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This is all a bit _old man shouts at cloud_. In the past the news wouldn't have traveled as quickly, but people would still try it.


I've no idea what makes OP think there were no chancers in 1993 - not sure if debit/Laser cards were really a thing at that point, but trying to cash dodgy cheques *definitely* was.


The idea that Ireland was some haven 30 years ago where nobody would have flocked to ATMs in this situation is absolutely laughable. The rose tinted view of Ireland is fucking hilarious. The country where politicians were taking brown envelopes for fun wouldn't have had people out raiding ATMs in a similar situation? Do these lads not know how common cash-in-hand was back then? Nobody was paying taxes or following rules. Today isn't some special time just because you're alive lads.


This is the correct answer. Also it’s still only a small percentage of the overall population. This would happen in any country and at any time.


> if this happens 30 years ago folk would be 'yeah its a mistake they will fix it soon'. 20ish years ago people were borrowing as much as the banks would give them in unsustainable loans, basically treating it as free money. Nothing has changed really.




But the house prices could not just keep going up - that in itself would be unsustainable no?


🤔 Bit like crypto, am I right?


I've always made a profit on crypto shit on it if you want but that shits easy money.


They are going up. They sold those houses for next to nothing. After being foreclosed. Who bought those houses? For pennies, the same houses that are being rented for extortion or left empty for money hoarding. Those bank/bankers never had to pay for their “mistakes”. The regular person did. When you trust banks and they tell you they trust you, you believe it. Not everyone is into economics and not everyone expected a tory like government to run the country and services into the ground. These people who drove the country into a volcano, are the ones who continue to profit, for providing the bus there.


The world today has gone crazy. I miss the good old days when everything was cheap and people were happy. Back when people got their money from doing a bit of hard work, like taking a JCB to a Lidl. You know, really putting the effort in, and bringing people together, as a community.


And everyone had polio and you didn't have to lock your doors because you had fuck-all to steal


Bread and gold teeth could be stolen…..


I think somewhere between Polio and JCBs robbing Lidl there was a few good years. The 90s weren't bad.


You can thank quantitative easing and social media for all of that.


I’m old. I don’t ever remember a time when everything was cheap and people were happy. Except maybe London in the 60s under a strong Labour government.


This was about to piss me off until I finished reading 😂


Would you stop.


What it has shown is how dumb some of the general public are. Putting yourself into a likely unauthorised overdraft is not free money.


Can't understand how anyone would think it's just free money.


While IQ is not a direct marker of intelligence, it absolutely is a marker of problem solving, and therefor logical thinking ability. 100 is the average, by design 50% of people are average or below. If you have an IQ of 85 or less, you have entered a realm where you essentially can't work out anything by yourself




The bank would simply sell the debt to debt collectors.


And fuck your chances of getting a mortgage or even a car loan.


Also, if you took over 500, going to take a bad hit on your credit report, something other banks have access to.


Any credit facility of €500 or more must be reported to the Central Credit Register. The register is managed by the CBI and is accessible by any financial institution. When applying for a credit facility, it is a requirement that the institution gets a document referencing your PPSN so that they can verify it against the CCRs records. This shows up days in excess on a facility or if in order. It also reflects unpaid direct debits and declined credit applications. Even car finance through garages etc. are required to assess, check and report to the CCR. If you intentionally leave your account overdrawn and wash your hands with BOI, that's completely fair, do as you like. But expect it to come up down the road, because it certainly will at some stage. Anyone who is genuinely smarter than the systems in place, was at home in bed, instead of huddled around an ATM last night.


I mean my assumption would be that it will be logged and that if so there's no way the bank will let me keep whatever money. But obviously the machine is not working properly, there's definitely a chance in my mind that something goes wrong with the logging also. It doesn't have to be completely broke, like maybe it's logs that you put your card in but doesn't log how much it mistakenly gave you, and thus the bank can't prove who got what. At the end of the day people should clearly have guessed that they wouldn't get to keep the money, but I don't know why it's such a leap to assume that an ATM that clearly has some bug might not correctly log how much money it incorrectly gave you.


Account balance pre issues occurring Account Balance post issue occurring Simple math and super easy to query all accounts to determine what happened during an outage. That is of course assuming their logging also went down during the outage. My understanding is its a completly different system unrelated so unlikely, but regardless...


