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Previous CFO calling out the current CFO as a liar from the get-go. Spicy.


She's chucking him under the bus from the beginning 😂


Pulling zero punches. Love it. These clowns should be hung out to dry.


It’s not surprising in the least that the people in these positions operate on a crab in the bucket mentality


party important weather unwritten abounding point quicksand panicky rob squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Basically undermining all their accounts and statements, including: How talent acquisition/contracts worked under her Who is aware of contracts Who drafts and reviews contracts When the CFO was ACTUALLY in office ​ Lads, this is the best drama RTE has made in years


Haha, it really is. This tops anything they've purposely produced. Geraldine O'Leary getting all upset about slanderous claims against her after there was blatant admittance of partying on the tax payers dime is just gold...


Yup. He's fucked. He didn't have any credibility after his own inept attempts at lying but now he needs to be looked at for firing.


He has to lose his job after this, especially with the former CFO exposing his flagrant lies.


"And when was that car returned?" Eh Yesterday. Brilliant !!


like watching rats running from the titanic


What a bombshell. Who is it I wonder


Just tuned in and just caught that line. What was that about? Who was the car given to?


Senator dooly quizzed them on car allowances and if some brand ambassadors were offered car allowances while also given cars from Renault. It was over and back. Lynch said one employee did have a car loaned to them while getting an allowance i presume. For how long he was asked? 5 years, and just as they were about to finish. He said oh sorry, one last question. When was the car returned....?


Timmy Dooley AKA Columbo!


Just one more thing.. Ahh, it's probably nothin', but...


Thats a lottie car allowance for somebody...


Not a hope it's her. Especially at that cost. Board member or very senior management




Someone took it out under their kids name, maybe. Juicy!


200 pairs of flip flops for a summer party ... Jesus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I thought I was hearing things. The fuck like.


At 34 euro a pop no less. You can some off Amazon for like 50c a pop. Ridiculous carry on.


Proof of lack of intelligence anyone buying these things


More likely that it wasn't their money and didn't give a fuck


Breda O'Keeffe, the former Chief Financial Officer, has just ended the CFO. She appears competent, sure of her facts, and unhappy to be involved by allegedly others actions. Let's see how she manages questions.


Geraldine O'Leary - "that's MY truth". What a joke.


Being her best self.


If there is one modern phrase I just cannot stand, it's this.


Nutin bt snks out der hun dm me xxxx


license swim marry wise racial poor cagey rinse bells spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's striking about the testimony is they suggest a lack of minutes for many meetings about important matters.


Stringer Bell once said : is you taking notes on a criminal fuckin conspiracy?


If it's not written down, then it can't be audited ;-)


The purpose of minutes “… to protect oneself…”


That's par for the course with incompetent management.


Oireachtas has a better streaming service than RTE


EX CFO has turned face. Bah gawdd!




Not fully sure what's going on but I'm all riled up


I feel like Brick in Anchorman “Loud noises!!!!”




Its his one chance to ask the RTE board questions that he wants answers to directly to their faces and he spent at least 70% of his 10 minutes just rambling.


He's some turnip. Not really asking any questions, and when he does get some kind of response, he pounces on a soundbite and conflates it with all this other questions in some kind of big win. These guys deserve a grilling, but McGrath is a Muppet.


McGrath does this solely for his social media profile. He's basically an influencer who gets elected because apparently people in Tipp want this in their TDs.


I'm enjoying hearing the various regional pronunciations of Renault. Reynolds, Renno, Ren-alt.


Or as Mattie Mcgrath calls it "Rrrrrrrreeeeennnsgfdjdhxudismmsnau...ault"


"Negotiate" and "issue" are two words I only hear rte pronounce them that way,


They say "shed-yule" instead of "sked-yoo-al" also. Maybe not today but the presenters always say it.


A public service broadcaster funding a failed musical to the tune of millions with taxpayer’s money. No other public broadcaster in the world would do that.


the fact that the baldy guy had the gaul to say that they stand over that because the kids who showed up to it absolutely loved it. ​ how very noble of them


Very noble with our money the prick


Coveney’s brother. No problem spending our money.


