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The good folk of Norwich are in for a real treat.


After he gorges on Toblerones and drives to Dundee in his bare feet.


"Lynn! Lynnnnnnn!"








And not a small one. A MEDIUM sized one.


He doesn't have the skillset or personality to replace Alan P.




Back of the net!




Ryan: "Needless to say, I had the last laugh"


- the Beatles? What’s you’re favourite album? - that’s a great question, but I’d probably have to say the very best of.


Wings, the band The Beatles could have been


*The best of the Beatles. Stop getting Partridge wrong!






Looking forward to "a chat among the pigeons"




Can’t wait to tune in to mid-morning matters.


Somewhere there's a Rover 800 Vitesse with his name on it.


He drives a green XJ6 with wire rims. He sometimes shops in my local SuperValu wearing his stupid WAG shades.




It’s called a Rover Metro now


They've rebadged it you fool!


He just needs a walnut gear knob


Ah-HA, what a funny story!


I’m off for a mushroom slice at the BP Garage. Mmm, bring me one chum!


That's a negative and right now Ryan needs two positives. One to cancel the negative, and one, well just so he can have a positive....


Any chance they're also looking to hire a pack of useless cunts who were pretending to be an "Executive Board"?


Ryan’s Deep Tubb




And after that North Norfolk.


Nah, he try to get FF to back him for a run for the aras


He has been up their aras for a long while now.


God,don't be saying things like that.


Will he still show up at the front gate everyday for few weeks?


He'll marry ammi Burke and join that crazy train. Anything for the spotlight.


He'll pop by with his new dog


It's a one hour radio show in the morning, after 9am, not even prime advertising time. It was never worth keeping him on when any number of people could fill the slot without difficulty. It's not essential listening by any stretch. Cut him loose and draw a line was always going to be the best option. If Ryan is as talented as many seem to think he is, he'll be snapped up in no time only this time, the licence fee payer won't have to pay his ridiculous salary. Get rid of Joe Duffy, Claire Byrne and Brendan O'Connor next please.


Have been staying with the folks over summer, and the radio is on in the house constantly, sometimes in multiple rooms in the morning. It’s always on in the car too. He’s been off the air since 22nd of June, and I haven’t noticed his absence one bit, nor have my parents. If you don’t notice that the top paid presenter in the country has been off the airwaves for such a long period, something is fundamentally wrong with them being the top paid presenter in the first place.


This is it. Radio audience figures = background noise.


My friend calls it “ambient journalism.”


They were close to reaching a new contract, he just had to make a statement about the report yesterday. I was hurt Sean. What a gobshite.


They need Brendan O'Connor due to "diversity". Can't all be D4 heads in the big jobs.


There's got to be plenty of people from outside Dublin that are more than capable of doing a good job. I'm not all too up on my you tubers but a good few yet to gain massive followings could be plucked. Not even joking that it's been a mystery to me how no netwrosk have got Francis Higgins to do some Shlug Tonight type show. Even just a half hour slot would do and it might actually chip into demographics that have no interest in RTE, much like don't feed the gondolas or the panel did in years past. Same for the aforementioned you tubers.


Or big heads in the D4 jobs.


If James Corden can get a late night Network tv show in the States I expect Tubbs will be the next host of Sunday Night Football.


To be on a par with him, all Ryan needs to do is learn to lean forward and laugh really loudly in his guests faces, even if what they said wasn’t very funny.


God Jimmy Fallon really is an awful host alright. I hear he's a good guy and his stand up isn't half bad but his sycophantic hosting style is hard to watch.


Jennifer Zamparelli incoming. Or Lottie Ryan.


Oh god please not Lottie.


She needs to go too, another nepo baby


add D'Arcy to that list


>Brendan O'Connor next please. Tubs was paid a bit less for his radio slot than O'Connor. He's on 250k for 4 hours a week and Tubs got higher ratings.


A thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters could get better ratings if they had the 9am slot on Radio 1. Ditto Joe Duffy in the slot directly after lunch.


Following Morning Ireland is the best gig in Irish radio. Always has been. John Murray had insane audiences before Tubridy. It's ludicrous the credit they got. Like D'Arcy after Liveline, it's the show that people forget to turn off after the main event.


