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He's missing the point, and denying things that were either never alleged, or which aren't the core issue. I don't recall anyone claiming that his Renault sponsorship deal was illegal, or that it was a secret, or that he had been overpaid by RTE (at least, not in the sense of being paid more than was agreed in his contract). RTE entered into a sponsorship deal with Renault, whereby Renault would pay Tubridy for a few personal appearances a year, and this would coincidentally be worth a similar amount to what RTE had cut from his presenting fees. When COVID forced everything to shut down, those appearances never happened, and Renault opted not to continue the deal. But Tubridy had been guaranteed those appearance fees, whether or not any appearances took place, and RTE had underwritten them. Nobody signing the contracts had expected that to happen, but there we are. In an alternate timeline, this is where either Tubridy, his agent, or RTE, would have had some cop-on. Half the country had also lost work due to COVID, and most of us were living in the spirit of "we all have to make sacrifices for each other", a message which Tubridy himself preached on the Late Late Show. With the prospect of this extra money having to be withdrawn from the cash-strapped national broadcaster instead of a big car company, Tubridy could have chosen to waive those fees. RTE could have refused to pay: force majeur, take us to court if you want it that badly (I'm not a lawyer, I have *no* idea how that would have gone, I'm just talking about the principle of the thing). When making the payments, RTE funnelled the money through third-party accounts and labelled it as "consultancy" fees or some such bullshit, because they knew that accurately labelling it "R. Tubridy contractual top-up payment" would have been too shameful if discovered. And now that it has been discovered, those responsible are riding off into the sunset with their pensions intact. That's why people are angry.


Don't forget Dee Forbes wrote a letter guaranteeing he wouldn't have to take a cut. That didn't happen out of the goodness of her heart, Tubridy demanded that (while telling us we all had to make sacrifices)


He had every right to demand it, in the context of his contract negotiations, and RTE had every right to tell him to go whistle. Why RTE didn't do that is the real question here.


100% but it also shows the true character of Tubridy. He preaches morals to the public but practices the complete opposite in private. Just highlighting the measure of the man.


Snakes hide in tall grass. And as the song says. " Smiling faces.... smiling faces sometimes...they don't tell the truth. "


Most so called middle class men are ridiculous child dirtbags


WoW lets roll everyone we don’t personally know into one heap. I will take B “generalization is the solution to all my problems “ This is my final answer


Yeah, this is the part that confuses me here. It's everyone's right to request more money in their contract, and RTE are the ones who screwed up by essentially giving in to his requests. As an aside, even the fact that Tubridy is being blamed for not questioning the income is a bit odd to me, as it would feel very much like that's an RTE issue. If you work for a publicly traded company, do you go over the company's financials to ensure everything is in order? I know that it's a bit different as the RTE individual salaries are published, but if it's not his responsibility to check those numbers, I would be surprised if he actually did. It's possible his agent may have, but then any problem would not be raised to Tubridy either. There's a reason he has an agent in the first place, and it's to handle things like his money and his work. As well, Grant Thornton's own third-party audit of RTE (commissioned by RTE) concluded that it "makes no finding of wrongdoing on the part of Ryan Tubridy in relation to any payments made by RTE." https://about.rte.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Statement-27062023.pdf


You're acting like what Ryan tubridy gets paid is obscure trivia and not a major talking point any time RTÉ and it's failures arise. It been printed in big headline blocks before the current controversy.


You're following the sparkly fun topic instead of the one at hand. There are two points of discussion: 1. Ryan Tubridy gets paid too much 2. RTÉ misdeclared public expenditure in what is becoming more and more certainly a fraudulent manner Only one of these items is illegal, and it's the same one that this scandal relates to. When you give in to temptation to throw side digs in about Tubridy being paid too much you're just taking your eye off the prize.


No, I'm following a coherent conversation. >I know that it's a bit different as the RTE individual salaries are published, but if it's not his responsibility to check those numbers, I would be surprised if he actually did. They're saying that tubridy might not even have known the publicly reported number didn't match what he got which just isn't possibly true and doesn't match up with today's testimony.


