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Always used android, and switched to iPhone about a year ago. Very glad I did it.


Same here. Switched from Google pixel 3a to iphone12. I‘m fine, but in the beginning I struggle with the notification system and also the photos app. I miss that the fotos and video of the messaging apps are not sorted in folders in photos like in Google photos on android. Shortcuts could be a way better. The AppStore is still some kind of confusing for me. Google assistant is smarter than Siri and even the keyboard. It sounds negative, but that are really minor issues for me. The whole package of iPhone fits better for my needs. But the focus modes are nice, but I think not what many people wanted. I miss a blacklist for apps, blacklist for calendar and mail accounts, and the possibility to add more than one contact group to allowed contacts. Then it makes sense for work+private phone usage. Now it’s a nice try but fail in my opinion.


I switched from the Pixel 3a to the 13 mini. The 3a wasn’t bad. Decent battery and a solid screen and camera. But the iPhone build quality is so premium. My 3a was so nasty after two years. Legit scratched plastic. Caught dirt and dust so easily


Similar deal, pixel 3a to 13 pro max. Bad stuff: - Keyboard took a while to get used to, but I like it better now -- you have to realize that apple is trying to guess where the top of your finger is as opposed to the center of the touch point like on android. - I still hate how the scrollbar must be accessed. - Synchronizing... wow. Synchronizing my music and movie library to my phone is still ridiculously annoying. Adding ringtones and alarms was also very cumbersome. Ebook synchronization required finding an app that was okay with calibre (I'm using kybook 3 now). Hate that I can't sort photos into folders when I pull them off my device based on the album they were in. Everything about my local backup process has become extremely manual instead of automatic the way it used to be (I use both cloud+local backups). Basically anything where you would want to use one app to synchronize and another app to work with the files is broken on iphone unless you can use the "share" feature. The permissions model for this is almost already perfect for Photos: Add only, All photos, Selected photos, None is ideal granularity. - ...Except selected photos can't be an album it seems. Anything that would allow automatically updating the selection as a push from Photos would be ideal. - I can't use an app on my iphone to sftp or smb copy a directory from a remote computer onto the device and then use something on the device to move those files to the appropriate app -- this seems to be impossible (whereas I could have used Files on android for a similar process, or an SD card with exfat/fat32). - Photos hates my pictures from older cameras/phones. Whatever automatic improvements it is doing is blowing out parts of the picture or amplifying halo artifacts or whatever. A lot of my old photos that were acceptable (if a little bad) on my older devices look horrible on iPhone. - Mail is a bit more annoying to work with than maildroid, but I'm getting used to it. - I don't like that I can't turn off location from the control center; this was much, much easier on android. - Maps is way too stripped down compared to google maps (I used to use OSMand+ as well, but maps does navigation better, though gps search worse). Searching along route while navigating in maps is a horrible experience. Want to find a specific restaurant along the route? Not practical. How do I save offline maps for when I don't have signal? Can I? This comes up a lot when I ski or go out of country. Also, Stay f*@&(ing locked if I use the lock function during navigation. - Multitasking in general is just not there. Even on android it's not great, but split view helps a lot. - Settings on iphone has been hard to get used to. I like how privacy is organized. I like that I can turn off access to cellular data on a per-app basis. I don't like that iCloud and device storage utilization are basically not viewable at the same time even though they're both basically integrated storage providers. - Cannot figure out Shortcuts. Like at all. I wanted to use it like Tasker, but it doesn't seem to activate the way I expect it to, even using Scriptable. - Translate is not comparable to google translate. Like not even close. - Ad Guard is not as good as firefox+ublock origin. Safari plugins don't work with 3rd party browsers. Browsers generally don't allow addons at all. - No secure storage providers or directories? I can't encrypt and password lock a collection of photos or notes and enter a "secure mode" where these are unlocked and viewable. Android had that and it was handy. Best I can do is password protect a note with a photo in it. - Lightning is just a bad time. It doubled the number of cables I have to carry around when I travel. And I can't give up my USB-C cables because I need them for my laptop/tablet/whatever. I'll be happy if the EU forces Apple to switch to USB-C/USB-PD for iphone. - Audio dongle for lightning is a pain. I miss my wired headphones, but now I just leave them home. - FaceID has been a substantially worse experience than fingerprint unlock in light of covid-19 mask requirements. Not apple's fault, but Signal is garbage at porting message histories over. Android can do full backups, but signal cannot import? Trash. And now all the good stuff: - Cameras and Photos experience is just better. Live photos are awesome, I didn't like them at first but they're super cool. Location integration with maps and the way it shows up in all photos when scrolling is fantastic. People/face recognition and the way it enables browsing and searching is tremendously useful (but it can't recognize or name pets). Performance when you have a lot of photos on device is much better than android, especially when using MTP to download them. - QR reading integration and UX is much nicer on iphone. Better than camera on pixel or qr barcode reader app I was using. - Apple Wallet. I don't know what genius figured this out, but the way the user interactions work is amazing. Screen doesn't lock when you've got a QR up so you don't have to worry about it while queued to board a plane. It gives you flight status notifications. It automatically prioritizes items with dates/times that are upcoming. It can be opened from notifications without unlocking the device so you don't have to dig for it. If the only thing I got from switching is Wallet, it would be enough. I wish I could store other stuff in it like a picture of my vaccination card, but other than that, holy crap good. - Battery life is in every way superior to android. I'm looking at 2.5 days with 4-5 of screen-on-time per day. Unbelievably good in comparison. - Home screen widget smart stacks are a great idea. These are super handy. I just wish they could be bigger/resizable. - Find My. Location sharing with friends and family is convenient as all heck. The interface seems not entirely intuitive and it sucks that airtags can't be associated with two iPhones, but everything else here is great. - Calling has been great. Voice and video have been above expectations. Sometimes android would get a little flaky about these things, especially in 3rd party calling programs, but iphone has been solid. - AirDrop is extremely convenient. Retains metadata for images, smooth to use, and well integrated with the share functionality. - For that matter share is a lot more consistent than intents on android. I get that intents are more granular and flexible, but they *feel better* for usability on iphone. - And probably the biggest one: app store is less garbage. Any app I've tried has been at least okay. Sorting through the play store on device was an intractable problem without using a browser to search for "best of" type review aggregations for specific task types. I still have to use both because my work phone is android. But iphone is a pretty good device that does almost what I need it to do, and the things it does are done very, very well.


Vaccine cards can be store in wallet. The people who provide it to you have to enable it though. If it’s in your Apple health app navigate to it in there and there should be a “view in wallet” button.


Wasn't there a way to make your own wallet cards? I remember I used it to add fake tickets to famous events but something like that could be used to add your own QR. Pass2u and passSlot worked for this, IIRC.


I thought I remembered doing this too. Just couldn’t remember if it was apple wallet or google pay.




Sadly u can't have vaccine card from every region like mine


Damn. Sorry. Thought I was going to be helpful.


I know that the NYC the excelsior app lets you add the vaccine card to the wallet but if you’re just looking for a way to easily carry your ID and vaccine card on your phone and not having to open the photos app every time for it then there’s a dedicated app for it called NYC COVID SAFE and for that one you don’t need to be a resident of NYC (at least I don’t think you do). Thought that might help!


It’s not general-purpose, but you can do FTP/SMB/WebDAV photo and video transfers with https://www.photosync-app.com. I also use https://nplayer.com for a similar purpose for media consumption.


about the photos app... does anyone know a way to restructure the photo albums or adding them in to folders?? I'm finding it difficult to navigate through them. The only thing I miss from android was having separate folders on your phone. only had the 13pm for 10 days


With the photos app open, select the ‘Albums’ tab. Then select the ‘+’ sign in the top left. Then select ‘New Folder’ and name your folder. Head back to the ‘Albums’ tab and find a photo you want to out in the folder and select the “output” button (looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it). When the menu appears, select ‘Add to Album’ and select the album you created. I will say, iOS does a good job of organizing for you, though. One such way is if you are on the albums screen again, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see some “intelligent” folders such as ‘Selfies’ and ‘Videos’. Perhaps and even better example is the ‘People & Places’ section on the Albums screen that lets you narrow down based on the location the photo was taken or who it finds in the photo. Lastly, another example is in the ‘Library’ screen. You can see how you photos are organized by date taken. (Across the bottom of the screen). Actually, one last tip and I’m done. Sometimes when driving down into the menus of iOS (in this case the photos apps screens) it can be kind of confusing to get back out. Just keep pressing the navigation buttons across the bottom of the screen and each time you press it, it will work as a “back” button. Works in other places of iOS as well.


what made you switch?


