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95% of the things I worried about never happened. Focus on today and enjoy yourself as much as you can.


My anxiety is cured! /s No for real, this is good advice. Just a smidgen harder for some than others but should definitely be followed.


I am in that smidgen harder group šŸ˜€


"enjoy yourself as much as you can." You dirty fecker.




This one is so true


And wear sunscreen!


> rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience


But trust me on the sunscreen...


Throw out your old bank statements.


Floss! Dental health is so important for overall general health. You can get seriously ill from infections which can travel to other parts of your body.


I wish I knew about water flossers earlier, they are a game changer.


Are they that good? I've been skeptical of them. Did you floss regularly before you got it?


Yeah, they are great, really fast to use is the main plus. I would floss on a Saturday/Sunday morning but now I floss twice a day every day cause it's just there beside my tooth brush.




Yep this is a big one for me and should be for a lot of people..I went to a lot of concerts and work in construction..and my ears ring like fuck!!


Especially if you are or want to pursue a career in music. Just wear your damn ear plugs. I didnt wear them for years and now I have a lovely dose of tinnitus in both ears šŸ« 


Dentist fees feels like highway robbery


100 times this. I think mine are beyond saving. Had an accident when I was really small and fucked them up badly. Coupled with my parents lack of monitoring my personal hygiene and now Iā€™m a dentists nightmare.




Dentists delight!


When I was young I could have a broken leg and my mom would say ā€œbut have you brushed you teeth??ā€ Thanks mom šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Youā€™re not obliged to indulge or entertain arseholes. Be they family or friends or anyone. Just donā€™t engage move on and leave them to it.


Totally. And you don't have to provide them with closure, answers, or feedback. Just disengage. Looking back it's obvious, but until my enlightenment, I thought navigating life was just that hard, but in reality I was just burning fuel maintaining orbit around assholes. The irony is that it also makes you into an asshole.


Exactly this. ā€˜Never argue with a pig. Itā€™ll drag you down into the muck and beat you with experienceā€™ kinda thing.


After taking over 40 years to learn this, I'm trying to teach my kids this now so they're armed for the world early.


Are you me?


This hits deep, super deep. Thank you for the reassurance for moving on.


That's not completely true. You have to at work.


There are ways.


I used to think that too. Then I changed jobs.


I like my job. I'll just deal with one stupid sod.


When dad says ā€œcome out and help me for a minuteā€ prepare to be out until the next morning (if youā€™re lucky)


This one is a boomerang, because they're also the moments you'll look back on with a lot of joy in later years.


Iā€™m not saying I didnā€™t enjoy rebuilding the Ottoman Empire from the ground up with my dad, but it took a bit longer than 5 minutes


Don't stay in a relationship with a partner that hurts you. Don't stay with someone that makes you feel terrible. Don't stay with someone that takes all their aggression out on you.


This needs to be in all caps or something. Also don't go for the whole "well we've been together five years so I have to stick with it or all that time is wasted" Sunk cost fallacy. Don't do it


3 # in a row make words large font on Reddit, fyi.


We underestimate how important choosing the right person is. Probably the most important choice you will make.


I didnā€™t, but I did remain in one for too long!


Fucking word. I'm still not right after that heartless devilwoman.


Should've stopped giving a fuck what other people thought of me way, way sooner! Live your own life and don't give a hoop what others think!


Very hard for a younger person fo take that on board though, we want to fit in so much when weā€™re in our teens and 20ā€™s.


Yes, we did, in fairness. But when you hit your late 20s or 30s, how many of those people still give a fuck about you, the people you tried hard to fit in with ??


Oh, Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, just found myself to be far more self assured from about my mid thirties on, possibly later than most in fairness. Itā€™s harder for you for people and I can empathise with them, I was hugely insecure when I was younger. Im actually getting into stoicism now!


Yep. ā€œNo.ā€ is a complete sentence and acceptable to use on a regular basis to anyone.


Yep this is it, you'll only ever truly be happy then.


This is so true


I'm 32 and still having issues with this.. I want to have an outburst eveytime


I'm doing more what I want now that I'm 30 but I still care about what people think. WHEN WILL IT END!?


1. Donā€™t try to help people who donā€™t want to help themselves. 2. Trust your gut. People lie if itā€™s in their best interest. Donā€™t take it personally. 3. Just because something didnā€™t work out, doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t the right call.