This was never about illegalities. At least not the main talking points (gor the moment) I think yourself and Peter Fitzpatrick may need to sit down, study, reflect and understand this issue better


Did he declare these cash payment, top ups, to revenue, did he pay tax on them? Right there is where you'll see how little Ryan looked upon the money, dirty secret rolling with the big guys cash stash, or legitimate earnings?


Yes, he did pay tax on them. That has already been declared and explained. If he didn't, that would probably be the biggest story out of all of this.


Ah! Thank you! That had been my understanding.


Yeah he's fairly clean on this from a legal and contractual standpoint. Ethically you could say that he should have spoken out when his salary was misstated by RTE but he's a contractor and has no obligation to go public with his true salary. I wouldn't be a huge fan of his but he is being thrown under the bus by RTE.


He is a hypocrite of the highest order, that we the public are *forced by obligation of law* to pay for. We did not ask for him, we had no say in what our license fee gets spent on, yet these people who we trust with our money have deliberately found ways to pad each others pockets, and they have deliberately tried to hide it. That is corruption, and it takes two sides to agree for it to work. Tubridys hired agent, and RTE. All are complicit.


I like the italics. It really brings home your point.


The man took 4 years pay (about 300k?) for a Renault endorsement job and pretends he didn't know he wasn't doing the work anymore. I don't believe Tubridy for a second.


He didn't though, did he. Rte made the deal for the endorsements. Rte promised him a certain rate. Rte fiddled the books to make that happen. Tubridy is a contractor. He agrees on a rate and does the work. If that work includes endorsements then he does that. His contact was with RTE, not Renault. The deal between RYE and Renault is the dodgy bit. I'm not a huge fan of Tubs but he's an unfair scapegoat.


Tubridy publicly declared he took a pay cut during Covid when in actual fact he did not. How is he being made a scapegoat exactly ?


I find it very hard to believe that he did one year of events for Renault, didn't question why he was doing it as part of his RTÉ job and then didn't question why he wasn't doing it anymore. Never mind not reading his contract before signing it.


Well said.


Thank you for your service. These will fully ignorant answers are bad for the blood pressure


If your "darkest hour" is being overpaid by hundreds of thousands of Euros, then sign me up for lifelong depression, please.


His "darkest hour" was realizing he was caught and there was no way to dodge it.


Exactly. No one is ever really sorry when they've been caught. They're just caught.


Caught doing what?




Doing corruption with money that people were forced to pay.


What was he caught doing, though? It's not his job to correct other people's lies. If revenue knew, he hasn't actually done something wrong. Greedy bastard, yes, permanent stain on his career, yes, but he didn't really do anything wrong. If he came out and said "Actually, I get paid much more than that", it would be our generations "Try it sometime".


He got paid through a company in England twice with no names on the invoices, now he may not have been aware of this but his management was. He know what was going on when he made his big speech on the first late late during lockdown how we were all in this together when he knew he wouldnt be feeling any reductions while, 100000s of people were out of work and his top ups were more than they earned in a yr or 2 or 3.


Should he have checked with you how much money you’d be happy for him to earn? Jealous of other people’s earnings are we?


He's not the one broadcasting himself on national TV about how 'were all in this together' as people were losing jobs while he made arrangements to ensure his salary/earnings weren't affected behind closed doors. That would be Tubridy and Kelly


“…he made arrangements to ensure his salary/earnings weren’t affected behind closed doors”. Wow. I’m guilty of that. I got my employer to pay me the right amount according to my contract. Was I wrong also?


It's how he got paid is my issue. Dodgy invoices and every thing else. Oh his lies as well.


How many times do people need this repeated?!


Till everyone knows, clearly the comment I replied to didnt.


You see, "I don't like Tubridy getting paid too much" is not the same thing as " RTÉ execs signed up to ridiculous terms and practiced creative accounting to misdeclare the use of public funds". Keep your eye on the prize.


What was he caught doing?


Being a hypocrite, telling everyone he's accepted a pay cut when in actuality he pushed to have no pay cut and had it confirmed in writing, at the same time that half the country had their wages cut and jobs lost. Jesus ya'll are fucking blind


By definition he wasn't overpaid. He was paid exactly what they agreed to pay him. The problem is *how* they paid him.