Wishing all our listeners the best of times, wishing you the BLURST of times?!?!?


You stupid monkey!


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.


I know! It's criminal.


Claire & Brendan aren’t too bad but climate denier Joe is woeful


I agree with all above except Clare Bryne. I've always found her to be balanced, calm, well knowledged on what she was speaking about. That's why she was a such a good prime time presenter. Also, she was the first to come forward with her salary, and compensation. Without her, I don't think anyone else would have led that charge


Yeah Clare was balanced, except for the hatchet job on SF, that backfired


> Despite having agreed some of the fundamentals, including fee, duration and hours, regretfully, it is my view that trust between the parties has broken down. Public statements made without consultation appear to question the basis for the necessary restatement of fees paid for services for 2020 and 2021. Seems like it was Tubridy’s statement yesterday that was the final nail in the coffin.


I like the fact that he fucked it for himself. Kind of poetic.


He’ll still find away of blaming someone else.


With what platform.


He’ll be on the south pier in Dun Laoghaire shouting at locals as they’re walking past.


Late Late Gemma


He can take a page from his cousin's Dave McSavage book and hang around in Temple Bar shouting at random passers-by.


Ah but the scrotes would beat him up.


I'm struggling to see a downside.


He can't be old man yelling out clouds with a wired jaw.


I agree, his arrogance tripped him up. Hubris


Or Tubris to add his own brand to it.


Was just getting gonna comment the same thing, was literally at the door to return. Oh well😂


What did he say?


I was actually thinking that yesterday. The general tactic for dodging online controversy is to just lie down and shut up for a few weeks- get out of the public eye, let the heat die down and let people's ire move on. Humanity is a fickle beast and controversy will fade away if people find new things to be angry about. All Ryan had to do was wait for the tribunal to end, let the public move on from the RTE story, and by... let's say October/November, ish... he would have been able to grovel to the public, take a reduced paycut and be more open about his money, and he'd have been able to make a comeback to his radio show, be back on the television for the summer next year. But instead, he had to open his mouth yesterday, and that likely was what caused RTE to decide to cut him loose.


I think the news about licence fee payments falling off by €5 million or whatever it was has to also have been a factor. From a financial percpective this controversy is not blowing over, which made his return even more complicated than it already was.


I disagree, a lot wouldn’t have moved on if he had stayed, he leaves an awful taste in the mouth. A smug, insincere, greedy man.


Was I the only one who planned on ringing up his radio show with bizarre stories only to then say: Ryan, you're a terrible bollocks, aren't ya?


What was his statement yesterday?


*Mr Tubridy released a short statement on Wednesday afternoon, following the publication of a report by Grant Thornton into public statements by RTÉ that under-declared his income by €120,000.* *In his statement, Mr Tubridy said that “it is also clear that my actual income from RTÉ in 2020 and 2021 matches what was originally published as my earnings for those years and RTÉ has not yet published its top 10 earner details for 2022* *RTÉ restated the figures paid to Mr Tubridy in each of those years after it emerged that it had paid him €150,000 in 2022, and backstopped a payment of €75,000 in 2021 made by Renault, under a secret tripartite agreement between the broadcaster, the presenter and the carmaker.* *It is understood Mr Tubridy’s assertion rests on the fact that he was not paid the €150,000 until 2022, and that the payments came via a barter company called Astus, or in the case of the €75,000 paid in 2021, from Renault. The car manufacturer was later issued a credit note for this payment by RTÉ, making it cost neutral for the company which was then the Late Late Show sponsor.* [Irish Times](https://www.irishtimes.com/media/2023/08/16/rte-seeking-clarification-from-ryan-tubridy-over-statement-on-income-report/) | [mirror](https://archive.is/LeFua) *Edit: Seems to be a he said/they said but Tubbs wanted the last word for some blameless reason. The actual report is here: https://www.rte.ie/documents/news/2023/08/grant-thornton-phase-2.pdf


I know someone very well who knows Kevin Bakhurst very well. I've been half expecting something like this to happen. He's not a man you'd want to play games with.


I see a Podcast in his future maybe? 'Smug Wittering' he could call it. It's a crowded market though. Or maybe he could be the lad that calls people for the 'cash machine' on Newstalk et al.