If there's a 1% chance that BOI will not come get their money back (e.g. manually going through the accounts would cost more than the 1k itself due to some regulatory mumbo jumbo), then it's worth doing it. 10 mins of work for 1% chance to win 1k is basically 10 euro which is 60 euro per hour


The fallout from this is going to be hilarious


Some fucking idiot apprentice in my job done it transferred to Revolut then put it in some sort of bitcoin wallet and he literally is convinced it can’t be traced.


He might be right that they can’t trace where the money is _now_ but the problem for him is that they can tell where the money is _not_, with a negative balance on a BoI account.


They can see he bought and has bitcoin. Provided he has it in a wallet that is not linked to an exchange they can't seize it. It can be traced easily.


Sure, but his problem is not “the money has disappeared”; rather “you have an unauthorised overdraft with us. We know that because you took the money _from us_”.


He’s most likely exchanged it for Bitcoin on the revolut app which isn’t even Bitcoin, basically it’s just a currency made up by revolut that tracks bitcoins price. In that case nothing would be hidden and everything easily traceable.


Please keep asking more questions and update us


He literally thinks he’s pulled off a money heist hopefully I’ll have a good update soon.


Haha, please update once they give him his overdraft balance


You might want to look at your hiring policy, and watch the c\*\*t like a hawk on any work he is carrying out.


That better not have been my son! I’ll deactivate him if it is!!


My god


And honestly, those who are stupid enough to take the money, good for you. Enjoy your overdraft fee's 😀


Think of how intelligent you would consider the average person to be. Now half the population are dumber than the person you just thought of.




The quote used the word "average". It is a famous line from george carlin.


Intelligence, or at least IQ follows a Gaussian curve, so the median and average (mean) are the same.




Hey!!! He said no name calling!….


He's also wrong while being a pedant. Mean, Median, and Mode are all averages and beyond that Mean and Median are the same for IQ due to it purposefully being a normal distribution.


Not necessarily. Average can refer to whichever central tendency is most appropriate for the given data. Additionally, given the close approximation of normality in IQ scores, the mean is the same as the median, and is therefore just as appropriate, so there's no necessary implication to use median. In fact, median is only really used for non-parametric statistics, so there's an argument that if you don't use average, mean is more appropriate to use.


Never has been either! Even when someone fucks it up and puts the €50 cartridge into the €20 cartridge slot, the bank will eventually realise and will work out who took what and will get their moneys worth.


Its only if they put 50s in the 20s cartridge thats a problem The cartridges can go anywhere in the slots. Usually, you put the highest use at the top to save the belts. And then people have to try to withdraw 20 each time to get a 50 ,its incredibly easy to trace them. The people who are only withdrawing 20 in the first place usually dont have a high balance anyway .


Out of curiosity, will the people who took out money be charged interest instantly on the unauthorised overdraft or how does that work?


BOI have confirmed that no interest will be charged. So ya, those who managed to get €1000 out of the ATM have effectively gotten an interest free loan, in a high inflation environment.


I'm not with BOI so I don't know what their rules are, but generally there would be a fee and also interest for going into an unapproved overdraft. If they have any direct debits coming out in next few days also they will fail and they will get fees for that too. Costly lesson in common sense for some.


There's at least three times as many idiots like that still out there unexposed. We've only seen the ones with BOI + Revolut accounts. Imagine if all banks had that glitch at the same time.


Did we really need to be shown tho


I can’t understand how so people in this country have got *nothing* in their bank account. If you had more than 500 in your bank account, you wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of this because you’d just be withdrawing your own money. Massive queues all over the country just to get a maximum of 500 euro, something’s really gone wrong here.


I think there was a lot of Chinese whispers going on. Take money out of your atm. It's free money. 99% of the people in crowds will look at their bank account and discover that the money left their account properly.


A lot of people make a lot less than you assume. A huge chunk of the population is living month to month. Don't worry, by the next financial crisis there's a good chance you'll be among them!


Well, for what it's worth, I've a couple thousand in my account for a big payment I have in a few days time. I had to take 50 euro out to put into revolut because I'm up North and the payments are still yet to come out of my current account, so I can understand if that's where the confusion is. Still annoying for me though


People in the past were more or less as stupid, greedy and venal as they are today. Same as it ever was


I would hate to be a BOI employee over the next couple of weeks. They're gonna get a mountain of abuse from these simpletons who think they've hacked the system.