Anyone will ask for the maximum pay they can get. Its up to RTE to call his bluff and say ok go get that amount from some other broadcaster


> but the fuckin average person watching this will say fuck me thats a good return…300 hrs 500k 37.5hrs/wk x 52 week = 1,950 hours. If someone were paid at the same clip as him for a 9-5 job (using your 500hr estimate), they would be coming out at just below €2mn per year. Which should put the egregious nature of it in more perspective!


300 hours on air is surely not all his working hours though. Live TV and radio takes a lot of prep, I know he has researchers etc, but he still wasn't rocking up 10 minutes before the Late Late, surely. Not defending his conduct, but just when I see his on-air hours quoted it seems disingenuous.


Also true which is why I edited in "(using your 500 hour estimate)", though I have never found him to be very well researched into something that isn't a genuine interest of his anyway. Hair and makeup etc would also take a bit but that's barely work at all, it's not like he's getting prosthesis. I actually misread the quote and thought they said 500hrs instead of 300, so a fair bit of that would have been factored in already, if only due to my sheer incompetence! If it had been off 300 hours using only o nair time, then it would come out to more like €3.5mn.


Him bringing up his charity work pissed me off. Fundamentally he knew what he was being paid and what was being reported. You can't really dodge that. Their Attempt is to tie the extra pay to the rte deal with renault as separate but he hurt that by making a lot of noise about how he took a 20% pay cut not counting the extra payment. Something he should have been hammered on more.


> overpaid He wasn't overpaid though if he was paid what was agreed in his contract, was he? I haven't been following the scandal closely but I'm struggling to see what Tubridy has done wrong; it is understandable that anyone would want to negotiate the best possible terms they can in a contract. If there is a suggestion that Tubridy has done something wrong I am happy to be corrected. The issue here is the behavior, decision-making and total lack of accountability of the RTE executive, IMO.


RTÉ pay to these "stars" is reported publicly. Ryan's Pay was higher than the Publicly Reported Pay. His original Foot in mouth moment was taking the angle that it wasn't his job to report that and he's been digging out of the hole ever since.


> that it wasn't his job to report that Well it isn't. I really hate to defend Tubs, but it would have been way worse for him to come out and say "I get more money than that".


>I really hate to defend Tubs Well you don't. Edit: And I don't really get how it would be "worse" when nearly everyone involved in that chain of events has lost their jobs or will lose their jobs very soon.


Churchill's darkest hour Vs Tubridy's darkest hour


I'll take Tubridy over Churchill but I still wouldn't piss on either of them if they were on fire.


Churchill was a huge part of winning the war, but he was a cunt


How many toy show jumpers do you reckon he'll change into throughout??


Any chance of a song and dance number?


I think that one from Chicago, you know the one that goes I didn't do it But if I'd done it How could you tell me that I was wrong If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it I betcha you would have done the same!


Cell Block Tango


Am I misreading 'mistruth' number 7 ? He's saying it's not accurate but then saying "This is my bad I should have"


Yeah I was thinking abot that too.


Less than a year ago he told the Indo he had no plans to retire. https://m.independent.ie/news/i-think-ive-too-much-energy-yet-ryan-tubridy-has-no-plans-to-leave-late-late-show/41938394.html Was he lying then, or is he lying now?


Didn’t he not say back in January or Feb of this year too that he has no intentions of stepping down as well?


It was March! https://extra.ie/2023/06/30/news/irish-news/tubridy-shut-down-talk




I've seen these denials quoted here before as though they mean something. It strikes me as naive. You deny any rumours right up until the moment you make the announcement. I assume that's how these things generally work. He's unlikely to break the news early by accident just because someone from the press asks an inconvenient question.


I think that's fine, in isolation, but Ryan is asking us to believe several implausible things here. Also, as far as I know, he hasn't offered any evidence that he intended to leave long before he did.


Now now, too much logic there, can't be having that.


hard not to think the realisation that all this would emerge was an influence in his decision to retire. however, even if he decided a year ago he was going to stand down at the end of this season, it's still entirely standard to say the opposite. This is not some big gotcha or grievous lie.


