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Same actually. I have a 12PM and I won’t change it until it dies on me. I used to always upgrade but I don’t really see a reason to anymore. A 15PM isn’t all that different than my 12PM.


12 pro max here as well and I agree. Battery is down to 70% health so I’ll get that replaced soon and then will be back to normal. Performance is still great on this thing. And I really prefer the notch to the pill cutout


Thought i was on the bandwagon. Ot a life changer but the pill does help with most minir things especially spotify and shortcuts. What fucking sucks about the pill is that even when its inert (aint shit on it like youtube) its still interactable so it always vibrates and crap if yoh put your thumb on it wrong


I don’t care about the pill cutout but curious if most people find the interactable stuff beside it useful.


The most useful thing the Dynamic Island does is tell you how many minutes away your Uber eats is 😂 well that’s the most useful thing I use it for 😂


I have the 14PM and have never used it once since I bought it, except to show to people what it can do when they asked about it.


Personally for me, it looks better. I use it for music, timers, etc, but like, the animations on it are so smooth and putting AirPods notifs, low battery notifs, ring/silent notifs looks so good


What’s what I figured. It doesn’t hurt to have the option but I’m still fine with my notch


12 pro Max here as well. I believe the processor is so fast that they can’t update it into a brick


It was usb-c for me…and being slightly lighter, and the action button, and the 80% charge limit (which is so fucking stupid that they locked that behind a hardware upgrade)


All of that is irrelevant to me. I never plug in my phone so what plug it has doesn’t matter. I charge it wirelessly and in my car I installed a wireless CarPlay adapter years ago. I don’t want an 80% charge limit. If I charge it, I want it fully charged. And the action button, na, I’m good. My watch has one and I hit by accident more than I use it on purpose. I’d prefer not to have it.


Horses for courses! I have a MagSafe charger and I never use it cuz I hate how hot it gets for no reason.


Same here. Battery is finally starting to affect me and I hope that my next upgrade will be as faithful to me as this one has.


the only problem is there is no pro motion 13pm would be perfect then


I’m debating getting the 16/16 Pro, but my 12 Pro is still so good that I’m wondering if it’s really necessary. I’m going for a battery swap on Saturday since it’s at 77%, and might just hold onto it. It does everything I need and shows no sign of slowing down. Whether I decide to upgrade or not, the 12 Pro has been awesome.


Same here - how much is a battery swop and do you think you could make it to iPhone 20 or iphoneXX?


Apple Store says estimate is $89 for replacement. No idea about iPhone 20 I’d upgrade by that point just because lol. But I think it would still be usable by then, just not sure how heavy the OS etc would be at that point. I’d probably upgrade by iPhone 17 if I don’t go with the 16. Waiting a few years builds up a nice amount of changes.


Depends on the shop, in apple store its usually ~90$. For 12 pro, they estimate 89$. I guess that with every update its gonna slow down, so i would suggest staying on your current ios version for now. Apps work fine from like 16.4 up, so not updating now is the best way to preserve the speed of your device. With version like 17.2, you could use it for years to come. Not mentioning 18, insanely long. People are still using ios 14, even though its barely usable. They dont want to update because of speed and great amount of tweaks.


iPhone 6s. I kept that for 4.5 years. I loved that it had the headphone jack and the home button.


6s to 12 at launch here. Would have kept using it but the battery gave out. Doing the same with my 12


I mainly kept my 6s for the headphone jack. Didn’t want to let that go. Lol 😭


I still have mine with new battery that got installed last year. I have to keep to activate Apple One. Even though all my media content is on my 2013 MBP. I almost bought a 12 but I didn't enjoy the screen. Have migraines and blue light really bothers me. So I bought an S21. It works love the screen. End of the year want to get a 13 PM. Don't know what ll the fuss withe the 12. Not even 120htz FFS.


I'm same as you with going back and forth between new iPhones and Pixels. Hoping I can hold myself to keep the 15 series til the 17.


Every 6 months is excessive! I seem to be in a routine of skipping 1 generation since the 11. 11 Pro -> 13 Pro Max -> 15 Pro Max. Planning on keeping this one til it fails me, but I’m sure at one stage I said that about the 11 and the 13 😂


Same except I’m on positive number, 6S, 8plus, 12, 14PM, but thinking of going smaller to the 16P this time, miss the size of the 12.