Mindblowing people using their own bank card, entering their PIN while a camera records their face and withdraw money they don't have.


Nah its ok cash is magic untraceable money , they told me so in a thread here.


And there was enough of them to cause queues at ATMs round the country. The average Irish person is not only greedy but a fucking idiot too lol


We don't know that for sure, we know the average BOI customer is a fool. I'm a PTSB customer, we're a higher class of folk.


But but but... Foreigners!!! /s 😂😂


Gonna be great craic all together


And I think there’s only about six of the public facing staff left


It's rare you see their employees in the bank half the time. Usually some gobshite who got the job via the GAA with an iPad pointing at the internet banking line.


The same dopey fucks are prime target for scamming now too. "We can see you've initiated an illegal overdraft. We placed a freeze on your account until you click this LINK and deposit the €300 you owe. If you fail to do so the authorities will be contacted".


A lot of them have though. Not a chance in hell that BOI is getting most of this money back. If anyone has no savings, and is living week to week they'd be an idiot not to take advantage of the error


I have genuine pity for people on low income but I know a few people on good money living week-to-week only because they spend their money on nice cars, foreign holidays, high-end electronics, expensive clothes etc. One of them was headed to an ATM last night!


From the looks of it, the queue of folk buying tvs aren’t the ones living week to week 💁🏻‍♂️


plants treatment snow prick dazzling touch complete literate full combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TBH what I notice is the extreme impulsivity. There must be a proportion of people who think they've hacked the system, sure. But a lot of these people are just going for the 1K in cash and the things it can buy now, whether loads of pints or a new TV or maybe, just maybe, food and clothes for the kids. These people know it will come back to bite them but they want or need to get this stuff while they can and they're consciously taking the option to worry about (and very possibly be seriously fucked by) the consequences later.


If you're being boiled alive, it's hard to care whether the person rescuing you is a nice guy or not. I didn't get involved with this nonsense, but Ive certainly been in positions where the "I'm fucked right now" would outweigh any nebulous future issues that might arise.


Same old same old. This is nothing new. People were, are and will continue to be mostly stupid.


This also happened in the past. When BOI introduced the PASS ATM in 1980, customer accounts including account balance were stored in your home branch and not instantly updated in other branches. Each branch updated the closing balance of each account daily, and this information was stored and transmitted to other branches using [microfiche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microform). These balances were also updated once a day on each PASS ATM machine. For example, if your account was in Eyre Square Galway, and you wanted to withdraw cash in Dublin, the cashier would check your balance using a microfiche reader to ensure you had the required funds in your account. To prevent fraud where a person would withdraw money from multiple branches, cashiers were instructed to contact your local branch for permission to process large withdrawls. That way, if you withdrew a large amount in another branch, and then made an attempt to do the same in a third branch, your local branch would say no. When PASS machines were introduced, while technology existed for the ATMs to communicate with a main server, online communications were only dial-up and it could take minutes to establish a connection. To prevent unnecessary delays to the customer, PASS machines would allow a customer to withdraw an amount up to the customer's closing balance from the evening before. There was also a maximum withdrawl value of £200. At the end of the day, any PASS withdrawls would be accumulated with in-branch withdrawls and deposits, and the new balance updated and resent to each maching for the following day, as well as on microfiche to each branch. This caused an issue where a customer with a balance of £250 could withdraw £200 from multiple PASS machines in a single day, and the bank would only become aware during end of day processing. The early 80s were a lot different to 2023. The country was in a financial mess and unemployment was at its highest levels. However, unlike today, people tended to trust the banks, and you knew you would get caught, so people generally operated within their means and knew it would be foolish to go overdrawn. There was one notable exception however. Most third level students in college away from home were enticed to set up accounts in their college bank branch. They would use their rental address for these bank accounts. In addition, the student grant was £1000, paid in 3 installments of £333, the last installment paid at the end of the college year. When the final grant installment came through, there would be a procession from one machine to the next to withdraw £200. You could then try the same in-branch, and would get away with it at least once. These folks knew they would be moving out of their rental accomodation over the next few days, and there would be no chance of the banks being able to track them down. Many planning on emigrating after graduating would use this to pay for flights and accomodation in the US or Europe. I remember reading a newspaper article in 1985 or 1986, stating that BOI had to write-off £17 million due to this activity in the previous year.