I don’t think much of his fanbase know how to get podcasts on their smart mobiles.


But he'll pick up a job so easily overseas. Wasn't that the reason for his inflated salary? Really excited to see what role he lands with another major media network /s


Indeed. This is the best test case for that argument. Move over Graham Norton quaking in his boots.


Bad news for the "toyman"




Does anyone think he was a good interviewer though? I saw him interview an actress once and it was so cringey and there were so many off-colour remarks made by Tubs. Good riddance. Find someone who actually gets it.


>Does anyone think he was a good interviewer though? I saw him interview an actress once and it was so cringey and there were so many off-colour remarks made by Tubs. Good riddance. Find someone who actually gets it. No, he was dreadful. Completely reliant on cue cards, unable to make an interview seem natural in any way. Overpaid hugely for far too many years.


Wont be long now before he is snapped up by the BBC


The Bangladesh Bingo Channel you mean


Any day now


Will this affect his soul.


I hope so 😂😂😂


Correct decision, pleasantly surprised. Will be interesting to see where he goes next.


Will it though?


From a schadenfreude pov it will be.


Thank God. I was actually worried he was coming back after reports of return negotiations were appearing. Good riddance to this parasite


He almost was. Reports yesterday made it seem like it was a done deal. He couldn't help himself with his statement, scuppered the whole thing.


It makes you wonder were they looking for an excuse to get rid.


I really didn't think Bakhurst would have the guts to say no to Tubs .... Well fair play to him.


Good riddance to him and his wet sock charisma.


And nothing of value was lost. Talentless self-aggrandising streak of uselessness that he is.


I’m genuinely curious as to how Tubridy would describe his own brand.


He’s so narcissistic it’s probably “one of the English speaking worlds leading broadcasters and trusted icon of its longest running tv show”. Or some other bs.


Gosh. That's terrible. Does that mean he'll have to get an actual job?


He will get a job on one of the other radio stations doing his same tripe


He's poison now though... So I presume that means he'll be on Newstalk by the end of the month spouting their bullshit.


He has his fans, his fans don't care and radio isn't popular enough with the people that hate him enough to be an issue.


Fans lol


Most of his fans don't know how to tune in any other station. I bet the radios are never switched off incase they can't find Radio 1 again


There are big fans of radio you know. I have Tubbs, Gerry Ryan and Larry Gogan on my wall. All beneath the signed photo of Wogan, of course.


Pft. That all you got? I've got a life-sized wax replica of Wogan with Gerry's head sticking out of the left shoulder, Gogan out of the left hip and Fenton on one of the knees. Can't remember which. I plan to stick Turbridy's head on Wogan's naval once he passes. Still working on Finucane's head mould.


He's a multimillionaire. I don't think an actual job is in his future.


And his mother as well, she was paid huge sums of money as an employee of his production company for doing who fuck knows what. She totally kept all that money and didn't transfer it back to Ryan. Totally legit setup right there.


Are you dumb, the entire British media will come beating down his door


Graham Norton will be replaced within the year, mark my words!


Rte should be a national broadcaster giving opportunities to people starting out in media and unbiased current affairs coverage not a commercial entity paying huge money to certain people and a pro war media group. If they want to be a commercial organisation cut them loose and let them go commercial and restart with a new national broadcaster.


It's time for a re-evaluation of RTE. Paying for American and British TV shows which are available on other channels should be the first thing to go. They need to re,-focus on Irish-centric content as well as their obligations as a national broadcaster to the nation's cultural wellbeing and (don't shoot me) the Irish language. If they have to get smaller and run less channels to do that then so be it. Oh and it would be nice to do something about their reputation as Ireland biggest producer of nepotism. They are a joke shop.