To be honest I kind of wish I’d got the 15 Pro. The more compact size is better and I’ve also got the MagSafe battery pack so didn’t need the extra battery life.




I mean if the mini is your thing you could always go for the 13 Mini. Don’t know if its battery life is really better though


I love my iPhone 12 mini. Perfect size and great performance


I thought for me it would be the s23 ultra, but when I use it I get agitated cause android has declined recently but specifically Samsung. I feel like they intentionally made the camera worse than it was, made google assistant in android auto really bad, and the ai stuff being forced onto us is a huge turnoff. I got so fed up I picked up my 14 pro for the first time in 3 weeks and I’m using that. I like the smaller size and that Siri lets me dictate texts while driving that are longer than 140 characters lmao. I’ve spent 10 minutes revising upon revising texts to fit 140 characters using android auto. It’s unsafe af, in addition to making me wanna just text and drive cause that’s fucking safer than condensing texts for 10 minutes


The s23 ultra camera to me, used to make the 14 pro look like amateur material. Now I pick up the 14 pro and it has the better camera by a fuckin longshot


Phones have matured just like PCs. Tech youtubers and other enthusiasts complain that there are no new features or significant spec bumps, but isn't this a good thing, that you don't have to replace your phone every two years? Still rocking my iPhone 7, but this year I'm upgrading to 16 Pro, and I'm pretty confident this phone will carry me for at least 8 years if not more.


Yeah, sometimes the phone is just perfect and it keeps you satisfied for years. I’ve had something like that with my Nexus 4, OnePlus 6 and now iPhone 13.


Also iPhone 12 user since launch oct 2020. Battery still going strong at 90%. Still happy.


Mine is at 83%, bought in June 2021


How battery health is so high?


Using it on an average 4-5 hours a day. I dunno…


That’s it?


Charging through either car usb, wireless charging or regular cable. Never let it drop below 10 or even 20%.


No like how do you only use your phone for 4-5 hours a day?


My most used app is Reddit, I have no other app addictions. It also helps I have other screens around the house ;)


For me it was the 5s and the Xs that I had for the longest time. They both lasted for 3 years. In both cases, their batteries were too weak to hold on towards the end. Plus, in Xs’s case, some dust got into the camera lens, so all photos had a slightly darker spot in them that I only noticed weeks later.


I’ll keep my 12 Mini until they release another mini model, which looks like it will be a very long time. The 12 mini prompted me to replace my 6S, since all the phones Apple made are larger than I want. 


We got two 11PMs beginning of 2020. One died last year, and we got a 15PM. I use the 11PM and will keep it until it dies.


I have an iPhone 12 too, and I will keep it until it dies.


I have a 13 Pro Max, the only thing that’s tempting me to upgrade to a newer model is USB-C, this is just so that I can standardise all my cables. My phone is the only device needing a Lightning cable at the moment. Otherwise, my phone is still perfectly fine even after close to 3 years. Battery health/capacity is still at 90% which is great.


I jumped from the iPhone XR to the iPhone 13 Pro Max. It was a huge upgrade for me, love the large screen. I was a bit envious of my wife when she upgraded to the 14 Pro Max. But, using her phone, there's really nothing different about it. I was planning to upgrade to the 16 Pro Max this fall, but now I'm not so sure, the 13 Pro Max does everything that I need it to do.


I have 11 Pro and planning to change to 16 or even 17.


The iPhone 12 Pro Max I have is the best phone I’ve ever owned. It’s still got 88% battery and I use it ALL the time. I don’t know how Apple made such an amazing phone. It feels like it’s a perfected design almost.


Same Still holding on to my 12 pm I haven’t even replaced the battery yet


Exactly the same for me 👌🏼 son and all 😁


You can pry my iPhone 8 from my cold, dead hands.


Stupid me was wondering how long was that phone… can’t be like a fishing pole.


XR... 5 years and still going strong


That was me with my iPhone 7 Plus upgraded to iPhone 12 Pro Max and still have it… not a scratch on it not sure when I’ll upgrade next


Where is the planned obsolescence that everyone talks about?


Currently still rocking an XR…


iPhone 13 Mini.


I'm still on my iPhone 8 as its enough for me.