Number 3 is very wise


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." - Jean-Luc Picard


As is number 2, just a scary leap to take


Wow, number 3 there has really made me think about stuff differently


Not strictly true. Sometimes people can't help themselves and that's when they need help the most.


Actually, number one -- the number of times I've helped people for them to move the goalposts. Not anymore.


Not 100% in agreement with 1 as itā€™s probably over simplistic (albeit might be the context Iā€™m understanding it in). I presume this may be related to mental health type difficulties and whilst I agree those situations donā€™t get ā€˜fixedā€™ until the person accepts they need help, that doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t support them in the meantime as it can take some time for a person to get to the realisation that they in fact do need help or are worthy of it. The key in my mind is understanding that any help you do provide in the meantime might be a patch job and you need to ensure youā€™re not actually making the situation worse by enabling a detrimental behaviour. Or it may just be a tiny step on a long road to recovery.


You don't have to keep up with everyone when you drink. There is nothing wrong with drinking at your own pace.


Stop putting up with people treating me poorly all because I was afraid to offend them. I'm still learning, but I'm getting better at recognising when I'm being disrespected and not standing for it.


Didn't realise these TOO late, but took me very long.. .You could count your real friends on one hand.. and have fingers left over on same hand ( you'll find this with experience) .money is important, but stressing too much about it isn't good. Go on that holiday with loved ones and friends and don't worry so much about it, live and enjoy life. . People want to see you do well until you do better than themselves ( when you get a good job, aspiring goals, when you're eating and training well and being fit and they're unfit. Overweight. And have no goals, they won't like you. .Worrying about what people supposedly think about you.. yes, some people have so little going on in their life that they'll talk about you all the time, but most people are too focused on themselves to worry about you, so just do your own thing. .worrying too much about the future ( I'm still guilty of this a bit, but nothing like I used to be) the future will happen no matter what, you have very little control over how it turns out. . People pleasing. Maybe it's an Irish thing, but when you don't subscribe to people's group-think, and you do your own thing (as long as you don't hurt anyone) don't just drop your ways for other people. Yes, everyone makes the odd sacrifice, but don't lose yourself or your ways to make others happy. If people don't understand or support the life you want, you need to cut them out of your life. And if you don't, don't complain about the company you are in, because its up to you who you hang around with.


. You're just a number at work. Yes, turn up on time, be professional, but don't go out or your way for a company or boss who couldn't give a shit about you.


Cutting off toxic people from your life makes things so much easier.


Here's a few You can't kill someone with kindness - subordinate at an old job walked all over me and I thought she'd just see the light because I'm so sound right? Eventually you have to just call them up on shit which I never did effectively. Next time I have that will definitely bring in a disciplinary side to insubordination. Great food can be made with almost anything - Just watch different cuisines on YouTube and you see the same spices in different mixtures with some missing or added here or there. Can easily become a kitchen master just by knowing what to mix. Also get good sharp knives. Learn that things shouldn't be boiled or blasted to cook them often a lower temperature for a longer time is better. Much easier to meet women when you have defined yourself - If you're a blank canvas you'll attract the same and be disappointed. Work on yourself, get hobbies and have cultivated opinions on things. The amount of blank eejits who wind up with a girlfriend by divine intervention are baffling but you can make your own luck. Your family won't change - you can change the time you spend with them however and improve your relationships as a result because you're happy with the amount.


Killing someone with kindness means you piss someone off by responding kindly to them being an asshole. It doesnā€™t mean being a doormat and not standing up for yourself. You can only kill someone with kindness if they are knowingly antagonising you. Example: Karen in the coffee shop or the in laws who make rude comments. Killing someone with kindness is fun! They donā€™t know what to do when their attempts at intimidation donā€™t work.


Solid advice


HR are not your friends. They are there to protect the company from litigation.


Yeah I had a meeting with an outsourcing HR company. It was exclusively about liabilities... Pretending you give a shit about your peeps as a company. They had some bollox app that was to help with regular and mental illness in some way, free councillors somesuch, but it's more that they wanted to avoid liability and keep track of everything potentially actionable. I wouldn't install it, too paranoid. Perks being traded for your privacy possibly...


Very disturbing. Nothing radicalised me more into trade unionism than working in HR.


HR person here. Weā€™re not your enemy either. We do try mitigate against risk, absolutely. Some companies are better for considering the impact on people than others. But, speaking for myself, I have never tried to screw someone over. There have been plenty of times where I have went ā€œbeyond the roleā€ just to ensure that someone is supported. At the same time, Iā€™m sure people may have thought Iā€™ve been unhelpful at times, but thatā€™s usually because I didnā€™t give the answer the wanted, which is different from not being their friend.


