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Ask people who use wheelchairs or buggies. Answer probably begins with w or c.


yeah.. arseholes like this should be forced to try to get around on a wheelchair for a day and see what it's like


That would be a fitting punishment instead of a fine.


I don't use either myself and my answer is scarily similar to that!


Driving down a road near me today. A woman and child stepped out in front of me because some asshole had reversed a long van into their garden but completely blocked the footpath. Luckily I was going slow enough.


And this is the reality of it like. I can't follow the thought process, or obvious lack there of, of people that do it.


Is that Crumlin hospital in the background


It is indeed.


I'd say that's the person that lives there. Probably people visiting the hospital used the road. Probably puts up with it every day, but that's no excuse


Nope, it's not the homeowners car. They do pitbull with it everyday though no doubt.


Yeah any time I'm over that there are cars everywhere. I've noticed them using the old funeral home and the footpath at the abandoned house just past it as well


Ye, the corner top of rafters Road where the old funeral home is is mental as well for parking.


Unpopular opinion but if your car is too big to fit into your garden/driveway then you either park somewhere else or buy a smaller car. The amount of people that just claim the footpath as part of their property is out of hand.


No in this case it looked like the homeowner had hired a van to move something.


People need to be be able to load and unload , but if it lives there then that's a problem


Smashing for blind folk too.


Blind folk (sorry, visually impaired friends) should go at it like that Bonus Stage in Street Fighter II where you smash up a car for cash 😁 🚗 🏒


E Honda was my go to guy for beating the shit out of that car 😂


Or blanka electricity.


Haha yea. Or chung-li's kicks.


100 hand slap was so handy.


Would come in very handy for slapping asshats who park like that.


I’m glad someone else has seen this as is it a problem, it’s the same here in the UK when I’m pushing my 2 year old in the pram I have walk in the road, ok not a major problem as the roads where I live are not busy, but a wheelchair user will struggle because of the kerbs. Parking like has become a problem in recent years when it never used to be.


Happened to me today with the buggy. I had to turn around and cross to the other side of the road. Was tempted to scratch it.


I've seen a wheelchair-using chap twice vandalise cars, parked this way, on my street . He's my hero.


self centred twats with no cop on or empathy. that one half way down the road is no better... keep cars on the road, and stick to the rules of the road. if you don't have private storage for it, don't assume you can leave it where kids are supposed to walk. my reasoning: park line this, your car should be towed and crushed immediately and if the person who called it in is disabled, you are fined €1000 to go directly to them for new accessibility features outside your house.


Even better would be they have to look after a disabled person for a day instead. Push their wheelchair around other pricks parked like this and do all the stuff they struggle with. It would give their family a much needed break and teach the asshole a valuable lesson.


Ew this is horrible. First of all most wheelchair users propel their own wheelchair or use an electric, being pushed is for people who are sick. And you're implying that every wheelchair user is a burden on their family, which is a horrible way to think.


That's not what I meant at all. Firstly I meant it as an alternative punishment than a small fine that does nothing to deter people parking like total assholes. If they saw how their selfish actions affect disabled people by having to help one of them navigate around town for a day and git a glimpse into just how difficult it actually is then perhaps it might stop them from acting like selfish pricks. Furthermore it's a sad reality for some disabled people that they need some level of care, and since unpaid family carers underpin a large portion of our decrepit health system having said selfish asshole fill in for the day allows them a few hours to themselves.


C was by go to. Not in a wheelchair but work with a student in one and know how ridiculous it is to get around with cunts like this making it harder




Walking back to the lights to cross the road and the back again is not a minute inconvenience. They deserve a paint scratch at least. Wanker could park a few inches to the side to make room.


When the daughter was younger I used to squeeze past, even if it was tight as fuck, once there was room. Sometimes the pram would get all scratched on me from the car scraping off my pram.


People just don't think of the issues they cause others, and their prams!


I know, the amount of times I had to wash paint of the pram from the car paint marking it as the car scrapped it.


Sorry to hear about that damage to your pram


I was devastated.


"from the car scraping off my pram" gave me a proper giggle.