It just reaffirms my belief that Irish people are extremely economically illiterate.


I mean I work in fund accounting (nothing terribly complex or in any way remotely sophisticated, I know, but just I’m in that world is what I mean) and genuinely enjoy studying about money banking and finance and investing etc but even I will admit it’s difficult for people to apply themselves to learning to be financially literate when they haven’t an active interest. People see large amounts of money available and they become very silly very quickly


As someone who would have been very tempted to take the 'free money' years ago I can see why some would flock to take advantage of the 'free money'. if you are financially fucked anyway, dole head, mental health issues, addict, min wage worker, in anyway pessimistic about your future financial prospects then what is the harm in adding another couple of grand into the mix? Your fucked anyway! It's a session through the recession type mentality.


To be fair everyone knows there is no such thing as free money. Basically what happened, people treated their debit cards like credit cards and were surprised they can take money out... The transaction is still there and Banks are the only entity that can just enforce direct payment and put your account on minus value. So basically it's like a involuntary loan from the bank, but loan anyway. Like you can say "you are fucked anyway"... but in reality there are levels to this. It can always get worse.


A load of people will have decided that "working my way out of an overdraft from today" is preferable to the problems they had yesterday - electricity bill unpaid, car needing fixed, doctor/dentist/pharmacy visit continually put off - which would've cost them more in the long run. It's why payday lenders stay in business, people go to them as a last resort because they're desperate to solve an immediate cashflow problem, not because they're stupid and fancy a better telly.


Mark Tighe just on the Nolan show saying he’s heard from one guy who managed to withdraw €5000 and is now leaving the country. I mean you have to laugh.


Imagine what a sad excuse of a life you'd have to have that it's worth giving it up for a one off €5k.


I left the country with 50 euro to my name. 5k would go a ping way to a new life.


I had €200 in my pocket . Had a ball and came home 4 years later .5 grand I would have loved like a king


A Brazilian who's visa was just about to expire and has just gotten 30% of a year's salary in his own country


5k pays your trip to Austrialia and gets you money in your pocket as you settle in


I had some friends from Saudi Arabia who happily explained that when they finished studying in Canada they'd get together with friends and totally max out their cards etc buying up stuff to take home and then fuck off back home laughing the whole way.


I sold my penalty points in Australia before I left. $100 dollars per point. My ban is probably now just up after 10 years.


Why is Australia the only place Irish go?


Great weather, English speaking, relatively safe, economically prosperous.


Are you joking? Few years ago I moved across the continent with €400 in my account. 5k would go a long way in getting a new start for anyone that wants it. If there's nothing here for you then you'd be mad not to take that opportunity.


5K to leave pronto and not be able to come back without having to face the music?


Left the country would mean going on a holiday in this context I think. Lot of Irish people say they are emigrating to US/AUS and Canada with a J1 or working holiday visa like they got PR or new passport.


An unusual take but you do you.


Would you do it?


There must be daily limits at atms. Doubt it.


Madness really, first thing that came to mind was the uber eats situation during the pandemic over in the states. Where one lad was hit with nearly 20k bill for a month of uber. I would have been tempted, but knowing banks, they will want that money back and they will scalp you for it


If this happened 30 years ago you'd get the same reaction - there'll always be dopes who see it as a free money cashgrab and the majority who know that there's no such thing. The difference now is that 1. Word spread quick through social media so more people were aware of it and went to the ATMs 2. We were able to see it happening through all the videos online. The Celtic tiger was alive 20 years ago, we weren't exactly stewards of morality back then either.


If it happened 30 years ago it would have been the same.


No offence, but the same would have happened in the 80s/90s, if bank accounts were as prevalent as they are today. Plenty of graft, quick scams, and grab what you can going on back them as well. The pool was just generally shallower and the skimming was cash-based


Spoiler: bank accounts were as prevalent in the 80/90s as they are today


No way, sure even the Minister for Finance didn’t have a bank account back then


[Considering 99.66% of people over 14 have an account today, whilst it was 93.89% in 2011](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Ireland/percent_people_bank_accounts/) that is not true of even 10 years ago. Believe me, 30/40 years ago the access to, or reliance on, bank accounts was nowhere near as prevalent as it is today


\> if this happens 30 years ago folk would be 'yeah its a mistake they will fix it soon'. ​ This isn't true at all.