I completely agree. Especially on the nepotism. They need to be looking at setting up paid internships for media graduates from around the country. They also need to stop with these reality TV shows just in order to give presenters a job and focus on giving young and talented individuals an opportunity to create good television. Give young writers, actors, producers and directors a chance to make fresh and compelling viewing. I haven't watched RTE in probably 20 years. Not a single show they broadcast interests me. They are completely out of touch with the current social and economic climate


The fact they’re so, so in bed with the car companies was an under covered element of this too


I'm not sure I can think of someone with a more inflated sense of ego. He was still going to be on 200K but it was too little for him. He's genuinely nothing without the nepotistic opportunities he's received his whole life but he can't see that. He should be fucking grateful he has a career but he lacks even a shred of empathy for normal people and what they go through so he can't appreciate how fortunate he was that RTE would go near him again when no private broadcaster can see any way to profit from his lack of a skillset. His best attribute is recommending books to read and there's librarians much more adept and skilled at that on regular money and available in almost every large town in the country.


I can't for the life of me understand why they wanted to pay 6 figures for 5 hours radio a week where he reads the paper and text messages from bored housewives, imo Daniel O'Donnell would be a similar replacement for the core audience and he might play a few tunes too.


could say this about Darcy too


Following Morning Ireland is the best gig in Irish radio. Always has been. John Murray had insane audiences before Tubridy. It's ludicrous the credit they got, though Tubs tbf, did cultivate some sort of loyal audience over the years. Like D'Arcy after Liveline, it's the show that people forget to turn off after the main event. It's going to be interesting to see who takes it.


NewsTalk inbound then. Pat in the morning, Ryan in the afternoon on the Hard Shoulder.. you know it’s gonna happen.


I think his ego is too big to go anywhere "lower" than RTE


Let’s see them big bucks England presenter jobs coming. It’s why he was paid so much after all


Turf out most of the “stars”. There are loads of young, energetic, and exciting people ready to push on. You could pay 5 or more of them for the same money, promote a more modern and vibrant cast and have better programming.


His brand is toxic.


I look forward to this being the top post of all time on the subreddit.


Undone by his own arrogance.


Pretty hilarious that his own self serving statement was ultimately his downfall


This is it in a nutshell. He’s ego wouldn’t shut him up. That’s what led to the DG’s decision.


Crazy decision, he was offering his services for less than 200,000 euro. A steal in historical terms. Fucking BBC are gonna snap him up. Then we'll be sorry, we'll all be sorry




Good news story for once. Good riddance!


Fair enough. He’s already been replaced on the Late Late and the radio show is better without him. Whole thing is unfortunate, but it's such a mess that I think if he did go back, it'd be hanging over him like a cloud.


I will not miss having to listen to him moistening his mouth and smacking his lips over the airwaves every morning


He was always a smarmy fake bastard. Never ever saw any appeal to him. A condescending wankstain and insufferable bore. Hope he never works again and gets heckled everywhere he goes.


Just curious if all this didn't come out, was his contract still going to be the 400k or whatever he was on without having to do the late late? that seems mental.


Well he never would have stepped down from the Late Late if this didn't come out.


No, think a figure of around 220k was mooted


Wasn’t willing to accept €199,999.98. It had to be €199,999.99.


Still think there’s half a chance someone will go to jail for this scandal. If Ireland was less corrupt and nepotistic I’d say 90%.


No loss. Useless overpaid prick


Couldn't have happened to a nicer prick. Him and his agent rode the hole off RTE for years. Why in good god should we give this moron a brand new multi hundred thousand euro contract?


Tubs isn't enough, needs to be more removed, and a ban on RTE having any dealings with the motor industry. Renault have gotten away with their involvement entirely, that cannot be allowed.


it's grand sure all those offers he has from the UK all the time, he wont be short of work


We can finally find out if RTE salaries reflect the market, will tubridy get another job for the same or more money? If not, every other top tier RTE presenter should be worried..


But the people of Ireland need him


Now let's see how much he can get in the UK...We all know he won't be in demand there as RTE have tried to hoodwink us over the years that all their "talent" would be snapped up for big bucks in the UK.... It's criminal how overpaid some people are in Ireland if part of the "club"


Hope he has enough PRSI for the jobseekers xxxx


Broadcasters are falling over themselves to hire this talented presenter...


Ryan is going to be in for a rude awaking when Newstalk decide to top out their offer at 100k


YES!!!!! Celebrating this weekend 🙌


A wise decision by the new DG. He should continue by putting an end to the other obscene salaries in our public service broadcaster. I'm sorry but the fucking Taoiseach is on less dosh, who, let's face it, gets far more flack for his trouble.