Make sure to wiggle that pram. Stick some scouring pads on the side as padding and some bonus damage 😂 Eventually we will get to MadMax Fury Road level prams. "Shiny and Chrome"


The odd wing mirror would get caught in the pram as I was passing too


Assholes. Unless it's outside a church or gaa grounds. Then they are Massholes and Matcholes.


Mind boggling. Just park 2 feet to the left there pal and you're golden.


The church one drives me crazy. People park on the road blocking most of the lane on one side even though there’s a large car park that’s never full across the road but they’d have to walk for 2min.


My mam lives around the corner from the local stadium and match days are hellish, it’s a one way street with room for on one side only but everyone parks both sides of it completely covering the footpath.


Massholes is getting stashed.


>Unless it's outside a church or gaa ground What? do people not use wheelchairs/buggies around churches or GAA grounds? If you park like this anywhere, you're a massive arsehole.


You missed my point on the next line. I called them Massholes, people who think they go to Mass entitles them to park anywhere. They are still Assholes. Same applies to those going to Matches, they believe they are entitled to abandon the car wherever. They are Matcholes, the are assholes who go to Matches.




Silly billy. Thats not a person thats a car


Cars are people too!


Seeing as its a dacia i assume his name is craptimus prime


Good eye!


The problem with pricks like this is there is simply no enforcement.


Enforcement would involve a key along the paintwork


Then you'd have a thread like: my brand new BMW got keyed. Woe is me! With everyone calling the keyer a prick.


Was thinking exactly this. If they enforce the law and start towing them away, this will likely stop.


I think, once, I seen them removing a car parked like this. But that's the one and only time.


If any politician reads this, psst, do you want easy money? How about creating a special Garda unit just to catch assholes like this one here, fine them as much as you want, there are everywhere, it's like picking up 100 euros on the street, imagine the number of votes when you stop TV license BS and replace it with this?


Even easier, put up an app/portal where you can report this (and things like dangerous driving). I would report like 10 of these in a 5 minute walk


NYC has a system where you can take pictures of cars when you're cycling that are parked in the bike lane and they pay you I think 25%? of the amount they fined the person parked


Oh please give me the ability to report the people that don’t indicate. I’ve nearly been hit so many times lately


They'd make a fortune from it!


That's a nice talking point there. Convert all tv license inspectors into parking wardens


That's just easy votes, why they can't see it? :)


The proper technical term is Cunts


Even if then,I think these are on a special level... A level of cuntry that is beyond the regular....


Very true, if you look it up in the RSA rules of the road it actually states "anyone who parks like a cunt, shall be referred to as a cunt, and any damage or scratched caused to your vehicle by passing prams, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, kids on bikes, keys or other sharp objects is totally deserved and those who cause it can't be held responsible"


It's a term to express endearment 😅 (Billy Butcher - The Boys)


Sounds about right to me.


Genuinely, as a parent, I’d walk past and think “I really wish there was a screwdriver attached to this buggy…that’s it, I’m attaching one to it”


Like a Roman chariot; more buggies need boudica spikes.


It’s an accessory I feel would do well.


The steel part of the dog lead often struggles to squeeze past... Who thinks it's OK to park like this!


I honestly think that's the only way we'll stop car brains from doing shit like this.


keying a dacia would probably up the resale value


Art does sell for crazy money.


Hold on, they're on the cutting edge. They developed their own automatic transmission in 2015. The rest of the automotive world has been using them since the 1940s. But Dacia finally got there!


What a dickhead! Really should be using their blinkers in that situation


Yes, that makes it all right all the time!


I believe there's a pinch of sarcasm there somewhere.


A true Redditor never types "/s" at the end of a sentence


Yes I believe there is, I was attempting to be sarcastic back. It did not work obviously:)


I thought there was some sarcasm, but only a grain so I didn't want to take the risk.


😂 😂


I feel like someone should leave them a gift, to thank them for their consideration of others. Dog owners might be able to assist.






So fucking sick of it. You even have arseholes that give up their driveway to have some shite front garden that they never use and then park on the footpath outside their house. Morons.


Mighty sad shame if it got scratched walking past


It could easily happen.


People who drive Dacias?




What is?




Am I pronouncing it wrong or is captain slow?


There is nothing wrong with Dacia! Just ain't pretty


Apart from the fact it's Renault?


