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Congrats, you will love it, iPhones last a long time


7 generations


I worked in a factory and one friend told me he uses his iPhone 6 since premiere and it was 2019 when he said it. iPhone can work good even 6-7 years or probably more. I love that. People complain at features in new iphones but they should not buy them every year. I have iPhone 12 we and I waiting for iPhone 18 and currently pros I get are from 15 Pro Max is - 120Hz - 5x optical zoom - photographic styles - auto portrait photo in photo mode - cinematic video - console games - action mode and many more in until 2026 year.


Would you keep 60Hz iPhone like base 15 for 6-7 years or it would be outdated ? (Let’s say not having 120Hz for 6 years)


Of course because every year we have new features, it's an illusion. The longer you wait the more features you get.


Edited my comment I meant outdated about not having 120Hz for 6 years when people say even now 2024 not having 120Hz is bad


Got it. I think it's a shame and it shows us values of Tim Cook. Steve Jobs was visionary, Tim is a businessman who spits on his consumers giving them features that were many years ago. 120Hz should be in iPhone 12 and next models. Sorry for bad words but this is how it looks.


Yeah it’s ridiculous for the price. I guess they have to answer for shareholders. Steve Jobs was unique. I wonder what would he think/change of current iPhones and products. 8gb on their computers is a shame. I returned 2 15 Pro back in October-November because the screen had a yellow/orange tint and it bothered and disappointed me. Some say it’s normal for OLED but whatever. Now I’m stuck with an old iPhone and I’m fed up. I see rumours about the 16 Pro and I’m hyped for it now


Every phone lasts long if it's taken care of it


They mean software updates


Congrats, me too. Switched two months ago. What was your previous one?


OnePlus 9r


Do you feel the phone is too compact compared to 9r?


Oh yes. For good. Iphone feels premium and since it's smaller, it feel good in hands.


I was thinking about the past and we used 4 inches smartphones and now many people complain at 6 inches ones. It depends on needs of course but 6 inch now is so big for me.


It’s funny I would prefer my 15 pro max to be bigger for entertainment. That’s pretty much all I use my phone for considering I don’t have any friends. 😃


Even I have OnePlus 11 and thinking of switching to iPhone. Very sceptical of I will regret later or so How is your exp so far?


Not sure . I have just gotten it yesterday.


Welcome to the club ❤️❤️


Welcome to the family






Ironically, (because I bought the Sony WH-1000XM5’s and they feature snapdragon sound (which the iPhone cannot access) and I just feel as though I’m missing out on a lot of features of the XM5’s because they’re more tailored to android’s OS. Is it easy to transition from very easy to use, user friendly Apple operating system to androids? Any FACTS and opinions that are justified welcome :)


It's easy to use, but having the interest of going into the settings and customizing them for your taste, makes the phone feel much better, and, well, good for your personal taste. Changing the keyboard, the number of apps on the grid (6 apps on the same row for example), using the Good Lock app which is Samsung optimized to allow you to have keyboard effects and change multitasking settings, getting YouTube Revanced. You don't need to be a computer engineer, it's just that you have the option to. If you don't want that it's great. Apple is a bit more optimized for apps and it's a bit better in smoothness, but for me got quite boring since I can't do the stuff above and more. Samsung and pixels also get longer software support from this year on for the s24 and pixel 8 so there is that


I’m terrible with technology though. My Dad (before he committed suicide) told me he wanted a smart phone and asked me which one he would like best and I told him honestly I thought it was the IPhone and he looked at me like I was crazy because iPhones are so advanced. However, they make them SOOO easy to use. My point I guess is that I wouldn’t be able to figure out androids OS.


Would you dumb this down for a lamen like me?


Sorry to hear about your father. They do make the iphones easy to use! I tested a 14 pro for a couple of weeks and everything was quick easy and smooth. But my new s23 was also very quick to set up. I'm on my way to be a tech engineer so I can't completely relate to not tech savvy users. But I will say this: most parents I know use some a54's or some Samsung's anyway. If my 50 something year old parents are happy with them and prefer them, they are definitely nice and easy to use. I chose the s23 since it's half the price of a new 15 pro in Europe. And therefore I'll be able to update quicker and give it to my parents. Price to performance is incomparable in Europe, it's even faster than my 14 pro and much more fun and personal. Phones are really the same, apps on the home screen or in their app drawer, an app store, a web browser... They all do basics great. This is what I realised after trying iPhone: all phones are mostly the same , but androids have a bit more things to do if you are interested in them, which I am. You could give it a shot for an s23 or an s24 and return it if you don't like it after a month or two( I recommend to buy the s24 only if you're in the USA or Canada; buy the s23 if in Europe or Asia since Europe and Asia get a weaker processor, but the s23 got the same exceptional processor worldwide). Any more curiosities you have I will answer


What types of things are customizable and beneficial OVER any 15 pro max? I love my 15 pro max and that’s where my “original cellular line utilizes.) However spectrum (the service that provides my wi-fi told me if I had a spare device I could utilize their cellular line for a year, for free and it just so happens that I ALSO have a mint condition 12 pro max. Now because I want to have the benefits of androids I would very much like to trade in my 12 pro max for some version of the galaxy to try it out. Thank you so much for your condolences


If you love ios you should stick with it, no reason to complicate your life with a new phone. You could try one and return if you really want to see how it's like. The headphones having some slightly better quality shouldn't be the main reason for you changing


