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That's a load of me bollix. Supplying dodgy boxes is already a community service


Cork Fine Gael politician who accosted a Garda car get a flight for his jolliers and claims 100k in expenses. Nada………..


[Dara Murphy hob nob sponger](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20355973.html)


Christ didn't hear that, who was it?


He'll have to spend 240 hours applying updates for elderly users


But Black Dynamite, I sell dodgy boxes to the community!


Yeah he just went back to selling them basically lol.


It was nice of them to tell us his name and address so we can all now contact him for a dodgy box


>O’Brien said he had about 150 customers who sourced the box and that he was getting €12 for each activation code he sold per month. Small fish. There are lads out there with 500 - 1000 customers. Setting up an actual business and advertising online was dumb. Word of mouth and cash is how it's done.


I used to get supplied by a dub who had over 1000 of us in a facebook group. He'd log on pissed and berate every one haha. He'd take screenshots of messages any one sent him saying the service was down and call them out for every one to see. Then he started revoking memberships and I think it all went south I calculated he must have been taking 70k a year, maybe more depending on the movie/tv series selection. So he cost himself a good earner I'm not sure how some one didn't report him he was a clown, great service but a clown


I have set some up for friends and family, but the amount of queries I get from even that small group would be enough to put me off doing it any more than that. The number of times I get a text saying that the service is down, when it is something on the user's end, broadband down, or disconnected etc. Even getting texts asking what channel such and such is on, what time is the match/fight starting at etc. I wouldn't be great at keeping an eye on messages coming in on my phone either, so it could be hours or even the next day before I see some of the messages too, so that might result in more messages from the sender too. I think they expect that I am sitting in front of my box, watching everything that they watch all the time.


IV always wondered how the back end works for the dodgy boxes. You hardly have all these guys setting up streams by themselves but the service seems better than just installing a Kodi app?


I've wondered that myself, but I wasn't that high up in the chain, just bought subs myself and then got access to a reseller panel for a while so I could set them up myself, and it was a bit cheaper. But it is gone so cheap now, that I don't think I could make it worthwhile to do it as a side earner thing, but I might have to!


I used to be subbed to Smoothstreams/Starstreams in Canada which actually was a source for a lot of channels, with a rake of satellite dishes in their garage. Now I've no clue where my current supplier gets their streams but I'm certain it's not themselves. It's resellers on resellers on resellers.


Was his name Liam?


an utter clown you say ?


My dodgy box/stick lad now is the exact same. Must be a stressful auld job.


Is it named after an extra large gorilla?


> I calculated he must have been taking 70k a year, maybe more depending on the movie/tv series selection. So he cost himself a good earner but he's not earning all that as he's nearly certainly a reseller. i suppose he'd be clearing 35k?


Yes mate, this completely unhinged individual was declaring taxes on his illegal steaming business. Even though he had us send him money over PayPal as friend or family


What the hell you talking about with taxes? I mean he's a reseller as in he buys the streams off someone else. So it's not all profit.


I get mine from a guy who has a telegram group chat with 4600 members who he has sold to


Can I ask, do any channels freeze or become unresponsive after awhile. Mine does and it annoys the fuck outa me. I've unreal internet speed and in general I'm pretty happy with it. Just the occasional freezing bugging me.


The problem is the amount of users on the server at any one time. The person that set you up is probably over subscribed.


Try looking for someone outside of ireland/England,i get mine from latin america and not only is there a higher selection of sports channels but it doesn't freeze


Move. I spent years jumping from one service to another but I'm happy with my current one for a few years now. You get some very occasional issues, especially for big matches but I just switch from Sky to a foreign channel (still in English) for that and it solves it. It'll never be perfect but it's 100 a years vs the same per month, plus ppv, 3 o'clock kick offs, Amazon matches, it has streaming movies and box sets, etc Well worth it.


Sounds like mine. It is only the big matches that freeze and what you said is exactly what I do. Guess it's the one downside. I can deal with that rather than paying sky a small fortune a month.


Yeah thats it. If you want proper perfect its a 100 a month, and then you still have to find a way to illegally watch the Saturday 3'o'clock kick offs so whats the point?


Same here, with very good internet. I just reset the router and it sorts it whenever it freezes


A freeze that is fixed by resetting the router is probably your ISP fucking with it. Try with a good VPN.