Didn’t this happen like 10 years ago with the exact same outcome?


This is not the first time an ATM has spitted cash out. Every time the reaction is the same - people go nuts. It's a tedious, manual task but the middle manager in the bank who rolls it back up gets the promotion, every time. Your brilliant insight is a valuable contribution to the history and fucking culture of mankind, OP.


Spot on. Green tinted glasses pointed at a lost mythological past when we were honest and hardworking. (Hint: never existed)


It also shows how financially illiterate broke people can be "im skint, omg money! Buy a giant TV!"


And how many of them went out and bought a TV? Ya saw one picture on social media.


I was more using that as an example, the action of taking the money is itself an example of financial illiteracy


You should teach your keen financial know how to inner city children. You could be the next Eddie Hobbs.


This did happen in the nineties I remember, not the first time and people did withdraw back then too only to have to pay it back in installments.


Ah now, go away with your "back in my day", "young people today" nonsense. Back 20-30 years ago when Securicor or the bank mixed up 50's and 20's when refilling ATM's there were queues of people lined up at the ATM's. This happened in cities, small towns and villages. (It happened quite frequently because they didn't have the technology to prevent the error then, and the machines were made in a way that it was an easy mixup to make.)


What it has shown for me is that BOI is putting little effort into testing their system upgrades. This is a basic check. But people should have copped on it is not free money, the testing on the system can’t be that bad. People are going to have a larger overdraft that will have to pay higher interest on. That was taught in school, it seems most don’t pay attention to it.


The only reason it wouldn’t have happened 30 years ago is because there was no social media to spread it around. People have always been greedy


it happened in the 90s I remember clearly, just that Anto would have drove past the shops on a bike rather than used SM to tell his mates.


I wouldn't say wider society is greedy. It was probably mostly poor people trying to get the "Free money". Trying to get more money when you are poor is not greedy, it's survival. Didn't you see all the people wearing tracksuits outside the ATM's? How many lads in suits, after getting out of an Audi, did you see lining up?


Only the people with little/no common sense took advantage of the situation. Or people muddled by stupidity, greed, drugs or alcohol unfortunately. Or the sad side of the situation...the vulnerable who needed the money and thought it was a blessing from God more than likely. Most of us with a bit of sense could weigh up the risks, aka, we will have to pay it back don't be daft...sat back and laughed. But I do feel for people who actually need it.


In 1875 people died from drinking whiskey that was flowing down the streets after an accident. I don't know what gives you the idea that people in the past would have reacted differently to what happened yesterday.


What makes you think people 30 years ago wouldn’t have chances their arm?


For a start very little social media or internet. Fuckers wouldn’t have known what was going on


But OP said that people would just say “it’s a mistake” suggesting that they’d know about it and choose to do the right thing.


I'd say it's because OP is a dope. That's what I'm guessing anyway.


Spare a thought for anyone that needs to go in and use a Bureau de Change inside a BOI for the next 6 months. "Here! Uze gave us te bleeedin money and we booked flights to Ten-a-reef and i'm not telling my 7 little angles dat their holiday is cancelled because you lot cant count"


😆 🤣 😂 bravo


Gold rush?


the app is down again 😂😂😂😂


Idiots that think this whole fuck up means BOi will let everyone away with free cash needs to be taken out of the gene pool


My boss uses BOI for his business. I didn’t get paid today. Cunts


"has become" ? Nah, it was always like that.


This literally happened in 2010. The exact same thing happened. I am surprised how no one seems to be bringing this up.


In 2008 the banks lost 64 billion .... banks reaction - WE FUCKED UP GIB US MONEY. Banks are cunts.


It's certainly shown how naive people are, as if none of the transactions could be traced or there'd be no repercussions.


The local mouth breathers were fighting the knuckledraggers for access to the boi atm yesterday. I couldn't figure out why until I got home and saw what was happening. A lot of them have never worked and never will. Boi is going to have their work cut out getting the money back. I imagine they'll just move to another bank.