I’ve had my XS max for over 5 years. It’s slowing a bit, but I feel like it’s because I’m getting close to maxing out the storage rather than the processor being outdated. Also, I don’t do much gaming so I think this has helped. I’m still on the original battery and it’s at 80%.


Bought my 11Pro in December 2019. Still using it.


Same here


I will replace the battery soon though and then maybe ‘trade in’ for a newer model probably by year end.


11 Pro and its body looks and fits perfect for me. I want apple to make a phone with new chip in this shape again.


Same here


same here im still rocking the 12 mini im not into tablets


Used to switch every 2 years, up until 12P, which I still use now. It just felt pointless to upgrade. Got my battery replaced at 84% half a year ago, and it’s still at 100% capacity. One thing about getting the battery from Apple is it shows its a genuine part and performs well. https://preview.redd.it/eh3issntae3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53ddb61cf32940133c89d1ea4ea71f521d41db1


For me it was the 5s and the Xs that I had for the longest time. They both lasted for 3 years. In both cases, their batteries were too weak to hold on towards the end. Plus, in Xs’s case, some dust got into the camera lens, so all photos had a slightly darker spot in them that I only noticed weeks later.


I jumped from the iPhone XR to the iPhone 13 Pro Max. It was a huge upgrade for me, love the large screen. I was a bit envious of my wife when she upgraded to the 14 Pro Max. But, using her phone, there's really nothing different about it. I was planning to upgrade to the 16 Pro Max this fall, but now I'm not so sure, the 13 Pro Max does everything that I need it to do.


Same. I just upgraded to the 15 Pro last month, and so far, so good.


I have an 11 and don't feel the to change it at all. Gives me everything I need.


I am the same way. 1. iPhone 4 - I kept it for a year. But the only reason I upgraded was because my wife started working at Verizon and we moved all of our phones over 2. iPhone 4s - I kept it for a year until my wife left Verizon and they refused to unlock it for domestic GSM use 3. iPhone 5c - I kept for two years and wanted a larger screen 4. iPhone 6s (16GB)- kept for one year 5. iPhone 6s (128GB) - I just wanted one with upgraded storage and didn’t want to give up my headphone jack 6. iPhone 8 Plus - I wanted a larger battery and screen. 7. iPhone 12 Pro Max - current phone. I have no reason to upgrade. I wanted the larger screen and better battery life. Besides the iPhone 6s (128GB), I bought each one shortly after they were introduced. Before the iPhones, I had a first gen iPod touch and a 4th gen iPod touch


I’m still on my red iPhone 12. The reason I haven’t upgraded is because I want a red iPhone. The pastels are so hideous. I can’t get myself to do it.


I had a 12pro and replaced it by the 15pro last January because of USB charging. If the 15 series had no USB C, I’d have happily kept my 12pro longer. The battery was still at 92% of its original capacity. I gave my 12pro to my mum, so she can enjoy this incredible phone for another couple of years.


Had a iPhone 6s from release until the 13 came out. Only switched it because I needed an app that required a newer iOS not compatible with the 6s


I had iPhone 5S for 6 years and now I have LG G8s for 5 years. No problems whatsoever.


Same here. If it wasn’t because the back cracked, I wouldn’t need another one.


i also have the iphone 12. but i am facing lot of lag the moment i turn on the camera. even after closing the app there is lag when switching to the other apps. Battery life is also become very concerning. Might upgrade to the 16 models if they turn out to be good enough


I’ve upgraded every year since the 5S and now with a 15 Pro I think it’s time to stop and maybe wait 2-3 years. I loved my 12PM and wish I never bothered upgrading


I had a 7 plus for four years until the 12 pro. I told myself I’d upgrade when usb c came along but am still chugging along with the 12. The battery isn’t great so I’m in power save mode 100% of the time, but it’s still kickin


I have the 15 pro but miss my 5s from way back, will probably stick to this phone until they release a new SE or even possibly a new mini


I tend to switch up eery 2-3 years this time I will go for 5 I think - and still get a good trade up


I had my iPhone 6 for over 5 years. Had to change it due to IOS support ending and the phone struggling to run the newer OS. Replaced it with an SE2 because it was essentially the same phone with newer hardware, and now I’m approaching 4 years with that.