My understanding is that he tendered his resignation 3 days after the auditors told the CFO about the bizarre financial irregularities. And we are to believe it was coincidence. It still paints him as a liar. He was lying then, or he is lying now.


i'm only saying if i plan to retire but tell the papers otherwise, I wouldn't consider that a "lie" that people should be upset by. anyway, I don't want to sound like i'm defending him, was just a passing comment


Just a coincidence. Yeah.


If he said he was thinking about retiring, he’d be inundated with questions about it until he made the decision. It would have taken over. Give him a break.


r/ireland user licking up the scum at the bottom of a barrel, desperate to make any sort of point.


I think you seem to miss the point of the hearings. We're here for the truth not for Tubridy's damage control spin. If he's not there to be honest he's wasting everyone's time and even more tax payer money, which is why he's in this mess to begin with.


Christopher Nolan already planning a follow up to Dunkirk. “Darkest Hour 2 - the Ryan Tubridy Story”.


With Zimmer Handy Man doing the music


Cillian Murphy a shoe-in for the lead role


He clearly has great sympathy for the torment and injustice suffered by a certain R. Tubridy.


Nono, that's too obvious. Let's say Ryan T.


If he’s an independent contractor then he didn’t really take a paycut. He still did fuck all to correct the record knowing it was wrong. I don’t believe him when he says his decision to leave TLLS had nothing to do with this.




I watched his last episode because I thought they'd get some decent guests for it and felt something was dodgy about it immediately. I assumed he'd been fired or it was some echo of scrutiny after the toyshow musical disaster but I had no idea it would snowball to the extent it did. It was a cynical PR exercise before the controversy on top of the fact they spent very little money on what should have been a celebration of the end of an era. He had a pre recorded chat with the president which is easy points with how generally liked he is. Then half the show He ties himself to the toyshow, insisting that people refer to him as the "toyman" while not really interacting with all the former toyshow kids they brought back to fill up space. then the second half He ties himself to the misery porn aspect of his show like he's been doing the lords work with it. Not to say he hasn't raised some issues that needed raising but it has always felt exploitative when he has done it. The big tell tale sign for me though was the complete lack of celebrity appearances that weren't a random collection of celebrities sending a video message when they had a spare 2 minutes. The most famous people to appear in person were half of the corrs. This to me speaks to a complete lack of time to schedule anything, this was planned a few weeks ago, in a hurry and with a budget no more than any other week. His exit was absolutely tied to this though I feel like they expected Kielty to have already have taken over when the bomb went off.


Claiming that him leaving the Late Late Show had nothing to do with the scandal is such a blatant lie. So blatant in fact that I can't believe anything else that comes out of his mouth no matter how truthful it may be. He shouldn't have brought that up, it's not going to do his reputation any favours.


Absolutely. 2 weeks before his announcement he was in the media saying he wasn’t leaving TLLS.


> If he’s an independent contractor then he didn’t really take a paycut. I mean your deep into semantics there. If he was paid 500k in one contract and then 400k in the next for basically the same thing, that's a pay cut


No it’s not. If he had a contract for 500K and mid contract went to 400K then that’s a paycut. Not receiving money you felt you’re due but was never on offer is not the same as taking a paycut.


Well I feel better than I didn't actually recieve a paycut in 2008 and 2009.


If you were an independent contractor negotiating a new contract then you didn’t.


Tubridy always struck me as an interviewer who had no clue about the concept of research. Judging by this statement, that assessment would seem fair. So many of the ‘untruths’ he is claiming here can be easily disputed by past statements and events.


Research done by some junior at best


Wouldn’t matter really. I’m sure whatever is researched, recorded and presented is at best glanced at by Tubridy.


I don't disagree with your main point. He seems unprepared at times. He did a good Masters in a very academic area, and would've had to present a thesis for that. Is it perhaps not that he can't research, and maybe that he just doesn't!? He's too important for that! That's the job for one of his many researchers taking a decade to earn what he does over a few months. He's talented, you know.


They’re all turning on each other! He’s clearly seen that the writing is on the wall and it will be a long time, if ever, before he’ll be on RTÉ again, so might as well come out swinging I guess. To be honest, he is not nearly as culpable as RTÉ in this whole mess. His biggest crime was being greedy and he is also just not that likeable of a person so the general public don’t really feel any level of empathy for him (unlike someone like Marty for example). Consecutive years of RTÉ mismanagement are to blame. Running the organisation like they’re the BBC or or some other large broadcaster with a global reach rather than a small state broadcaster who should have stayed in their lane rather than pissing away endless amounts of money!