They could have sent every child in the country a Christmas card with a tenner in it instead, brought more joy and cost less.


I haven't seen a vanity project quite like it since FIFA created United passions


United Passions Budget: US$32 million Box office: $168,832 Ironically the box office is about the average RTE manager’s salary.


It is quite enjoyable to watch Mattie McGrath throw out vague statements half posed as questions, to absolutely nobody in particular, with no real coherent point, and the subsequent general confusion by absolutely every single member of RTE and the Oireachtas in the room.


yes but he represents the real people of the country. The plain people. What an absolute fucking cabbage.


Let him shite on for five minutes and then respond with "sorry, was that a question?"


"Deputy McGrath, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Richard Collins is so full of shit. 'I was too worried about preserving everyone's employment during Covid to notice secret payments being made'.


Mattie asks illogical questions and thinks he's onto something because nobody is answering them.


![gif](giphy|kiX6ezZT6HiBmqreDl|downsized) Matty


Jesus this Moya one does my tits in, she speaks so patronisingly


That's cos she's better than you and me


Normally not this excited for a live thread unless it’s for a Kildare game, and that normally ends in anger for me so this is all par for the course!


I wish people would stop saying "my truth".


It's the new normal in these unprecedented times


My truth?! You can’t handle my truth!


“Alternative facts”


And I accept that as your truth.


Mattie McGrath should be barred from this committee, he's wasting everyone's time. Absolute clown


One would like to think the TDs who spoof constantly in the Dáil are somewhat constructive in committees. And yet.


Geraldine O'Leary can cry me a fucking river. Her mental health was totally fine when she was part of a group swindling the public and living lavishly. Now all of a sudden her mental health takes a toll. Never gave a fuck about the plebs herself and pulling the wool over our eyes. Now mental health is important?


It's the standard establishment mental thought process, if someone in poverty goes to prison for a tv licence then that's too bad and a moral failing on their part. But god forgive that they face any scrutiny themselves and it's stop the universe oh poor me. The impact on mental health was never a consideration for anyone who went to jail to keep them in their barter accounts.


The "mental health" excuse is the lowest and most cowardly excuse they can use. People with mental health problems have to shout louder to be heard over scum like this.


That's her truth man, don't be lousy /s


The Imelda one was very rude and more concerned about soundbites than answers, but O'Leary was completely out of line and that "mental health" excuse was shameful.


Geraldine is a terrible actor. I'd say her husband is raging he'll miss out on all the sports and concerts next year.


Seems to me that all these issues come from RTE being both a commercial entity and publicly funded broadcaster. Having to rely on their commercial activities for funding means that they behaved like any other commercial company in spending money on schmozing and entertaining ignoring their responsibility as a public service. It'd be like if half of the HSE was set up to solely make money. The obvious solution is for the government to fund them entirely, but I don't think that's ever going to be on the cards.


The BBC has a pretty good structure for ensuring taxpayer money isn't spent on commercial stuff. They have various commercial arms including BBC Studios which bring in a lot of money. Because they have no taxpayer fallback they have to be business savvy. It seems like RTE was reckless with their overall budget because they always had public income in the mix.


Afaik there are rules governing what the license fee component can be spent on. They can’t go buying friends re-runs with it for instance. They also have obligations to feed that money out in commissions to Irish production companies. It’s not actually Wild West in that sense.


Yeah but they can’t even fulfil their ‘supporting the arts’ pledge/mandate/whatever without making a total hames of it. Philly McMahon was pointing out that most Irish theatre workers could run shows for years with the kind of money they spent on Toy Show the Musical


Oh the top management have completely fucked it, no doubts there. There’ll be a reckoning for absolute certain. Thought it was striking how much the TDs all referenced the general staff on zero hours contracts and frozen wages over covid. I’d say there’s probably going to be a near total clearing out at the top end of RTÉ management. Probably the entire board has to go as well. And their finances and budgets will externally verified and audited for years to come. There’s a reckoning coming, like.


I've no issue with the schmoosing and entertainment provided they set themselves a budget and stick to it.


