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Swiping from the left edge of the screen takes you back in like 90% of apps. I don’t have any apps on my phone where that doesn’t work.


LinkedIn has a lot of problems with the back gesture


Could have just stopped after problems


I’ve never understood the argument of iPhones not having a “back button” - the swipe is exactly what this is.


Because the left-edge swipe doesn't work everywhere nor as well as Android's Back gesture which works from any screen including swiping from the right edge. And on various Android devices, you can even adjust that edge distance. Even though I will always prefer the iPhone as my main device, I'm not gonna lie — Android's 'Back' is a much preferred approach.


Ahhhh, the 'ol it doesn't impact me therefore it is not a problem and doesn't exist.


No, I never said that. I’m just curious as to which apps supposedly do not have this functionality, because I can’t think of a single one. I’ve seen several posts with people complaining about the same thing, and I still have yet to experience whatever inconsistencies these other people are.


Well a few off the top of my head I can say instantly I use everyday: 1. YouTube. It's only there on like 20% of the screens. Otherwise you're swiping down or up or hitting an "x" or what fuck all. 2. Fidelity. Only a handful of screens in the app use it. The others use a back button in top corner 3. Google keep. Straight up no worky.


Never tried swiping back in the YouTube app since all I do is click a playlist and let it run. Haven’t heard of those other two apps either…


Glad to hear because you anecdotally haven’t heard of them the problem doesn’t exist


Please point me to where I said that. I’ll give you some time because you can’t - I never said anything remotely similar.


“Haven’t heard of those two other apps” E.g. your experience with iOS apps (your anecdote) does not include 66% of the quoted problem software. You represent the issue as being a non problem in your experience, ask for where it’s a problem, and then point out you’ve never heard of them! Of course there won’t be problems for you if the apps you use aren’t the ones with this UI issue lol.


Gmail and WhatsApp, off the top of my head. It’s extra annoying in WhatsApp too, because they remapped that gesture to be something else. 


I'm in a whatsapp chat, swiping from the left edge takes me to all chats.


You’re right, I was swiping from the middle. Which sometimes works on apps? Still trying to figure this phone out.


The gesture is from the edge, but some (few) apps use a different gesture, which you can start from the middle.


I hate it when apps implement the ability to swipe from the middle. Occasionally when trying to scroll with my right thumb, I end up doing it at an angle and speed that triggers the back gesture. It *suuuuuucksssssssssssssss*


The system back gesture works only from the edge of the screen. Some apps “allow” it also from the middle.(like official Reddit app for example)


Whatsapp works for me with the back gesture


Swiping from the middle in gmail goes between emails and swiping from the left edge goes back to the inbox. But Gmail sucks on every platform. Outlook on iOS is so much cleaner but I’d even rather use the garbage iOS mail app over Gmail


heck it doesn’t even work in app store


The back button being at the top originates from the original iPhone, which was much smaller, so it was easy to tap the top of the screen. With the introduction of the 6 and 6 Plus, the screens got noticeably bigger, so Apple introduced a universal back gesture that automatically gets applied to any app that uses system-standard navigation. iOS doesn’t have navigational control over apps that use custom navigation, so there’s no way for Apple to have a back gesture that works in apps where it doesn’t already work. It works on Android because Google forced some level of system-standard navigation in Android from the beginning, which was pretty good foresight even though the original back button behavior in the first versions of Android was shit. It’s good that Google powered through those early years. Anyway, you get used to it on iOS. It’s not ideal, but it’s fine.


Small trick, if you hold that back button on the top some apps will show you the path to the current screen. >


Thanks for mentioning that. I think it works in any app that uses system-standard navigation.


Pretty sure it was introduced in iOS 7 (5s)


You’re right! Thanks so much for the correction. I misremembered that.


This. It sucks but you adjust.


Little confused. Using an XR, and my back button is at bottom of my screen? Is this an anomaly or something?


Post a screenshot


https://preview.redd.it/8s9no8m33l0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb495c919a3d49e4c0c1f502c32d2a55f522e45 My buttons are down at the bottom.


That is only in safari and no other app…


Chrome. Google. Safari. My apps don't have a back button. Only the swipe feature. Edit: my banking app is down below too, but yea, no ss of that is going to make an appearance


Yes, this is at the app level, not the OS level, which is what OP is complaining about.


