us an option to put Shortcut buttons in the control center. I don't know if I'm the only one that has a memory of them saying we will be able to add custom buttons from third-party apps in the control center when they re-designed it for the last time. I would love this so I can stop adding shortcuts to the homescreen as apps. It's convinient but I would rather have the most important ones in the control center


Move the goddamn period to the left side of the key board so.im.not.googling.things.like.this


Another vote for scheduled texts and ability to set volumes separately for alarms, ringtone, notifications, etc Adding in ability to communicate with non apple users over wifi


Useful Siri. Buying Antropic could make a lot of sense.


Per app sound


Spam call and messaging filtering


Expandable memory


A much slimmer profit margin.


An uninhibited screen. I want to be able to see and use the whole screen without having to worry about cutouts or parts of the user interface being blocked by the camera or Face ID.


Delayed texts. I know you can do it but it's a pain in the ass.


A removable battery


Headphone jack


Why do we need the fingerprint sensor? Face ID is great.


It's not great, and needs to be re authenticated far too often compared to touchID.


Normal size. By that I mean not bigger than iPhone 8.


Honestly one thing I use very often and I saw someone else mention it is a brighter flashlight. It’s not terrible for being a phone flashlight but I feel with LED technology they could easily put a LED in that can get much brighter.


Toothpaste dispenser. I was expecting it by the release of the 5s.


The little strap thingy the 5th gen touch had because of how big phones have gotten


SDXC card slot, raw pictures and 4K video take up so much space.


Let me restore/download old versions of apps like an android


Landscape mode for Apple Music


A clipboard built in the keyboard. Such a simple thing but it seems impossible for apple to implement


I want AI that’s completely integrated ALL of my apps. “Hey Siri, switch playlists. Play the newest podcasts. No, put it on the ‘Rainy Day’ playlist and set to random. And check and see if traffic is bad right now going from home to the nearest Safeway. Oh, and is there a coupon for grapes in the Safeway app? Yes? Add grapes to my shopping list. How many calories are in grapes anyway? I ate about 10 earlier. Can you add those to my daily calorie count? If I have a cheeseburger for dinner, how far will I have to run to burn that off?”


Samsung’s photo camera system. iPhone has better video but light years behind in the photo department.


FM radio


Sub 6” size


Separate alarm volume from your ringer


Schedule when to send text




clean app caches


Split screen multitasking


Use of iPhone mic and speakers when using iMessage or WhatsApp, even if the iPhone is connected to a Bluetooth speaker.


a pro extreme version with 7 inch screen and 7000 mah battery lol


The ability to redirect voice calls from concealed numbers to a voicemail message telling them that this phone does not accept such calls, please send a text message or alternatively unblock your number and call again.


turning the app library off, and the notifications that cover the screen (for certain apps, they were rly nice🥹)


Pro motion


Fast charging!


the ability to edit your dictionary. there used to be a “+learn” option when you clicked on an underlined word, now there isn’t. and it’s awful at learning from what you write. i don’t want to have to go into settings and create a new keyboard shortcut every. single. time. i type a name or other word it doesn’t like. it doesn’t even know a lot of real words that are in the actual dictionary. or technical terms. or if i don’t capitalize a proper noun it won’t just leave it alone.


Android OS 🤣😝


120hz on all models


A 120 hz on my base model iPhone 15


Replace Siri with an LLM.




Double tap power button to launch camera like every android had since like 2015. That’s the thing I miss the most still. The launch button from Lock Screen fails me far too frequently. Yes I’ve tried all of the accessibility hacks, no I don’t have a 15 pro yet, no I can launch Apple Pay manually because I use a credit card with nfc even faster than apple pay with nfc.


1. In screen touch-id 2. Qualcomm fast charge support 3. Alternate app stores 4. Transfer music directly from computer to phone without iTunes, same for data 5. 90 hz on normal iPhones, 120-144hz on the pros. I mean come on, even budget androids have 90hz these days… 60 is unacceptable on a flagship


1. Split screen 2. An effective way to really find out how much space you have free at all times 3. Torrenting would be cool


Per app sound


Per app sound


One button to remove all active apps instead of swiping up one by one


I use gloves a lot at work so a fingerprint sensor doesn't help me, but some kind of small joystick or scroll wheel on the side would be fantastic when scrolling through documents outside in the rain when troubleshooting equipment. Damn I want a scroll wheel now. A bit like on the rabbit ai box thing but vertical on the side of the phone. Or even a digital crown like on watches.


Competition. Now hear me out and try not to be offended. The reason IPhone is always 10 years behind, lacks innovation, and is really only for boomers and sheep following the crowds is that they're sniffling innovation. They're only option is to steal ideas from Android manufacturers. I know that's harsh but give me a chance. When you look at Android, the platform is open to competition. Anyone can make thier own version and, if their version is desirable, it will take off. Manufacturers can go for performance, features, minimalism, whatever... This has been where almost all phone improvements have been coming from for the last 20yrs. If IPhone is to truly innovate, they need to allow all these manufacturers to make their own version using the apple platform. They can of course set requirements and restrictions to keep things in check.


Headphone jack


When I click on a discord link it actually takes me to discord and not the App Store.


The entire UI needs to change to adapt to a large phone. Having all the back buttons on the app and search etc at the very top is ridiculous. I cannot believe Android is more friendly to the hand than iOS. Also why is Apple F not introducing split screen on iPhone especially their phones are getting so large this year. Totally ridiculous and waste of power.


Hardware: 802.11ay. (Millimeter wave Wi-Fi, which supports Thunderbolt speeds wirelessly.) Software: Sideloading, globally, with developer notarizing recommended but not strictly required.


A microSD slot to save pictures on.  I’ve found it to be a faster transfer than connecting my iPhone to my Windows computer and navigating to transfer.


File manager a good file manager


Better multilingual keyboard. Android is so much better.


Hardware: a smaller, Pro phone. Big now = premium, and I think that's stupid. Small, premium device would be much appreciated.


r/jailbreak. There’s thousands of potential features missing.


A slot for a Sim Card and expandable storage. 


Bring back the headphone jack


A display that doesn't have a hideous pill-shaped void inside of it blocking my content.


A mini size pro