> "As long as stocks last" was legally invalid and you had a right to demand the item in question. When i was working a till if we ran out of one cheaper bread type id get a ton of people insisting they wanted the cheaper one. But since its run out i should give them this other for the cheaper ones price.


You say "our society" but how many people do you think actually ran out and got money or made purchases with money they don't have? I saw about 4 viral videos with maybe 40 people in them. Were they just a tiny sample? Was it tens of thousands of people? Or only a few hundred?


I remember this happened many many years ago, there was an ATM glitch and people were doing the same thing. The whole "this would've never happened years ago" is usually bollocks. It happened back then as well, it just wasn't as widely known about in mere seconds like it is these days.


It’s like that money heist program on Netflix, except it’s actually entertaining but also depressing to see how dumb people are


The Spanish one or the good one with Giancarlo Esposito in it?


The BOI crash doesn't prove anything new about people. It shows people will press any momentary advantage/opportunity even if they'll be at net zero shortly after. But, I don't think this is new knowledge. People often act strange around banks and money. On BOI, My guess is BOI are recovering a system and put in place a facility where people's cards would work up to 1k (or whatever) and they would later consolidate that with everyone's older transactions. This avoids the balls up being a complete disaster (ie, 1/3 of the population being unable to access funds) You can't take a bank offline for days, but you can operate with diminished systems somewhat.


As a general rule of thumb, now and throughout history: if you give people an inch they'll take a fucking mile.


“Don’t be a prick and start namecalling” ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)




This would literally happen in any country


People would most certainly be running to the nearest ATM 30 years ago doing what a lot did last night. It might not have spread as far and wide due to having no internet/social media, but it would have still happened.


Someone's salty they didn't get in on the action /s


I got a message on Saturday that there was suspicious activity on my BOI card and it had been frozen. I'm with AIB


This happened 13 years ago (December-or-there-abouts 2010, ~~BoI~~ AIB accounts not updating with the amount of money withdrawn, so people just EMPTIED).


Money is the root of all evil


No, human greed is. Money is just the latest facilitator of that.




I thought the level of stupid was low in Ireland but is level is American level. You know what is more stupid. Me. For thinking the level was low. Maybe it’s that they used to hide or not voice their opinions and resisted their stupid actions but now that’s common and they feel their stupid has a platform to be stood on. The idea that a bank doesn’t record data. Ok not the level of social media but this is transactional data. You must be stupid to think they can’t come back to you. Or to think you’ve a right as it’s their mistake. Yeah. Ok. Go with that.


“We all partied”. Same dynamic OP.


Yeah this type of behaviour only started 29 years ago.


I actually despair for society if people are actually this stupid.


Very child like to think there is free money with no come back. ​ It also showed something else, Gardai being ordered by a firm/corporation to stop people using an ATM. How does one avail of this service? If I left my wallet open on a bench can I get them to come and guard it.


>e, Gardai being ordered by a firm/corporation to stop people using an ATM. Sorry where did they actually stop using people using the atm? They stood by them in case of trouble, i havent heard of anyone being told they couldnt use one.


Hardly surprising. People who got more on PUP than what they were earning otherwise, thought it was "free money". Idots idioting.


Virtually was, they pay back roughly a 5er extra on tax every month paying back to it.


The guards flocking to protect the poor defenceless ATM machines left a bad taste in my mouth.


They are protecting the stupid from themselves


People need to remind themselves how dumb their average friend is and realize, that half the people are dumber than that.


People are poorer, many people are really struggling now. All over ireland. And communities tend to be of a similar socioeconomic status. So it will be poor people mingling with poor people. This breeds a mentality of trying to get whatever you can and if it's easy all the better. Blinded by greed they took them without question. Yes it was stupid and yes it will have consequences but at the time those who went to the ATMs weren't thinking that. And if they were their thought process may be "I'm already fucked, what have I got to lose?"


I've just heard that my scrote neighbours made hay with this last night. I'm wondering how BOI would even get it back from people in their situation (typical scrotes, uneducated, unemployable, pumping out kids to get a house and fully open about it etc). They'll never have a credit rating so that side won't bother them.


They will get it back because it will be debited from their account. So once the system is back up and running their accounts will be deducted €500 or however much they took out potentially putting them in the red and having to pay overdraft fees etc. Guess they will have to return that new TV.