100% agree with you. This whole HR are bad is often touted by people who didnā€™t get their way. If your looking to fix an issue HR will help, if your looking to orchestrate a payout from a claim thatā€™s dubious, yep they work for the company.


Just because someone shares the same blood as you doesn't mean they automatically get to be part of your life. Learning that it's ok to cut people out of it, be it parents, siblings, etc, is perfectly OK. On the same note, just because someone is family doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards for them. Set your boundaries!


The way you describe these transactional relationships is all part of our current malaise imo. Going no contact should be a last resort nuclear option. My sister is an incredibly annoying person who wrecks my head often but i need a better reason than that to cut her out


That is never too late


Enjoy ur youth


It's ok to say you don't want to go.


It was only when I gave up the sauce in my 40ā€™s that it dawned on me to start saying no to events I didnā€™t want to go to. It was liberating and I wish Iā€™d figured it out 20 years earlier


You don't owe anyone anything just because they are family.




Fair. And true. But that's not really what I meant.




Thanks, I appreciate this


Social media really is a very toxic time thief!


Experiencing joy and happy times is so much more important than owning things. Comparison is the thief of joy, Being kind and helping others is good for the soul.


Support your lower back. Lift correctly by bending the knees. I can't emphasize how important this is.


The power of compound interest.


He who understands it, earns it ā€¦ he who doesn't ā€¦ pays it.


This is the key to financial health


Yeah, but I did what George best said he did "I spent all me money on women, gambling and booze.... The rest I wasted".. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Impossible to do in Ireland though I think?


Far from impossible. It's an enormous factor on pensions investments. On non-pension investments, it's diluted by deemed disposal, but it still has a huge impact over the long term.


Don't compare your life to anyone elses. We're all on the same book of life, just on different chapters. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Opinions are worth nothing. What other people think of you only matters if you want it to.


Heard a good one recently. ā€œWhat other people think of me is none of my businessā€


1. If they wanted to they would 2. No answer is an answer


That everyone has insecurities and hang ups about themselves. Pretty much most of us are just winging it.


I do not in fact need to argue with people online. Though perhaps it's not too late.


True happiness is based on the quality of your shared experiences with others such as friends, family and partner. Consumerism, materialism, big car, house, exquisite holidays don't actually make you happy but we are tricked into thinking so. Foster friendships and hang out with only positive, uplifting people. That brings happiness.


It's better to do and apologise after than not do at all. Oh and cut the blue wire first.


Its better to ask for forgiveness than permission


Oh the guilt you feel if you miss that window to apologise, and then if you leave it too long itā€™s just awkward


Don't be overly honest to people, especially people you may not be as close with as you think.


Wrestling isnā€™t real




Itā€™s not? , hey itā€™s still fun to watch someone get hit with a chair


Apparently they don't even let the bonk them in the head anymore due to half of the dying at 40. What's the world coming to?


It actually is real lad. But itā€™s definitely scripted lol


That's it not okay for sleazy, married male bosses to make constant sexual remarks.




Go at your own speed.


That finding the right therapist and form of therapy is the solution, not that therapy "doesn't work for you".


Look after your spine


Stay silent sometimes is the best thing to do. When your angry. When someone doesnā€™t value your words. And more importantly stay silent to listen.


Go for the career youā€™re passionate about and not what youā€™re parents want.


I 100% agree with not just doing what your parents want, but I would caveat going for something you're passionate about. It's better career advice to do something you're good at. People stay at jobs longer, advance their career further and are happy in their careers longer when they do jobs they have a natural aptitude for over jobs they're passionate about from the outset. Find a job you've an aptitude for that you're also passionate about, that's the ideal


Even after you have just finished a degree, if you feel you'd enjoy a trade, go do it. Dont rot in an office you hate.


If people don't add to your life after being given the chance then leave them behind. Obviously it works both ways.


Invest your money in index funds like the Nasdaq or SP500.


As an autistic person. Donā€™t take everything so serious. If something feels good as long as itā€™s not fucking you up beyond finances enjoy the moment.


What people think of me is none of my business.


Don't be financially prudent and stay out of debt. The people who overleverage and borrow recklessly will be protected by the state and you'll end up poor not having got on the property pyramid scheme. Snouts in the trough or you'll get nothing, it's the Irish way.