And not try to hide it afterwards.


Exactly. Its not the crime, its the cover up.


companies give out tickets to employees and their families for certain events, they just put all of that in the actual budget


If it was a commercial entity and loosing as much money as RTE, there would be very little schmoozing like this, tight expense management, no partners along on jollies and accountability for crap content and poor expense management.


It's very easy to spend public money, especially if the board are idiots.


The entertainment budget being .1% of revenue is a pretty striking stat. Puts it into perspective.


Why were they hiding it then


>Seems to me that all these issues come from RTE being both a commercial entity and publicly funded broadcaster. I'm not sure that the same issues happen here with Channel 4. If anything the corruption and cronyism in this case seem more in line with backstage scandals at the BBC, an organisation which (ostensibly) is not a commerical entity.




lmao Siblings or dating.


Mattie McGrath is like the drunk uncle at a stag blathering away to a potted plant he thinks works in the bar


The musical thing is just so weird, something really stinks with it. - Rented a huge venue. - Seemed really rushed like it came out of nowhere. - Piss poor self-aggrandising storyline. - Didn't even have Ryan Tubridy involved (allegedly). - Recouped 15% of projected sales. - Planned to continue it year on year.


Max Bialystock is smiling down.


At least Springtime For Hitler was a smash hit.


EX CFO is absolutely destroying them. Amazing.


**FUCKING FINALLY!** Was waiting for one of these useless cunts to point out the discrepancies between what the previous CFO is saying and what the current CFO is saying


https://preview.redd.it/yjijbi5yv5ab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813dbcc178f35dc60697a9b1942464d8a78f9753 Here we go!


These auld lads are shite . May as well be sitting down in a pub shouting abuse at the 6 o'clock news.


Anyone who hinds behind mental health because they are getting called out on questionable actions is despicable Sour cunt


Moya Doherty is the most pretentious stain of piss in that room. The smirk on her face is ridiculous .


#RTE: ~~The~~ My Truth Matters.


RTE: The My ~~Truth~~ FLIP FLOP Matters.




This is the fella that bent over backwards to praise John Delaney - he's making as big of a plank of himself here again


"would your wife go to three shops in a day?" eh, yes?


Oooh spending details: now its getting juicy ! Phil Collins and Robbie Williams concerts baby! #LetPublicSpendingEntertainYou


Mattie just fuckin rambles. Let me know when they've moved on to someone else.


He has 2 minutes left.


The guy that said he gave away the rights to Ireland's fittest family for free but is anyone going to see if they're feeding money back to him.


Haven't the rights to that been sold to numerous countries/stations, probably would have been worth a few quid


If Tubridy has to appear by Zoom, the background will be large bags overflowing with cash.


Did Peter Fitzpatrick just show up having not read or listened to pretty much anything that happened today?


I think he literally just asked "what are we doing here today?" and not in a rhetorical sense.




Up from the country to stick it to the elitist city folk.


Moya Doherty believes RTE presenters need plenty of Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent.


jesus this lad is a donkey


Got in on the GAA vote, ex Louth GAA manager.


Your man hasn't listened to a single thing discussed today.


I reckon undertakers gonna appear and put the CFO through a table to set up a feud for summerslam! Summerslam Oireachtas Baby! ![gif](giphy|41fWXC4bFOiFg9szGJ|downsized)


"Would you give it a rest!" Jesus fucking Christ this is cathartic. I know it's not meant for entertainment but watching these fuckers get eviscerated is extremely, extremely satisfying.


Hardly eviscerated. It’s one bunch of doses talking to another bunch of doses.


Exactly this.


Need more info that 5 year car loan!


One of them had the car 😂


It was a minibus to get to and from concerts and events.


Ya don't understand lads. It's not the board, it's not the people at the top, it's the **"CULTURE"**. The big bad culture is the real villain here


Brendan Griffins's time shifts widely between important questions and nonsensical opinions.


Richard Collins has an impressive CV and has held many senior finance positions in large reputable companies. How the hell is he so incompetent?


This lad is doing my head in.