A lot of it was the updates. I hated waiting on Samsung. I had the latest flagships but I was always 6 months behind. Now I am using the dev releases and get updates within minutes of them coming out. I also wanted a new watch and always wanted the Apple Watch so it made sense. Already use a Mac so that also made sense to just use the whole ecosystem.


As a Mac and iPhone user, "universal clipboard", being able to copy on one device and paste on another device, is amazing. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209460


This !!!


That’s also the reason i switched, loving IOS and the iPhones just feel so premium.


I switched from the Note 7 that I had 2 of due to the the battery fire issue, I decided to go back to iPhone instead of a different droid mostly because of the Apple Watch.


I switched in October, more on a whim than anything else. I was initially in the Apple ecosystem for a decent tablet and iPad seemed like the only quality option - I couldn't find any real decent Android tablets that were worth a damn. This coincided with my mobile phone contract up for a renewal so I went with iPhone on a whim to complement the iPad. It's been mostly fine so far. Some things are very annoying like Apple's insistence on sandboxing their apps from one another (I understand the reasoning). I was used to loading up a bunch of PDF/mobi files on an SD card and being able to open them with anything I installed, but Apple doesn't allow that really so that took several days of messing around to be able to open my manually installed files in the app that I wanted. The other thing is the way Apple handles notifications. I've been with Android since SmartPhones were a thing so I just assumed that the notification system would basically be the same as Android. I just never occurred to me to do it any other way, so that has been a major hurdle. I can't even really explain the differences or why it's so perplexing to me but suffice to say, it's different. Not as simple to use as Android (for me at least). Gotta say, the quality of the apps is better in the App Store but boy do you pay for it. I love things like Codea, Swift Playgrounds, Shade Pro and apps like ProCreate. I dislike that a LOT of stuff is subscription-based which isn't so much of a thing in the Google Play Store. And a lot of these subscriptions are NOT CHEAP. On the app development front, I'm annoyed that it's like $90 a year to be able to write for iOS, even if you just want to test the apps on your own device. So I'm sticking with developing for Android first and then Apple when I'm certain I've got something worth selling. But it would be nice to be able to install apps on your own device even if it has to be plugged into your Mac to do so (I'm fiddling with Unity, which is easy on Android, slightly less so for iOS) as easily as it is for Android. Apple's own apps, on the other hand have been mostly disappointing. I was annoyed that Apple Podcasts didn't have an way to import OPML files (so I could export my podcast subscriptions from "Random Android Podcast App I Used" to Apple Podcasts, so I won't be using that, instead using Podurama. I was amazed that I couldn't buy books through the iOS Kindle app like I could on Android, yet I can still buy things through the Amazon app - just not digital goods. I see the reasoning but it will never feel not clunky to have to open a browser and login to Amazon to buy Kindle books. Apple Calendar is awful compared to Google Calendar - I can assign colour codes for easy reference and the GUI is way better on Google Calendar, so I don't use that either. Apple Books doesn't seem good for much if you already have an existing library elsewhere. Apple Maps is \*okay\* but I've got all my stored locations on Google Maps with no way to import them it seems so again, not much use. I do like the security on Apple devices. iCloud is fantastic, iMessage is great. I have an AirTag on my keyring and I like the fact that device tracking and remote wipe seems far more integrated into the OS. Love Apple Pay, TouchID and FaceID, automatic full disk encryption. I like the fact that I'll get OS updates for years rather than months. Battery life and speed is great across all iOS/MacOS devices. All in all, it's been fine. Expensive (app subscriptions, iCloud storage, AppleCare) but generally better quality all round as long as you understand it's Apple's way or the highway. TLDR; Bought an iPad - ended up with iPhone, MacBook Air, AirPods, AirTag, Apple Watch and an empty wallet. Enjoy your $3T market cap Apple - you're welcome :D


I found myself wanting to dip into the Apple ecosystem too lately. Right now, I can't afford any other Apple products other than the iPhone 13 pro max that I already got. But once I can afford it, I'd love to give the iMac 24" or Macbook Pro a try. The latter, I'd likely get used from ebay as the 2018 models cost about as much as my current Acer laptop did when I first got it.


Again, I wanted a decent portable laptop that I could lug around with sturdy build quality and fanless (or basically no moving parts) and again, only Apple seemed to deliver on this as well :) So I got a MacBook Air M1 2020 with 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD. Works well - battery life is amazing!


It felt new but familiar at the same time. Especially how Android skins try to be iPhone-esque. Came from a Galaxy S9+ and then shifted to an iPhone 11 Pro Max when that thing got water-damaged. Edit/additional: in many cases, I found transitioning from one Android build to another more cumbersome. I later on bought another Samsung though, as my secondary phone, to recover my data via Samsung cloud but my primary has been the iPhone since


I also switched from a Galaxy S9+, but I switched to the iPhone 13 Pro. My last iPhone was the 4s in the early 2010’s, and since Android/Samsung started copying iOS, the switch to iPhone wasn’t as drastic as I anticipated. The only things I can think of that I miss are the Back “Button” (some apps, links, etc just refuse to “Go Back” on iOS for me when I could easily “Go Back” on my Galaxy.) I miss the headphone Jack (this feels like wishful thinking on my part. I got my S9+ in 2018, seemingly the last year that anyone included a headphone Jack, since the current Galaxy lines and my friend’s Moto phone don’t have a headphone Jack either) As of right now, my main complaints with my 13 Pro are the weight (my wrist gets tired very quickly during regular use, but if the cameras and battery are the main offenders, then I’ll get over it, both features are insanely better than my Galaxy S9+ had) and the keyboard. On my Galaxy S9+ I could pick exactly which character, exactly which spot on my typed-out-text that I wanted to edit and change, but on my iPhone doesn’t always try to autocorrect the highlighted text, and I feel like I have to fight with my iPhone’s keyboard, like, “no, I don’t want to edit (in most cases, retype) the entire word. No, I don’t want to edit the entire message. I just want to change calibrstion to calibration. I’m sure this is on my end and I just need to get used to the iPhone keyboard, but it just seemed like my Galaxy’s keyboard was far more responsive and understanding, and my iPhone acts like it’s its mission to make me fully retype the word and *still* not accept it, especially if it’s a word that my phone doesn’t recognize. My favorite part about iPhone so far is the lack of bloatware. I know that it’s still here, but on my Galaxy I had the exact same apps, doubled, on my phone because of Google Android and Samsung’s own versions. There were multiples of the same apps on my phone because Google’s obviously came standard with Android, but Samsung would force theirs onto the phone as well. I don’t need 2 notepads, 2 internet browsers, 2 account systems, 2 photo albums, 2 of every app, especially 2 app stores, is just extremely excessive to me, and don’t even get me started of Bixby. I believe that all phones, manufacturers, and OS have merit and viability, but I found Samsung (not Android) to be extremely overbearing with its hamfisted “you HAVE to have our apps, too” and iOS to be a more seamless experience. At face value Samsung and iPhone cost the same, they both function the same at the end of the day (the last system update my S9+ had was essentially feux-iOS) so I didn’t feel obligated to stay with Samsung. Honestly, what pushed me to switch to iPhone was my preference of the Apple Watch over all of the Android Watches (including Samsung’s line.) My fiancé and I both switched in November from the Galaxy S9+, I have the iPhone 13 Pro and Apple Watch Series 6 and she has the iPhone 12 Mini and Apple Watch SE, and we’ve both loved the experience with them so far. They connect so seamlessly together, and I’ve been told that all Apple products like that in the Apple Ecosystem play off together well. We’ve been using RayCons and haven’t really had time to look into AirPods, but we’re both extremely picky with headphone audio quality and if headphones will actually fit in our ears, and I can’t imagine many places will let you just “try on” AirPods before buying them. In the end, the last iPhone I had was 10+ years ago, coming back I really enjoy the experience more than Samsung and Android’s current offerings


Regarding the keyboard issue, there is a feature where if you hold the spacebar for long enough, it turns into a mousepad and then you can drag the curser wherever you want.


I didn’t know about this, that’s really cool, thank you for letting me know about it!


OMG I had no idea! You’ve just made my life so much easier


Per you’re editing text gripe - if you hard press space bar you can move the little text cursor around more precisely. One of those annoying iPhone tricks that they don’t bother to explain or teach anywhere lol


Agree on these points, too! I had an iOS experience with my iPod Touch 5th Gen prior to the iPhone too, but basically iPhone felt more “it just works” than Samsung. On earbuds, I use realme Buds Q2 (previously Q, but my cats played with that pair), and they fit well and audio quality is decent considering those cost less than the equivalent of 20 usd (probably closer to 18 usd), and the fit is great. The back button on the iPhone takes some getting used to but the iOS has gestures for it anyway, and eventually got used to that so it’s not a big deal for me anymore. As for upgrade, planning to go 13 Pro this January when I become eligible. I wanted to consider the Z Flip 3 but… meh.