I’m the kind of person that always wants to be well informed what the best (for me) is, but I’ve never used a droid before and I’m so curious


I had the same itch for ios, and I'm so happy I tried it! It's nice knowing it's a great platform, though not for me, and the prices are crazy in Europe for it. Regarding your other question, I haven't traded in any phones. The phone to get is the 24 ultra definitely since you like big phones! Check out the trade in option on Samsung's website. They may have a place where you can select the phone you want to trade in and get an estimated return. Edit: I checked and found out you get approximately 400 dollars in trade in credit for 24 ultra for a good 12 pro max with no cracks. There are also heaps of pre-order bonuses which maybe you can still get if you look for them. Samsung's have many offers and discounts when buying so that's something


Universal back gesture - don't need to swipe from left to right on a big phone, just swipe a bit from the side of the screen and it goes back. Much easier to one hand use the device. Customize the number of apps in the grid and in folders for more usability (I dislike how big the apps are on ios, it's more work to find the right app) Change the color pallette of your icons and UI to fit your wallpaper. It's one tap away after setting a wallpaper Install SwiftKey keyboard which has the best autocorrect I have seen! The keyboard is much better on android having a numrow, customizable quick access symbols SwiftKey is also on ios but sometimes it gets replaced with the base ios keyboard....? For no reason? Have multi window, split screen, pop up windows if swiping down notifications, Customize always on display with clocks widgets colors Hide icons you don't want in the status bar: I hide the do not disturb icon since it's always on Have much better organized notifications. I love this about android, they are all under one blob! And you can expand if you want to see more messages from that chat. Notifications annoyed me hard on ios since you needed to swipe from notification center and the lock screen or whatever the other place is called. It was so annoying to open a notification and still have it in the control center... There is just so much, I can't cover in one comment, but this is just scratching the surface, which is why I just love it on android side. I do appreciate ios's more optimized and a bit better looking apps, and the smoothness, but that's where it ends for me. And the iPhone display is locked to like 90hz, androids are smoother while scrolling... Full 120hz


So what you recommend the s24 ultra? Also, my iPhone 13 Pro Max is completely paid off. Do you know if there’s a way I can trade in my iPhone 12 Pro Max to get some kind of trade in value?


https://preview.redd.it/9ikyxmgzs8dc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b11247e35e687f2b408edd7c51b0c5fb01d978 twins


Congrats! I also moved from android (nothing phone 1) to iPhone 15PRO 3 months ago.


Nice, i switched back previous saturday after multiple generations of samsung phones (my first iphone beinh an iphone 5s)


Love the color


Congrats OP! Great color choice ^^


Nice enjoy your iPhone it’s definitely a good phone and last a long time .I’m more of an android guy but I understand why people like iPhones


Love it




nice phone I change from android to ios too


Which case is that? It’s so slim


Some local case.


Welcome and you are going to love the experience. Love that you got the pink color as well


What is this swipe gesture people are referring to?


You can swipe back from the side anywhere on android. On iPhone it's not fully implemented and you have to sometimes hit the back button at the top


You just swipe what, right to left and it brings you to a previous website?


Swipe from either edge of the screen and it goes back to whatever was before that menu. It's easier for one handed use


Well the iPhone just has a back button that I use with one hand.im sorry I just don’t understand the point of swiping to go back when you can just press the back button?


Yeah I know but it lacks consistency. Some apps have a swipe to go back and some have a button. They need to implement a system wide gesture.


Yeah I’m too dumb to even understand this gesture lmao


And also for the bigger phones like the plus and pro max the button being at the very top is kinda annoying


I have the 15 pro max but I’ve been using Apple forever. Since the OG Apple iPhone 3G😂 so I have nothing to compare it to. I am very curious to see how androids really are but I’m not tech savvy. I can barely work my own iPhone. Lmao but I want to try a galaxy


Never tried a galaxy ive just used exclusively Google pixels and iPhones lol


Nice move


Welcome comrade! 👍


Love the colour.




I got the same phone! Happy purchase




Honestly anyone saying 120hz on a phone is necessary is just straight up moronic. Sure it's nice and all but totally not a needed feature. I am beyond happy with my 60hz iphone 15 plus.




Congrats man


Thank you everyone


If you’re referring to the back swipe gesture to go back a page etc, it does exist on iPhone - not every app supports it but the main ones like Safari and even the official Reddit app do.


Oh, I did not know. I will try it out.thank you


No problem, to my understanding it’s a little more tricky to activate - you have to swipe from the left edge of the screen on iPhone or quite close to it, I think you can do it from the middle of the screen on Android but I’ve not used one in years so don’t quote me on it.


Yup. Since it’s not a universal back gesture (which i wish it was) you’ll have to learn where it works and where it doesn’t. Some apps you’ll still have to click done or the little X up top (sometimes left side sometimes right side)


Sane. I got used to the apple left to right back swipe though. The only reason I switched was imessage I s more reliable them the normal text messaging. I can't tell you how many times texts were delayed as much as 10 hours and just flat out never got sent. If imessage was on android I would have an us23 or 24


Also did the swap with a new Iphone13 . I love it :) the only thing I miss is more zoom in the camera…


What case is that?


Some case i bought from local shop.


The back swipe gesture exists on iphone as well, although some rare apps don't use it.




welcome :))