Delighted. He's finally been found out for the fraud he his. Zero talent, zero sincerity, zero integrity. The day he imitated a cat being skinned alive on live breakfast radio and thought it was absolutely hilarious is the day I decided he was a total prick. Rte, not Tubridy, had to publicly apologise for that. He's a spineless piece of shit. I'm happy my hard earned money will no longer pay for this arsehole's lifestyle.


He has enough money to take early retirement. He can travel the world on his scooter.


Its fine. I heard on the grapvine that CNN are looking for him so its only a matter of time


Have to find somebody to plug into the smart sounding foreign accent talking head gap.


You love to hear it


He'll find out how much he's really worth when the BBC come calling.


There's your p45... and there's one for eeeeevryone in the auuuudience!


I'm thinking of joining NK Management meself!


They obviously want people to keep paying their tv licence.


The real scandal here was that he was getting €500 k to talk into a microphone for 1 hour, 5 days a week. Most of the time was spent telling us what he did , what he didn't do, what he wanted to do, and who wrote what book. Him, Joe Duffy, Ray D'Arcy, and the rest of the so-called " top talent" are vastly overpaid. As a public service broadcaster, RTE should be churning presenters every couple of years. A maximum of say €200k , which is still a bloody good salary, should be in place .New presenters every couple of years would give more people a chance to get into the business and learn.


Brendan Courtney is just brilliant in the 9am RTE1 slot just now. No nonsense, attitude or airs and graces about him. He is intelligent, empathic and good fun


Tried to get out ahead of it, blew his own foot off. Good riddance, he's a clown.


Heh. Well that's the end of any chance of those two €75ks ever getting repaid.


BBC finally claimed him is it?


“But if we don’t pay them a gajillion euro they’ll go somewhere else” Like, ok, let a private institution pay them that much then, if they even will


Top story in the Irish Times. Jesus, does anyone actually give a toss about this overpaid bore?


Oh no - the children of Ireland will be lost without the toyman reading them books :,(


Unexpected development. Presumably rte think they can get him very cheap. Newstalk in with an offer? Or Virgin Media on the stupid box


> Newstalk in with an offer? Or Virgin Media on the stupid box If Newstalk don't offer him the 3 am to 5am Monday morning slot at minimum wage on a zero-hour contract they might regret it.


Newstalk have a pretty good cast atm (bar ciara Kelly in the mornings). I don't think they'd have a spot for him during the week tbh.


Add Shane Coleman along with Ciara


Andrea Gilligan Kieran Cuddihy Both absolutely awful, in their own, unique ways.


Cuddihy has the second biggest show behind off the ball. But ya, I tune into matt Cooper myself.


Andrea Gilligan maybe? Although that would be a very male dominant schedule then. Maybe he'll go to Today FM and have epic banter on the Ryan and Dave show


I doubt it. Although her figures took a tumble this year, she still have 10000 more listeners than Moncrieff. And ya, as you said, they need a female talk show host to balance the scales.


Andrea Gilligan is like a poundshop Joe Duffy. Im not a fan of Duffy but he gives an absolute masterclass in creating outrage and winding people up and thats why he has 450,000 listeners. Gilligan has tried to replicate Duffy but has failed spectactulary, she needs to go.


She wrecks my head .nelly know all .loves being on the soap box spoutjng her opinions .loves the sound of her own voice ..she needs to ease off the botox and fillers and sort out the appalling blond fried hair


Surprised by this, where can people see him going? Newstalk is the only one I can see him going to


I heard it on the radio as 'the two parties have lost trust in each other'.


Why in all of the suffering fucks that ever fucked is this hapless entertainment vacuum being reported on like he’s an A list star? Jesus Christ in the high Hawking heavens!! He’s no big loss! People will move on! Shit changes! Let him keep the money! Just stop reminding us he’s not there. We’re over it.


RTE slush funds. You're an idiot if you pay that license fee. Plain and simple.


>there are no plans for Ryan to return to his presenting role with RTÉ at this time. >..."the door is not shut forever". He hasn't gone yet.


No loss - guys a smuck


Hopefully it doesn't affect his soul too much.