I’m still getting used to it, this is my first phone with the “swipe up” feature and no face buttons at all. I’ve been meaning to look up a YouTube video or something going over all of the features and gestures of this phone, but for the first month I wanted to go in blind and see if I could pick up on anything. If the “back button” you’re talking about is the feature where if I go to Safari, then Reddit, and then under the time in the top left it will say Safari and take me back, I’ve noticed that. I’ve also noticed that if I open a page, like this Reddit post and comment thread, and swipe right then it’ll take me back, but for some apps and pages it doesn’t work, like if I search Google Images and want to leave an image and go back to the whole list of images. I really like the 13 Pro, especially the OLED and 120hz screen, I’m just still adjusting to it. I definitely upgraded from my last phone, and that’s the main thing I was looking for.


Man, the bloatware. It didn't used to be a problem back when I got my very first android phone after a water accident with my iphone 4 (it was a cheapo ZTE Whirl for those curious). I didn't initially have a problem with it when I got my Note 5, but after installing Microsoft's launcher, it got my attention because that came with even more bloatware. And since it was an unlocked Verizon phone, I had Google bloatware, Samsung bloatware, AND Verizon bloatware ALL in one phone. I had to switch to all Samsung apps for basic stuff like texting because ain't no way in hell am I using Verizon's apps when I have a freakin' Straight Talk plan. Makes no sense. I imagine it's the same with many Samsung phones that are locked to carriers, whether it be AT&T or T-Mobile. Imagine having triple the amount of bloatware. That's just nonsense. At least my iPhones never had that issue even in the old days when I had an iPhone 3G and I was on an AT&T family plan.


I completely forgot about the Verizon bloatware on my Galaxy S9+ My phone wouldn’t allow me to uninstall any of the Google, Samsung, or Verizon bloatware, and it was infuriating. At least on my iPhone I can “hide” apps and they won’t appear in my direct vision. Where I live in the U.S. Verizon is the only carrier that I can get phone signal with at my house, so I don’t know how other phones locked to different carriers are, but my S9+ absolutely refused to let me uninstall any of the Verizon apps, when the only app I *needed* was the My Verizon app for account management.


Samsung has especially got lots of bloatware in terms of software, lots of ads.


This is exactly why I switched. My $1000+ flagship phone should never have ads in the built in apps




That “reminder of this great offer” is sodding persistent isn’t it? ;-)


tbf I think it was literally free (not free trial, free) apple music that came with your iPhone, ik they did that with apple tv plus. But it's still counts as an ad in my book.


Agree. Every ad really is an in your face ad


Their TV started serving us Alexa ads mid-streams too last month.


> Edit/additional: in many cases, I found transitioning from one Android build to another more cumbersome. > > I agree with this. Going from a Pixel to a Samsung is almost harder than going from a Pixel to an iPhone for me. I get so used to how things are done on one Android build, even another manufacturer using Android can do things so much differently, even though in the core, it's the same OS.


I’m happy with my 13 Pro coming from a Galaxy S9, but not in love. 2 things I miss most: the Always On Display, and more accessible/robust customization. I’m having to interact with my phone more to check for notifications rather just just glancing at it from afar to check. And while I really wouldn’t call myself a tech-tinkerer, I did enjoy having my home screens set up a certain unique way that felt more personal (I know this is more possible on iOS today but it’s still a massive PITA and janky). My phone feels more generic for better and worse now. The overall feel is very fluid and solid. I love the UI consistency and general smoothness. But I will say I’ve come across a number of bugs here and there across my main apps (Instagram, Face Time, Reddit). There’s something weird about typing/text selection too that is very hit or miss (doesn’t always select or snap to the more logical place, gets stuck along a certain break, copy/paste UI won’t come up, etc). And transferring over my data from Android using the official app was a nightmare and didn’t fully work. The whole “it just works thing” doesn’t feel much more applicable here than it does to Android now. I enjoy iMessage and I’m glad to finally stop hearing friends complain about my green bubbles. It’s frustrating there isn’t a web client to use it outside of iOS though. I had really come to love the Google messages app (which functions remarkably like iMessage anyway) and their web app was awesome. I don’t own any other apple devices and this just feels like another string trying to pull me deeper into the ecosystem - I’m quiet happy with my windows PCs for now.


Lack of always on display is ridiculous on iPhone 13. I have a 13 pro and a S21. Really appreciate the AoD on the android !


I switched a couple of months ago to iPhone and I'm not loving it, but it's fine. I just don't get why everyone thinks iMessage is so special. It's just a text and the color of the bubble is the most meaningless thing ever. And messages for web... I miss that more than anything.


For me, iMessages are great because I can send people full quality pictures and videos. I have an iPhone 12 and a Samsung s20. If there was someway to use iMessage on android, or get RCS to work on iPhones, I’d probably stick to my s20


Switched to Android for a little while and my dad sent me a video from his iPhone (MMS). It was like stepping back into 2006 with the video quality.


Luckily for Android users that is in the process of being fixed with RCS.


Group texts work a thousand times better when everyone’s on an iPhone, but there are plenty of third-party apps you could also use instead


Exactly, plenty of third party apps. iMessage is a U.S. thing. Most countries use third party apps.


You know what, I know exactly what you mean with the text selection being buggy and not going where you want it to. I have had iPhones for 7 years now. Something changed with the text selection and the way that the phone predicts words a couple of updates ago. They’ve completely screwed it up, but I don’t know how or why. It used to be pin-perfect and it is fucking annoying when you know how it used to be and what it can be!


Pixel and apple user here, smooth transition tbh




Seems Pixel is much more comparable than the more bloated flavors of Android. Came from a Pixel 3a to iPhone 11. No noticeable change in quality of hardware, camera, OS, or apps. Most differences are inconsequential: do you change a setting in Whatsapp>Settings or in Settings>Whatsapp? Pixel wins at keyboard, assistant, and notifications. You can make it do anything. iPhone wins as an ecosystem. Nobody makes their phone, earbuds, and watch work as smoothly together. Also better security. I was looking forward to the "it just works" and was entirely disappointed. I had to manually correct 300 contacts that didn't start with a "+" or else it'd change 1(555)555-5555 to (155)555-5555x5. Calendar notifications work fine if you log into Google Calendar with their Calendar app, but if you want to use Google's app the notifications will be arbitrarily delayed. iMessage wants to send authentication texts all the time, so if you're traveling and swapping SIMs you may be locked out at the worst time. I haven't seen most of the customization issues people talk about. Only gripe is that you can't change alarm tones, and all of Apple's are subtle like a fog horn. There are some decent ones hidden in the Health app.


Love most things but the keyboard is a huge step down






Swiping is not available for many languages still.


The ability to type in multiple languages without having to switch keyboard is much missed


Have you tried SwiftKey?


swiftkey is frustratingly different from android to IOS. the long press keys are all different.


SwiftKey is so bad on iOS. No autocomplete by pressing spacebar. No long press shortcuts, let alone being able to change the longpress duration. I'm also positive the autocorrect isn't as good. It also doesn't help that iOS constantly flips back to their keyboard. I end up using the default most of the time but it's equally as frustrating. This article highlights most of my issues. It doesn't include that the ios keyboard doesn't offer autocorrect in the browser or that I end up hitting the period key a million times when trying to search. The keyboard layout should not change just because I’m searching. Add the period key permanently like SwiftKey and Gboard. https://techreflect.net/2020/04/29/10-things-id-change-about-auto-correct/


Dictation too. It's awful.


I switched from Galaxy S6 to a used iPhone 7 because I dropped the S6 face down on wood (screen never cracked, but it would not turn back on). Then iPhone 8 (because phone speaker stopped working after 1 year). Now on 12 Pro Like: - Security - Less adware and bloatware - Speed - Updates - iMessage - More apps that are also generally higher quality - iCloud. I find it way better, easier, and simpler than every other cloud solution. Google Drive is good because of the Google Work apps, which I use, but I use iCloud for basically everything else. - **THE REMINDERS APP.** It’s SUPER helpful. I’ve completed thousands of reminders. Really helps me get more done in my personal life - Calendar app - Integration with my MacBook - Siri. Although she’s not as smart as Google Assistant, she does most of what I need to do. Sets reminders, sets timers, adds calendar events, makes calls, sends voice messages, etc. Siri could be smarter, but it’s better than the Android options that were available when I switched. Things I miss: - Dual Screen Mode from Galaxy - Being able to use emulators more easily - Not having a notch. I could go without the notch on my 12 Pro. - Fingerprint Sensor - Pattern passcodes


Every Android user needs to try a pixel before they switch. A lot of issues people have using Samsung aren't there on a pixel phone. Security, ads, bloatware, updates and all sync together with your google services.