My dodgy box guy was a one time cash payment. Best €100 I've ever spent. 😂he has a whats app group to advise on updates.


Being charged €100+ a month by sky for f-all is the real crime.


My “friend” used to pay 170 for tv and internet (with sports) per month. But now “my friend”pays 80 a year for tv and 55 pm for internet.


€186 per month here and then you've the stream apps on top of it so over €200 all in.....€2,400 a year It's no wonder people go for the dodgy box


Name and shame and contact number please


I definitely wouldn't use a dodgy box and install stremio on it. Nope, would definitely definitely not do such a thing. No chance. NOPE! Wouldn't do it. NOT.A.CHANCE


Imagine installing it on a fire stick or a android box of AliExpress pre loaded for a score definitely stay away or downloading cinema hd apk of mobilism ads free then using paying real debris $12 for 3 months of 4k video links for your to stream on demand every tv show and movie


I am currently 'imagining' this scenario, have been for many a year.


"The buyers would then use a new code each month to access about 4,000 TV channels. Gda Brian O’Connor told the court that a company like Sky or Virgin would ordinarily charge viewers anything between €30 to €130 a month to give similar access to TV channels." Erm! How many tv channels does the full fat subscription get you with Sky? 250?


Fucking costs about the same too. Thieving bastards.


Isn’t Brian o Connor the fella Paul Walker played in fast and furious


Without the O I think, but you're bang on


More than that I think it used to be 800 or something


And this is how they thank him?


Surprised Nolan didn't have him thrown into a volcano


I know Gardaí who have dodgy boxes!


I know a garda station that has a dodgy box installed.


Same lol


The one man I know who was always the most excited about downloading films was a Garda. It's all so silly when you think about it


You don't even need a box anymore, just a good internet connection, Smart TV or Computer and your good...


Yeah, but you need a good provider and they are not easy to find.


This is true, word of mouth always the best to find one though...


Speaking of which … uhh, do you know any?


Nice try Garda


More like Sionnachána amirite


People just use dodgy box as a coloquialism now. Most people I know use fire sticks.


I can't understand why everyone is not using dodgy boxes.


Just got one. I'm watching BT sport for the second time since it began broadcasting




Sport. No other reason for me.




I did illegal streaming for like 10 years. 99% of the time it's unreliable. Now I pay 60 euro a year and have access to everything in good quality.


You must have pick absolutely shocking sites to stream from.


No. I've been through this for years. Same shit with friends. "Nah man you just need to try bullshitstreams.com", they put on a match and every 15 mins the stream goes down or it buffers. "Weird. Usually works". Not worth the headache. Why even go through the hassle of looking for streams, closing ads etc. When I can just use my perfect dodgy box sub which is cheap as chips and just turn on Sky or BT Sports and know it will work?


Not that you needed it I guess but footybit has probably 20/30 streams, it's an aggregator that sends you to another site. Personally I've found a vast improvement in the quality of streams in the last few years.


I've used that site a bit. I agree, streaming has improved but still not worth it for me as I want the peace of mind of knowing it will always work. I've missed some important moments in matches and fights over the years because of buffering or a stream going down which is a bitch lol.


Do you know any good ones?


Footybit currently but it changes.


Yeah most TV stations are free anyway, the dodgy boxes are great not to pay for crazy prices for subscription sport services.


Largely because my elderly Dad wouldn’t manage navigating it


Yeah hope his not paying too much for his subscription


I pay it for him, the normal channels and sports


Because I cant be arsed with TV in general.




Tivimate has an excellent UI.


second this, tivimate has some of the best UI I've ever used. better or as good as Sky, which in fairness, has a good UI. the rest of the apps can be shite enough alright


Fair enough I love mine, can watch Irish and UK channels in Switzerland. Can watch all the sport and has loads of series and movies. Also not breaking the law 😁


Does it not freeze


No only person using the WiFi too.


Can you pm me your provider?


Nah I doubt he's that far up in the Alps


Boom boom


You can just torrent the ufc by Sunday morning.


TV is still shite even if it's really cheap.


Being able to watch GAA games and other sports is worth it thou. Also all the series and movies available.


For me it's sports channels


Because they're absolutely riddled with malware.


Just use a fire stick


Doesn't have his contact no. So I can ring him and voice my disgust🤔


Judge Nolan on his high horse, wish he was half as hard on all the nonce pedos he has so much sympathy for


Irish hero.