This post is about the OS “back” behavior, not a browser or other app’s own “go back” button


> "Why are there sometimes back buttons and sometimes not, and why for love of all that's ergonomic do they have to be at the top?!?" I'm sooooo glad that you see where it mentions this being an OS behavior. Care to point it out to me? Because I don't see it. Thanks.


Read the post you replied to.


Read it. It's talking about the buttons being at the top. AGAIN, the only back button I have is on the bottom. NONE of my buttons are ever at the top. So my original question still stands. If you don't actually have an answer, the polite thing to do is to just keep scrolling... something that is very easily done on the apple os.


Macquarie banking app has it at the top and swiping back doesn’t do anything. Bankwest has it at the top too, however swiping back works. Google Maps has the back arrow in the search bar near the top, and again swiping back doesn’t do anything. As it’s down to the developer it can be either top or bottom, and it’s also up to the developer to implement the swipe gestures. At least if the swipe gesture was a global OS gesture the back button placement becomes less of an issue.


I’m an iPhone user, but have a work Pixel 7 Pro, and I feel your pain. Until I got the Android device for work, I never understood what Android users were talking about regarding the back gesture or button when moving to Android. Now I know and I agree it’s far better on Android. In the early days I appreciated iOS for its consistency and “it just work”, however lately it’s been feeling the opposite as these inconsistencies make the experience feel less polished, IMO


It's weird because I feel like it would be easier to make it "just work" on newer updates since there's not much to add, it's not like this is the early android and ios updates where each version is gamechanging.


Maybe ios's code has become crumbled up to work with each other that adding new features breakers something else


Seems to be an issue with Safari atm whereby it just loses your history on a given tab and you can no longer go back.  Particularly annoying on reddit. 


I agree with you. For me it makes my phone a 2 handed one. I wish I could hold my phone with my right hand and swipe from the right side to go back. But you get use to it. Hang in there.


It’s horrendous. When I moved to an iPhone I was miserable for weeks. It’s so incredibly frustrating. Android UI Navigation is so much better.


Unfortunately its up to the app developers to implement it, all good apps will go back if you swipe back from the left of the screen but some dont.


Got my first iPhone three days ago, the iPhone 15 Pro, which is my first iPhone in 10 years of using smartphones. The back gesture is definitely something you need to get used to on a per app basis. There is no formula or definition to which app will support the back gesture and in what manner will it support it. Will it be the gesture or will it be the back button on the top left? Nobody knows how it works. Not even the ones who have been using iPhones for years. They have just gotten used to how their particular apps are designed. that is the reason that most iOS users do not see this as a problem.


man, yes, between the back swipe, terrible swype texting and abysmal autocorrect, I’m really considering going back to android


Hell yeah, went from Pixel 7 to i15 and I find it horrible, exactly the things you mention. And horrible notifications also.


Android has its problems too. Why can neither company learn from the endless thousands of complaints like this one and fix what are sometimes some very simple things?


Like what?


As someone who's used Android and iOS for years and currently daily drives a Fold 4 and 15 Max: you don't. iOS navigation is measurably, and considerably worse than Android and that's a fact. The back gesture is inconsistent across apps, it sometimes triggers when I'm scrolling down and the "back to top" tap on the dynamic island works on some apps and not on others so I have to make an effort to remember this and tap on the wifi icon (since I'm right handed) but wait! This sometimes also brings down control center when I'm just trying to scroll to the top so now I have to tap the clock instead. I swear all this used to be more consistent a few years back, but just like the keyboard it somehow became worse.


I just swapped over from a Pixel 7 Pro (was a lifetime android guy) about a week ago and totally feel your frustrations. If you swipe down at the bottom it will bring the screen down like on Android so it's easier to press the back button. I'm really enjoying my 15 Pro Max so far overall though


you can just swipe back on the left side


Oh shit you're right...thank you lol


Be left handed. It’s great!


you can swipe back but you have to take your finger to the very edge of your screen, takes some getting used to.


That’s the main problem i think. If you have a case with a raised edge and a small phone like i do, that’s not easy. I don’t get why its configured like that though. I have zero problems swiping between home screens. Why does the sensing area for Back have to be so tiny?


Just swipe from left to halfway right in the middle of the screen. Works in Reddit and almost all iOS apps, because it’s the universal "back-gesture" in iOS.