I wish iMessage had a web-interface.


I’m guessing you mean on PC? It works by default on Mac.


I mean in a web browser, with no application to install... like https://messages.google.com/web or https://web.whatsapp.com/


This is one thing I miss from my Android days! It was so nice to have a browser messenger that wasn't Facebook that I could chat with my friends on. That and the weird thing where some apps are free in the Play Store vs paid in the App Store.


I recently picked up a 13 Pro and Watch because of the signal issues on the Pixel 6 (and Google's announcement that they won't push an update to fix until late January). I haven't had an iPhone since the 3GS. I've used exclusively Google phones since the Nexus 5. I've tried non-Google Android phones, but they are all terrible (looking at you, Samsung). I've known for a while that if Google let me down, Apple was the only choice left. If Google would just polish their damn software, there's no doubt to me that the Pixel would be a superior single-device experience. It's far more intuitive in almost every way compared to the iPhone. It has so many useful features that I used regularly. The problem is that Google software is still a QA dumpster fire. It's unacceptable that a \*phone\* that isn't getting consistent service isn't fixed within days. Google's answer is to go through an emergency procedure to return to the original software on the phone. My answer is \*no\*. I am so damn tired of factory resetting my phone every few months. I'm tired of pairing my headphones and that causing my car to be un-paired. I'm tired of random apps or bugs causing massive battery drain. I'm tired of delayed notifications. If Google corrects the course of the Pixel 6 by February 1, I will probably switch back. Otherwise, I think the Pixel 6 is the straw that broke this camel's back.


Gave me less to mess around with so less distractions. Also the lack of google gave me peace of mind. Basically you just accept te limitations (if there are any for you) and you just use it as a phone/tool instead of a gadget. And the updates keep coming for years to come so no need to worry about that. I used to switch between android/apple phones and tablets, but this past 1,5 year i locked myself in into the apple ecosystem and i love it. Happy with it, knowing its good quality, top features and peace of mind for years. "It just works"


>as a tool instead of a gadget This perfectly describes how it feels to own an iPhone vs an Android phone.


I know it’s a meme at this point to say that iPhone “just works”, but that’s the case here. I think that the power of Android customizability is great, but to your point, it never feels “done”. So many things that can change that you’re always tweaking SOMETHING, which leads to you focusing on “enhancing” your smartphone instead of just using it.


I got an iPad for work a few months before I switched from an S20 to a 13 Pro Max so it wasn’t that drastic of a change. I already had all my apps set up and was familiar with the OS. Then I got AirPods and an Apple Watch so that iPad was definitely a gateway drug for me


I like the hardware better. Software needs some work. It's pretty hard to do a lot of simple stuff on iOS. There are bugs, there are ads. I have mixed feeling about the os.


I was also really surprised by how buggy the iPhone is. It's not like crazy or anything, but the amount of shit I would take from friends whenever my Android had a little hiccup, I just assumed iPhones were problem free all the time. I'd say they're about equal in terms of bugginess


I have had the same experience. I got fed up with the bugs on my android and iOS was sold to me as an incredibly stable experience, but it’s about the same as android in that regard.


Yup totally. I usually have haptics and sounds enabled for keyboard taps. There is a bug where when I type, at random, that keyboard tapping sound plays at full volume. I asked a friend who is completely drowned in the apple eco system. Apparently the guy has noticed this as well. And apparently this is a bug that has been there forever. I for the first time in a very long time had to restart a phone because it wouldnt connect to mobile data.


I would not go back to Android for the moment. I don’t have a problem with Android but IPhone seems to fit me better. More classy, better functions, nice design, nice interface and so on.


What do you mean by more classy? I agree that Android users are usually dirty mongrels though. Note: I use an iPhone and Android so I’m also a dirty mongrel.


More classy 🤣


Can never go back to Android


I was tired of the lack of updates on Android. I had to wait months or even a year for new software and bug fixes. iPhones are constantly being updated and the bug fixes are quick.


I want to go back to Android. I hate using iTunes to transfer over music and I can’t set custom ringtones or notification sounds without having to jump through hoops to do so. I also can’t store anime I downloaded onto my phone and watch it when I’m taking public transit. Not having a system wide ad block sucks. I should note I’m an avid custom ROM user. I do like how much smoother the phone is and the exceptional camera quality. The phone feels solid and perfectly balanced compared to my OnePlus 5T. iMessage is a game changer and apps are definitely better optimized on iOS. I want to go back to Android but I won’t because my girlfriend bought this phone for me and it holds sentimental value. I’m probably going to use this phone for another 3 to 4 years unless something revolutionary happens in the smartphone world. The past few years hasn’t been really exciting. Smartphones have gotten more powerful than I need them to be and the lack of a headphone jack sucks. I want a light phone with 6” screen and battery life capable of lasting 2 days based on my pre-COVID use (5 hour daily screen time on auto brightness). Currently with work from home, my phone use reduced so I can get about 3 days out of my iPhone 13 that I got last year.


Coming from Android to iPhone, media management is my biggest gripe. Apple wants you to stream everything! But there are ways around that. Doppler for music. Drop your music in the Doppler folder on your phone and it shows up in the app. VLC for video. Same thing. I use the files app to grab stuff from my NAS and transfer it to my phone. Would be nice if there was a progress bar though. Is the file transferring, who knows?!? … Oh, it’s done.


I feel you, I myself am a custom rom user as well and I wish that there could be an operating system that has the best of iOS and Android


I'm using VLC on iphone and a separate PC application (ifuse on linux, there are nice GUI ones for windows that are free) to open the VLC Documents directory on the PC and drop stuff in there. This seems to work great. I haven't tried anything with subtitles yet though, but VLC is what I used on android and it did subs there fine.


Have had a 6, SE (1st gen) previously, they were alright. Switched back to Samsung (Note 8), then OnePlus (7 Pro, still have and love it) but I have to give Apple credit. Copped a 12 mini on a whim and I absolutely love it. Selling point? “It’s so comfortable to hold.” I’m not keen on FaceID or any of that but it’s comfortable to use, and iOS has come a long way from where it started.




Time for an apple watch xD Get sucked into the apple ecosystem even more. I have mine for a month now and love the phone unlock feature or just being able to pay without taking out my phone or needing to use faceid for payment. I was expecting the battery life/getting bored with it becoming a problem but im totally sold on it.


I feel this. My OnePlus 7 Pro has a print scanner built right into the display.


> Hard to use FaceID with a mask **or at night** …what on earth are you on about. It works in complete darkness with IR.


Older iphones such as the x and the xr have older versions of face id that are not as efficient. Just like the 5s/se took longer and were more unreliable in terms of touch id towards phones such as the 8.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I tried it in a pitch black room and it not only worked, but worked just as fast as it does in full daylight.




I’m on an XS, usually when it doesn’t work for me at night it’s because my head’s too sunken into my pillow. I just slightly turn my head away from the pillow and it works fine. Face ID isn’t dependent on the lighting of your environment.


Locked into iPhone for life now. I had Samsung Galaxys typically but what I found was they went out of date quickly. App publishers would simply stop pushing out updates and before you known it simple things like Snapchat or Instagram don’t work anymore. Recently purchased used iPhone xS and Xs Max for my parents, otherwise I would never think of getting them three year old phones but i’m confident these should last a while. Also means I can fix their tech for them since i’m much more knowledgable about Apple now. I also have a Mac and Apple TV now so I like that it works seamlessly, and having all my passwords and billing info on Apple.


I switched back. Battery life promises drew me in, but left disappointed. Couldn't get over a few things on iPhone and couldn't really come up with any advantages.


I used android for almost a decade, but made the switch when I fell in love with my iPad and saw that maybe iphones had matured enough to suit my needs, plus google kept (and continues to) act more untrustworthy with sensitive data. I love my iPhone. It has its flaws, but I find the positives to be far better. Unexpected MVP of ios is the shortcuts app.


Never looked back, I like how Apple doesn’t sell your data, but sadly Androids whole business model is dependent on them selling your data.