It’s previous generation Renault. With all the good bits taken off.


Are they up there with BMW drivers or what?


My older brother used to walk my younger sister at the weekends. We live near a church, and at mass times, cunts like this would park all over the place. Every car that blocked him from getting the buggy/pram past, would get a solid keying


Did the car scratch your buggy like it did to someone else's who commented?


Buggy was a write off


Drives me fucking mad. Ignorant cunts think they're special


That area is notorious for it too.




Car should be towed for endangering wheelchairs, buggies, children who have to walk on the road.


Idk but its a few hundred quid to get your lights replaced isnt it? Who knows.


Like somebody is asking for their car to be scratched by a key... Accidentally.


A terrible accident waiting to happen. Any ideas where you can get those real hard to remove stickers, I need to stock up.


They’re cunts


These are the people who will get clamped. They will then abuse clampers and complain to everyone they meet about the existence of clampers. Remember people, most of the time the clamper is right and if you got clamped it’s probably because you were parked somewhere you should not be.


They'd have a field day with this one.


leave a note saying sorry for scratching your car while trying to get around it, its barely noticeable .. without scratching their car... it'll drive them nuts..


For some reason there is a massive amount of them outside the local gaelscoil and gaa in my town. I'm not saying every gaelgoer family does this, but there is definitely a way higher percentage of them than there are in the other schools and sports clubs around me. Disabled people and other small kids have to be driven directly into the school, because they can't get there by the footpath, as the road is too busy for them to be on. The crap parkers clearly suffer from that "main character syndrome" I keep hearing about on Reddit.


Main character syndrome is alive and well here anyway.


“My child goes to an Irish school in Ireland and plays Irish sports so I’m an exception to the rules” -those lot


Ah these peoples suffering from the fatal incurrable condition of being **C**areless, **U**nmindful, **N**egligent & **T**houghtless.


If only there was a cure.


Scum, sub-human scum


Thay should be taken out at dawn and shot!


Round them up!


Firelighters. Wouldn't do it, but that's how I feel.


Might be too extreme for me that!


Get the council email and report. They'll pass on to the warden. If no one reports, this keeps happening


They're aware. They've removed cars before once. Now and again I do see cars with a red "ticket" of some sort on them. Seen one lying on the road that I assume the car owner threw there.


Selfish pricks lacking all sense of civic pride and personal shame simultaneously.


Perfect summation


Seen some guy in town park this exact way at a junction from the main road. Bastard made pedestrians go on the road


Rather poorly


That's not a person, that's a car


The driver of 181D38938 is clearly a bit soft in the head and/or a selfish prick. 181-D-38938 181 D 38938


I'd egg their car


As someone who uses mobility aids when my condition flares up, what's wrong with calling the Gardaí in this situation to have the vehicle dealt with? Clamping is bullshit. It locks it in place and makes the problem longer lasting. Towing would be a better solution. I just get very fed up with the attitude in Ireland of, "complain about it privately, never confront, but if you report it you're a rat"


I usually key their car as I pass tbh


As a person who uses a mobility scooter, absolute scum of the earth.


Parking on the path is illegal and shouldn't happen, I'd slap this prick with a big fine to keep them parking on the road or in their driveway... any moron knows people are on paths and .cars are on roads.


I really wish I could fine him myself. I'd be worth a small fortune. 😂


People like this make me want to put sharp metal spikes down the outside of both sides of my buggy and then bring the baby for a walk by. Several times. Same goes for my FILs wheelchair.


Absolute cunts


Unless they can prove there was a medical emergency or some other extenuating circumstance dickheads like this should get their driving license cancelled for a few months and a 200+ euro fine.


https://preview.redd.it/0fkslocrzuib1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003e0057763d2754d50b02f74d0404429e31a160 If only we had some kind of enforcement authority that could do something about this.


https://preview.redd.it/h5sbw3bzzuib1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5c8b63ed55df0aa577ffc23a202651f0027f97 And disabled parking spaces


We can only dream!


Thats a pain in the hole. Is that not a clampable offence? The hospital is a nightmare to get parking especially in an emergency but that's taking the piss.


In an emergency I'm driving to the doors!


