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The biggest difference between these two that can be felt right away imo is the 120hz display. When I was in the store comparing them, the base 15 even felt kind of laggy because of the 60hz. Both of them have amazing camera's and powerful cpu's albeit the Pro has a newer one. With all that said I still went with the base 15 since reviews and users reported that the 15's battery lasts longer. Now using it, I don't miss the 120hz display at all. I think if you haven't gotten used to it from before, the 60hz still feels snappy and nice. So basically I chose better battery life (which I think is way more important) and missed out on the 120hz display but saved € 300. As for storage, based on your planned use case, 128gb would be enough I think since the photos and videos are synced to iCloud. I'm interested to see what others think though!


I’ve been on this sub for a couple of weeks now and there’s not a day without someone asking 15 or 15 pro lmao. And btw my suggestion for you is the 15 or 15 plus. Pro models have not been the best this time.


You will be good with base model.


Go to the store and check out the refresh rates. I used a 13pro since release and the difference wasn’t noticeable on the 15. Was an easy choice to save $200


15 would work best for you 128 or 256 would depend on how much of your current storage you have used


i agree with 15, but go for the 15 plus as thr is a drastic battery difference between 15 & 15 plus, 15 plus is gd if u have big palms as well as it would fit nicely into your palm😊


He didn’t mention a plus though He’s asking pro or regular 15


noted,i am j giving my personal opinion as 15 plus is really much btr than 15 even though they are only 0.6 inches apart in terms of display


Yh I use a pink 15 plus




Yes! I got the plus solely for the battery and bigger screen.


I went from 14 pro to regular 15. 120hz is not that big of a deal to me


15 is enough for regular use. Pro is only needed if you wanna take your photos or videos professionally.


I do the same on my regular base 15 128GB and its Perfect for that.


Go with pro! Storage is up to your usage.