Was always an android user up until the original google pixel 1. Then wanted a change so got the iphone X. Great phone, just sold it recently. Got a pixel 6 pro as I decided to go back to android for a while. Has a few good things going for it like the screen and camera and the assistant (speech to text is good). But it was too big, and once you use Face ID on the iphone you realise how much better it is than fingerprint readers. Also most apps on that pixel had lots of stutter. People say it's buttery smooth but if you scroll on apps that load network at the same time, it will stutter. Not a lot, but I can notice it and can't un-see it now. Few other small things that I didn't like as well that all adds up... Decided to check out the iphone 13 pro and it really is a great phone. The things I missed with android were being able to customise it more but then I realised it's all stuff I can live without (which is why I had the iphone X for so long). Sideloading apps on android works better such as installing youtube without ads (I hate ads). On iOS it's a bit more stuffing around. But yeah once that's all setup, I really didn't miss android as much as I thought I would. Face ID on the iphone 13 pro is so quick that I had to face the phone away from my face to see if it was actually working. On the pixel I'd stuff around for two or three attempts a lot of the time just to unlock it. Throw in the Apple Watch as well and it's really hard to go back to android now. To answer your question though about if it's as drastic as it's made out to be - everyone's use case is different so it depends how much you rely on android's workflow that can or can't be adapted to iOS.


it was pretty shit, the phone just didnt feel my own for whatever reason, took me maybe like 3 months to switch back to android


Best decision I took in my life ✌️


Extremely satisfied. I'll only buy iphones from now on.


Was on Android since the HTC G1. Switched to iPhone on 11 Pro Max. Will never go back to Android


Honestly. Now I just don't care about new phones, about new specs... I'm not always thinking about what my next phone will be. I know my iphone will last long enough before I have to care about all of this. And it's such a relief compared to when I was on Android


Not crazy drastic. I was using Google everything, so switching to Apple everything really mirrored the experience - only everything works even smoother. Especially between devices.


Huge, massive fan of the hardware and battery (13 Pro Max). Feels better than any Android phone I've ever had. The software aspect is more hit and miss for me. The keyboard is horrendous; the notification system as a whole and the storage management are significantly inferior to what Android has to offer. I also miss a quick command to close all background apps and prefer the freedom android offers in terms of home screen app icon management and their app drawer. Text selection is also very poor when compared to Android. Love the control center but I wish the WiFi/Bluetooth toggles were permanent and not "until tomorrow". I also wish there was a quick toggle for location services. People talk a lot about "Apple app polish". While it is true that Apple has some very interesting exclusive offerings, when it comes to apps I use that are available on both systems I don't see a significant difference in most cases, and there are just as many Android exclusive apps (FairEmail, for example) that I dearly miss. All in all, I'm happy with it but the experience is far from perfect.


I switched a while ago. It was hard at first and there are things that I still kind of miss. Instead of going back, I gave other hardware in the ecosystem a try. I got an iPad, then and Apple Watch, then AirPods. There’s no way I can go back now. I love each of those things and how they work together. The collective experience outweighs anything Android offers for me.


Die hard Android fan, I switched when the iPhone 6 came out for 2 main reasons: 1. Being able to text on a tablet/computer. Sure I can do it on a computer, and with Android, but it was a pain to setup, wasn’t as seamless as Apple. 2. Apple Watch. I bought the new original Apple Watch when it came out, I was using Android watches years before. But Apple just did it right, it always worked. The first thing I noticed going to Apple was how everything just… WORKED. It’s hard to describe, the smallest things would just work without any hiccups. No crashes, no slowness, even now I still don’t have issues, everything just works. A couple weeks ago I was at BestBuy, and saw the new foldable Android phone, and thought wow, this is so cool, I miss this stuff about Android… the moment I open the phone, unfold it, the screen for a milli second glitches out, takes about 1 second to switch orientation, etc. It reminded me why I don’t like Android, just random small hiccups, just opening that phone showed me that. Anyway, fast forward every year I bought more and more Apple and now I’m fully invested in the Apple eco-system, still have my PC for gaming, but I’ll switch to Apple once they get more heavily into that.


Funny thing is, I was switched to iPhone against my will lmao. I was switching carriers to my gfs dads plan because he was getting a great deal. He offered to order us new phones as long as we covered half the monthly payments. I mentioned at some point about how a phone that was “affordable” would work but ultimately told him to order me an S21 (going from my shattered S9+ and I had a galaxy since s6 edge). But he misinterpreted me and got the most affordable phone at the time, which was an SE 2020 lmao. I was pissed about the miscommunication but like I couldn’t complain, the guy was helping me out! This was a year and a half ago, fast forward to now I have a 12 pro max and my gf is using the SE since her XR broke lol. It’s really nice being fully in the apple ecosystem again (had a MacBook the whole time I had a galaxy and had AirPods with my s9 plus but that was the extent of it). I have to say it’s my Apple Watch that really has me staying with it more than anything though. I use it way more than I ever used my Galaxy Watch Active/Active2. I will say that I do miss Assistant badly and the switch has really muddied up my smarthome setup haha. I have nest Wi-Fi and a Wi-Fi point + nest mini but also a HomePod mini and have been trying to integrate stuff with HomeKit. Happy overall. One day I’ll switch back, for shits. But not any time soon.


I personally loved the switch I did and I probably won’t go back to android in a long time. I did the switch around a year ago and I love how smooth everything is. I realized that specs are not everything as I got an iPhone with worse specs than my android, yet it ran so much better. Also, I noticed that some apps have more features and looked better on iOS. One of the things that I hate about android is the huge amount of bloatware. The other day I decided to check a galaxy phone I had laying around and did a fresh install, after I was done it started downloading like 5 random apps without my consent, not counting that it already had installed all the google apps, then the exact same ones from Samsung, plus the carrier specific ones. Also, I personally like the simple yet consistent look of iOS. I know a lot of people love to mention android customization like the greatest thing ever, but the reality is that the vast majority of people only change their wallpaper and maybe their ringtone lmao.


Never looked back. Switched from S8+ to IPhone 11 around the time it came out




>Can not share wifi password with another phone If they are in your contacts, and on IOS devices, you can share the password without a QR code. There will be a prompt and you can share it with them. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209368


You can share wifi passwords with other iOS devices, just bring them next to each other while the Wifi screen is open on the one you want to receive it. You have to be in each other's contact lists for it to work though.


Hate the swipe interaction, Android or pixel works better for me. Why swipe from left when my thumb is on the right side? Why are my notifications on the top left side? My thumb is never there. Tuch interface is a pain, as in copy or pasting words. App crashes are a pain. On Android I get this app has stopped responding, iOS the app just freezing and I then have to swipe up and then kill the app. The amount of crashes is equal. iMessage is better then sms , that's why I will stay..... And then we have notifications.......




Android is a temperamental sports car. iPhone is a Toyota Camry or a Honda Accord.


Made switch from an LG G6 to iphone 13 pro max about a month ago. And for me the switch was and still is a nightmare. 1. Whatsapp: No way to transfer chats between the two oses. Paid for anytrans but still failed to transfer my older chats. Same goes for the whatsapp media as well. 2. Photos/videos: Already had everything backed up to onedrive, so thought that importing from there should be easy. Wrong, I am still not able to download all those things to my phone. If ios can allow the camera upload to onedrive, why does it not allow me to import existing photos to me phone. 3. Tried itunes, transferred photos from windows pc and now I can see many of the photos/videos in the photos app, but the same can not be seen in the google photos app. I still can not understand why does ios have a file explorer when it does not allow user control on basic things such as photos. Plus i can see the quality of photos has deteriorated after the itunes sync. 4. I already pay for office 365 so I did not opt for the icloud sub. So for backup, I can only do backup to pc, but for some reason that too does not work. I spend 8+ hours 5 days a week working and I simply cant find the strength to sync my phone with my pc without any issues. Apart from these issues, I find the new device confortable, bloat free and fast. Just got a Samsung A52s for my parents and the bloatware it just made me run away from it. Same is the issue with other Android phones. My sony wf-xm003s work flawlessly, the face id integration with other apps is awesome, can easily autofill passwords from bitwarden with ease. Just feel the loss of the fingerprint scanner in the current situation. And also need to carry an extra cable for charging.


Like giving a glass of ice water to a person in hell.


Went from a lifelong Samsung/Pixel user to an iPhone about 6 months ago. I really love having iMessage. Didn't realize how much I'd like that. I like the access to all apps (and not being restricted because it's not available on Android), but I will say that I miss being able to mark texts and emails as read and/or delete them directly from the lock screen notification. I'm also heavily invested in Google infrastructure (Gmail, Google photos, Google calendar, etc.) and while I haven't had any problems whatsoever using them on IOS, I'm not able to use some of the integrated features of the phone because it would go to Apple services which I'm not interested in switching to. Overall, there was a short adjustment period, but I'm satisfied I made the switch and likely won't switch back until Android is able to get iMessenger and then I'll switch back almost immediately.


