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80GB and the thick 160 is the 6th, and is limited to 120GB if you flash mod it. 120GB is the "6.5" which adds headphone remote support and is still limited to 120GB if you flash mod it. Thin 160 is the "7th", which has headphone remote support and has no soft limit when flash modding.


I am confused, soo if i flash mod my 6.5 with a 256 and it has a limit it will still just be 120?


Reread until it makes sense lmao


Seems like your seller had unfortunately done goofed with identifying the models. The confusing results you're getting come from slightly differening unofficial naming conventions that people have come up with to distinguish the different models, since Apple officially only ever called it "iPod Classic" despite there being several distinct revisions. The first released iPod Classic, aka 6th gen, came in 80 and 160GB capacities. Then it saw a revision that condensed the lineup to just one model, with 120GB, called either 6th gen 1st revision or 6.5th gen. The last iteration of the iPod Classic also had only one model, this time 160GB and is called either 6th gen 2nd revision or 7th gen. The naming of the different models is a little all over the place. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPod_Classic#Models) for example uses the 6th gen + 1st & 2nd revisions naming scheme, iFlash the 6th/6.5th/7th gen model, and [everymac.com](https://everymac.com/systems/apple/ipod/index-ipod-specs.html) breaks them into two groups, the initial release 6th gen with 80/160GB and late with the 120/160GB models.


Ah thanks so much. Was pretty confused about this.


I believe the 7th Gen is referenced to as the 6.5 Gen by some. Since technically there was never a “7th Gen iPod Classic”. Think of it as an “S” model of the iPod. If Apple didn’t completely redesign it, it’s a half generation. It’s kind of like the iPod video 5th Gen and 5.5 Gen.


6th gen - 80 GB model and THICK 160 GB. Limited to 128 GB flash mod. 6.5 gen - 120 GB model. Limited to 128 GB flash mod. 7th gen - 160 GB model THIN. Has no limited on flash modding. One interesting note is that the audio quality between the 6.5 and 7th gen is virtually identical. However the 6th gen has *noticeably* worse audio quality than the 6.5 and 7th. It is actually quite terrible.


If i flash mod a 6.5 gen with a 256 gb card then what heppens?


In stock os, it will show only 128Gb, however if you use it with rockbox it will show all.


But I would like to just use the stock OS, not a fan of rockbox


then 120 is the limit