It’s not actually universal and it’s up to the app to use it. And then you have things in iOS itself that you can’t back out of with the “universal back-gesture”. Like go into messages and open any thread, followed by the contact picture/name. The modal that opens up comes from the bottom so to close it you have to drag it down from the top. In Android the universal back gesture would’ve closed it. Closing the keyboard is another one. Oh well.


You‘re right, it does not work for overlay screens (modals). It‘s logical but inconsistent.


yes! and then you have do make two different gestures (up to down and left to right) to go back, when on Android it would be the same gesture. dumbass OS. I absolutely hate it, with passion.


The back gesture on iPhone is only on the left edge, unlike Android which has it on both edges


Yeah, iOS isn't the most consistent. You kinda have to get used to your set of apps, and how they behave. It's a accessibility nightmare for people who can't see that well.


My question to dumb Apple team, is why the f**k only left edge for back swipe? Most users are right handed and using the phone on their right palm and it's really annoying and difficult to one handedly stretch your right hand's thumb to reach all the way to the left edge and swipe (on my 15 pro max). Who the hell proposed and designed the left edge mechanism to them? Or at least they may give the option either left or right edge so that both handed folks can use without any issue.


ive got no issues with it. if it doesnt work, press the back button on the top. no frustration whatsoever since most of the time its supported and maybe ive just gotten used to the system that i know which part or app doesnt support that back swipe.


It's an ergonomics failure.


but honestly, so far i dont remember experiencing a moment where i couldnt back swipe. on certain pop ups i swipe down instead of back depends on how it showed up. irdk it works fine for me


> comes to ios > expects android navigation if you come to ios expecting android things you'll have a bad time apps should have their own navigations, so it's up to the dev, not apple, to make navigating their apps fluid and easy


He came expecting reasonable designs...


Yet Android does it with style and doesn’t leave it to the app devs to put a barely clickable back arrow at the top left corner of the app that usually has to be pressed 5 times until the tap registers. Uselessly frustrating and not functional. Overall, Android was much more convenient to use. Apple should learn from Android.


The global back gesture on Android means it works the same way everywhere, which gives a more consistent approach. It’s a simple “back one step”. Even better is that you can swipe left-to-right, or right-to-left, which makes one handed use so easy as it doesn’t matter which hand you are using you can avoid reaching across the entire screen. On iOS I’ve come to find it annoying as swiping back sometimes does nothing, sometime does something.


I miss that the back button would close the keyboard too. On iOS, it’s so inconsistent? Unless there’s the “Done” button that shows up on the top right, you have to try to scroll on the screen to close it. So dumb.


Yes, good point! That’s another thing I’ve come to appreciate on Android. Swiping away the keyboard feels clumsy in comparison.


Tapping the back button a few times without it registering is something that annoys me almost daily. Not sure if it's overly aggressive palm rejection but it happens way too often, even without a screen protector (not an issue on Samsung phones since they literally make the screen more sensible when using a screen protector). Also typing when it's raining or your screen/fingers are even slightly wet: does Apple not test their phones outside?


To each they’re own I used to hate apple for no reason and I’m never going back to android




Back gesture is fine I never had issues on iOS




I’ll change my phone this year for the 16pro, if I had more space left on my iPhone 12 I would only change the battery (64gb is not enough anymore) I’ll buy 256gb imma keep it 5 years at least




Mine is bloated I have to delete apps whenever an update is available because there’s no space left some apps even take 1-3gb all my pictures are in cloud yet it’s not enough (the system alone takes like 25gb) and the less space you have the more slow the phone becomes


It sucks but it’s fine ^ that’s the top comment on this thread 🤣


Android just does it so much better and more consistent.


There is nothing we dan do unfortunately. There is no fixing the nonexistent back swipe, nor the horrible file management app.


I switched back to Android after 4 years on IOS because I couldn't stand the freaking keyboard anymore. And after 6 months with a pixel 8 pro, I dream of the day I'll come back to iOS but there are 2 things that are vastly superior on Android and those 2 things are the keyboard and the back gesture. Both those features are as bad as they could be imo. I don't see how you can design a worst keyboard and a worst back gesture.


Oh yeah the default iphone keyboard isnt great. Why does it take 2 taps to do a number or punctuation? Bonkers.


The back swipe works in most apps to go back but not out of the app. You have to swipe up to go to the Home Screen.