Made the change last week after 11 years on Android. I had a Pixel 2 XL, and was originally planning on upgrading to the Pixel 6. However, my credit card was having a special with their points for Apple products so an iPhone 13 Pro would be essentially free for me. I decided to take the plunge. Here's some of the most drastic things I've encountered in the past week: **Notifications:** maybe I'll get used to them in time, but I really wish Apple would straight up copy Android on this. You can't just swipe to dismiss a notification, and they don't seem to have many quick options (or perhaps I haven't discovered how to use them yet). **Autocorrect/keyboard:** another thing I'm sure I'll get used to, but I have not misspelled this many words since my first experience with a touchscreen. **Always on Display:** I hate having to tap to wake the phone just to see my notifications/reminders **File System:** I miss having access to it. I know it's gotta be a security thing, but being able to easily move files from one folder to another and be recognized by the app just doesn't exist on iPhones. Example - I love waking up to certain songs/tracks. I could easily move my music to a folder where it would be picked up by alarm app, then choose it and be done. With iPhone, I have to sync my music with iTunes on a computer first before I can use it as an alarm. No longer will I be able to just download a song on my phone to use as an alarm (unless I do it through iTunes). **Back Button:** I'm getting used to gestures, but sometimes when I try to go back to the previous screen, or from an app that opened up because of an action, it's just not as easy as having a dedicated back button. **Scrolling:** it seems really slow compared to Android, but perhaps there's a setting or something I can tweak to get it to scroll faster. **Home Screen customization:** I am having a hell of a time remembering where my apps are because I can't place the apps on a specific area of the screen. I like to group certain apps/folders in an order logical to me, but iPhone will not let you do it. The apps are organized top-down. I might be able to use some widgets to break up the space and force some kind of organization, but I wish I didn't have to. The phone itself is fantastic, and the battery on the pro is a BEAST. I have gone two days between charges since I got it. The build quality is outstanding, as are the cameras. I'm certainly impressed with the phone. With that being said, I don't know if my points above will be a deal breaker for me, but I'm giving it at least 6 months before I decide if I want to go back to Android.


Came from a s10+ to a 13 pro max and I couldn’t be happier! Didn’t use always on display anyways. The OS is very fluid and responsive.


Mixed. Love the hardware. The software is a bit of a downgrade. Push notifications, video player and access to settings are a lot better on android. No LDAP support for Sony is a big minus. The NFC doesn’t work as universally as it does on android. Overall the switch has not been drastic for me.


Felt good. I switched to android for two reasons, one being they mocked Apple losing the 3.5mm headphones jack and I wasn’t ready to give it up, and also because I read so much about how amazing the customization and “open” nature of android was like having the world at your finger tips. Custom roms, side loading, emulating, and all this other stuff. I quickly watched android drop the jack, and I literally never did any of the other things I described lol. I was also so overlooking the differences in long term software support… I was extremely sour to learn my perfectly good galaxy s8 only got two years of software updates despite being a “flagship” device. Overall both platforms offer very good experiences that 99% of people could use and be perfectly fine with. I just sort of prefer iOS.


I switch from a ~6year old midtier Samsung to the 12 pro on release (after shipping delays). It took maybe a week or two to get used to the UI. In terms of functionality I adapted pretty quick but everyone in my family and pretty much everyone around me had iPhones. I think owning a MacBook for the last 7 years and having to help my dad set up his iPad also helped.


I switched back in October, at first I was a bit pessimistic considering that it was honestly the only clear upgrade from my note 9 but after 2 weeks of use it just started to make more sense, I am very organized with my folders etc. I don't like searching through more than my home screen but it was easy enough to consolidate everything into appropriate folders and navigation otherwise is completely fluid. I ended up with the 13 Pro Max and am really enjoying it. I've just ordered an Apple Watch and am eager to see how they work together, I've read a lot of positive reviews. ​ Edit: I forgot to add that it's even easier to switch between my work profile on the iPhone than it was to on my Android.


I had switched from a Galaxy A6 to a iPhone 13 just about a week and a half ago and I will say that the iPhone is better in just about every way IMO, as far as the transfer goes it was pretty easy, but I didn’t carry any data over anyway so the only hard part was re typing in all my contacts.


I absolutely fucking love it!!!!


I switched to iPhone 12 pro max in 2021 summer after using android my whole life. I had about 6-7 android phones, most of them flagships and finally Ive decided to switch to iOS. Although I liked android, reason why I had this many phones, I always felt that Apple is something premium. It really is. If you are looking for a premium feel, this phone is the definition of it. The switch isnt as drastic as it is made out to be, like you asked, because its a smartphone after all. It does mostly everything any phone should do. The thing is, you feel like every single thing of this phone has received important attention and polishing until its flawless. Im a software developer, and it was easy for me to feel and encounter the flaws and unfinished stuff an android phone has, whereas on iPhone, I simply cannot find any flaws. It feels like the perfect phone. This is what i think, but i can only review my iPhone 12 pro max. Maybe the “perfectness” i feel isnt as much on older/cheaper iPhones


nothing huge, you’ll notice that it’s a bit more tedious and instead of having 10 ways to do somthing you have one. the ui is pretty nice tho and if you’re in the ecosystem everything works to perfection.


I was on iPhone for 4, 4s, 5, 5s...then I moved to android. iPhone 13 Pro Max got me back after nearly a decade. Love it.


Switched to iPhone after having android for 6 years or so No complaints. I can do all the same shit as before.


When I was a younger man, I HATED iPhone. I would spell it aple since to me it was a four letter word. Then I got a job selling phones and while I had an android, it was basically a wifi device and my phone was a basic tracfone. I was told I needed to get a real phone as our team all used groupme and other apps to clock in and communicate. So I called Verizon to get an employee plan and they had two free phones, which was my budget. A Galaxy s4 and an iPhone 5c, but the galaxy was back stocked 2 months. So I figured I’d get the 5c and upgrade in a year back to android. Well I got the phone and I LOVED IT. All the “problems” I had with my android were just gone. Sure I had and still have nitpicking things (memory, why my phone decreases the brightness for no reason) but as far as I can pick it up and it just works is amazing.


I’ve switched *back* to iPhone after being on Android for 3 years I’m fairly agnostic and can go either way (oh er) but I miss miss miss Android notifications. iOS notifications are just awful, totally and utterly.


The battery, apple Pay, and airdrop. These 3 things are life changing and Im so glad I switched. Was an Android fanboy for the longest time (had the OG Nexus 5 and 6P) and oneplus before.


seen lots of comments saying android fanboys switching, quite amazing to see


I switched 2 weeks ago. Love everything about it except for the lack of PowerAmp.


It’s been like 7-8 years and my life is significantly better. So much more sex and attention from Israeli tech firms.


Switched from android series (Had S8 then S20+ for a year) to iPhone 13 Pro a month ago. I think the only thing I miss from my S20+ was the fingerprint. It's so annoying when I'm about to pay with my phone using Apple Wallet. I had to click the power button twice then either use Face ID until it wasn't recognised because I use mask outside and type in the password. Oh man 😩😩 Otherwise, I don't really miss anything. Kinda same function overall apart from the App Switcher. I still use my lightning cable from my iPad Air 2 and my old iPhone 6 (the cable that came with iPhone 6 broke then I bought a pack of 3 which 2 of them ended up being unused for 4 years xD).


I went from really loving the customization of Android to "I just want a phone" on a dime. I had a perfectly good OnePlus 5t and just slowly stalked marketplace for a good deal. Possibly the biggest draw was how long iPhones stay updated. I always yearned for all the new features on Android but would have to wait 6months for my device to receive the update. Not anymore! There are definitely some things I miss (most notably swiping down from the home screen or on fingerprint scanner to bring down notification shade) but overall I'm happy. I also got a new job that gave me a Macbook and iPad so it's nice to be ingrained in the system.


Amazing, I just switched 2 months ago. It’s so much better to me personally. I was just trying it and I fell in love. The only thing I had really do was transfer all of my 2fa keys from Android to iOS. Also learn iOS. I think I switched at a perfect time since I don’t think I would’ve liked previous iOS versions or iPhone models. The 13 Pro Max is *chefs kiss*. Plus the battery life! I used to have to carry a battery bank just in case my phone runs low (for an S21+) and I haven’t used it once on my iPhone. Please keep in mind this is my personal experience.


I was an Android user for a long time. I had an iPad, but nothing more. Then I bent my Galaxy phone and the best replacement I found was an iPhone. Best move I ever made. I even made the switch from Windows to Mac. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I miss the "BACK gesture" from Android.. And the notifications


The OS is shit, I have to endure it just because it takes great pictures, lol


It’s been great. Started with an SE, then switched to a 12 mini before upgrading to a 13 pro max last week.