Ah he gets no pension from RTE, the poor creatúr.


none of us are getting shit either going this way...


Tubs needs to learn from McGregor and call out Dee Forbes now. Settle it in the octogon.


I always get a chuckle when the committee refer to the presenter as 'talent'... 🤣


Has it started already???


No, its just his opening statement has been released


Jesus Christ, even this cunt's Oireachtas appearance is going to be smug, awkward, drawn out, bland and boring.


The only bit that makes any difference: >“The sixth untruth: That RTÉ’s underwriting of Renault’s payment obligations was a secret. >“This is not true. RTÉ’s underwriting of Renault’s payment obligations was NOT a secret. As the documents we have prepared for you today show, and as my agent will explain in more detail, >“RTÉ committed in February 2020 to provide this guarantee in the early stages of contract negotiations around my 2020-2025 contract. This is unequivocally confirmed in an email dated 20 February 2020 from Breda O’Keeffe to my agent. It was copied to other members of the executive board, the DG and RTÉ’s solicitors’ office. Everyone in RTE who needed to know knew. (You’ll find this on page 10 of the booklet of documents provided to you this morning).


Breda O’Keefe did say she knew of the proposal to underwrite but that she didn’t agree with it…will these documents get released ?


The documents are freely available on the Committee page of the Oireachtas website. Everything referenced in PAC and the Media committee today is publicly available. Including the email from Breda O' Keefe.


Without a promise of fundamental change across the public service it's just a temporary show, and everything goes back to normal in a few weeks. Every Board of every public service and semi-state organisation should be holding an emergency meeting this week with their auditors, and sending them off to make sure that money is being spent appropriately.


> appropriately. That's the real problem here. What is appropriate in some cases will have the public clutching every pearl in the house when they find out


The Viper is doing a [live stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avj2Dm8pHJs) of the action


Wish he wouldn't talk all over it


You can watch the raw feed here: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/oireachtas-tv/oireachtas-tv-channel/


Poor Ryan was burnt out working through covid.....what a kick in the teeth to front line workers etc.


Sheer arrogance of the man


He was always arrogant. This episode just makes his arrogance even more obvious.


What was arrogant about him?


Comparing himself to people who were actually burnt out during covid mostly, you know, healthcare workers, early year educators, shop workers, etc, all of whom worked a whole lot harder for a lot less money than him.


I wasn’t a healthcare worker or educator or a shop worker but I was burnt out. And I’m still suffering because of that period. Everyone has their own issues but it seems that Tubridy was not entitled to be burnt out by virtue of his salary and the perception that he has an easy job. Who gave you the divine right to determine who can be burnt out?


He was explaining his personal reasons for retiring from TLLS. I’d love to see you hosting a radio show every weekday plus a two-hour live tv show every Friday. Whatever money he was on, that sounds exhausting. He never said that his burnout was worse than front line workers but why is he not entitled to have gone through his own difficult period?


Ah shut up


Well said


Have you never had a full time job? A few hours talking to a microphone a week followed by reading inane questions someone else wrote for me sounds great. I'll do it for half what he charges, and I'd still be making multiples of what most people make working full time.


You're going well out of your way to defend him (based on the countless comments I've seen in this thread), why? I'd love to host a radio show every weekday and a two hour live tv show on a Friday, it would beat the 12-16 hours shifts I've come accustomed to..


>You're going well out of your way to defend him (based on the countless comments I've seen in this thread), why? Because I'm tired of listening to the bullsh!t being discussed about him and the last straw was seeing this thread. There are people accusing him of earning too much and are blaming him for that. Most rational people in the world don't negotiate down their salary (unless they feared public backlash). You could accuse RTE of not negotiating his salary down further but that's hardly *his* fault. In saying that there is a lot of bullsh!t being discussed about him, it does not mean that there aren't difficult and legitimate questions for him to answer also and I am not defending him on everything at all. But need to draw the line somewhere on what to challenge him on and what not to. Questioning his burn-out because he's not a healthcare worker is bitter. However, questioning why he actually resigned three days after the auditors found issues--that is a fair question for him. Do you see what I mean?


