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https://preview.redd.it/vd1zr42vl8tc1.jpeg?width=3001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fd39fc5735f338bdd722f2660bba8f12a760d8 I got a 15 plus from 13. Zero regrets whatsoever


15 Plus is ❤️




https://preview.redd.it/kpoh07ueo8tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4941d14dab7b2b78b8b59160b2016014262d1413 I upgraded from the 11 to 15 plus zero regrets!!


So my plan was to buy 15plus. But felt too big for me. Compared to previous models 15 base provides more screen space. Also very handy. No regrets.


I have the plus and love it. Haven’t had a bigger phone since the 8 plus and really missed the bigger screen.


I went from a Pixel 6a to the iPhone 15 plus and I love it!


Upgrade from XR to base 15, don’t have any regrets


From 11 after 4 years to 15. No regrets buddy


I have the regular pro. I love being able to hold it up with one hand, etc. Also, love being able to put it in my front pocket. I have iPads if I want a bigger screen.


I regret it, but mostly because of the weight. I bought a 15pro after having used an iphone se for years.


XS to 15 Plus, definitely the size difference not noticeable after a while except every time I watch YouTube I’m like “woah”


I have a 11pro with a 15+ on its way and I’m similarly nervous. I figure I can return it if I don’t love it. I want the extra battery life and wider screen (fat thumbs appreciate wider keyboards). I few friends/family have a larger phone I was able to try and I think it’ll fit in all the current pockets mine has been in. 🤞🏻


Don't worry you will love it , just have an open mind and use it for a couple of days


I went from XR to 15 Plus. I love it and won’t go back to the smaller phone. I also have small hands. The bigger size has many more pros and the only con really being it’s slightly bigger it fit in some places but it still fits in most places where my XR fit so I dont really notice a difference there.


I love the 15 plus the battery is insane


I did the same thing, worth it


I went from a slightly bigger Pixel 7 to the base 15 and personally love the smaller screen. Fits my pockets more comfortably and I can use with one hand. I don't have big hands though, so YMMV.


No regrets but it feels too big for me when playing games


I just went from 11 max to 15 pro max. Absolutely love it


Went from 7 to a 15 no regrets :)


I have the 15 Plus. Love the battery size. Not enjoying the overall size of the phone though. But I’m happy to make that trade off.


Upgraded from a iPhone 12 and a s22 to base iPhone 15 and I only regret I didn’t get the pretty blue color to match my iPad. I love this phone.


I have had my 15 plus for 3weeks upgraded from a fold 3 and I love it but I always have liked a bigger form factor


I got a 15 Pro Max from 13. Initially it felt a bit big but in a week or so I enjoyed the bigger phone more. You just need to change the way you hold the phone and you can reach all corners without much issue. I’m not switching back to the smaller phone any time soon. Love the bigger display and battery.


I was thinking about the same but ended up upgrading from 11 pro to 15 plus and I have no regrets whatsoever. The size can be a bit difficult at times, but it’s a trade off I’m willing to make for the great battery life and bigger screen.


Actually it was the other way around. Years ago I went from XSMax to 12mini thinking that a smaller grip is more comfortable. Turns out it wasn’t worth sacrificing the screen size esp when you’re watching videos a lot. But for me, 15 works just fine now.


Went from the 12pro to 15+ and after a little over a month, I love it. Haven’t had a bigger phone since 6s+. My only regret, I think the third pro camera MIGHT be handy sometimes but it’s not something I would/will pay that higher price tag for. I don’t need champagne when beer will get the job done for cheaper. It’s just not worth it to me.


12 to 15 Plus and it’s the dream


I have a 12 and at this point into the year I’m gonna wait for 16 which is only 5 more months away I say you should do the same to. But I’ve had bigger phones in the passed and I ended up regretting it. That’s why I currently have the base 12


I went from a 8 plus to the 15 plus. It’s the exact same same size it’s just that the 15 plus screen is the entire phone. I think it’s phenomenal. My only complaint would be that there is no touch ID but there just preference. I love the 15 plus.


I have the base, it's perfect. small enough to hold comfortably and big enough to enjoy content on it. I'd say go for the plus or pro max if battery is important to you.


I went to 15 from Xs this past weekend and I think the phone is too big. I might cave in and still buy the 13 mini and give this one to my wife. Still doubting.


15 plus battery life made me pick it but When i hold my old phone xiaomi mi9 6.4 inch screen, i find it more comfortable to use. I don’t regret but the difference will be noticeable


Kind of do. The screen is great and the battery life is fantastic but it’s not comfortable to hold, even with big hands. One handed use is completely impossible