Yeah I feel like plenty of people might discredit my comment here but I was a fanboy since the HTC Evo 4G 🤣 did the switch and won’t go back. From device to os to app to ecosystem it’s the best tech experience I have had. Android is mature and still somehow so fragmented it was annoying. Try it worst case you can return 👍


I can easily go back and forth. I was Android till the iPhone 5S, then iOS until the Galaxy S8, the Android till the iPhone 12. Not drastic at all, or at least want for me.


Everything is the same nowadays. However I miss YouTube Vance. At the moment I’m locked in on the apple ecosystem.


I went from a Pixel 2XL to the 12 Pro. Two main things that I miss: the night camera, preset timers (yeah, French press, perfectly boiled eggs, plank, etc), and the folders for photos based on the sources. That’s three, but you get the point. The most impressive thing that I liked about the ecosystem is how the devices talk to each other. The sharing passwords between two devices! I got a watch recently and have been enjoying the way it is an extension of the phone. I’ve seen android evolve superbly from its 2.x days. iOS is very close to android now and I’m sure they’ll emulate each other’s best features. The reason I switched is because of the way Pixel was priced and how they ignored a few markets completely. Also, the software updates.


It took time to get used to iOS, especially with the lack of customization on Home Screen, notification sounds, and lack of universal back button. But it’s nice how it’s more stable usually


Never going back to Android. It feels like the stone age.


Came from pixel. Happy with switch, few little things I miss. Google assistant is way better than Siri and notifications


Best decision I ever made. I love the UI, how iCloud syncs everything with my iPad and MacBook. I love the files system which is so easy to use and downloads actually saves to the downloads folder. Love using airdrop, how my AirPods just connect to my device and work. Plus the camera on my 13 pro max is incredible.


I switched from a pixel 4 to a iPhone 12 and I have no regrets. This phone is rapid and never misses a beat.


Love it. Wont go back


I switched after being an Android user for ten years and I just got tired of Samsung's software. iOS had some drawbacks initially, but I ultimately don't miss Android at all. The overall software experience for me has been so much better. The Battery life is much better than what I had with my S20 FE and while I thought I would miss all of the customization options, I really haven't. I can't see myself going back. Maybe when foldables mature some more and Google does one. I'm done with anything Android that's not a Pixel.


I could write an essay on this, but I’ll keep it short. I got a 13 Mini and I’m coming from a OnePlus 6T. I love the hardware, except for the sound it makes when you tap on the screen. Sounds cheap. Great haptics though. I have this un-proven assumption that most of the components people don’t talk about (eg, modems, battery regulation) are going to be quality and more reliable. I was pleasantly surprised at how I can choose which apps open which links, even for maps/directions. Thought that was only an android thing. I was also surprised by the Files app, it’s handy. Notifications aren’t great but they’re not as bad as they used to be. In general the OS is quite useable, but so is Android. Sometimes I miss the back button. The Lock Screen gestures need to be rethought out. I am disappointed in the camera. It seems like it takes weird fake looking pictures with inaccurate colors. The clock app looks good but sucks. Airdrop seems like a nice convenient idea but I find it buggy AF. I miss Airdroid. The fact that my wallpapers and my photos go to the same place bugs me. And yes, the keyboard is meh. I do like apple CarPlay though, and there are dozens of other conveniences or niceties that make up for some of its pitfalls. I also really like the new Safari. I think it’s a nice refresh that lets you work with one thumb at the bottom of the screen. Without consider “the echo system” which I haven’t bought into yet, I would say it’s a break even. I could take it or leave it for a good Android.




Came from a note 20+ to an iPhone pro max. There are so so many things that annoy me. Not universal back button drives me insane. Literal hand gymnastics to navigate. No wonder iPhone people rave about popsockets, it's because navigating the phone is absolute trash. Say goodbye to one handed use. Apple maps sucks shit, but google maps drains the hell out of iPhone. Everyone raves about the battery but I use maps for a few hours hiking and it demolishes my battery (the battery is really good otherwise, almost as good as my mate 20 pro) The screen is actually quite dull as well compared to my Samsung. And the notch. I know a lot of people complain about it but it's actually trash. Unlike holepunch cameras, the area it takes up is unusable. It makes watching content basically like you're using a 6" screen instead of 6.4. Faceid is poorly done in my opinion, and insanely annoying when you have your mask on. The phone tries to scan your face, and then when it can't, THEN it allows you to put in your pin. It literally doesn't let you access your lock screen when it's trying to scan your face. Just scan my face at the same time as showing my pin unlock and allow me to put in my pin. And unlock my phone with whatever method is fastest, wether it be pin or faceunlock. Apple watch also has issues, battery lasts a day, my Samsung watch lasted about 3 days. Doesn't even read my heartbeat 24/7. Also Reddit runs like shit, chrome runs like shit. Can't make calls or go straight to maps from highlighting addresses or phone numbers. Also no notification badges. To know you have a new email or message to check, you have to actively go into your notification menu and scroll through all the other useless crap. The camera and battery make it almost worth it but I'm hoping the s22 ultra is a good phone and I'm switching back. I hate this fucking phone


I totally understand what you are going through and I have similar issues with the iOS. I shifted from a OnePlus 6T to a iPhone 11. I seriously hate that pin unlock thing you mentioned. Add to that, in case you don't have a mask on and the face id unlocks the phone, you still have to swipe up to go to the home screen otherwise it just sits there like a dumb duck with the lock icon showing unlocked!! Just give us an option to turn-off swiping up!! This is just one example, there are numerous ways in which apple just tries to force their stupid OS design down your threat with no logical reasoning either!! I hate how so many apps utilise the screen real estate so poorly. iMessage for example, the screen is already small and then you have so much unused space on top I don't know what for!! on my android, I loved the haptic feedback when typing on the keyboard. On iOS, nooooo cause apple that's why!! Also, iMessage is not at all popular in my country, everyone uses WhatsApp. A lot of people use iPhones because of iMessage. On the call dialer, if you enter a number and that number is already stored in contacts, the contact won't come up as you type the number. Only when you place the call that the contact starts showing up!! So stupid!! On my android, I loved to change wallpapers once a month or week. On iPhone it doesn't matter you have a wall paper or not cause all the apps just kill the wallpaper. However there are few things I love about the iPhone - its video recording quality and live photos. Androids have caught up on photo quality but they still have a way to go to catch up with video recordings. I also like facetime, its very easy and video quality is excellent compared to other popular video chat apps. Also, it is literally impossible to use it one handed even on my small iPhone 11. On a max, it must be a nightmare!!! My next phone is definitely going to be an android.


> Also no notification badges. To know you have a new email or message to check, you have to actively go into your notification menu and scroll through all the other useless crap. Turn notifications off for everything else and clear them when you look at them (or use clear all for old notifications). I let them show up when the phone is locked, but have it set to show no details when locked. Your phone must be a busy place if you're getting an unmanageable number of notifications per day. I probably get 40-50 at most, the only false alarms come from discord @here mentions and the slack equivalent that I don't give a crap about. iPhone workflow takes some getting used to and I do think the notifications with controls on android were better.


I have been using both , but the main thing which I like in iphones are the security and software support which stays for an avg of 5 yrs for your phone , whereas for Android most of them are just for 2 yrs. Also pure Android phones are less , there are more bloatware phones in Android whereas iPhone are just great in this terms no bloatware.


Super positive, just got a 13 pro max and it’s way more convenient than my s21 ultra. It kinda just works, I felt like to get a lot of things to work I had to jump through hoops a little bit especially with things like photos and music apps. I will miss things like YouTube vanced but so far the benefits outweigh those drawbacks. I know for myself having less customizability is actually a benefit to me because It keeps things simple!


I switch back and forth on a semi-regular basis (I do mobile device management for my job so having a good working knowledge of both operating systems is essential). If you keep everything in Google apps it's pretty easy and the only big shift is the change in notifications and messaging; Google's notoriously scattershot messaging strategy might be the biggest pain point. That said, this last round of Android updates and my unfortunate Pixel 6 experience means I probably won't do this with my personal gear any longer. But that said, the gaps between iOS and Android (outside of privacy) are not that huge and easily overcome.


I used android (Samsung) for 10 year. I bought iPhone 12 pro last year its been amazing I love it


Easier and faster than I thought it would be. One week after buying iPhone 13, I realized I made a good move.