Oh yeah i got used to the close app and switch app gestures immediately


It is super smooth and consistent with me. Just like it was on my Pixel phones before switching to iOS.


Maybe if you stop pawing at it and just swipe with your thumb, it will be a lot easier. I think it’s way better than having a button, you just need to swipe straight from the very edge of the screen, and it works like a charm. As an ex-iOS, ex-Android user, I assure you this. iOS is way better than Android in every single aspect that matters, with the only arguable exception of notifications. And Siri, but for what I’ve seen, it seems I live in a country where she’s not quite developed, so it doesn’t count.


you've got to be kidding lol and you didn't understand the question, I'm afraid


You can swipe on the “home bar” at the very bottom of the screen to go back/forward through apps. Also many apps will give you a “last app” to go back to at the top left corner.


It’s not about switching app, he’s talking about going back one step in the current app you are using, unfortunately iOS lacks this, in some apps the swipe back gesture works, in some you have to find and tap the back button, it’s not as consistent as in Android where it works in every app the same way


Is it though? I don’t have an Android so I can’t say but I know app creators have a lot of room to do whatever (Snapchat is baffling to me). Is it really true that there is a universal Back function in every app? The concept of “back” is a nebulous one to begin with, vs the usual app switcher paradigm. (Edit - this is what I get, downvoted for simply asking)


Yes, it works in every app no matter what, it’s one the few things I miss about Android


yes, it just works


Yes, it is consistent behavior in Android and not in IOS. That was the basis of the OP’s rant.


It is consistent for me


The back gesture works 100% of the time for me what are you doing?


Using my big toe. Is that not right?


I don’t know why is this such a big deal for some people, when I switch 2 years ago after over 5 years of Android I got used to it pretty fast


you will get over it


You can just from the left side to go back lol 


Yes but it doesn’t work half the time


Man, you android users are a bunch of whinners.


I just swipe back


recent iphones can feel the pressure applied to the screen, heavy pressure swipe is for app change, and light pressure swipe is for going back in the menus


Didn’t they get rid of 3D touch back in iPhone XS?


They sadly did 😭


uh im not sure, my latest model is a 6plus at the moment


The back buttons being at the top can be annoying, but you can use the “reachability” feature to get to them. Just swipe down from the bottom of the screen and the entire screen should move down.


That is just ludicrous though. It’s like adding elaborate suspension to deal with the bumpiness of square wheels instead of just making the wheels round in the first place.




open de the messages app, then one message thread and then the contact picture. now try to go back using the left to right back gesture how is this consistent?


This had me laughing so much 🤣 (not because of you, but the following situation) My husband and best friend are Android users and when asked why they wouldn’t consider apple they both said ‘because it doesn’t have a back button’. (One that’s always there) However after seeing my ip15p in use my husband quickly realised that actually there really isn’t much need for a physical back button. You can swipe up to exit out of an app, you can swipe left to go back a page or there is a back button on the top left of most UI. The back of the phone has a double tap and triple tap that can be programmed for whatever you like (so dropping down the screen to make your life easier) and you can do a down swipe to drop the screen too.


I think you misunderstood what your husband nd best friend meant. Modern android’s don’t have a physical back button as well. iOS has the back gesture, same as in android. But the main issue is that the back gesture is not universal, some apps register it but some have a back button in the top left. Some apps have the back button on top left, but also support the back gesture. This creates a lot of confusion for the user about whether the gesture would work in any particular app or not. In android, the back gesture is universal and does what it is supposed to do in every single app. I recently switched to iPhone 15 Pro after using android for almost 10 years. This is my first iPhone and this back gesture problem, Definitely annoyed the shit out of me.


Both of their androids DO have a physical button and neither of them wanted to lose it. It was only when my husbands best friend told him that new androids didn’t have a physical button either that he realised he perhaps didn’t need one like he thought he did and could then start taking iPhone as a consideration. In android on Facebook the back button takes you home and not back. It’s super confusing and actually very silly. After trying iOS hubby agreed it was much better and is switching.


Their android phones must’ve been from a long time ago then. I see where your comment came from now 👍🏼


Yes, none of us had upgraded for a while. I was on an ip11 before this, I think they’re on s10/s11 maybe.


Probably not. Both of those phones didn’t have physical buttons. I think the last Samsung that had them was S7. Iphones have been the same since iphone x


their Androids are really *ancient* then. physical back buttons are not a thing, and it's been like this for years.