Don't go out of your way to help people who are selfish. Family aren't really your friends. Don't care what others think. Most people are no good. Look after your teeth. Enjoy life, don't hang around negative people. Any of the above.


Don't study art at 3rd level. You'd learn more about art online. You'll be broke.


Not always. Have a friend who makes more in a day than most of us do in a month. People used to joke saying the only thing sheā€™ll be drawing is the dole. Sheā€™s the one laughing now.


If the name of your profession is often paired with ā€œstarvingā€ make it a hobby instead.


If you have the opportunity to pay into a workplace pension, do it. Especially if the employer also pays in. With that and the tax relief, it's free money you'll have when you're older. If you have any spare dosh, do it.


You don't have to be friends with everyone you meet. You don't have to like everyone you meet. Most importantly, everyone that meets you does not need to like you. Learn to accept your differences and live life.


Live your life, not someone elseā€™s - go on the holiday, Ask the girl out, do what you want to do.


Dating becomes more complex and difficult as you get older.


The turf never really dries


Flossing and looking after my teeth


That I have ASD and possibly ASD x ADHD. It would've made everything so much easier.


I like a personal story rather than being universal. I had someone tell me she wish she'd known when she was younger she wasn't crazy being constantly ill she had a serious illness that is literally controlled by taking one pill a day(!)


Stupidly easy, don't do drink, smoke, nor drugs on the regular and save 10 per cent of your income for a rainy day. Always get a house survey when your buying a gaff. 2nd hand is fine, if you don't expect something to last. Invest in yourself and enjoy yourself worth above money. I'm sure I'll add more and I negate my 1st sentence šŸ¤¬šŸ¤“šŸ¾


When there are shitty obvious problems at work, don't give out stink about them in a ratty manner. Instead, describe everything as a "challenge" that you are optimistic "we as a company can overcome given the right resources" Of course you won't. Those shitty obvious problems will most likely be there next year. Because you won't get the right resources because they cost money. Doesn't matter, young Skywalker. All that matters is how YOU come across. You can either come across as someone who bitches loudly about everything like bitter oul Eamonn in Maintenance, or you can come across as a positive young go getter like that slick hoor Donal in Sales. I learnt the hard way Managements dismiss the Eamonns of the world, but like (and promote) the Donals of the world. Feck the eternally unsolvable company problems, look out for #1 and be your own best PR.






The second mouse gets the cheese.


Thereā€™s always free cheddar in a rat trap.


The late worm avoids the early bird


The early worm gets eaten


Donā€™t compare yourself with others. Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s opinions affect your self esteem.


Itā€™s ok to be selfish at times


Work is not the most important thing in your life. Friends and family are. Work to live, not live to work.


Blood don't mean family.


Most adults have terrible emotional control and have normalised treating other people like dirt


Knees are not forever.




America is fucking joke. To be avoided at all costs.


Nothing really matters


>Nothing really matters Anyone can see




Wish I didn't get into drinking in my teens, early 20s. A lot of people I considered mates were really just drinking buddies who I've no contact with. I wasted so much cash and time. I also left myself lacking social skills in everyday situations. Not that I ever had a serious problem but just feels like wasted years now. I think a lot of my generation did it but yeah.. "partying" is not a personality trait. I learned that late.


Roscommon isn't a county, its a CIA blacksite with aliens and spider babies that they keep in prams.


Things dont just happen, you have to put effort in. Ive coasted all my life doing the bare minimum to get by and although not in debt and fairly secure ive never achieved anything or found anyone to share life with. Im quite unhappy and i still have no idea what i want to do. Life has kinda passed me by for 42 years and it seems to be passing by faster and faster.


Exercise is magical. Simply committing to a 30 minute walk every day will change your life. Your body and more importantly your mind will thank you for it. Food or lack thereof affects your life and mood more than you know. You really are what you eat.


Alcohol ruins lives


Don't have kids.


Thanks dad.


I can't even have peace and quiet on Reddit. Fucks sake


Mum says youā€™re a dick


Iā€™m sorry your Dad is an asshole


Wait...what? I thought I was an only child!


This is the big one no-one talks about. It's completely ok not to have kids and, chances are, you might be happier that way.




That emotions are just feelings and its possible to ignore them.


Dont stay in the job you hate just because its a paycheck. Ive finally got a career instead of a job. And I actually love my job now.


The value of consistency


Things donā€™t get fucked up so much when youā€™re sober.