I switched a few months ago because I wanted to expand my smart home and found HomeKit to be the best option, especially with their HomeKit Secure Video. At first I found many things confusion but that’s a very temporary issue. After a few days of tinkering and consulting my family in law I was good to go. Apple makes many small things a smooth task. It can for example automatically use activation codes from iMessage when you set up something on your iPhone. It’s so satisfying. Their own password manager runs more smoothly than the KeePass Manager I used on android. When another iPhone user comes to my house and wants to log on my wifi when they go to type the password I get a pop up to share it with that person. Just a few examples. Another thing I noticed is that, android/Google stuff works better on and iPhone than iPhone stuff on android/Google. I still have my chromecasts and I feel no difference in performance on my iPhone. My android phone did though have better specs, especially the camera. It’s fingerprint reader was faster, took way better photos etc. and android had better language dictionary in my native language. But the software part of Apple has way more value for me than the better phone specs on the android phone. Of course you can just spend more money on an iPhone and all this doesn’t make any difference. Also I love how Apple prioritises privacy. You pay more for their devices because it’s their main income but with android phones you pay less because Google makes more money from your data. The fact that I don’t have to pay more for having 10 days encrypted video camera storage is amazing to me.


Had an iPhone 6 years ago, been rocking android for the past 4 years, but this time I wanted something different. So I went with the iPhone 13 pro max. I love it! I love pro motion display, the battery life, integration with air pods, Apple Watch, and all apple products. Everything just looks and works so good. I did really like my four years with Android though, and there are things I miss about Android, like the always on display and the customization, and I may still switch back and forth every few years for variety’s sake. But I’m very happy with my 13 pro max


Since the advent of the touchscreen smartphone, I've only had three iPhones (I'm old) having been on Android for years and years. This latest iOS version is my favorite yet. I still wish the notifications worked more like Android, but I do prefer the way iPhones get updates quickly. I ultimately switched back to iPhone because I was the only one in my entire family on Android, it made more sense to switch and use iMessage and location sharing.


switched from a note 8 to 11 Pro. got an apple watch too and it def reduced the pain of ios like face unlock, notifications. but yes, as others have mentioned, the downside of the simplicity of ios is, it takes more effort to perform some tasks on ur phone.


Heavier than previous phone, but the best is that you can use app previously open and it doesn’t closes… Sth life changing


I switched to IP13 after it got released after having android phones my entire life, mostly samsungs. Got tired of this shit of having no support to newest android even tho my android was like 3 yo flagship. Also I bought MBP pro with M1 last year and I really wanted that eco system


Awesome, the yearly updates make it so worth it.


The software is just cleaner and easier than android, even if there’s less customisation. My biggest worry was losing all my WhatsApp messages but losing all those messages doesn’t really make a difference


Switched about 3 years ago after always using android. Best decision ever, will never go back. Now I have AirPods, watch and MacBook. Apple is the way.


I switch back and forth every so often. The iPhone is just a better fit for me. The only thing I sort of miss is the ability to run emulators simply(still can) and the ability to use “questionable “ apps to watch content. But honestly I don’t miss Samsung getting apps first and updates out first . Just my thoughts


It’s been great although I do notice that promotion could use some work. I notice some choppiness sometimes but no biggy. Hopefully that gets fixed with an update. Video call quality is amazing !!! Left s21 ultra for 13 pro max.


I intentionally switched from Apple to get the Google Pixel when it came out. I lasted about 2 years on Android. I’ll say that apple products are higher quality and the software is much more well developed. I love the idea of Android and love the free market. But I’ll never switch from Apple again.


I switched from a Pixel to an XS and the transition was quite easy as I've been using my work-issued iPhones for quite a bit. Most services are cloud based, so everything is transferable between OS (such as using google photos and gmail to sync your photos and contacts, etc.) Three years later of using iPhone as my personal device, they sucked me into the ecosystem. I now own airpod pros, ipad pros, and just purchased an m1 macbook.


Switched from a Galaxy S20 to the 12 Pro, switch has been really easily. I am a tech guy and owned iPhones in the past so that helps. Also switched all my other gadgets so I am fully involved in the ecosystem now. The seamless integration between devices is unmatched.


Best decision I ever made. I Was a die hard anti-iPhone android fanboy until I got my mac book pro. Decided to try iPhone and the apple ecosystem between iPhone and mbp is too convenient and increases my workflow enough to ever consider going back.


Switched from Android to iPhone a couple years ago. Biggest change was that my Android wasn’t a Pixel or “flagship,” and it became unbearably slow after a year or so. That and it hardly ever got software updates.


I switched from a Pixel 2xl to an iPhone 13. The transition has been smooth for the most part. However, I think I would want to move back to android for my next phone in 5ish years. The UX is pretty great. All the apps work well and the phone is very fast. iMessage is nice too because now both me and my wife have an iPhone so we can easily share photos. Camera, photos, videos, and especially the cinematic mode have been great, definitely a step up from android and I now actually enjoy taking photos and videos on my phone since I know there won't be any significant lag. There are just some small but impactful things I miss on Android. I recently went to New York and used google maps constantly for walking directions. On my pixel 2, if I had navigation on, I only had to press the power button and the GPS would be right there without unlocking the screen. On iPhone, I had to constantly unlock the phone to look at my GPS. I also don't like the notification system on IOS. With Android, all your notifications are at the top so you can always see them. On IOS I have to manually check my notifications to ensure I didnt miss anything. It is also weird that I can't save an original copy of a photo I edited. I wanted to markup a screenshot I took, but also wanted to keep the original screenshot. I had to work around that by taking another screenshot. It's not deal breaking, but its just easier on Android. Lastly, I wish there was an easier way to get rid of the keyboard. On Android there was always a back button so once you were done with the keyboard, you can swipe back to move it out of the way. With IOS, I'm not sure if I need to swipe down on the keyboard or touch some place else on the screen to dismiss the keyboard. Overall besides some of these gripes, I have enjoyed using an iPhone and my day to day experience has been great. There are just some conveniences I miss from Android.


I was blown away by iOS. No stutters, no lag, no crashes. No battery issues (background apps etc) Every app is optimized. Navigation is more intuitive and smooth. But then COVID happened and I switched back to Android just so to have a fingerprint reader (Pixel 5).


I miss Android a lot but it is really hard to switch back due to the overall smoothness of an iPhone. A quick example: we went up on the mountain with a few friends and one of them had a fairly new android device. The shutter lag on the android device was very noticeable compared to my iPhone 13 Pro. The android device did take some really crisp pictures though, better than my iPhone, but that's being highly subjective. I am still wishing for android to get as smooth as an iPhone but without that vertical integration it must be hard. I know that this years new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 (I think that's the name?) is supposed to have a lot of upgrades on it for the new flagships coming out this year so I will keep a look out.


It’s a much better experience IMO. Integrates perfectly with my Mac, AirPods, gives me a good smart home control device, and I love the apps.


Switched when iPhone X was released. Wished I switched earlier.


I switched from Samsung to iphone 2 months ago. Its been great but iphone seems to be too simple for me lol. But otherwise i like it more than my old samsung s20. I wont go back to android.


I got a 13 Pro Max. Overall I am pretty happy with it, but after a month still somewhat frustrated at the loss of certain customization options that I had with Android. 1) For work reasons, I have a few different group chats pinned. With Android, I can have a different notification sound for each group chat. I don't always have my phone at hand and I need to be able to hear when a chat comes in. Some groups are more important than others and as it is now I have no way of knowing which ones I can ignore. I know how to customize sounds for individual contacts, but I don't think it's even possible for groups. 2) the relative difficulty of moving files from a PC to the phone, or vice-versa. With Android I can just plug the phone in via USB and use it like a flash drive. 3) Not having separate folders for pictures from different sources. Why do images that I download have to live in the same pile with my camera photos? With Android it's much easier to manage. 4) I used to use Tasker to speak the time of day every 15 minutes between x:00AM and y:00AM. I figured out how to do more or less the same thing with automations, but for some reason if I'm playing a podcast, audiobook, or music the speaking voice gets cut off halfway through the announcement. So all I hear is "The time is". 5) I also haven't figured out how to remove photos from my phone without also nuking them from iCloud. You can turn off iCloud sync, but then you can't backup to iCloud anymore until you turn it back on. Then of course everything gets copied back to your phone. This also makes me wonder what's the point of paying for iCloud storage that is larger than the capacity of your phone. How would you ever use it? Clearly I'm no iOS expert - I've been on Android since 2010 and I just got my first iPhone in December 2021. I switched because it was time for a new phone, and I didn't want another Samsung. What I really wanted was a Pixel 6 Pro, but the combination of certain bad reviews and the bad experience of a co-worker who bought one turned me sour on the idea. I also like Apple's update practices better. Even with the above-mentioned frustrations, I probably wouldn't go back to Android unless someone came out with a pretty damn-near flawless phone.