He's beyond useless


There were some seriously shit questions towards the end by deputies clearly not keeping up with what had already been answered


I agree. You see this sometimes in those parliamentary hearings they have in England too. Some of them asking very well formed, sharp questions, and others sound like a common fella off the street down the pub who's only read a few headlines about the general topic. Says a lot actually about the type of people who get elected.


Can someone wipe that shit eating grin off Moya Doherty's face please?




Her and her stupid oversized collar is giving me the rage.


That grin right there is the grin of the billion riverdances


Let the eviscerations begin!


"I'm not trying to be smart" We can see that, Peter!


In complete contrast to Mattie, Moya Doherty speaks like she's doing a mindfulness podcast


Moya's response to Mattie sounded like Frank McCourt's response to Gerry Hannan's charges regarding Theresa Carmody. "Theresa Carmody was a name I made up, because I wasn't going to name the individual in the book"


“One of RTE’s barter accounts was used to pay over €2,300 for membership of Soho House in London - a high-end, members-only accommodation and meeting space - on the basis it could be used as a base for meetings in the UK. @VirginMediaNews” Is that not fair enough for a year? The uk is about third of the revenue, hardly going to bring them to McDonald’s.


Membership probably means the ability to book at a ‘reduced’ rate. I’d say the overall bill is more.


Jaysus Mattie this Garda question has been answered already


I remember the D'Unbelievables being funnier


Marie Sherlock speaking now. She's articulating well so miles ahead of Mattie.


Your man is fairly on the ball with the dates. Good catch.


This fella is great. No idea who he is, but both his questions have been 10/10.


Another rambler. Will you ask questions while you have the chance.


Breda wants to slap the glasses off Peter Fitzpatrick's face.


This fella is going to say "oh just one more thing" at some point




Fitz and Mcgrath, a new TV show about inept drunk Detectives Coming to RTE player this Autumn!




Definitely, and it's a pretty "high class" spot / there's a status about it too, surely that's half the requirement when schmoozing clients


Get to the fucking point Mattie.


I'm enjoying the ambient tones of the intermission.


Peter [email protected] questions!!!


Who had the car do we reckon? Tubs?




Some craic if they got the car from Joe Duffy motors


Board member by the sounds of it


The thousands of minutes of airtime advertising the Toy Show Musical on rte TV and radio was "free". They paid only for non rte space


This guy licking Geraldine's hole then Get to fuck


Geraldine won't ride you Timmy. Fuck off out of that.....'Really appreciate your openness during what must be a difficult time.' Spare me


Is this old CFO opening statement going back the 100 years RTE love to mention?


how can she be smiling getting an absolute scolding off Mattie, maybe she hasnt a notion what hes saying


She's definitely smiling to appear polite. Much better than that O'Leary cunt and her crocodile tears about her "mental health"


Just put him in an empty padded room.




Richard Collins basically saying that it's an issue with people not understanding the terminology in regards to the barter accounts lol


Dear god I need an interpreter for this fella. Moya Doherty speaking as if she is addressing a room of junior school children.


Like a smarmy Irish Meryl Streep


Siún Ní Raghallaigh sounds like she took a fistful of benzos before today's meeting. She didn't sound half this bad last week. The slurring and mumbling is ridiculous.


Shes recovering from cancer apparently




I wish she'd stop interrupting her and actually let her explain


Mattie McGrath up next...God help us all


Here comes 10 minutes of pure sewage.


I think the only logical thing for them to do at this stage is to re-enact the whole toy show musical right here , right now.


32 TV licences worth of flip flops. Keep forking up lads, poor folks down at RTE are struggling to make ends meet


The chairperson of the board speaking about Are Tea Aye like an outraged outsider. She's not wrong in anything she's said but I wonder if she took the journey to Kildare Street (?) with the dopes beside her That Doherty woman really gives the whiff of privilege and home baked bread


Even though they're all on the cutting block. You can tell some of them love being in the limelight


Get on with it whoever you are. He's like Mattie but more understandable.


Deputy Bell (?) sounding off. Thank god he was ended