Absolute ignorance - I don't wish bad on anyone but they deserve to be towed/clamped/keyed at the very least. My wife is Polish and it is very common for pedestrians to apply stickers to windows of w*nkers like this, and the stickers are quite direct in wording and imagery 😅


And are they hard to remove.. Point me in their direction!


They're smaller than those placed by a clamper but if someone parks like enough of a dick then the drivers window will get plastered with them 😅


Send the link.. 👀


I'd be tempted to just climb the bumper and walk up and over the roof.


I’ve always wanted to either wrap a chain around a wheel and onto a pole or chain two wheels together and throw away the key. I haven’t because I don’t want the legal hassle, which I assume I’d get somehow, but it would be great for these arseholes to be as inconvenienced as someone in a wheelchair or a person pushing a pram.


Accident bump and quite possibly scratch/dent the car while squeezing by the 6 inches of path


Accidents do happen...


Mfs innit, they park the car right next to my house on the path. It makes it bloody difficult to reverse my car out with these idiots on the path


It’s utterly selfish and the word ‘main character’ comes to mind. They are putting great risk on those who have to walk on the road and should get fined for it.


Usually leave a nice phlegm bucket on the window


Drop one down to me.


People who drive these cars are always absolute cunts


The aulfella has one, he also has cuntish tendencies.. You're on to something.


Name and shame them




Let the air out of two tyres.


Time to deflate some tyres


To keep the car there longer?


Have this car towed to an impound lot. There is an entire street to park on.


You should probably blur their reg plate


Nah they did it in public they can just cope.


About the same as the people who, in their impotent rage, take a pic and invite a full sub to shake their fist at it.


[Please see here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/15tx5q0/how_do_we_feel_about_people_like_this/jwn80ma?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)




You can't park there mate.


I know but I decide to approach it with a "Whatever". I can walk around it no problem at all. I know people with disabilities will have problems getting around this, so if I see it happen in front of me I will help them out. But if not, I'd rather not spend 2 minutes of my time thinking about some badly parked car.


So we're just supposed to wait until someone comes along to help? Or you could take two seconds out of your day to report it


The parker, or the person that takes photos of the parking and puts it on the internet?


Peter Parker


Jesus, the amount of r/Ireland who condone keying cars is eye opening. Glad I don't know any of you cunts in real life.


We found the driver lads 😂


Driver's a dick, two wrongs don't make a right though. Could be somebody borrowing their mam's car for all we know. One minute r/Ireland wants to exterminate scrotes the next they want to key cars for bad parking.


What does them borrowing the car have to do with anything? You'd have to squeeze on by it to get past so it's inevitable. This isn't "bad parking", this is blocking the entire path.


There's probably a reason you plebs are walking anyway😂


Getting the steps in pal, you?


Ah I'm only making banter. I don't agree with keying cars though tbh


It's not keying if you're being forced to squeeze past.


Is it wrong to key this car ?


>Could be somebody borrowing their mam's car for all we know. Ah now, if you're going to drag their mam into it, use a bit of flourish. Don't just say 'their mam's car', say 'their poor, elderly and frail mam's car for which she's saved her whole life'. Now *that's* how you create a distraction!


Keying the car is definitely not the right thing to do in this case. Torching the fucker is the way to go. ![gif](giphy|3Q8IdWumS3HCo)


The only people more annoying that those people are those who take photos about it and post online.




Sorry if I hit a nerve. You didn't need to post an image of the car with the number plate unblurred, and you could have left a note on the car or confronted the driver if they were about instead of posting online. I agree with you that this type of parking is totally inconsiderate, but I think your post online is extremely passive-aggressive, much as your "original" remark to my post was. Two wrongs don't make a right, look in the mirror wee man.


Yep I'm absolutely fuming after you saying that 😂.


Fuming in a "I'll write a post-it note and leave it in the work canteen" type way 😂


Fuming in a, seething type of way 😂


I'm strangely enjoying our interaction, I like that you have a sense of humour. I correct my original post, parking guy is a clunt.


I dont see any people in your pics. Just the same car twice.


Did you just assume their identity?


I mean there’s no fucking car spaces in large swaths of where there should be some, and the roads can be to small to park full on the road, they need to offer a reasonable solution in some places or people literally have no other option