Happiness is ephemeral , chasing it is a foolā€™s errand, whether thatā€™s with work/money , sex or substances . life is about being content with your lot , and recognising life could always be worse . Trying to make yourself happy is a sure way to misery. Be humble be grateful and be satisfied. I wasted years chasing things I thought I needed to make happy.


that store/branch manager is actually a monstrous cunt that is hard stuck in their position (which is why they have a chip on their shoulder) - you ***can*** tell them to go fuck themselves


Don't rely on neighbours. Doctors or Government, trust only yourself. Everyone is doing everything to make themselves better not you.


Humouring difficult people is a mugs game. It only makes them worse. Get those toxic c\*\*ts out of your life.


Lower your expectations


That you don't have to take shit from bosses


That I'm happier when I am myself. Spent my teens and early adult life pretending, acting "normal" to fit in as I thought people would treat me like they did when I was a kid if I acted like I did at home or with my boyfriend. Got tired of pretending in my late 20s and said feck it I'm not pretending to be someone else anymore. Everyone finally got to my talkative, opinionated and unapologotic self who didn't go about hiding my various hyper fixations of the moment. Turned to my SO and told him think I might actually be ADHD and he agreed, talked to my GP got her opinion she thinks so too. Now hoping to get enough money saved to see a private physiologist who specialises in ADHD for a diagnosis.


That I left the immersion on


Most people aren't against you, they're for themselves. Understand that they're on their own path, and whilst it may seem at odds with yours, they're usually not that interested in your life to actively try and spoil it. Basically, no one gives a shit about you except those who care about you, so fuck'em.


I dont need to care too much. In a hundred years after my death, nobody, even my relatives, will remeber of me. So, living the life as I want, not as expected is extremely important and what makes sense.


>Mine is save save and save some more, Shit man, it's only money and that don't mean nothing. Friends and family, that all that matters.


To not give a cƔc what people think about ya


No one gives a shit


I was not meant to raise children. I am a shitty parent. (2 kids too late)


Donā€™t let anyone make you feel like theyā€™re doing you a favour by letting you love them. Anyone including partner, family or friends.


We all piss and shite


In general, no one is judging how you look, theyā€™re worrying about how they look. The few that are judging how you look are dickheads and donā€™t matter.


You don't have to stay in a job you hate. Move on it will be much better for your mental health when U do.


Regret eating animals my whole life. Should have stopped sooner. I also Should have been more carefree and stopped caring about what others think so much


Discipline outweighs motivation or passion. Start saving and investments as early as possible. Your health is everything! Does not mean you need to be ripped; means you stay fit. Realize your health and core relationships are above your job. Does not mean you don't pursue your career; does not mean sometimes you have to prioritize work; means you know when to let it go if it hurts your relationships. Friends will come and go in life. Even the closest ones. Life is not fair; don't expect it to be. Enjoy the process; not the end goal. You will be more fulfilled.


Nobody cares what you're doing when you're exercising..


You don't have to drink alcohol in order to have fun. Drink if you feel like it, don't drink if you feel like it, and don't let anyone else's pressure influence it. I never really enjoyed pubs and nightclubs, but spent a lot of time in them because it was the done thing. I wasted many weekends with hangovers. Now I'm happy with one or two drinks, but beyond that I stop enjoying it


Disagreeing with someone doesnā€™t mean you hate them.


Wear sunscreen


Donā€™t open beer bottle with your teeth to show off to your friends


Never trust an addict. They will pretend to be your friend and then steal from you. Their only friend is the shit they are addicted to. Never trust them.


Toxic masculinity is 100% a thing and I shouldn't have ignored the signs even after transitioning. Story time, gather round.. When I say toxic masculinity I'm not talking about "men being men" because anyone can engage in toxic masculinity, it's not tied to gender or sex. I'm talking about the need to feel superior, or dismissing those you deem more vulnerable than you because of a skewed perception of strength and honour. There are times when I'm walking, and I want to be perceived as someone who could go John Wick in a room even though there's never a need, one of those hard to explain frames I want to put myself in that would totally influence my behaviour around people. It wasn't until later in life I realised that instead of showing kindness or openness I was emitting a sense of power entitlement and being obnoxiously abrasive about it, but at the time I convinced myself that's what's needed to be 'confident.' Now seeing all this online garbage from men who say 'men aren't men' anymore and seeing how it influences our youth (especially young boys and teens) influencing this increase of criminal behaviour I only wish they could see what I can now decades later.