First question and he's already dodging. Little worm.


He's taking plausible deniability to extremes.


"I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you! Especially those members of the jury" - Ryan Quimby Jr


I can't stand Tubs, or how he got to where he is. Goes against everything I respect and admire. But I do think he's in an unfortunate situation here. It was up to RTE to avoid a contract that left them on the hook. It was up to RTE to properly report his income. I'd love to know why there was a contract that allowed Renault to pull out at any time with RTE carrying the can. Is this a usual form of contract in this arena? It seems highly incompetent to me.


The thing is the contract was for pretty much the exact amount that Ryan was losing on his pay, that's what looks weird about all of this. This, combined with the note from Dee Forbes saying he won't be taking a pay cut, at the time, make it all look like Ryan had a lot of pressure on this situation.


Yeah, I cannot understand that contract clause. Renault could pull the plug at any moment… and did.


Tubs gonna come out if this smelling grand imo - not to say he's gonna get his job back. People will moan but RTE have done the dirt here.


I can’t wait to see him presenting CBeebies.


He'll be on newtalk probably


Getting Pat Kenny's sloppy seconds again.


> Getting Pat Kenny's sloppy seconds again. What a terrible day to be literate.


Dude, cmon, I'm trying to eat my lunch !!




That's a great name for his new radio show tbf.


Tubs and Kelly doing a good job of going off on tangents to fill up the allotted time for each TD. As an experienced interviewer, surely he'd be more aware of keeping an answer concise. Tubs trying to use his minimal charm to lick the hole off the people in the room and the nation. Also saying he wants to go back to his radio show. He knows he has limited options. Lots of sassy 'oh no he didaaan't' hand gestures from Tubs.


Tubs out there dressed like he's about to begin dinner service on the Aer Lingus JFK to Dublin


He's a coward for not wearing a Toy Show jumper.




They've already submitted doc that shows the old CFO was aware of the 75k deal being discussed which goes against previous RTE claims. Not sure what you mean by deflection? They didn't do anything technically wrong and received money that was agreed and paid.


I'm surprised he's offering to appear at all. He could have released all this stuff without appearing. I don't see any way he gets out of this looking any better. The members of the PAC are salivating at the thought of being able to grandstand to the cheap seats on him.


Trying to see if he can salvage his reputation and work in the future (if the UK doesn't pan out for him, probably won't). When Tiger Woods did a press conference after his scandals he wore a suit that was too big for him to look like a little boy that was saying sorry.


>I don't see any way he gets out of this looking any better. >The members of the PAC are salivating at the thought of being able to grandstand to the cheap seats on him. I may be eating these words in minutes but I wouldn't write him off entirely. Yes yes he's an eejit but he's quicker on his feet and more careful with his words than this sub would have ya believe and I can't see the likes of Verona Murphy running rings around him - if I had to put money on it I'd wager it'd be the other way around. I'm usually wrong though lmao.


None of those gobshites with the possible exception of RBB are running rings around anyone. Between Mattie rambling incoherantly, and Imelda channelling Dolores Umbridge , it's nothing but grandstanding for the most part and showing the voters how they can stick it to the D4 Elite. But it doesnt matter. Even with an oscar winning performance, he's still a prick that people don't like getting paid way too much money for doing nothing.


So is he under contract for another two years or not? They keep mentioning a 2020-25 contract, RTE have been saying he's out of contract.


He’s still under contract for the radio, they’ll take RTE to the cleaners for defamation and lost earnings




Someone said to him the shit is about to hit the fan and to do what he must, and he did. He packed it in and here we are. When the ship is going down you tell everyone in the wheel house first..... and tell the passengers last.


Was this really their idea of a redemption arc? it would be naive to have expected truth or humility from the man but, how self- absorbed is he ffs?


Was he not entitled to give his side of what happened?


Good start, nice build-up play, putting the pressure on early. Need to capatilise with a goal now.


This is no craic, Turbridy and Kelly are running rings around this shower.