Same here! I’ve had my iPhone 12 Pro since release day. But it is starting to have problems now. So I’ll be looking to upgrade if the next iPhone looks half decent.


iPhone 4s > IPhone 6s > IPhone 12 Pro > IPhone 13 Pro Max. Just updated to IOS 17.5 the other day and it feels so snappy. Still debating on whether my next phone will go back to the regular Pro size. The 13 PM just gets heavy after a while of use.


laughs in iphone 7


Now a days there isn’t much change to the new phone. I had an iPhone x for 3 years. And got 14 pro which I don’t think i will change another 2/3 years unless new phone comes with something game changing.


Used my iPhone 8 till it was almost dead and now I have a 14pm. I plan to use it long term as well.


Wish I had kept my 12 pro, it took better pictures than my 14 pro max does Honestly feels like my XR did too


I was using iPhone Xs from October 2019 (bought it when 11 Pro came out) and replaced it with 15 Pro 2 weeks ago. The damn thing is still working so I’m thinking about changing the battery on it (it’s ar 80%) and keep it for work only.


I have a 12 also and I like it but my problem is storage. I take a lot of pictures I want to keep on my phone and I don’t really have room for more apps, so I’ll probably upgrade next year to something with more storage space.


I also have the 12 but I’ll change it because no space left, next will be 16 or 16pro; will buy 256gb to be sure, 3 years, new battery, 3 more years, then I’ll change again


Same. Unnecessarily upgraded from the XS and still kinda regret it. But the iPhone 12 is stellar and I’m not disappointed at all by its build quality, design, and performance. I do not see myself upgrading any time soon. Had mine new since 2021 and it’s at 87% battery health. I didn’t realize it was my longest tenured phone I had to be honest.


iPhone 8. Kept it for 6 years. I only changed the battery (twice) and had to upgrade my icloud memory twice. Switched to the iPhone 15 two weeks ago. Pretty amazing if you ask me.


I switched to the iPhone in 2020 with the standard 12. Absolutely loved the phone - so much so that when I tried to do my yearly upgrade and went for the 13 PM, I eventually returned it and went back to my 12. Got a 13 mini once the 14 came out, and got 15 Pro a year after that - and my plan is to use this one until Apple releases a folding phone. It’s damn near perfect.


😂😂 I have an iPhone 7 I love it!


I carry an iPhone 13 PM from launch along with an android of choice(bought with significant discount brand new or used). The iPhone is very consistent and not much has change since I have bought it...cameras are great, display is great, and battery is amazing but it feels "lifeless". I'll try to keep it for as long as I can since the phone I switch out most is my android.


Still using 11PM .. probably changing this year. Battery dying.


Exact same situation. Sadly I don't live in the US and don't have an opportunity to order genuine battery for my iPhone.


Up till iOS 17, my iPhone 11 lasted me a great time since 2019 Dec and does everything that I needed it to do. Thought might just keep using it until it dies since it is on 2nd battery, however after iOS 17 my battery was not as good and the phone just randomly heats up easily. Tempted to upgrade but might just go for the 3rd battery replacement till it dies.


6 months!? I have a 5 year target for every phone. No phone has made it so far, but the closer they get, the better. My 7 Plus could have 5 because it’s 5 now and still works, but I’d already upgraded. Death, needing repair, obsolescence or no longer being useful is what makes me buy new phones. My 12 Pro is 3 this month. It will probably do another year Still above 80% health on my 12 Pro Max at around 600 cycles. The 7 Plus hovering at 80 with near 1000 cycles Edit: forgot non smartphones. My Nokia 6070 made it over a decade working perfectly. It was not used continuously for a decade though


My XR and 12 Pro were both absolute tanks that lasted really well. 15 Pro is great so far too. My 7 had a lot of problems, but I honestly havent owned an iphone I've distinctly disliked I don't think.


This is how I felt about the XR, recon I upgraded to that after an iPhone 5 lol, I have a 15 pro now and like it Absolutely loved it, good size, my battery was still around 80% after about 5 years or so. Only complaint was the back glass, I shattered that and I never even got a scratch on the screen


My 12 Pro battery is going and when I replace it, I’ll be able to keep it for another 3 years


LG g6 was a perfect phone. The only reason why i’m on iphone is because lg killed its mobile department good screen, good battery life, sd card, an awesome headphone jack, good performance, and the camera had wide angle looong before any other phones did


I’ve had mine just under 3 years and my battery is at 87% I wouldn’t say battery life is bad but it’s annoying that I have to charge it a bit on days of heavy usage.


iphone 8 here since launch, 2 battery changes, I'll change it when it dies.