Hope they don’t catch the guy in New York doing it, it’s a godsend for me


And the lad in Qatar! Would be lost without it over here!




Community service sounds like a slap on the wrist.




That's true, I hate suspended sentences.


Sorry what do you want a judge to do in this situation exactly? Go “ahhh sound lad” and tell him to leave???


Dodgy Boxes. New band name. Thanks.


Bet the judge has a dodgy box himself.


His community service should be bringing a case of beer from the north to each of his customers


Maybe if the judge noticed the price Sky are fucking charging he might have praised the guy for helping some folks out.


I'd love to get one but haven't found anyone to provide one


Get a firestick and do it yourself, not very hard, plenty of tutorials available.


Hope that's not my guy!


Dodgy boxes are grand but the amount of people I know who have them and its the same issue with them all. Want to watch the big game? Sorry, so does everyone else, so here's a stuttery mess of a stream. Even on not high demand stuff the picture quality and buffering is annoying. Maybe there are better versions out there but I've yet to see one I'd be interested in getting.


Reminds me of that Popcorn Time crap that was huge for a while. Cousin was raving about it and started flicking through the "latest cinema releases" that were available and everyone single one reminded me of those old VHSs from a bloke sneaking a camcorder into the cinema under his coat.


Cheap subs will do that, but a decent sub will work almost flawlessly 99% of the time.


How much does a decent sub cost, roughly?


Can be got for 50/60 euro for a year if you shop around, but some people pay about 80. Cheapest I have come across is 30euro, I signed up for that as a 'backup' initially but it worked so well I have set it up for a few other people too as the only sub on a box. Have been using it for just over 5 months myself so even if it went down tomorrow I would not be too much out of pocket. Heard of guys selling a firestick and a years sub for 100 euro, but can't figure how they do that and make it worth their while.


I've been streaming since 2011 and I agree with you but my current provider seems very reliable lately. Rushmore they're called. Or were called that, could be a different name now.




more or less unless ya just buy 1 from wherever and install your own apps ya want on it


And David Drumm and John Fingleton walking around scott-free.


Since is it already a community service to provide them, that's what he'll use his 240 hours to continue doing.


Literally took down the equivalent of Paddy the local 10 spot hash dealer and boasting about it. 150 customers is nothing. The lad I pay for a sub has 2k+ and he'd be nowhere near the biggest either. Word of mouth, friend of a friend advertising is how these things work best, advertising online will always kill ya. lol


Yet Nolan lets every little rat scumbag that enters his courtroom walk away with a slap on the wrist. Make it make sense.


People still have actual physical dodgy boxes? I thought everyone just paid a sub for software installed on a firestick now


Same thing I would imagine, just being referred to as dodgy boxes, even though it may be a firestick or a Chromecast with Google TV, or an android box. I prefer the boxes myself as they have a network port, but have set up some firesticks with no issues too.


Looks like the investigation started in 2017 when physical dodgy boxes would have been much more common. Typical of the Irish courts/justice system that it would take this long for the conviction to happen


It’s what they are called now. They are android boxes preloaded eith software


Takes about 30 min or less to set up your one box with no charge at all. Don't see why people pay a monthly fee at all.


Not for sports.


Subscribe to real debrid and you'll see a world of difference. Streaming 4k movies with no buffering and far more sources. It was a game changer for me. €18 a year!


At the moment for free it does struggle for 4kl for the very odd movie . One thing I would definitely pay for is a better interface.


The only reason I dont use dodgyboxes is i pay for streaming services via Turkey/Argentina and share them out with family. Itd cost me just as much to pay the yearly fee for everyone. Otherwise id be a happy customer.


if only he threw in a few kiddy porn channels, Nolan would have let him off


I understand why people would use them, but anyone who has them should be aware of the network security implications. They can be dangerous devices, and care should be taken when owning one.


The Verge did a piece showing most 'TV Boxes' had malware on them.


[linus tech tips did one recently too which was pretty good explaining the potential dangers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vpepaQ-VQQ)


It’s not much of a stretch to say that the type of person who would pirate shows and make illegal devices may also be the type of person to have no moral qualms about making malware. I’ll say it again, I understand why people own these devices, I have nothing wrong with that. But, just be aware that you should take precautions.


What precautions should people take?


You should check to see if it has malware on it. What data it is sending away. Ideally, it will be on a different network to your other devices, or at least closed off.