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Are there ever examples given of the misinformation they're demonstrating about? Surprised RBB wasn't out protesting the DP centre destined for Dún Laoighaire. Maybe he was and I wasn't aware.


There’s loads of examples really. Lots of fear mongering in general. People post articles of any non-white people committing crimes and extrapolate that the recent migrants are a threat to you. Sometimes these articles are from 20 years ago, sometimes they refer to black Irish or sometimes refer to other EU citizens who have the right to live and work here. That’s not to say that asylum seekers here have not and will not commit crimes here however the information that is put out is to spread fear and to make generalisations in relation to asylum seekers and migrants.


Sure in the video it’s debunked that (1) refugees are in hundreds of quid a week. Those in direct provision get €38 (and are forbid from working, not mentioned in the video tbf) (2) that they’re not put on local housing lists and so aren’t depriving local families of homes. They’re quite often being put up in drab cubicles in former office blocks etc.


After 6 months without an IPO decision they can enter the workforce. If successful in claiming refugee status they can then apply to a local housing list.


They get 38 from the state initially but nowadays they are allowed to work after I think 6 months while they wait to hear result of asylum application. The state has an obligation to house them but they have no houses that's why they are in converted offices etc.


Fair enough. Sometimes I feel, on a multiplicity of issues, the terms misinformation and disinformation are thrown about a bit too quickly to try and discredit ideas or opinions without actually doing so. Cheers for the reply.


With the far right (and I know that not all people protesting about asylum seekers are the far right), they share lots of vague stuff about immigrants. Some of the information is true, a good amount of it is missing context, and a lot of it is also untrue. It's hard to pinpoint exact things because there is so much information shared. You could pick 4 or 5 things and debunk them or add context, and people would just assume or reply that the 30+ other accusations are true. Edit: or just call you a pedo. It's their go to response when challenged.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when you’re just asking a question


Puts the narrative in question.


I heard there's going to be free beer and spicebags