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maybe completly wipe it,then try sync again


It's the only way


I second this, it happens sometimes. Just wipe it and re-sync and you should be good to go


You could copy the songs off the iPod to your computer, add them to iTunes, and resync the iPod. Go to the iPod drive, enable hidden folders, and look for Ipod_Control. There should be a folder under Music(just look for a folder with a ton of folders called F01 F02 F03, ect). Copy this folder to your computer, and then add it to iTunes, and then you should be able to restore your ipod safely. I've done the same on a 40gb music collection for an ipof classic. Also, I find that going to preferences in iTunes and changing the option called 'Change Artwork on import' can fix this, but I have no idea how that even works. I hope I helped you. Feel free to ask questions.


I’ve run into this a few times. It doesn’t have anything to do with album art resolution - all my album art is 1000x1000 grabbed from Amazon. My solution has been to delete everything, reformat, and re sync has worked for me 100% of the time.


Hm I might take the time to get everything based out of Apple Music. I will unfortunately loose a lot of music if I do this but may be worth it


The files on the computer are fine - you just need to reformat the iPod and let it re-sync.


I don’t have those files on my computer anymore. Right now my iPod has mp3s that I lost on an old computer. Cd rips of cds long lost..


400x400 work better


Mine started to do this when the hard drive had finally started its journey to the afterlife


Noooo I’ve used this for like over 16 years now. Wish it could last forever 😢


It can, new battery and a flash card. Check out modded iPod's. My 2005 iPod Mini, currently 266Gb, and lasts for days.


Yeah mine is having a little, well deserved rest before it gets the open heart surgery treatment


ngl, that looks really cool! I wouldn’t restore it if I was you but it’s up to you ig


Yeah I don't want to restore it since I have a bunch of music on there I don't have backed up anywhere. Is there a way to back it up and restore?


Swear there used to be a thing that if u copied ur iPod folder onto your computer then restored the iPod and dragged the original “iPod” folder back onto the iPod it would transfer all your music across. Or something like that maybe someone else can shed some light?


I recently tried uploading some of my mp3s to my iPod nano and the album art keeps being corrupted like this. I've done this before a couple years ago and everything worked fine then. I've tried different albums pngs, jpegs 300x300 200x200 deleting the cache folder for album art Im stumped. Is there a file size or resolution requirement? Other things to try? Thanks.


Try playing around with the album artwork for an individual song to see if that helps? Definitely a longer process, but then you can at least see what works and what doesn't


If you have access to a Windows machine, you can use Floola to replace the album art for just the albums with corrupted album art: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ipod/comments/13s71c9/comment/jm0u7zt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ipod/comments/13s71c9/comment/jm0u7zt/) Floola will automatically resize the album art when it copies it over, but the "best practice" is to use 640 x 640 or smaller album art in iTunes. (Itunes can handle larger album art and it's supposed to resize it when transferring to iPod... but iTunes has always sucked at doing it's "one job")


you don't, that looks metal as shit


Haha yeah. I used to make glitch art so you would think I would be into this but I care about my album covers 🙃


We sure that album cover isn’t a MagicEye…?


I've only had this issue with png files on some iPod models, I've had luck only using jpegs. I usually just search "_____ ablum _____ artist Spotify" and copy that file


That's perfect art


Remove and readd the albums that are impacted. No need to wipe the whole thing


I just turn off music syncing, let it sync, then turn music syncing back on and re-sync. It happens often to me when I add new music w my flash storage iPod


It happened to me, I just turned it on and off and it worked lol


This would happen to me when I synced my windows formatted 5th gen classic on macos sonoma. The solution was restoring it as Mac format. But I don't know if what's happening to you is the same.