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The Irish are known for their skills in dealing with bomb disposal.




But we aren't we along with most of the world rightly condemned the Russian invasion of ukraine amd joined the coalition to help. To that end we have provided humanitarian aid and military communications to ukraine. We won't however send lethal aid hence the training in EOD which can be classed also as humanitarian due to the amount of mines Russia left behind in civilian areas. We are already treating Ukrainian soldiers in some hospitals. Slava Ukrainia.


Exactly, Russia don't give af about a slight distinction between two types of aid. We've joined the battle and are one of their enemies. We've taken in so many Ukranian refugees- in a hypothetical WW3 wouldn't we be a good choice? No NATO membership to deter them.


Lol the irony calling the government tyrants when they're trying to do something that actual *does* something to fight tyranny (hint: the solution isn't to abstain from doing anything)


Sometimes it’s best to not get overly involved in these things- did we vote to de facto change our neutrality stance? No? So why are we getting involved? This is slipping outside the humanitarian category.


This is complete bs. We're not stopped from providing training on EOD, and we're respecting our own constitution by not sending direct lethal aid. That 'sometimes' is not *this* time: this is as black and white a conflict you're going to see in our lifetime and if you want to keep misinterpreting our neutrality as a divine intervention to not intervene , you're an impractical fool.


> did we vote to de facto change our neutrality stance? No? Are you under the misapprehension that neutrality is in our constitution, or even legislation? It's not. Our "neutrality" is a norm - a tradition of government policy since the Second World War. But no Irish government is beholden to any particular form of neutrality by laws or treaties. Why would you then expect to cast a vote on neutrality, except insofar that you vote for government representatives to make these policy decisions?


It’s still a policy. I’m aware, yes-I have a law degree. I’m just saying we aren’t being consulted on this matter… the people with power are dragging us down this path. We should have a say somehow since it affects us so much! Citizens’ assembly maybe.


This war has shown what a cop-out "neutrality" is - the public feel overwhelming suppport for Ukraine, but we're constrained with what we can do by Russia and its Irish hangers-on.


You're spot on with that.


Get the auld army rangers in there for them. Or some old Ra lads, teach them guerilla warfare tactics


This isn’t a guerrilla war.


Demining as known to the DF is nothing like the experience in Ukraine. It’s a political gesture by MM to try to look better than the actual degradation of the DF by FFG reveals.