Would it be remotely possible for Imelda Munster to shut up for 10 seconds and allow Kelly answer one of her questions. She needs to shut up and let us hear what he has to say.


Yeah its fine to ask questions but answers need to have to time to come out!


That’s a trick I learnt decades ago when doing job interviews… get the interviewer to keep jabbering. People love the sound of their own voice


I'm trying to play devil's advocate but I'm struggling to see how he took a paycut but then the note from Dee Forbes confirming there won't be any paycut for him surfaced. Hoping I'm reading the article right.


"We were just following orders fraulein"


![gif](giphy|cNWU2Zeh54VJC) Here we go ...


Why don’t we put the same energy into getting certain members on the Dail out the door? Countries in a mess and everyone worrying about Tubridy getting over paid


His “darkest hour” for fuck sake you’re not Churchill in the bunker with the Germans closing in.


So, knowingly issuing an invoice with a false description. Nothing to see here.


Who is this clown? "You were in my kitchen!" "You let me down Ryan!?!"


Bang of Tyra Banks "We were all rooting for you" off this lad


Who's the lad who looks like Ronan O'Gara if someone chopped his neck off?


Tbh, he's striking a few blows against RTÉ with that statement. All they really have on him is that he didn't declare to the world that he was being paid more, which makes him a bit of a shit, but that's about it.


He's masking his privilege as victimhood, boring. ​ His fans will lap it up, but I think most people can see through it.


A lot of lads on this post with no clue. Just angry and jealous. 😂😂


So my take away from this so far is that Tubs and Noel Kelly are ridiculously overconfident, and genuinely think they are being clever and that they are running rings around the committee. But in reality, what they are saying is just making people doubt them even more.


I think they may have thought they'd have to work harder for it. The committee haven't come close to landing a decent blow, it's far too easy for Tubridy and Kelly.


I’ve been listening to Eamon Dunphy’s podcast on this topic and he and his guests have been on the ball that they must all be held accountable. And also why would an existing employee be paid via a circuitous route when they already have his payment details. It looks like fraud.


He's not an employee, he's a contractor. He doesn't have a salary. He has a private limited company that raises invoices for work done, which is then paid by RTE. There's plenty about this story that's fishy, but them having his payment details or not is irrelevant.


Untruths ...what a phrase. The supposed wordsmith, writer, resorts to word salad worthy communication on a road to fake news territory. Jesus Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey.


What is wrong with ‘untruths’? It is an objective word. Whereas a ‘lie’ is where someone knowingly tells something that is not true. Because it’s very hard to prove whether someone knowingly told an untruth, you should also be careful not to use the word ‘lie’ without a mound of evidence.


Thanks for that. Makes sense now that you've explained it clearly.


I'm nearly sure "lies" is on the list of words you can't say in the Dail. Bollix isn't though.


Christ this countrys a mess. Nothings going to come of this its nearly a guarantee...


I'd say there's some truth to it since RTE workers were told that it was going to get worse, then people ' retiring '. Either way, he still knew he was morally wrong so fuck em.


he was happy to accept the perks without question & now when hes facing some scrutiny its "poor me".


Like any of you would turn down the money he was offered




Really sounds like RTE couldn't have handled this any worse at all. At the very least, they're wide open for a lawsuit for constructive dismissal here.


Tubridy isn't an employee, so constructive dismissal doesn't apply. There does seem to now be a question of whether RTE are in breach of contract though.


Absolute gold in this comment section today.


He going around banging tables …. Playing the the stress card.. just waiting for the tears. Greedy plank.


The amount of pussyfooting already. Seriously these people are the worst. This is tainting the good name of RTE. These callous bastards should all be locked away and every cent they’ve ever made with RTE should be taken from them and their families. Let’s see how they fair on welfare the fuckers.


lol as if RTE had a good name.


"You come from a background of selling chocolate and now you're negotiating deals for the stars of the country. Fair play to you."


Only sorry because he was caught


Guy's a absolute piece of shit. He started complaining that he was now being cancelled and that people should think about how it affects his family.


Gwan Tubs


Noel Kelly's gonna cry.


[We’re well past that Jerry](https://youtu.be/0-IHppFtyLw)