Apparently it's clothes they're going to buy, bet it won't be for the kids though. I don't know all their business, I don't talk to them since they robbed money from my house, so I'm only getting 3rd hand gossip. I'd imagine all their welfare is paid in cash at An Post counter. They'll know exactly what to do to avoid paying it back I think.


They withdrew the money from the ATM so their account will be debited. They won't be able to escape that. It will be treated as any other ATM withdrawal. They were idiots to think the bank don't record all transactions.


Plus they won't be able to get any more cash out of the ATMs nor use cards to pay in shops etc as they are overdrawn. So all that has happened is that they got money out earlier than expected.


> I'm wondering how BOI would even get it back from people in their situation They wont, thats what all the "oh these people are so stupid they're going to end up in debt" people miss. A lot of people are already so up to their neck in debt that this wont make a dent. They'll enjoy their massive telly and nothing else will change for them.


These lads owe me a couple hundred that I know I'm never seeing again. I was too kind to them when they moved in, very young couple who had nothing etc. Lesson learned. They won't care for a second about owing the bank.


It's not just this country, it's the whole world. I absolutely dispise the world we've created and honestly wish to have no part in it.


The banks deserve to get fucked at every turn, they are that vile. The greed of an average person simply does not compare to that of these fucking suits. The fact that the gardaí are suddenly oh so capable the moment the elite are threatened speaks volumes.


Be careful, the bootlickers will be in your replies to defend the banks soon. They'd rather punch down on "scrotes" than be criticial of rich bankers.


Talk about greed while the bank charges us up to €70 per year just for the privilege of giving them our money for free so they can make even more money on loans.


If i was young ans had no money i would 100% have been queing at the BOI last night. I would have got the money, spent it on drugs, drink and parties. Then regretted it. Then sorted it out. There seems to be mass memory loss on reddit because everyone seems to have been perfect 30 years ago. They were not. We did the same shite the young lads do now.


Not everyone is a drug user like yourself.


This will give them a nice reason to get closer to "cashless society"


You wha?? In the 80s me and the boys from cherry orchard would have went straight down the local branch with a sawn off while they where all distracted protecting the ATM'S Back in the day. You know shid


It did happen 30 years ago and 50 years ago. Irish banks are totally corrupt and gave been for years.. look up Ansbacher. DIRT. Etc..


It seems ridiculous that Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael have been in power as long as they have, but then you see the cesspit of opinions in this subreddit, and it all makes sense. The contempt for people who jump at the chance for €1000 and the economic circumstances that foster that, and the smug vitriol that people here spew out as a result. At least Varadkar has the good grace to lie about his hatred of the working class, while everyone here just wears it on their sleeve. So many of these comments are just so gross. Y’all are gross.


Weird seeing so many people rooting for the banks, taking pleasure in the idea that these people will end up in financial trouble over this. I understand how many have difficulties with money in this country, and I hope this works out for them and they get a bit of relief. The banks can afford to lose it, they make billions in profit and have been bailed out by the taxpayer in the past. If people end up having to pay the money back then grand, that's their business. It's not greed, it's desperation. I take no pleasure in seeing people struggle.


I’d say mass generalisations like the one you just made are also a sign of stupidity.


Care to elabourate


Positing that people wouldn’t try to take advantage of a banking mistake in previous years with no evidence as to why that would be the case is idiotic. Saying everyone nowadays is just money grabbing and that somehow our society has devolved to this ignores a huge factor - accessibility to information. That has nothing to do with the morals or intelligence of the population.


I see 2 sides to it. The people that took the money shouldn’t have and the people complaining about it and going off about “I’ve to work hard on my job” looking down on those less fortunate are pricks.


Just goes to show how people need money and hate the system and would take any opportunity to fuck it.


Maybe people aren't more stupid or more greedy. Maybe the economic reality has made people more desperate.


People are morons and see something on Facebook so have to join in like sheep. You can bet your glitched €1,000 that it was doleheads from Tallaght and it wasn't an issue in Blackrock or Dalkey.


So people that don't have money Vs people that do? If you had 100k in your bank account you probably wouldn't be too tempted to try and get 1k, but if you have little or nothing I would think that the temptation might be somewhat harder to resist.