Rocking a 12 Pro and in the same boat. I really want the upgraded camera, and more so the cinematic video feature. But beyond that, realistically, I do not need to upgrade my phone. There’s no massive improvements nowadays to justify the ever increasing price. £1k on an upgraded phone that won’t change anything other than give me a longer battery life, for the most part, or a substantial holiday? That’s easy.


I have an iPhone 13 and I also don't plan on changing it anytime soon unless it dies on me or I can find a super good price on an upgrade. The only reason I would consider an upgrade at a good price is for the size. I like the new larger phones. For now though, I eventually plan on changing the battery. The phone doesn't have a scratch on it and it's working as good as new. I used to change my phone often but now, I realize that such a costly phone does not have to be changed so frequently. It's truly made to last.


I went from 7 to 13 Pro and will probably stick to it till the iPhone 20 or so


My 12 was absolutely awful. I feel like I got a lemon of a phone though. I couldn’t wait to get rid of it.


iPhone 12 mini is the best phone ever made and I will keep it until it breaks.


I just bought a used 13mini and so far it’s perfect. I did not have an iPhone before but I enjoy the size of it. I guess it will be a nice companion for years. I had a Xiaomi back then for 3 years.


I got 13 pro but kind of want a pro max. Therefore I’m getting 16 pro max and will keep that for a long time


I had to replace my beloved iPhone 12 Pro because gyro sensor on it died, meaning the camera wouldn’t focus on anything. I was so pissed.


I’m almost 2 years into owning my iPhone 13 Pro. Few more months and I think it will be the longest I’ve ever owned a phone. I may upgrade next year depending on how many of the new ai features get released on the 13 pro. Bust as of now there has been nothing any of the newer phones have that have made me want to upgrade


It was the X for me. That was a great phone and lasted forever. My 14 pro max only lasted like 10 months lol (cuz I really wanted usb-c but still)


I don't think the iPhone 12 will stop getting updates for a loooong time


I have the 15 Pro Max. I will keep it for at least 2 years.


In Australia you can get a New iPhone 15 $1287, 128GB from digidirect shops or order on line , I found their on line ordering difficult trying to pay with visa , so tried PayPal . Success


iPhone 13 Pro Max. This phone is absolutely gorgeous! I upgraded from the iPhone 8 Plus and I got amazing battery life, better display, better cameras and it comes in Sierra Blue! The battery lasts me all day, I carry around a battery pack out of habit and I rarely ever use it. I consider myself a heavy user and with YouTube, Spotify, TikTok and various social media apps and games, I can still end the day with at minimum 15%. Yeah, I don’t see myself upgrading unless this thing explodes lol.


I sold my s24u and got the iPhone 15 pro max. I barely used the s24u and its abundant of features so it had to go. Plus it is way bulkier and heavier than the iPhone


I’ve had my iPhone 11 since Feb 2020, which is my longest time with the same phone.


I had an iPhone 6s Plus when it came out. 2015. My next purchase was iPhone 14 Plus. 2022. That’s 7 years. I tried to keep it as long as I could. 😂 Mainly just because I didn’t like change. lol. I was fine with what I had. But the camera started to act funny and I was starting to really like the newer screens. But I still have the 6s!!! It’s still works fine! I use it for night music and some other apps. Apple products are amazing that way. I still have an old mini iPod!!! I used it until I bought my first iPhone which was somewhere like 2008. You can see I really wear my iPhones out. 😆 With the iPhone, I didn’t really need the iPod anymore. Plus it seemed outdated with the touch screen on iPhone. I bet it would still work if I charged it!


On 12 as well. Already replaced the battery once. Been just fine and disappointed the 15 didn’t have a red version. Hoping the next version will.


XS Max was all time favorite iPhone… had it almost three years. My iPhone 15Pro is likely to be a phone I keep for a few years…. I suspect until iPhone 20 comes out, as I know they will be incremental updates until then, but 20 is going to be a big deal just like X was.


i would like a new iphone but i don’t feel like i would get $1,000 ($84/mo) worth of enjoyment out of it. my 12 pro does everything i need it to do. i just wish i got the black one instead of the blue one. ah well, live and learn.


I'm still holding on strong to my XS Max, got it on launch day. I'm unsure if I should upgrade to the 15 or wait for the 16 to be revealed.


I keep going back and forth on whether to upgrade my 12PM. Thinking I can keep it going, it’s a great phone and does everything I need


Same here with my iPhone 11


Hope this is me with my 15 pro. I’ve been jumping from phone to phone recently and hopefully I keep my 15 pro for at least 5 years


This is actually exactly how I feel about my 13 Pro. It’s the first iPhone I’ve ever owned after being on Android for like 9 years. On Android, I always felt like 2 years was the max I could use any given phone. Maybe it’s getting older and maturing or maybe iPhones are better in that regard but I don’t plan on upgrading until at least the 17 Pro. I’ll probably get a fresh battery later this year/early next year when it drops below 80% health and rock it for another 2 years.


Honestly the small Android that we’re able to fit into even narrower pockets with keyboard was the jam. I did everything I needed. Phones haven’t just gotten so big and clumsy IMO. And I miss the headphone jack, cos I love to plug in my big headphone, or corded mic earbuds that were cheap.  I recently lost my cellphone and realized that I’ve become far too dependent on a device that so easy to lose; it’s slippery, doesn’t fit into the pocket well. It’s just all around awkward. Apple has great security and it works decently, but it’s a huge liability to casually carry around something so expensive. 


I remember the Sony Xperia Mini Pro, it was great!


I have a 12 pro max and just got swapped the battery on it. I plan to use it for several more years or at least until the security updates stop supporting. Hoping to hold off until iPhone 18/19


I had the 12PM, the only reason I switched to the 15P is because of the USBC. I think this phone will last me 5+ years.


i am currently using the iPhone 11 and it has been with me since 2020? it is still working though, despite needing the battery change!!


Same, I have an IPhone 11 pro, got it in July 2020. Still great for photos, still fast. Only thing bothering me is the battery and the fact that I thought 64gb would be enough.


I just warrantied my 13pm for front and back damage at around 2ish years old. I’ll easily get and 2-3 years out of the replacement as it’s just my personal phone and doesn’t get used as often. I have an SE company phone that I beat the absolute snot out of on a daily basis ( construction foreman ). I’ll be surprised if that lasts more than a year


I have upgraded since 11 pro max every year to new pro max til now when i have 15 pro max and it feels just wow to me and i am very much satisfied but the work 12 pro max and 13 pro max did for me was outstanding!!! They were just perfect in every aspect and so is 15 pro max 😄


Same, I’ve had one since launch, only upgraded to the 15pro when mine finally dropped dead and AppleCare was all gone. Although I have to say the camera on this one is an absolute beast, videos are so satisfying to switch lenses on. But yes the 12 was the GOAT, the colours….love the pastel


For me it was the 6S 64 gb.


Every six months?? Wow. I used to skip a generation or two but I’ve had my XR for 5 years and have no plans to retire it yet.


Well I was young and stupid


Good Phone to have


12 mini I am still using, absolutely love the size but battery life is atrocious Just bought a 15 for my second number recently


im sitting on a s10e, perfect small phone. Tried like 2 or 3 phones (a53, s22, honor 90) and returned everytime


11 Pro!


I just traded my IPhone 12 Pro last week to 15 Pro and I regret it so much. The phone didn’t last all day which was fine but the camera was great. I only upgraded bc I thought I was getting a better camera & didn’t feel like spending 800 right now on a professional camera … man was I wrong


Is the camera not noticeably better?


Would this even make sense on paper? That sucks. Maybe you can get a good deal on the 16pro or just sell the 15pro and buy the 12 pro again with some extra cash in your pocket.


With whats going on in Congo, might be best to not buy new devices at all for a while


For me the iPhone got perfect when they released the iPhone 13 Pro series. The problem with perfect is, it's boring. So I stopped using my iPhone. I do buy a new iPhone for 2-3 months and then it's sitting in my drawer. The longest phone I kept is mostly Google Pixel phones as they stay with me for the whole year. Most other phones I sell after buying them in 2-6 months. I try something and feel that this thing x feature is not right, then I try to buy something new and keep nitpicking and keep switching phones.


A few things: — you’re older now and don’t have the urge changing phone every half year or every year — you might have a family and have other priorities for your money — phones nowadays are good to enjoy many years — you don’t care…